BOTH MILES AND BLUi AUTHORITY FOR STATEMENT ' | GIVE BALD FACTS Tbeir Assertions Come t>$ a Sudden Blow to Congress ?_ Washington. Keb. ?.?This coun. try no duur of balm Inraded by a hostile ration. Our cosst da fenses are equal to any In the world tha Dardanelles not excepted. Land ln? o? an Invadtnc Amy of to4,?o? ??n .'tn this country would be an Impoesibltlty and tha United, States will never Hand tor conscription. This statement, made before the house military affaire commit tee to day by Lieut Oen. Nelson A. Miles, knocked tbe props from under the certainty of thoee who have con tended tkat tbe UmltM statea baa no artsy aad nary and tkat tbe Vcalacr any other boetlle enemy could march across our country with little ?r bo apposition. .V?v; ::-f K Admiral Blue, speaking for the naey, followed General Mllee. A* mfrat Blue sali: ? "The American aary could reach the Paolfle coast before a foreign enetsy," W ' ? The stattnenta of theee two war rior? are just tka opposite to la claimed by Secretsrle? Daniels ^nd Garriaon. But e^ery one rltoa ^M tof sctu?a know4s4#s ot condition* In ?l?h*r of the aerrlee. Tbeyf'fJ* depending upon "What aome officer baa told (hen or -what Uey hpvo tMo In Uw nowspa pera .-Both Admiral Blue and Gen eral are soldiers. They have teen serrtoe In the ^ianks and thnr teetimony today had more weight with the committee than all the dok umenta and oral statements filed by the war and navy departmenta. Admiral Blue said the Panama canal wo?Id enable tbe fleet'to *eaeh the Pacific before any fleet could croae the ocean. He urged'purchaaf; oi mAny anti-aircraft guns, aad op posed 8 pea ker Clark's suggestion of oae year enllsUpMts. JT v /. General declared conscrip tion would not work In the Olnlted Statpe. : ^ "If 500,000 men were landed on either ot.ocr coasts, and we were not able to r^ise ruougk men to drtTO tfiem out, Z would want to move to aaother country," he aald Coaat fortifications of the United State*; General Miles aaD, were <? qual to thoa* 6f any place In the world, not exempting th* fofUflca. t lone of the Oardanellee. Hoary guns on battleahlpe had failed en tirely to show thelc effectlveneaa during the Ruropeaa war against for . -vn.: . ..V ? ? soncat. ? Br mutual consent Mr. Coi ? ml and myself have dtssolvd ? <?u-partnership and I fisrs open- ? ? Ml tar market oppoiHte Billion ? ? Bros. Co., West Main s(re?t. ? ? Yoar ps Irons ire will Tie ?MatLit ? " appreciated. Phon? 740 lor any * ? thin? In Be?f. Port or Sausafe ono k FORTiacuE i-t-iu-r* ' .... \ BELLMO Broadwsy-IJnWerMI Features MB. HOBART BOBWORTH supported hr Jane Norsk and Mobart Hsaler In a brlljlanl ud dramatic r.tory of so?l?ty and the elan* oTth* Rich" IV SUreeMful plat Snd M Patterson ' ' eniHe price of n Waab1tt#toj?. Fab. 9 ?Lieutenant Governor rfaothtrldge ud I; W. 1 Hlnea, of Rocky Mount, are hereto Invite Pr*aldani Wtlao? to stop at tkat place ahould ha make a trip aouth to Inform the people on pre paradneaa. CongToaaman Pou will taka tha two North Carollnlana to the White Hons* tomorrow whae a formal Inrltatioa will' be ?*tended the Prealdeat. The president told Mr. Poo time ago that If he decided to maka a trip loto tha aoath ha would maha at laaet one atop lo bla d U trle t and that either Raleigh or Rockjr Mount would b? the place honored. Ha will probably tall tha vial tore tony>rrow whether he haa given up tha nope of mating another swlae around tha otrcttit It U ho llered that ha haa abandonad tha ? v TO GIVE BENEFIT FOR CIVIC CLUB at New Theatre Tomorrow Night Bj Local Talent- ' A benefit performance tor the Washington Civic Club will be given at IM New Theatre tomorrow night. In addition to aome extra good pic ture*. the foll<f^lng program will be rendered by homo tafanf: go o. Mra. D. M. Carter. Solo. Mra. a M. Campbell. Duet. Mis?*-* Helen and ^Francis art and Kva Hackney.; / Recitation. Mra. Harold Waah wn?.'' j; '"--J V''.j Dance. Misses Mary Baughatn and | l_da Tucker. % ' ??*? tf' I Danoe Mlaa Lizzie Hll| and Har'-J old Waahburne CONDITION OF MR. McLFAN lb 8LKJHTLV IMPROVED! Lumberton. Feb. 9?Th? phlat dans at ertfing A. W. Mct>an. Mat. ed at 9:30 laat uight that his con dition waa allghtly improved* over yesterday. He atlll remains delir ious, otherwise condition la very KOOd. Laat night at 7:40 MaTClia Black wood. an old n-gro woman, of high character, while engaged In remov ing clothe? from a line In the.yard ( at her home near the union atatlon, waa Bitot by aome unknown person, the ball from a platol entering her bgck and passing through one luog. Attending physician says her condi tion Is erttid^ > oliompsi STOLE 11,011 MherllT Wlndlcy Left for Chicago to Bring Rack Wonutn Who le ' Accused oC TlK(t, 'JiSf Armed with extradition papers, which he aecursd 'In RaJeigh from Governor CraigN Sheriff Wlndlay k ft yesterday for Chicago to bring *>aok to thle state a Oypay woman who. H la alleged, took o*?r $1.000 from her "fatker-ln-law. Bit, Miguel, who Is at present stsying I? this city. Sheriff Wi*dl>.received notice of he fget that .the woman waa being alfi? . .tr>. / town b.yonrt Chlr-co. Mlgu?? Attorn.jr. ?I one* l?ok ?t?p? to i?cure the tMcuMrr taprv ?WtM* RI hSIASS AUMtl ok THU MHIRKSHIVJt IN MUCIA Berlin. Krt. ?. Th. Rnmltnn ut the afCTMalre In O*llotn tod?r'e ?t.tem-nt b) '.?if *r*r 'f WERESPLDYESTEBDAY TO OTIS & CO.. OF CLEVELAND EXPENSES PAID Price Includes All tli? Ex pen?e of Having the Bonds Prepared Waahlaptoa townahlp'* MO. ooo road bouds Wtr? sold j?? trrday for 981,000 with ?ccruorl Interest trota PAnury I and rcpmaee ooaaeeted with the preparation of the bowl?, paid This is reported to be the high est premium erer brotght by towMhlp bond* under the pret est Mt la the State of North The bonds were purchased by Otis * Co. of Cleveland, whose bid was several hundred dollar? high r Lhan the closest competitor. A tele gram was sent to the firm Monday afternoon by the commissioners, not. Ifying them of the fact that th- lr bid was the highest. Ballllestlon of soeeptaoee was reoelved yesterday. Considerable elation Is lett over the sale of the bonds sod the excel lent price obtained for them. It Is understood that a township In Pitt ?ounty recently so!d its bonds below par. MRS. M. J. KUGLER DIED YEStERDAY ?.? Asray k. lOghty-Thlnl Ve?r. BarUI at ' Old Howe In New Jtrwry. Mrs. M. J. Kugler die* at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. L. Knight, West Main street, Wednes day, February 8th. The deceased wan the mother of Mayor Frank C. Kugler. of this city. Dr. Oeo W. Kugi' r and V. ?. Kugler. of Phila delphia. She was tho widow of Geo. W. Kug er. long Identified with the lumber Interest In this section. The deceased was In her eighty-third year and has always enjoyed good health until her recent illness. She will be burled at her old home. Wood bury, N< w Jersej^__.The body was sent there today. 22,000,000 II>1-K ACKKH OF LAND IN THIS STATE liKwton Rianton, of Cleveland, Dis omeea the Subject Before North Carollm Clab. Chapel Hill. Feb. f.?"North Car olina's Twenty-Two Million Idle j Acres." was the subject for discus sion at the regular meeting of the North Carolina club here Monday night. The dlacusslon #ks kd by Lawton Blanton. of Cleveland coun ty. Mr. Blanton took, up his subject under"four headings: First, state ment of facts and figure? la regard to thla Vtot area of waste land; sec ond. why this tkat area of wast< land t third, far-reaChlng conse quences of sueh a condition to tU* state at large; and fourth, how siia.l such conditions be improved? Mr. Blanton * paper was in part based up*?- the folio wing facia: " per cent of ?11 *bo J^nd la North C%iro.lna 1? a wilderness at Jdker aorea. Twamy-two million mws ara in broett-eedge. scrub pine, and Mr- growths, aad only bine millions are in cultivated aad pasture land?. 9*r wast?, area la more than 4au bie our cultivate* area. There (s -rough Idle land In the state for n w ? farip famlMee, allows Wlr-t? a**? to>ch family, and ra serving 60.000 aores In each ooud'jr for woodlot nabs ivV#3* <+ ^ ; Fee WeM|Wp (to bis Wrvant)- Now. ??srrj this picture to the eshtbltlmi ?.n* mm picrure 10 iue ?uiu??'" but l* fur lb. i?l?r ? W qott. dr? r*< *?????? Oft. tkat ? ?I right 1 11 pit oil old -Kll? *0?. Bl.t,,r WHO'LL BE THE RIDER WHEN THEY'RE SADDI.ED? ?8t. Raul Pion?*r Pn tlim tOMMKHEII TDM1 HELD H[(T MDHTH WAS HOSTESS YESTERDAY TO THE SILVER CHAIN Mri. Fanner T. Phillips was hostees to the "Silver Chain" of the Chrls t Ian church yesterday a f(er noon from S to 6 at her residence on West 8?feond street ? number of ladles were present and aU had a most en joyable time doing fancy work and chatting. - Dellcloos ^refreshments POLICE SEIZE 16 ?The Baltimore Kid" Nabbed By Local Officials Last Night. Said to be Old Offender. 'With something over sixteen gal lons of Hquor In his possession, Reeves WVlght, colored, better known as "The Baltimore Kid," was nabbed by police officials last night as he was trying to bring the stuff Into town. Upon being searched, he was also found to have In his possession at .38 revolver and a pocket foil of bulleta. The Kid had the liquor dropped off at Bunyon and hired Phillip j Keys, colored, to drive It lh to Wash ington for him. The officers were on the Cratch for the couple and when they appeared, arrested the entire outfit. A hearing will probably be held thte afternoon. This Is the Kid's eecond offense, he'tolng also charged with having recently shipped a box of liquor Into the city labelled "dlshss.? The po lice also claim that he has repeated ly violated thA law In ths past. i ' _ REVOLUTION SONS TO HOLD BANQUET land MiKuni Am Pbuurtnc tor Bi? Bn?t mak Brrw to Act Local member? of the Sons ?( the AmrlM Revolution are pluming for a bU ""-tt-IMt-Itlr'l '1 1" If* held on the event?*rt February *" T be place-?111 be announced later. The program tor til* ooeaelon ha* been partly arranged, (t will con met of ten ftre-mlnote apeecko o? revolutionary ?ubieot?, Includln? prominent nan and event? Fruit H. Brraa will a?? aa toaatmaater. AT THK JOtW TnRATRB TOKlOJTt The New Theatre will kava tonlihl beat three real <lran)a< kave had for Mm? time ?t "Tke Bridge ol MATTER BROUGHT UP AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LOWER INSyRANCE Question of Having Rate of Insurance Reduced Also Brought Up The question of reducing the key rate of Insurance in Washington and making this a "second class" city, was one of the principal topics brought up at tj?e regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night. Upon the suggestion of F. J. Ber ry, Captain Leach appointed a com mittee of three?Dumay, Berry and Bowers?to Join with a committee from the Board of Aldermen and appear before the underwriters at Atlanta in the effort of getting the local rate reduced. The committees will make the trip after the new Ore alarm system Is Installed and other, improvements made. W. G. Prlvette, county superin tendent of education, appeared be fore the Chamber with the announce ment that prelTlratlons were already being made for the annual com mencement of county schools. He stated that this event would prob. ably be held on the last day of March, although the details have not yet been worked out. Captain Leach appointed the same committee which helped In the work last year to as sist In arranging for the commence ment: Oeo. "T. Leach, E. R. Mizon and William Ellison. ^ Mr. Prlvette also stated that while Washington might have thought that there was a large attendance at the commencement last year, that num ber would probably be doubled this year. His statement brought up considerable discussion as to the bast wajrto provide for this large bom ber, but It wis generally agreed that accommodations could be found Tor alt. A let of resolutJors ot reap ct m KIM Helen Kotle? and Mayor Kufler were peaaed fcy the Chamber tr*? tha death of Mra. Kuglcr. tha majror'a brother, who paaeed away iUiw?y. Kt'NERAI, or MRA. WATSON WAS RBM> TMTSKDAY O reel Title, fob. ??Mra. 8. Joae Watfdn died at * e'eloek Monday tilfbt at tha home of Mr. W. O. Prultt. In Weel Oreemrllle. The fu neral eerrloee were held *t 4 o'clock yeeterday afternoon and tke l?ter meot will be In Cherry Hill earne rs'. % Mra Watton waa hern at I-eoOJ Caatle, Rockingham county. In 1MI, and kad far itxtr-eoweo year, been a eoaalatent member of the siMko diet charch- Oae daughter. Krt. W ? D. mitt, wltk wiiom eke i FOWLE, BERRY UNO HODGES ^ JLBOND ISSUE COMMISSION NAME IN NORTH CAROLINA (By Eastern Press) New Bern, Feb. 9.?If there was a prise offered to the North Caro linian who could show beyond a question of doubt that he had the longest nam? of any man In the State, D. *E. Henderson, one of New Bern's well known legal lights would doubtless be able to walk away with all laurels, in fact he could probably win without ev*>n making an effort and might .be able to drop a dozen or two letters snd still be in the lead. Wh?n Mr. Henderson wan very young, probably a week old, his proud father called in all of his brothers for the purpose of allowing them a glimpse at this Infant prod igy. So Impressed were each of the father's brothers with the child that each and every one of them wanted the new arrival named after him and him alone. In order not to show partiality, it was decided to nsme the lad JackBon Eseklel David James Nathaniel Sylvester Willis Edward Demosthenes Henderson. While Mr. Henderson does not of. ten have time to use his full name, this In fact is his correct title and it is this that has led his friends to believe that he has the longest nsme of any man In the State. ?EE HE 411FOWER BUTE Light and Water Commission Auth orises lllg Cat In Charges for Electricity, At the meeting of the Washington Light and "Water Commission, which was held last night, steps were taken to reduce the charges for light and power in Washington and putting this city on the same basis with Wil son, which is gonerally conceded to be the cheapest city for electric power In the State. A minimum rate of flfty cents for each meter connected for lighting purposes will be charged and the meter will be ten cents per k. w. with tho following discounts if paid by the 10th of the month: "" From $ 2 to $10?10 per cent. From 910 to $20?15 per cent. From $20 to $30?20 per cent. Larger amounts will receive pro portionately larger discounts. A minimum rate of $1.00 main, trnance and Investment charge for heating and cooking rates will be charged for each building connected and the meter rate will be three cents per k. w. with no discount. But 10 per cent will be added If not paid by the 15th of the month. Rates for power meter were also ordered to be reduced and will be five cents per k. w with The follow ing discount if paid by the 10th of the month. $ 5 to $10?10 per cent. 910 to $15?16 per cent. $16 to $20?20 per cent. $20 to $30?25 per cut. $20 to $50?30 per cent. Larger amounts will receive pro portionately larger discounts. If any bill Is unpaid on the morning of tke l?th, the connection will be dle *,crt'n?rd and no discount allowed. t.a txlra frx ol M C ??Ul bi col fee te d for cut off and on. NAME COMMITTEE AT NEXT MEETING Adrleery tanlttM to CVmntjr Cone mlMkMN Will Ba Appointed At March MmUh. The coanty commlaslonari dadd ad yaatorday that tha d on-parti nan adrlaory commit taa to act Id con. )a action #lth tha board ratatWo t bo aapandltora of tho $10,000 bond laaua, would not ba appotniad natil tho March moating of tho oomialaj atoara It to aipoetad that by thai tjttl?, tho m a m bor? of tbo board wiv B tha boat maa t< APPOINTMENT MADE BY COMMISSIONERS YESTERDAY. GOOD SELECTION Resident? of Both City and Country Appear Pleased With Choice At the muIod of the county com mlssloners yesterday afternoon. Jobs B. Fowle, F. J. Berry and R. B Hodges vere appointed members ol the Washington Township Bond Is sue Commission to superintend the construction of roads In the town ship and supervise the expenditure of funds. The commission will serve without compensation. When the action of the board be came known throughout the city to. day, the public as a whole appeared to be highly pleased with their se lection and many expressions of sat isfaction were heard. It appeared to be the sentiment of prmcticslly ev eryone that the commissioners would have found it an exceedingly dlffl cult task to appoint s commission who could fill their position more capably than Messrs. Fowle, Berry and Hodges. 8om? of the expree s'.ons voiced this morning were aa follows: ""** Geo. T. Lesch. "The commissioners made a line selection. 1 am confident that every member of the commission will do his utmost to see that the good roads work In Washington township la carried out so as to give the best re sults. E. L. Stewart "Very good, indeed. I*tf confident that everyone else will think the same." A. M. Dismay, "Both city and country are rep resented on the commission by men who are known to be absolutely honest and trustworthy The seleo tlon was an excellent one." O. B. Wynne. "I think everyone in the country should be pleased with the commis sion named. They are all well known men and T am sure that they will serve to the satisfaction of ell concerned." Will lain Ellison. " A better commission could not be appointed. The people oaght to be extremely well satisfied." B. F. Bower*. ; "1 can't think of anyone who will Have any complaint to mske over that aelectlon.'* Judge RU^hen C. Bragaw. t "I do not believe that too much can be said In commoadlng the cd^nty commissioners for the excel lent judgment they displayed In se lecting Mr. Fowle. Mr. Berry slnd Mr. Hodgee to serve on the road ; commission. They are all three | Ideal men for the position. ANNOUNCEMENT RECEIVED. Mr. and Mrn.^tmei Henry Harris announce the marriage of their daughter Emily to Mr. Lindsay Carter Warren on Thursday, January tke twenty seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen Washington, North Carolina No announcement? sent in the city. Bubacrlb* to the Dally New?.

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