UNDERML/SLINS Our assortment of the famous "Dove" Brand Undermuslins Id so very attractive? all the wanted garments, lace and embroidery trim med, also hand embroidered. THE GARMENT 25c to $3.50 J. K. HOYT Men and Women Wanted "Who really pride themselves as good dressers. We want (o show you with facts that we can press your clothes giving them the natural body shape, lasting creases and a uniform finish ? in other words niGH CLASS WORK. WRIGHT S STEAM PRESSING WORKS NOTICE OF SALE. , Under and by virtue of power of, ?ale contained Id a deed of trust1 from Surry Park-.r to the under- , signed A. M Dutnay, Trustee, dated October 2nd, 1914, which 1* record-' ed Id the Register's Office of Beau- ' lort County, North Carolina, in Book. 182, page 33, to which reference is' made, the undersigned will, on the Hth day of February. 1918, at 12; Nooo, sell, at public auction, for' cash, before the Court House door q{ Beaufort County, the following described real estate. vIe: A tract of land in the State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort | and In Lous Acre Township, neari Pine Town, N. C., which la describ ed In the following deeds duly re-| corded In the Register's Office of; Beaufort County, North Carolina, to which reference Is made for descrlp-l tlon: * | 1. F, B. ingle to J. F Weathers.! Trustee, dated Feb. 7th, 1913, Book 176.T>a?e 215, containing both tracts 236 Vi acres and 47 acres a? convey ed by Chas. Brlggs to F. B. Ingle, Book 169. page 257. 2. J. F. Weathers, Trustee, to Norwood L. Simmons, deed dat-'d Jan. 20th, 1914, and recorded In Book 179, page 337, conveying same land as conveyed In deed .from Chas. Briggs to F. B. Ingle, Book 169, page 257. 3. Norwood L. Simmons and wife to Harry McMullan, dated March 3rd, 1914, which Is duly re corded in the said Register's Office, J conveying a one-half Interest. 4* Norwood L. Simmons and Harry McMullan and wives to Surry Parker, deed dated April 18th. 1914. which la likewise duly recorded. There Is excepted however and not to be ao'.d hereunder 120 acres of tb? .>? Trt. N. C., ar? the |?NUyol Mrs. I ? B- Moors. * ? ? ? ? W. C. Johnson ipant yestsrdsy ln[ frssaTllle oo?a vlelt with friends. ? ? ? ? -. V E. W. Guibrle. ?? called to lorebtad City by tb? tunera t hla la liar, n|aned to Waehln*-" m *tolay. He left Ml totUar treat r improved. ? ? ? ? r.. L Jones, or Fairfield, la a local J liiior in the city today. ? ? ? ? E. E. Schooled, a prominent reel-! l?:nt of Bclhaven, wss among the out I >1 town visitors In town yesterday, f ? ? ? ? L. D. Schedel. of Fairfield, was I een on the streets of the city this j nornlng. ? ? ? ? Carl Richardson has left on a bua-| nesB visit to northern cities. ? ? ? ? S. G. Parsons, of Elizabeth City, I ipent yesterday In town attending to | ;uslness matters. ? ? ? ? W. E. Brlte, of New Bern, was a | oc4t visitor yeBterday. i ? # ? Miss Minnie Jordan, who has b' en employed In the Hotel Louise for iome time, has left for her home In iVIlson's Mill, where she will be married to Mr. Vincent. ? ? ? ? Mr#. Douglas Creech, of New Bern | (pent yesterday in the city on Jrlc-T visit. ? ? ? ? J. D. Eborn, of BaysJde, spent] rcsterday In town attending to bus t-ess matters. ? ? ? ? Mrs. T. B. Dameron. of Nashville, S*. C? Is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Tucker. : ? ? ? ? Mrs J. J. Baxter, of New Bern, iyeut yesterday in Washington with friend*. ? ? ? ? J F. I.atham left today for Eliz abeth City to att nd the meeting of Farm Demonstration Agents. ONE SECOND HAND GAS RANGE (or sale cheap. Pegram-Watso.n Hdwe. Co. Phone 190. 2-8-1 to. lUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT Cedar Mops' and can oil, 39c. Pegram-Watson Hdwe. Co. Phone 190. 2-8-ltc. FOR SALE ? ONE GOOD COOK Stove No. 8 slightly used. Apply Mrs. H. R. Bright, 420 E. Malu. 2.8-ltc. A Social Warning. ^ "What are you going to do with all the money you expect to make?" asked Miss Cayenne. "I'm going to have a fine house aud entertain sumptuously." replied the pric e booster. "Yes, but in tbo meantime you are reuderluff yourself so unpopular that no really nice people W1H come to jow parties."? Washington Star. LEAGUE TO .MEET. The Loyal Temperance League will meet tomorrow afternoon with Margaret Bailey on Fourth atrect. All members are urged to attend. ALL STAR BILL AT THE BELLMO The Bolltno i? offering a real all star bill today. Of course the "Dia mond from the Sky" heads the bill, and this, the 24th chapter, entitled "The Mad Millionaire" Is one of the mosi thrilling and sensational of any yet presented. This chapter also contains ome magnificent scenic ef fects and one scene, of a huge elec tric fountain tp.Knn at nt.cht without the aid of artifi a! J'jrlrts. :?? partic ularly beautiful. Rupert Julian, who cr> ated auch a favorable impression as "The Grandfather** in "Jewel" is featured In a thrilling war drama. "A White Feather Volunteer" In two reels. This production has a very strong plot,' as well as superb acting and stftgn settings. Two excellent comedies balance the Mil: Blllle Rhodes in a Nestor. "Circumstantial Scandal," and Vic tor Potdl In an Imp, "When Beauty BuU? In." "WAMT TO OO?" BcIko colored uncut corduroy devel ops this smart costume, a abort, full skirt and n three-quarter coat, with muff, scarf, cuffs and border of ?e?L The loose belt and novelty buttons give a girlish finish, while the top of the button boot* are "buffed" with seal. SO FEMININE! How Women May Powder Their Noses Without Giving It Away. Women are acquiring more and more the habit of pulling a powder puff from every Imaginable hiding place and powdering their faces In public. It makes one conspicuous, and the averago woman docs not approve, but she answers that oue must pow der. and lu thin day of ruah 'and dis tances she canuot always take time to freshen up In the proper way. It is surprising, considering that the handkerchief Is very often a hiding place for the powder puff* that aoine ingenious woman did not think of this new coutrlvance before Stitched flat on the center of the bnndkercblef Is a neat pocket-like arrangement, which acts as a receptacle for the puff. The. puff may be taken out when the hand kerchief is ready to be laundered, ' The puff In itself is odd In that It opens wide enough at the top to permit a generous suppf;. vt powder to be emp tied in and fastens again with a snap per. When one feels the need of powder the center of the handkerchief, in which reposes the puff, may be gently patted against the face, while to all outward appearance* the owner has I only been using her handkerchief, and | likewise if only the handkerchief Is desired one need not apply the center. And to add to the attractiveness of this contrivance they are to be made in many different designs, plain and embroidered, the tnne ns handker chiefs. and the carrier may also exer cise her individual taste by replenish ing the puff with her favorite face powder. Tulle Much Used. Great quantities of th'le are being used on eveuiutr gowns this season not only for fgshlonlng the gown, but for trimming purposes. In wisps of draper les, scurfs and In one gown as a train A black und gold evening frock shows a wide piece of tulle caught across the | back of tho frock and held with Jet I bracelets to the wrists. Queer freaks are to be seen among dome of the latest Importations. A midnight blue taffeta csat H lined with blue serge, reversing the order' of thing* generally. 1% a rose and black velvet evening coat, where the waist portion Is of the lighter shade and the skirt portion of the other, the lining of satin reverse* tho color, the rose velvet being lined with black and the black with rose. A Venetian purple evening i coat Is lined for u do|>th of eight or nine Inches n-ti'i a flowered and bro j coded velvet rlMmji. another proof Of , the ribbon crufee. f A V/.itarfall Irrthe Air. On tiie rood to tbo foil from ilouo Inlu. In Hawaii. la a waterfall that never reucheit lain) A thread Of water leap* from the elMT a thousand fee t l;i the air. but befoit It can gather tore* and carry Itaelf to the bottom of tb# declivity the hungry northwest wind, hurtling through the paiia. pick* Ui? the streamlet aud wafta It away ti> I miat You ire always aura of the finest result* wljrn you use Cottolene for shortening and frying. Foods pre pared with Cottolena have a delicious wholeaome nesa that is gratifying to the appetite. Use Cottolena for shortening when you bake biscuit*, plea and paatriea. fry doughnuts, fish, chicken and treg etablea In Cottolene. It adds to the joy of eating Your grocer will supply Cottolene regularly. It la packod in poila of convenient aixea. EHDXFAIRBANKBSHBl Chicago, Feb. 8. ? Henry ^ord. ,iwt a peace ship rould like to tell you about a?y new t jlan but 1 molt wait until my party las returned frtjm Europe." eald Mr. Ford today. He said be was per. 'ectljr ea tie fled with the reeults of lis peace expedition. Mr. Ford, came here to attend a banquet given last night bf the Michigan Society of Chicago. He said that hi* new cort to bring the strife n Europe to an end wlU be on * larger ecale than the Oscar II expe dition and that hit recruits would oe "personalltiea rather than per "The new venture Is along the ?ame lines as the first one," continued Mr. Ford, *'bu on a larger scale. 1 ihaU Include some of tli^>eople 1 had on th^ Oscar 1L The pffcpl* ? crow the water, were astonlshe^when Jiejr saw the personnel of that party. They had expected to see a lot of 'high brows' and were ?urprl*ed to find that they were ]uet every day people. They wouldn't hardly be lieve me when 1 told thorn 1 could have brought thousands mors of the r\me kind of people." BRAZIL MAY OFFER BIG MAJBTST TO U. 8. . COTTON GROWERS Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 8. ? Brazil ians now paying big prices (or their cotton goods believe there it a oot :on combine here, which is taking of the short northern Braill crop to boost prices. The people believe a lower tariff would bring prices down: Legislation Is now ready for passage looking toward this lower tariff and United States cotton- growers mav And a big market here to take the place of the European markets they have lost. Bratll wears cotton ? not only wears it, but grows It. Thers are more than three hundred Bra zilian mills manufacturing it. These pi 11 la eihploy 75,000 operators. 1 herefore, when a 2-years' drought In the northern states reduces the crop by half and a combine of buy ers, protected by "a 4 cents a pound import duty, corners this half and makes the textile Industry pay an ezhorbltant price for it, the Brazil ian Bits tip and takos notice. AKTER LAGRIPPE ? WHAT? Coughs that "hang on" after la grlppe exhaust the strength ape' lower the vital" resistance. F. O Prevo, Bedford, Ind., writes: "Ai attack of lagrlppe left me with t severe cough. I tried everything. 1 lost in weight and got so thin U looked as if 1 would never get well. I tried Foley's Honey and Tar and two bottles cured me. I sm now well and bactfTo" my normal weight.' Foley's Honey and Tar gets right s the trouble. It Is a safe, rellablt remedy. Davenport Pharmacy. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. The regular annual meeting of tlicl stockholders of The Savings ft Trust | Co. of Washington, N. C., will be held at the bsnklng -house of the company, in the Savings ft Trust I ulldlng, on Tuesday, February R. 1916. at IS o'clock M, JKO. B. SPARROW. Cashier. l-11.4we. ? ? ' VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR HALE Under and by virtue ~oTV Power of Sale, contained In that mortgage deed of Margaret J. Edwards andj husband, A. E. Edwards, to Surry Parker, dated August 27. 1914, and recordrd in Book 182. page 32.1 Beaufort, County Record*, and M satisfy the indebtedness . therein* ispj cured, ^ftame having matured, and demand for payment having been | made and refused; i The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder for rash, on Monday, March 6th,. 1916,1 at 12 M, at the Court House door ofj Hraurort County, ,N. C. the following1 described real estate as conveyed in' | raid mortgage deed: Lying in Long Acre' Townshipj Beaufort County, State of North Carolina: Beginning on the Eastern side of the right-of-way of Norfolk Southern Railroad, at the Southwest roraer of a tract of land formerly c*ned by Bnrry Parker, purchased from NO rwood L; Simmon* and Harry MeMullan, known a? the Rriggs farm, at a point on the n*ld right of wak wbere the same la in tersected by the road? tlience rtiflnlng | with the said road South 80 Mi Bast 14 poles; thence North 9H nest to the back line of the Brlggs farm tract of land, about >92 poles; th nee with the said back line North 66*fr West to the fight of way of the Nor folk Southern railroad; thence with the said right of way of Norfolk Southern Railroad. 80uth 9 H West 806 poles, to the beginning, contain' ;ng 130 acr's, irtore or less. On which trdct is situated two valuable dwelling house*, barns, and _? ? ? ..V-- 1 Ntw styhsh model* for rmcnt dress ers. PRICES ARE MODERATE BUTTERICK Pattern* for March now on ta't. James E. Clark STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAP San Crean Applied ta NoaMU Bclima Head-Colda at Ow II yoar noatrib ai? elogg*d ud Tour kaad U ud tob oat breath, f reel? becaiu. of a oold or oUurl, hut I get a small bottle of Klj". Cream Balm your nostr ils and let it . through every air puugi of your heed, ?oo thing and healing the Inflamed, swol len mucous membrane and you gtt in- } ?taut relief. Ah! how good It feels. Your no* trils are open, your bead ie clear, no | pore hawking, snuffling, blowing; no < more beadadha. dryness or struggling j for breath. Ely's Cream Balm it juiit what sufferers from bead colds nod ?* tarrh need. It'a a deiigbt. OFF FOR PALM BEACH. A Smart and 81mple Sailor For Her Qoing South. ??Oilcloth" bnt* linre nlrvadjr nppoar- : ed. a eoft. pliable material with a blgb j ?, k vrniTY or anuxa luster. The cut shows a Palm Beach sailor of white milnn straw and a deep, straight crown of fed and whit* checked patent leather. Snow Pudding. Three ub:**poouful* lemon Juir* ane -teaspoonfiil grated u>muu xrln About Wonder Remedy. K. T. Wide of Williatui., N. C was the victiju of stomach disor clera. He tried many reuiedier and took ? great deal of medtcinc and treatment*. Relief^ r**med n lonj{ tim^bomlng. I hon he found Mayr'a Wonder' Jul- Ikaqedj, Ujok a . done? and found relief at once. He told bis ojrinipit of the remedy in a letter in ' which he paid "Your medicine ha? woAod wonders. I feel so much huttor I am thankful fo you, indeed for advertising your wonderful rem edy in. the papers. ?* otherwise 1 might never hare known of it.*' Mayr'a Wonderful Roipo! gives permanent results for stbon that typewriter wx..+ \ wcrrt and how to produce wi:a? tfcey want Bit dl of theoo reasons have followed frott the first. It was Rcminntcn leadership Which demanded and produced ^raracon lcJicfc*?iV but do rot think that the Paragon frobon 19 simply a Remington alrair. What the Paragon Ribboi\ haa done for the Remington, It has done, incidentally, for every ?the* writing machine. Paragon Ribbons, ?f absolutely uniform quality, are made for all make* of typewriter!. Send ft our new illtutrated b?klet, ' 'Rtmtico Typewriter SmfifiUtt ' ' Remington Typewriter Company U? ??n? ? ?HKl'HEIttV BCIIJMWO . ' ItUWH? X. C.