WASHINGTON DAILY PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT 8TTNDAY8. Satrnd m ?eoood-cUas matter, August 6, 1W9, at the af WMhingfcm, If. 0.. under the Mt of Ham* 8, 1870. BUBfieHfflON RATES: OpmMmA *3* Kjntki h'. % ? ? ???? . ? ??..>.??? vTA Biz Month* 1.69 Om Tut S.00 SnbtcaiptioM most ha paid lor in adraaaa. If paper i*not re wdred promptly letophoae or write this o Pee. Subscriber* deairing the paper discontinued, will please notify thia office, otherww* it aiH We mn tinned at regular subscription ratoa. JAMES L. MAYO , OAJRL GOERCH . . . ?-.?Kdho?] WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPT. 26, 1916. Revolution in tho Island of Crete! That reminds us that it's about ? time for some of those South American Republics to break out igd)& The citizens of the county "Cam-e-nonning" to hear Morrison speak | last night. (That's pretty punk, we'i' admit, but.redd.it over;aga:.4'j and you may see what we're driving at. ? PUBLICITY FOR POLITICS. The American Newspaper Publishers Association, in a recent state ment, had the following to say : ^ "Politicians of both parties are complaining because newspapers are giving so little space, to the usual political matter sent out from.- headquarters." And, what's more, politicians are going to continue to complaifn. Newspapers have found out and are finding.4>iit,that readers do wA like to have to wade through column after column of political sl*fP| daily. They like occasional comment on the political situation apt? they like to be advised as to general conditions. Most newspapers provide that for them, but when it comes to publishing all of the mat ter that tho political bureaus send out, that's an altogether. dxSef&it proposition. It isn't fair to expect it of them. The nolitical party that wins out, reaps the fruits of victory. The candidates fall into easy positions with good salaries attached. Why shouldn't they be made to pay something for the privilege of obtain ing office ? THE RISE IN PRICE OF MILK. Local dairymen have given notice that milk from now on will re tail for thirteen cents a quart. They offer, as an excuse for increase, the fact that the high cost of feed prevents them from making ai^y profit out of their business. In Now York City, milk is selling' for nine cents a quart. THia^ milk is brought into the city from points a hundred miles distant prJ more. It ha? to be driven to the trains, sent down to the city by f^st trains, parried to the various milk companies in drays, put up injto bottles, and then delivered through the city. The price of feed (is higher in New York than it is hero, the milk companies have to p^y higher wages to their men than do the dairies in this section, tliey have to pay more rent and, in every way, they are subject to a much greater proportionate expense than are the dairymen here. And yet, they sell the milk for nine cents a quart! We leave our readers tii form their own. conclusions on the subject. I "COMING SOUTH." ? In yesterday's issue of tho Daily News, there appeared tpi article, calling attention to the fart that many factories, now located in New York City anil other northern points, were seeking to change their location. duo to lal>or trouble and other causes. The article urged the Chaiul>er of Commerce to pert busy and advertise- Washington as n site for some of these factories. We Iwlieve that a large number of plants will be moved South in the near future. And they are going to be located in those-towns thn: have the best advantages to offer them. Rut the men who will be aligned to look after the matter of securine new locations cannot cover the entire South and visit every town in it They are going to invest itraio those towns tit at they know about or of which they have heard. Wc believe that now is tho time for advertising Washington as she has never been advertised before. With the proper publicity given, wc see no reason in the world why Washington should not be chosen as the ?itc of some of these plants that, will move their place of opera tion. We have everything to offer them in the way of location and resource, but we've got to let them know what we Jteally have. As we said yesterday, this is too important & matter to be neg lected. The Chamber of Commerce owes it to the city to get d'own behind the movement, and put Washington in the limelight. IMPROVING THE COUNTRY NEW8. For the most part, the news item* that come to n? from our Aoimtry correspondents are eonfincd largely to personal items. They tell of who is visiting, who is sick, who has left town and who has died or married. These items are good and they are interesting, but we feel sure that there are many important news stories, that "break." put in the rural district* and that never get into print Wo would like to have our correspondents try and see whether they cannot Bend us these more important stories. For example, give an account of the progerss that the school is making in your. community, tell about the condition of the roads and what work has been done on them lately, give publicity to tho nature and quality of the crops and don't forget to chroniclo all unusual or strange happenings. If Johri .Tones has a hen that lays square eggs, that item is worth more than a page of "comings and goings.'* Or, if Tom Brown goes swimming in tho creek and someone runs off with his clothes and he has to walk home, encased in a barrel, it is a story that any paper would be. glad to hava There are scores of happenings of similar nature that ought to be sent in. We not only urge our regular correspondents to keep u* in formed, but al*o invite any citizen of the county to keep na advised on any news event that may occur in their community/ We will btt glad to publish these stories in a prominent position, with the name of the writers at their bead. We want to improve our news service in the county, and with the assistance of ouV regular correspondent* and otbera, we feel sur# that we will be able to do it are .acceded. it otto .t.tnt.ytfcoi tor .dlecuulan at m. tlon of the American Hospital uao eUUon. which begin here today. The question has Man much hiabed arer and, a oertalu pm* o< t)i?FROM > 26 . conta ' TO- 28.6 scents, AND I like 8IRL0IN BTEAK. AJtDfl tee WHBWE BOOR HAVE OONE up 9ant* ON THE dozen. AND AND THEN again. I.U0#JFJWED THA^ptfl CKBNfl ARB GOING ,a P *00. AND J like chJcXwu; I ?the .kjjxl THAX^qRATCH.XQr JCfTO ,?N THE4?ariu?rt right Into the to? and make li ttim ????. din, or thorn uae B?li.ter. that mak*.4tu> ooatt bulge, or pick and gong* at their corna and make "?? -*'??<'? *?W. In'l It? 0ET8-IT !? the simple, modarn wonder for torna. Just pat I drop? on. It dries Instantly. No pain, fas* or -troable. Tka com, oallua or wart i looaoas ,and .*?m?a off. MUlloaa aae "(JKJTft-IT" la sold And tftcom mvS&frtrnt,,*. everywhere. ,?c s?* on receipt of prise ? 4 ?o? OtiUapa, <11. ?Vim ? SOITHEIIS RAILWAY Schedule and Bound Trip Fares ? ? S. C. CRATCH Attorney % t-Law Thompson Building aurora, w. c. E. A. Daniel, Jr. J. 8. Manning L. C. Warren W. W. Kltchln DANTEI. & W A nil; EN . MANNING k KITCJIIN Attorneya-at-Law Practice In Superior. Federal and 8upreihe courta of this state NOTK7K Or ?A 1M. Under and by virtue of authority vested In the undersigned Commis sioner, duly appointed In a special proceeding pending In the Baperlor Court of Beaufort County, entitled Louisa Perry and Mary Myrtle M. ; Tutcn, an Infant, by her Next Friend <1. ftumiey," the undesigned will soil, at the Court House Door, In Beaufort County, to the highest bid der for cash, on Monday, October ?, 1?1?, at 4* o'clock noon, that cer tain piece or lot of land In Beaufort County. City of Washington. N. C , and In that part or said city rooio a a "Nicholsonville," which said lot Is described In the petition flted In the, above entitled cause, as follows, ; to-wlt: One certain lot. being lot No. It, in plat recently made by ft. F. Burbank, for 8. T. Nicholson, of a part of the property purchased by the said Nicholson from HattTe E. , Banks *t als.. heirs at Uwr of Jno. 0. Williams. The said lot No. St is situated on the corner of 7th and BMner street*, which said deed is rocoru^il in Register's office of Beau fort Comity. In Book IS. page 6SS. and 'j? hereby referred to for. de scription Thl. tl>? 7th Hit of topt. ltl?. B. S. NICHOLSON, MHm. I