LADIES Of the proper materials, style, fit hang and sweep. If you come to us you may rest assured that you *Ket the newest that the best mar kets produce and the prices are moderate. $4.98 to $35.00 Under Wear For Men, Woman and Children, separate nar menU or union suit*. Heavy weights, cotton or wooL For Chi ldren ? 25c to Tftc 20c to 91.50 For Men ? 50c to 92.00 Sweaters This chilly weather demands warmer clothes. Our Sweaters hare the warmth, style and tit. The prices are: Children* 25c to *2.00 ftOc to $7.00 SOc to 97.08 J. K. HOYT -One Million JlDollars a*Dayf trw* ? ?IIP iqjw ?l W nrnm** Ti LAT IS THE FITIR LOSS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CArffADA. TO REDUCE THAT FEARFUL EXPENSE BY i'llflftJtaNG FIRES IS GOOD BU8INB8B AND GOOD HOUSE KEEPING. WILL YOU HELP? We Bragaw & Company, first Insurance A gems In Washington, N. C CP BEFOBE TMCORDER The recorder tried the following c&bm yesterday: H. 8. Ward, VP rear lights on auto, costs. Wen. Dudley, no dimmers, not guilty. Willie Bird, colored, carrying con cealed weapons, was found guilty and was taxed $15 and costa. Walter Cooper, colored, Intoxicat ed, was fined $1 and costs. Ivy Leary, colored, riding blcyclo on sidewalk, costs. Five negroes were brought Into court, charged with being ragranta. Judgment was suspended providing that they obtained employment by Monday. If they were still In town by that time and without a Job. Mr. Bryan notified them that they would be given JO days without further hearing. Mr. Gaylord In Town. Columbus Qaylord. of Terra Cela, is spending today In the city on a brief business visit. Mr. Lwoflky Hero. D. Lesofsky, of Belhaven. Is spend ing today in the city attending to business matters. Her* from Hnrtowr. Heber Waters, of Pinetown, 1b among the out of town visitors In the city today. I?wyrr Kcott in thf* City. L. M. Scott, of Blounts Creek, Is spending today In the city on profes sional matters. liMTM for Raleigh. County Farm Demonstrator J. F. Latham leaves this evening for Ral eigh to attend the State fair and get the Beaufort county booth In shape. No V^ork is Too Difficult, * No Job is Too Big OR TOO SMALL *1 . = ^ That doesn't receive the same prompt and skilled attention. When your clothes are pressed and clcaned by the Ideal Press - , ing Club, you may rest assured that the work is done aa ii should be. E. G. WESTON V ~ Proprietor of a atroks o I paralysis. from *Mch ?be suffered (pr t ?Nk pr?Tiow to h.r death. 8h. wu laM to rot In the family burtal (rant, Rer. W. B. Trotmaa ofleUttng at U? borfal (iclsn tMtia*d to the 'lore ul M tuM In Thick the daeMMd ma held. ' Mrs. Styron vu the d&aghter U?e Ul? Robert and Balll? Styron. She vu born January II. 1841. 8he m coavsrted mod Joined the Metho dist church while still quite young. vu a good Christian woman and beloved by all who knewber. She leaves three brothers. Edward Tripp, of Bonnertan. Alonmo Tripp,, oft Gore Point, and Rev. H. B. Tripp [of tbe North Carolina Conference. NOTICE TO OWNER8 TO RJCDKIO USD SOLD FOR DRAINAGE TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. To IHount Heirs, in whose nam trecU Nos. 40 and 44 la the Draln ?fe District known an '"Board of Drainage Commissioners of Matt*. mnakeet District," la listed for as sessments for year 1915: You and each of you will take no tice that at a sale of lands made by George E. Davis. Sheriff of Hyde County, on the 7th day of February, 1911. (the same being the first Mon day in February. 191S), the follow ing described lands In 8wan Quarter: and Fairfield townships, Hyde Coun ty, North Carolina, being tracts Nos. 40 snd 44 on the record and map of survey of lands in the drainage dis trict known as "The Board of Drainage Commissioners of Matta muskeet District": Tract No, 40 bounded and sur rounded by the lands of W. T. and A. Berry, the lands of the Williams heirs and the levee line of said dis trict. containing 7.8 seres. * Tract No. 44, bounded thr North by the lands of John L. Roper Lumber Company, on the East by the lands of J. Hodges heirs and the Bryant Cooper land, now owned by A. F. Rose, on the 8outh by the lands of the Williams heirs and the leve* line of the aforesalbid district and on the West by the levee line of said district and the lands of John L. Ro per Lumber Company, containing 379.4 acres, listed on the tax list and the duplicate thereotof the tax rollR In the offlcc of the Clerk of the Su perlor Court of Hyde as the property of Blount helrst^svas bid in by the undersigned for the delinquent taxes and aBfli'ssments tigalnst said land* for tho drainage and maintenance of the aforesaid district for the year 1915, amounting to $197.45 and the costs allowed by law. at the price of 1202.35. tho undersigned being the last and best bidder for same, and you and each of you are further no tified that, unless redemption Is made of said lands in the manner provided by law, the undersigned will demand a deed In fee for said lands on or after the 7th day of Feb ruary. 1917. This 5th day of October, 1916. S. S. MANN, Purchdsor. 10-1 l-3wc. for a tour thmch northern titles. The horn? was beautifully decor ated for the ocsasloa with (mu and cat flowers. The wedding ?ar?h was played by Mima Nancy Joaes, of asMay. October the ?W t*?fc hundred sUfgton. North Caroft* -At Home r October the eighte?M ill HardlBf Street Petersburg, Virginia New Yd**. Oct 11.-3 Tbl?'t? the tolesrram . sent by Mra. Edith Ueb recht last July to her husbaj|fl. Dr. Charlos F. Llebrecht. a dentist, at No. SOS West Eighty-flcwt street. "Fred -and Buddy have sore eyes. Bring what Is necessary.** This, is the telegram, delivered to Dr. Llebrecht at his New York office: "Fred died. Buddy has sorfeeyes.^ Bring what la necessary." The erroc in tran^la^log la the rea7 son why Dr. Llebrac^. yesterday sued the Weetara \\plffp telegraph Company for damages In the Supreme Court, When he receive^ (the message from his wife, who was^at their sum mer home at Ocean L. I., he thought their son Ffewla^lck had died >' >?)' mid Jlflfl J iT fcjJ4ajHi[ r'ni'i Aintiif 1 'im^'iiJj aarrtea at the front; the* ?re to be|j KCluirelj' illtlH [l? the *>ath of France, and kept strictly within the compounds. Thay hsre volunteered for the work, being aatlafled .with the nn oBer?d and other conditions, and they will be1 aeat back to Sooth Africa aa soon lip nun to bo required. K ? v (Br Turtle Dgr?) - * Well. I know that Mr. Qoarch does! m to kaap la iouh with the world j 1 (if *?? "W thlnca that are to Bt on oafchar< 'body la xordiaUr InjJUxl- All the | and the boys bring a pocketbook well | filled alon( with a trader haart. It win be for the benefit of the a school building. Evan Wlllard of Washington wul the guest of his parent*. Mr. and I Mra. Alas Wlllard, Monday after- 1 Quito a no m bar of ovr people at tended the lecture at Old Ford Sun V* Mlae' Mlaale Wlllard and brother Bran Wlllard were tip dinner guests of Mlae Murtie Wlllard ?T Stalling. Croaa Roadi Sunday. Most of the fat mate of thin vtcln- J lty are through grading tobacco, and picking cotton la the order *of the) [day. The farmers of this vicinity hare a fine crop of sweet potatoes and aonle of them are very large. I heard a man aay the other day that he had aome potatoes as large as - his head and that head was larger than an I ordinary head. And If lite peeling of At a& oil 9U1 he ant, took a casket and chartered a] [ special boat to go to Ocean Beach. He says he can relied all engage* ments, whs prostrated by shock, and | lhaa never recovered from the blow. that potato la aa thick la proportlop a a the skin on that head there won't be much potato after all that bis growth. The farmer* of thla vicinity hare a fine lot 6f bog * Many of them hare many more than they bad last wr. I will Invite Old Roee oat to our i box party Saturday night and want her to be rare and come for they are going to have a cake to vote on for the prettleet girl and I know either aho or 1 will get it. I want to tell "Red Joe" that I'm going to. carry a cake out tbbre for the ugliest boy and I want him to be aore and come and win that cake so 1 can carry it back. home for my Sunday dinner. I will stop for this time. With beat wlahes for the Dally Newa. tlUOnTMlBI NOTICE. Havlnc aunllOed u Admlnlatratar C. T. A. of John 8. Moore, deceaeed, UU of Beaufort County. Uile l> to notify all persona biTlnx claims Vtlnt the estate of Mid (iimil to exhibit them to Cfco oadendcaed on or baton tha teth day of Septem ber. 1?1T, or tola notice win be pleaded la tmi of daft iwn/. All persona Indebted to aald estate will please lmnidlitl p&ymtaL V Thla September Jl*. ??!?. M ABTHA t. MOOfiE, Mar. C.T.A. Ward^Orl^AUor^ , 1 - ..../-a; SDBSCB1BX TO TB* DAILY (Ml pricM, ud U? policy I. of more eouotlOM todW former fear* becmtwe or th* oaaauMl eftndlUOM of thi market*. limtf department the mat Uoeral ?u< merchandlae hare bee? jfrorldea whlfch bu sot only the ecwt to rea. but a the ut ttme (tree too the ?election that ttia .tore bu offered in 1U Bore then I Ladivs Suits, Priced special at $20. $25., $30 $35 Mis set Coats Priced Special at $13.30 to $22 -SO Ladies Coatt and Phuh Coats $20, $25 and tip to $40.00 iwers Bros. Com Washington's Best Store THE CLOW GAS STEAM STEAM HEAT WITHOUT GOAL ? ? - Is now being installed in a nuinber of homes, offices and stores in Washington. It i hps ga&f^tofcEit eliminates the boiler and central heating plant It provides heat when you want It. It is regulated automatically and when room is heated to a comfort able temperature, the ga$ consumption is automatically cut off. It As heat. There is no odor, or any other cannot freeze up. It eliminates dirt and - ou leave the room you can stop the cost, until they burn out. r - VMe " it!- '* > ' ^ 1 being installed in the homes and offices of J. F. CoweU, J. L Warren, J. W. Dailey, Dr. P. A. Nicholson, Lewis Dry Goods Co., and many others. They are in use in thousands of homes, offices and public buildings in other parts See us for further It throwsipff/a effect on tile air. waste, Th?mom whereas coal flre$ These Radiators