(CLASSIFIED AOS. ? KTRAYBD OR HTOLKN: Out ?r Rodman pasture, 1000 pound gv- light red )emr cow. ? Hcttu cut SrSgft- Mr nam* 00 UK In rlebt Mr. Aleo one young bull oatf with nainc tag. Jtmm-A. Hackney. . ? .r*. ~ - '* - WASHINGTON PARK LOTS AND ttoe Building an& Loan wtll get jrou a homo with rant money. See A. y ' Man MflYtft the problem of the *im. Ho baa perfected a Ihotrer alarm do Wee (0 awaken the maid and rauae her to floee the Window. when It ratar at aieht. Wlree attached to a ball in the mald'i room are eonnectod by a piece of paper, an nonconductor ?f elec tricity. ' - . /- , When rain be?lna to fall the drat drop* fall Into a funnel and ?et the paper. The paper bemfliM a mhc tor, ?Meaa the eloottteM etrttalt and liHjmtpTOji fJrAnnile, Pa.. M?t. HmIhu ?"?? of honey were .hipped from bare b? Wot WUllama, who racalrM a check for ?.t?il fr?n the NMrctatle ?*?.. buyer, of tte ewoetneea. nam the ball. IK SWEEHST STORY CHICKS, DUCKS AND INSECTS TO ADORN NEW SPRING HATS London, Sept. 18. ? Quite a revo lution Is promised In the coming fall la ladles' bat*. . In the place of the -interminable designs In feather mounts and flowers of the field and garden type new and cunning de vices are being wokred out In arti ficial chicks with yellow breasts, ducklings, goslings, parrots' heads and -dragon flies and a regular field battery of ' Insects _ of all kinds and descriptions, each as beetles, bees sad even frogs. Field mice alone are excepted. Br 11 Han t colors will be the vogue In these new trimmings, and artists of the highest order have been en gaged to carry out the work. To set off the ensemble the body of the hats will -be in rather dull colors, of which olggsr, navy and bott-green will be the chle?~6hapes are not to be al SPUN KUDOS Hour IB BE MODIFIED _ Madrid, Sopt. 18. ? -Spain has made a sharp protest to Oerifiany against ita~-: practice of sinking pcacerul Bpanlsb ships, it was announced to day. and has domandod thai-there be a modification of- the submarine campaign. The Government took this action after three Spanish steamships, In cluding the Olauarl, 2,688 tons, had baasiytorepdoed In two days. ? SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS ! Jered materially, but brims are to be 1 wider, particularly on the left-hand Millinery Opening TUESDAY ? WEDNESDAY Showing exclusive models and styles. An invitation is extended to you to be present. E. W. AYERS & SON ? I 1 ' I J. ' " Tke First [Question Asked After a fire is, "How much in?u ranee did he have?" Don't let the answer in your case be "NONE." Get it now, while you can, from Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C BANKING Convenience ankM u IrrMtMibto >ppmI to tka ?W