THE WASHINGTON DAILY PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON EXCEPT 8tTNDAYB. ' Entered u second-class matter, August B, 1909, at the poatofloe a/ Washington, N. 0., under the act of March 8, 1870. 8UB8CRIPION RATES: ? On* Month ? .Si Tbwe Mctha', ,.... T? Bis Months 1.(0 , CHm Ye?i S.00 Subscriptions most be paid for in advanea. If paper is not re vived promptly telephone or Write this ofaa. Subscribe* desiring the paper disoon tinned, will please notify this office, otherwise it will he continued at regular subscription raw*. JAMES L. MAYO PaopBtaro* OARI. GOEKCH Editob WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPT. 25, 1918. The North Carolina guardsmen are on their way to the border and we predict that it won't be very loop; before the majority of them will be singing, "It's a long, long way to Carolina.'' The Kaiser is expected to make another peace move. The move will probably come in tho way of ordering more guns and sending: more men to the front. THE CARNIVAL EVIL. It ha* bocn announced that a "carnival company" is coming to Washington in the near future for a week's stay. They will probably raise their tents somewhere on the outskirts of the city ? where they will escape the city tax ? an<l will take hundreds of dollars away with them when they finally leave. Companies of this type do much harm and we have yet tor see any pood that they accomplish. Unlike the circus, motion pi^turts, the atrical entertainments, and other amusements, the diversion which those carnival companies provide is usually of a degrading nature. They have numerous devices for gambling the "shows" are usually fakes and the people are of a low type, generally. And then too, they remain in one town for a week, whore the other amusements arc h*e for a day only. In the smaller towns, where good shows are rather far l?etween, the people are usually ready for any amusement that may e^ane along. One can hardly blame them, for it is natural to seek entertainment. Rut those carnivals give so little real entertainment and take so much money away from the towns in which they play, that everything! ought to be done to keep them away. DR. ANDERSON'S PREACTIING. l)r. W. M. Anderson is conducting h great revival at tho Baptist church and the deep impression he is* making upon the citizens of Washington is testified to by the large congregations that hear himj nightly. It has often 1>een said of revivals that, their influence is but tem porary. This may be true, where the meetings are conducted by some sensationalist, but where such strong and intense sermons are deliv ered as Dr. Anderson is bringing before our people, the influence is bound to be lasting. He is making the men and women THINK. He may cause ten men to confess faith before tho conclusion of his ser vices. or he may cause a hundred; upon the number rests little im portance. The real benefit of Dr. Anderson's presence in Washing ton will l>e felt AFTER the meetings arc over. Yesterday afternoon, there was held a-meeting for men at the New theatre, at which ahut two hundred were present. Dr. Anderson, at the close of hi* sermon, extended the usual invitation, but there was no response. This might bo taken, by gome persons, to mean that the: meeting was a failure, but anyone who could have seen the interest that was displayed and the close attention that was given, would have had to acknowledge that the evangelist's message to those men had made an impression that would live in t.hoir minds and their hearts for some time to come. It is evidently not Dr. Anderson's intent to establish a record in the number of actual conversions that he may lie ablo to cause, Imt to give his congregations food for thought, to put the decision of Chris tian or sinful living squarely up to them, and then let them decide for themselves. And in doing this, he is accomplishing more actual good, than if he were to come here with a messuge that would stir up the people for a time and then, after the excitement was over, allow them to gradually sink back into their former way of living. PROVIDING FOR THE DEPENDENTS. Several days ago. the Daily News carried an editorial on a bill, which will probably ho brought up in the coming ?ewsi on of the Gen eral Assembly, and whieh has, for its intent, the care of the families of those men who are confined in jail or made to work upon the road*. The subject is Iteing discussed all over the State anil many othor papers have taken it up. The Monroe Journal, in a recent issue, ha.* some very interesting things to say on the matter, and we quote in part: "There are a lot. of pe pie who think that we havo been acting upon the wrong theory in the matter of legal punish ment. They say that when a man is fined or put in prison, the punishment is really Itornc bv his family and not by himself. Now. that doesn't sound so bad. Here is a poor man with a wifo and a lot of children, tie has some devil in him and commits a misdemeanor. lie is arrested and soaked with a heavy fine. He scrapes it up and then shortens the rations, clothes and shoes of his family to pay it. Or, if he rannof raise the money, he is put on the chain gang or in prison for a time, where his labor goes to the public* and hi* family scrambles the beat they can without, him. What right has the public to build roads, water powers and grow cash crops with his lal?or? His work ought to be paid for and paid into the hands of his wife and children. We be lieve that if punishment is for the protection of society, so ciety ought to pay the bill for administering the law and not gouge it out of the women and children of the hapless man who commits a crime.'* Other papers have also commented on th? bill and it is believed that when it is brought up in the legislature, sentiment will be ar> strong in favor of it, that it w41) go *h hough with hardly a dissenting rote. Uli-M (IAmW] Studa*, Re&erW fcy Cards. * > J, Mt. Airy, N. C? Mi >wwSh??SSSjl wu more Itun aay oaecou I Wed WKMt erery Mad MaoM did me any good. I read one day about Cardul, Dm wo food than all the other 1 had fried, put together. J&^u'-Sirsaaj^us CarduL Several are now taking It" _,t? yon, lady reader, suffer from any ai the ailments due to womanly vvuble, such aa headache, backache, rideache. sjeeplessness, and that '--"Tff 1 lust as It has a million other- women in the past hall century. Begin taking CanMi ttwdarb. You won't regret It. AH druggists. S52 WOMAN DOCTOR WINS -1.00 Hf ?29,000 SOT I Ottawa. Kan.. 8ept. SI. ? Dr. Jo ae^hlne-E. Darts la Ttn<tf?st?A. A Jury awarded her|l damage* against Mm. J- T. Shreve. wife of the pastor of the* Christian church hero, la her suit for 125.000 on a charge of ma licious slander. WIDOW OFfllS fILVO WluUW wl lUO ??WO OUKKOIHBIS Carthage, Mis*.. Sept. 15. ? frol lowlnf the Injunction laid down In the old liv of Moms, the third broth er of the family of a fast-radlng tribe of Choctaw Indiana. In Lajce^ county, haa married the widow of" hie two older, brother*. Bereral years r^o the eldest broth er married and livqd with his bride but a abort time, when he died. The second brother then married the wfc man. After eighteen month* he. too passed away. The widow was taken into the home of the youngest broth er aa hia wire and they are living together happily. The tribe U fast becoming extinct, and it la a difficult .matter- for men. who far exceed the women In number^ to aelect wires not In some way related to them., Administrator' a Notice. The undersigned having .Qualified as administrator of Thomas Jenldns. deceased, late of Beaufort county. N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims agftlqst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of August, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All pernor* Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. This 28th day of Augi-??16. STEPHEN C. BRAGAW. JUNIUS D. GRIMES. Ad m laistrato r a. t-lf-Bwc. N EW ARRIVALS IN SHOES Shoes For Men Wtirk" and Dress Shoes, all sizes ? styles to suit - - $2.50 Up Shoes For Women The latest in best models, $1.25 Up Shoes For Children Fit the feet of the baby or the boy and tori in their teens - $25 c Up THE HUB Suskln & Berry The Town Gossip TirKRE -WAS """ "u A NEGRO man IN THE office JU8T-A mlnufco ago. ? AND HE came CP TO me. AND -Hfc said: "BOaS. WHAH yo tefon?" AND I didn't get him. AND I asked him TO REPEAT AND HE did. AND I couldn't MAKE OUT WHAT HE wae naylng, AND' I called in SOMEONE ELSE. AND GOT the nigger TO REPEAT HIS QUESTION OUce more. AND THEN I FOT7ND oat. THAT THE (Juration HE HAD asked -wan: "nOSB, WHERE'S your telephone? AND IT femlTftied me OF A aorthqrn visitor WWO WAS In Georgia, AND HE wm talking WrTH'A planter AND THEY were dlncuaalng THE WEORO dialect, AND THE planter said: "I'M. BIT "THAT I can carry on " "A CONVERSATION "WITH THAT nigger "OVER THERE. "AND YOU won't know "WHAT WE are talking about." AND HE called THE NEORO over, AND HE asked him: "WHAH HEEH?" AND THE negro LOOKED ALL arotind KINDER ASTONISHED. AND ASKED: "WHAH HOOHT" AND THE northerner HAD TO admit THAT He couldn't' MAKE OUT WHAT WAS said. AND* THE planter EXPLAINED THAT THE question HE 'HAD asked WAS: "WHERE IS he?" ? AND WHAT THE NEORO had aald WAS: ; f ;f|' "WHERE to tMMf" AND I guess THAT WE Yankees ARE KINDER dense ANYWAY. I THANK you. Fife Insurance It is more profitable to iniure BEFORE the fire than after. C Morgan Williams WASHINGTON, ?. C If 8 all that the name suggests! Wdgley quality ? made where chewing gum making is a science. Professional and Business Cards 8. C. CRATCH Attorney-at-Law Thompson Building AURORA. N. C. H. W. CARTER. M. D. Practice limited to diseaaes of EYE. EAR, N08E ft THROAT and the FITTING OF GLASSES. Office orer Brown's Drug Store. Hours 9 to 12 a.m.; S to 6 p.m. * except Monday*. ? WASHINGTON. N. C. A. D. Maclean, Washington, N.C. W. A. Thompson. Aurora, N.C. MacLEAN & THOMPSON Attorneya-at-Law Aurora and Washington, N. C. Jno. H. Small, A. D. MacLcan 8. C. Bragaw w. B. Rodman. Jr. SMALL. MacLEAN, BRAGAW h RODMAN Attorneya-at-Law Offices on Market gt.. OppooK* City Hall. Washington, N. C. JOHN H. BONNER Attorney-at-Law W A 8 H I NOTON, N. C. H. 8. Ward Junius D. Grimes wakd & Grimes Attornm-at-Uw WA8HIN0 TON, N. C. ' We practice in U?? ?ourte of the Plrst Judicial Dtatrlct and the Federal court*. ??. w. c. eodmAn Attorney-tt-Ltv WA9HINQ i'ON, N. & B. A. DmnUl, Jr. 1. 8. Manning L. C. W?rr?? W. W. Kltobl* DANIEL <c WARREN MANNING A KITOH.IN AllornorMt-Lkw la fhiMrtor. r?4*r*l ?ad Hfrcti* eourta of UU ?uu HARRY' McNtJLLAN ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Laughlnghonse Building. Corner Second and Market *8ta. E. L. StQwart P. H. Bryan STEWART & BRYAN Attorney?-at-Law WASHINGTON. N. C. N. L. Simmons W. L. yaughan SIMMONS & VAUGHAN LAWYERS Rooms 12-14-16, LaughlnghouM Building. Washington. N. C. G. A. PHILLIPS & BKO. FIRK INSURANCE WASHINGTON. N. C. ? I LAST RXCUR8ION OF the RKASOX ? To? .AAYTRVIYjLR, If. ?. "The I<nntl of the Sky" THTIWDAY, BKPT. 28, 101H, ? Via ? ? flOTTTHRftN RA fl.WAY * ' Schedule and Round Trip Fares aa follows: Lv. Ooldnboro 4:4R AM. $6.0 L v. Selma 7:40 AM. 1.0 Lv. Raleigh t:6t AM. 4.7 Lv. Durham 9:50 AM. 4.7 L v, Henderson 7:00 AM. 4.71 Lt. Oxford 7:40 AM. 4.7 L v. Burlington 11 :H AM. 4.7 Lt. Greensboro 11:80 PM. 4.7 Ar. Ash evil le 8.00 PM. bound trip fares In same propor tion from all Intermediate points. Returning tickets will be stood on all regular trains elavlng Ashevllle up to and Including trains leaving Ashevllle Sunday, October let, lt^t. A day trip through the mountains. | Three days in Ashevllle. Olrlng am ple time in which to visit hie numer ous points ef Interest In the "Land of the 8kjr." Most delightful In the monntains at this season. For farther Information ask South ern Railway amenta, or 3 O. JONES. Traveling Paaeengvr Agent. lUlelph, N. C. miis M9 ??aB*

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