TUB BE1TH1H Unsettled tonight. Prob able showers tonight. NUMBER 45. 25, 1916. ISLAND OF CMTE IS TAKEN BY REBELS ijUrfy THOV8AXD IKSCROETTB OVKRPOWER SOLDIERS AKD ' CAPTURE ISLAND, e i ELEVENTH REVOLUTION Island Has Had Stormy Time Within the I>Mt One Hundred Years. Only Eleven of King Constant ine's^ . M. . . Mr. MorH?(m In one rtf the Ktente*t otntom In North Octroi Lgul mhI croWh tuiVo fidtkml to b?Mr him wh*r?m*r |iig lal>or strike and many indus-i tries will be tieil up. Many plants in that section are searching for! new quarters, where 'they may escape this labor trouble. Representatives of sOme of these companies are already being sent over the country, looking for available sites. Announcements have been carried in the papers recently of several changes, having boon made. ? A] WASHINGTON WANTS SOME OF THESE INDUSTRIES. And thero is no question but that some of these industries want Washington. V" We have available sites to offer far factories; wo have a favorable climqte and we have lx>th rail ar&tvatcr transportation and a subse quent low freight rate. J, \ But the trouble is that these northern concerns have never heard of Washington. They don't know what we have to offer them. Wiih this stato of existing affairs, it is' to be hoped that the Chamber of Commerce will get together as sgon as possible and arrange for a schcme of advertising that will bring Washington to the attention of ?\i>I>I{K8S) TO RB MA OR TONIGHT AT TffR COURT HOISK Hon. Cameron Morrison* candidate for elector at large, arrived In tile clt* thl> morning >uid will address the cltlton*<)?f Beaufort county at th.o court house tonight on state and nrtlonal Issues. While la the city, Mr. Morrison will be the guest of Congressman. John H. Small. The meeting at the Aourt' house will begin promptly at night o'clock. The apeak er will be Introduced by Lindsay C. Warren, feandldste for ?SUte Senator. A' large audience la expected to be on han4 CVJ OPT WATHR SUPPLY OF THIS CITY OF TKUBSTF. . _ ; 0^:. (By United Preaa> Rome, Sept. 2S ItaTtnn forces j ftnre cut the wafer supply of the city of Trleete, It waa o?c|aWf an IMPORTANT SPEECH TO BE MADE BY THE PRESIDENT TODAV (By United Press) Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 25. ? President and Mrs. Wilson left at nine o'clock this morning for Baltl fttfr?, where tB6 presdflont will dellV er^rhat Democratic leaders rega'rd as an extremely important speech. William Jennings Bryan believes ' that vfilson will be re-elected. Af-J tnr a canvass of the entire political situation, Bryan has written his friends that the president's strength! is "gaining everywhere." Bryan is playing an Important part in the campaign and party lead ers are reporting "inestimable re sults" of the Nebraskan's lour through the west. Great crowds greeted the Commoner wherever he spoke. The president's speech today will be delivered before the National ' Qrain Dealers Association. He will roturn to Shadow Lawn tonight. | PROSECUTOR IS . CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OE WIFE (By United Press) St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 25. ? After conducting an extended investigation Into the murder or hlR wife and act ing In his capacity an county proseJ cutor, Oscar McDanlels in being held hore today, ch-yged witii having kill ed her himself. - The tragedy is one of the most gripping stqries in the history of Missouri and promises to reveal many sensational details when the story of the depth la unfolded.. Special prosecutor Lookwood al leges that Mrs.^McDanlels was slain by her husband because she threaten ed a divorce, following a quarrel be tween the two. McDnniels claims he was lured from his home to make a telephone call. He returned to find | his ,wife dead. Lockwood declares i that this is an Invention tc t divert | suspicion. , "PASTED" BY PASTRY, Wl WANTS DIVOB(7K San Prapclsco, Sept. 16. ? Albert O. Lau, furniture salesman, rented ? his wrath by throwing F re nob pastry. r? th? face of bis wife, Mary Mar garet Lau. according to a divorce complaint filed by Attorney W. Poa Ul OB behalf of Mrs. Lau. On one oc caaton. the complaint ailectt, w>ien be became aofry because she disc or ?red hU relations with another wo OAMSBON MORRISON SjienkA tonight at eight o'clock at the court house. MAD SUITOR HURLS BRICK AT ANOTHER MISCALCULATED HIS AIM, ITOW EYER, AND MUCK HIT YOUNG LADY INSTEAD. IN SERIOUS CONDITION Affair Occurred Near Jatncsville. Bloodhounds Trailed Suspect. No Arrest Httfl Vet Bern Made. Much Excitement Stirred Up. , The section in the vicinity of Jamesvilic la considerably stirred up over an assault which vn.i committed upon Miss ncEsie Griflln while she was riding home from a revival meet ing with Keman llardison. Dolh are residents of near Jamcsvllle. The '.wo were riding home in a buggy and when they came to a dark place In the road, someone hurled a brick at them,, which struck the girl in the face, rendering her uncon scious. Harrlison drove to James vlllo as fast as he could and the pirl lost considerable blood before a phy sician could be secured to attend toi her wounds. She was delirious, through the night, but is reported to i be resting better this morning. A long Rash was cut In her face and the doctor found It necessary to take; eight stitches In the wound. Miss Griffin is one of the most pop ular young ladles of her community anu there were several young men courting her. It appears that Hardi Hon wan shown special favor and this fact caused some bitter feeling among the rejected ones. It is believed that the brick was thrown by one of these young men and was Intended foi* Hardlson. J. A. Harman. of this city, was notified to bring his blood hounds to the scene. The dogs were tnken to the point where the assault had been committed. ?nd they Immediately picked up the trail. ? They followed it for nbout five miles and arrived at the home of a young man. who. it. is stated, was one of those who had sotiffht favor from Miss tlriflln. No arrest has yet boen made. FUNSTON APOLOGIZES FOR ACT OF SOLDIERS . Washington. S*pt. 25. -General Funston has wired the Htato Depart ment that ho han ordered the court rnartlaiiiiR of Corporal Roger*. Troop B, and seven members of a pntrol of Texas cavalry, who crossed the Rio Orande on Thursday. The Mexicans rtred on i!>o patrol. killing a home. Punaton said that he had formally expreased regret over the Incident to Col. Rlecas, the Mexican comman der. a?n tner? waa uo French psatry handy. 1I? threw a box of talcum powder. Mra. Lau la a niece of Edward Walsh. 8an Francisco's pioneer. 1 RUMANIAN INVASION IS BEEN "CHECKED 0??^.N8 REINFORCE ROMAN IANS AND HAVE TAKEN OP PENSIVE AT Vl'LCAX PASS. GERMANS ARE COUNTERING Heavy Fighting on Western Front. Zeppelins Doin>>anl City of nnch nrest. Allies Report Victory in Macedonia. (By United Press) I-ondon, Sept. 25. ? The Germans continued powerful counter attacks against the newly captured British positions north of thr Somme last .light. Heavy arUllerlng took place on the Somme front. Attacks east of Coucellette were repulsed by Hnlg's men. North of Ntuve Chap elle the British exploded mines which | did great damage to the enemy's trenches. Rumanians Take Many Prisoner^ Bucahrest. Sept. 25. ? The Ruman ians have captured 6,800 prisoners ;n Transpivanla, according to an offi cial statement. Allies Are Victorious. Paris, Sept. 25. ? The allies are victorious in every sector along the Macedonia front. It waa announced today. Zeppelins Bombard Bucharest. Berlin. Sept. 25. ? Zeppdlna today bombarded Bucharest, according to 'p'n official statement. Fighting con tinues at Dobrudja and from south of Cobadlnus to Topraiser. The Ru manians were unsuccessful at the Vulcan Pass In Transylvania. Invasion Is (Tieeked. Rome. Sept. 25. ? Reinforced by Russians, the Rumanians have check ed the invasion on the northwestern frontier and have taken iho offensive at Vulcan Pass. DENY THAT SOUTH CONTROLS CONGRESS Washington, Sept. 25 ? A hot de nial of the charge by the Republi cans that the "south is In the saddle" In Congress waH Issued today by the Democratic national committee. The denial comes as the result of the springing of this* issue in the Mnlne campaign by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts. In hlir speeches In Maine Senator Lodge cnlled the Attention of the Maine voters to the great proportion of southern men In prominent posi tions in the organization of the house and charged that the arri^ultural states of the sortth were getting all I the benefits or appropriations, most of which were raised by taxing the rich states of the north. TODAYS PROGRAM AT New Theatre 3rd Episode of "The Secret of the Nnhmnrtnn" Trlnntjle Koynlone Comedy "The IlrlKht featuring rtonco? Arhuckle and Mnhel Normand Tlll llMDA V NNJHT mi/I.Y ("Hlnjfle") CMFFORD ? In ? , MUXORft M)V(?KH I/UfTY** 2 5c and 60c sests will he nold at hox office. 7Sr and 11.00 seal* at Worthy A Ftherldice's ADMTAAIOX 5c and 10c ?how starts at 7:45 sharp Matinee dally at 4 p. m.