Announcement! OUR MILLINERY OPENING WILL BE Tuesday Wednesday Sept. 19 & 20th. This display will comprise the patterns of smart, artistic design, tailored models and an extensive line of shapes and trimmings. Your Attendance is Sincerely Invited. J. K. HOYT. RISKED HIS LIFE TO SAVE HIS HAT (Greenville Reflector) This morning aa Coast Line due in Greenville at 8:1$ was near the Big Mill, Just beyond the corpor ate limits of the town a negrq stand ing on the platform of the coach had the wind to blow his hat from his head. He evidently thinking more of '.he head-piece than he did of the probable injuries he would receive jumped off the train, which was trav eling at high rate of speed. The re sult wua that he received an ugly cut about the head and a god shaking up. His injuries are not thought to be of a serious nature. Milton Springer III. Milton Springer, a well known res ident of South Creek, is confined to his ohme with a serious attack of Illness. WANTED: A SINGLE HORSE WA GON*. Woolard, at P. P. Maxwell's bicycle shop. 9-19-2?c. FOR SALE: AN INDIAN MOTOR. CYCLE. 2 >3 horse power, in good condition. Apply E. O. Mullen's garage. Hassell Supply Co. bldg. 9-19-1 wp. FOR RENT: HOFSE ON GLADDEN st-eet. near Second. V. Orleans. 9-1 9-ltr, Corns Loosen, Lift Right Off Nothlajt But "GBTS-IT** Will Do "Hiis to Corns and Calluses. If you'v? ever had corns, you've tried 'ots of things to get-Tid of them ? salves that eat your toe and leave the corn remaining, cotton rings *hat make your corns bulge out like Bop Se? th? Coma Vaafah. eyes, scissors and knives that make corns bleed and sore, harnesses and bandages that All up your shoe, press on the corn and make your foot feel like a paving block. What's the use? Why not do what millions are doing, tnke 3 seconds off and apply "GETS IT." It dries, you put your stocking on right away, and wear your regu lar shoes. Your corn loosens from the toe. it lifts right off. It's pain lens. It's the common-sense way, the simplest, easiest, most effective way io th" world. It's the national corn cure. Never fails. "GETS-IT" Is sold and recom mended by druggists everywhere, 25e a bottlf*. or sent 6n receipt of price by R. Lawrence ft Co., Chicago. 111. Ready For Your Inspection A complete line of men's fall and winter suits. Furnishings of all kinds. Our store is new; Our goods are new. The price is right II. S. Silver thorn Crystal Ice Cream Our Scuppcrnong Grape Flavor4 True to the Vine. t TRY IT. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANV Phone 83. Washington, N. C. B. Roupmuxk Mf wiwe*r* < sxr^fssjizat "?| loft tor Hit H.leg WIUloalMm ter nlumri to ?odor Mi d?7. after vUlttar Mr. Dixon Mrtooaly OL C. 8. Dix^B. Of A or or*, to ??Hour ly 111. Hi* coodtUon to coaaidwtd grave by attecutyng physicians. Mr. Cm tm 0??" " *? Joaephus Co*, who resides near JDdward, and who to well ? known throughout the county, to sarlonaly 111 at hto home. Much Tobacco from Pitt. r Jeaae H. 8mtth. of Pitt county, waa In the city yoaterday and atated that much tobacco from Pitt count 7 was being .brought to the Wkshing ton market He expreeaed himself aa greatly pleaaed over the prlcea that were given. FOR 8ALK ? FARM OF Ml AUqM, 18 acres cleared. 6 miles froui Washington: oni of beat-tenoa-ln section. Good to vcro ? T ?H. Whitaker, Washington, ijLfc. O.. 1* Tlaitlnn Mr. ?ad Vrt. 8. ' L. | LaofhtafbodM at Tutawnt of all aidbiw, la the atellar artlat la a Are reel Keyatoae alllrtar aouedy. ' "Hie Picture la tbe Papera,* at 'the Theatre tonight. He will be that well known actreaa. Loretta Blake. Thla la one of the beat T^tkngle playa aeen here In some time and no one ahould fan to be preaent tonight (or It will be w#fl worth while. pfcmuBsqua Washington park affords the aaoet Inviting home ?J tea around Wahh lagoon. lt*a the place for joifr florae. ,?*? fctari S ? tm M ?_ rSuits Coats The latest models now on Display. A. most attractive show ing, which it will pay ev ery Icfdy of Beaufort county to inspect. I. H. MORRIS I Daily News Classified Ads Bring Quick Results MORE POWER-* b? iH loch bore z 5-inch ttrok* motor that 4mlopa FORTY Hon* run ? tb* most POWER FUL."^cyliwl?r au at tha prica. MORE ROOM ? plenty for SEVEN foil -grown people to ride in comfort ? more room Cor driver and more in tonneeu ? DIVIDED kod adjustable MORE BEAUTY ? ? hand ?!?? ?!, humiona in ha finish ? ilumfut in ttalenc. smooth, flowing lina* ? finest strsight grain, aemi-f]a?i4 Irathsf ?? Mut NEW Cmimr Kach mm the gas task remor?d from the cowl ?? tb? tmr rf tba chasaim ? Swinrt Vacp SERIES 17 FOUR] Forty horse power C Q *9 f* j Seven Passenger T O C wi / ?the biggest VALUE on| the 1916 market Without a single exception, this new SERIES 17 Studebaker 4-cylinder car at $875 is the big gest value on the 1916 market at any price. Dollar for dollar if gives more actual value than any other 4-cylinder model we know. No other Four at its price has so much power. i? No other Four at its price has so much room. No other Four at its price offers such conveni ences and comforts. And no car at any price offers more .basic quality of materiala^atora soundness of design or more perfectiotipfJBtfish. Come in and aee this new Studebaker before you decide on any ear. HACKNEY 6? JACKSON Deatera. 123 W. Main A V m f*n_ Tfc ~ _ - TODAY AND WEDNESDAY Millinery Opening at The Bazaar : a ^ r,y 0, hats We invite ypu to attqaQour Opening* of which MADAME LITTLER is m charge .