V tctrola Supremacy NOTHING GENUINE WITHOUT TTTfe VICTOR " trade hare, original in design. Loot for the Little Dog on Vieirolat and Record*. Beet display at our More ever ehmm in Utit city. RUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE HIS W. MAIN STREET ?' FOWLE BUILDING Our Jewelry Stock has never before been u complete in every department as it it at present New design* in Silverware, Rings and China. Our repair department is ready to aerve you. (Ruy H At Home) STEWART'S JEWELRY STORE BAKER SAYS: You won't recognize my place now. Everything is new. Everything has been changed except that we still give the ?amo efficient service. . S?;1 Baker's Studio. DON'T FAIL TO SEE Demonstration of the New Electric Light at Bowers Broe.' store. Produces perfect day light. See it tonight ami all air next week. FOR SALE: 1,000 HORSEPOWER. MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC & WftTER DEPT. For the Best Thing In a Cook Stove or a Heater, see CHERRV FURNITURE (XX - " Undertakers and Embalmers / , _ ?. . OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is fully equipped to handle every order ? no matter how large or complicated, m. We turn out work to your aatisf action. The Daily News W ashington Merchants Have the right goods at the right price and at the right time. Do your purchasing with them. TRADE AT HOME We have a Complete Line of HEATERS, COAL STOVES AND OIL STOVES at prices that no mail order house can dnplic&te Pcgram-Watson Hdw. Co. Phone 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. % Wholesale and Retail Grocers ? Highest Price* Paid For ? EGGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW. GREEN 4 HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL., GREEN HIDES, IBs per lb. Money Spent At Home Drift* Back to Yon Again. Fall and Winter Clothing A special showing of Wearing Apparel foe Men and Boj?. Snita to fit all size*. Price* extremely reasonable. Hats, Shoes, Underwear and otbftr furnishings. THE HUB SUSKIN V BERRY AT J. K. HOYT'S STORE THERE WTLL BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE CENTRAL WAREHOUSE 00. A Ladies Coat Suit ^ TO THE LADY SELLING THE M08T POUNBf ** . TOBACCO IN HER OWN NAME BETWeHM** 1 OCTOBER 23rd AND NOVEMBER 97th. J. K. HOYT Special Showing Tonight Of Men's and Young Men's Overcoats. Come in and make your selection. c;alais clothing co. Clothiers. Furnisher ? 6f Hatters The Home Buyer's Pledge I believe in Washington. I believe in "Washington Sold Goods/' and I buy them: BECAUSE, my interests are in Washington. BECAUSE, T can get more and better values. BECAUSE, the community which is good enough for me to live in is good enough for me to buy in. j BECAUSE, I wont to do business with my friends. BECAUSE, I wapt to see the goods. BECAUSE, I want to get what I buy when I buy it. BECAUSE, my dealer carries me when I am short, and out of town dealers won't. BECAUSE, every dollar I spend at home stays at home, and makes more money for the ccni A munity in which I live. BECAUSE, the man I buy from stands back of ^is goods and he lives hero in Washington. BECAUSE, if the money I spend is made in Washington, I feel that my first civic duty is to Washington. BECAUSE, if I sell my goods here, I should buy here. BECAUSE, one good turn deserves another. BECAUSE, the man I buy from pjys his part of the city, county and state taxes. BECAUSE, the man I buy from in Washington helps support my schools, my church, my lodge, my city and my home. BECAUSE, should bad luck come, or misfortune or bereavement overtake me. the man I buy from in Washington is here with his kindly greetings, his words of choer, and with his pocketbook if need be. BECAUSE, every dollar I spend in Asheville gives me another chance at that dollar. HERE IS MY PLEDGE HERE I LIVE AND HERE I BUY. I BELIEVE IN WASHINGTON. I BELIEVE IN WASHINGTON PEOPLE. I BUY IN THE CITY I BELIEVE IN. Winning the Game (!W aro im ion Thi? country is a vast checker board, in which the Old Town Spirit, and the New t striving for the mastery. Old ideas die hard. The Old Town ?Spirit is "each man for hi self and the devil takes the hindmost." This moans the mastery of the few and the snhjectioi of the many. But the New Spirit means the Co-operation of all. It brings life and happi ness to the many. Is the New winning over the Old in OUR community? And how do WE as individuals stand in this game of Community living* Are YOIT playing the game for your .TOWN ? Or are you playing it for YOURSELF alone? Romembor, you cnn't stand still. On your MOVE the result depends. Then let the Spirit of Progress win. A Complete Stock of Hardware For the Home?, the shop and the farm at prices that are right all the time. McKeel-Rfchardson Hdw. Co. GUARANTEE Me guarantee our prices on any piecewf Hardware we carry to be equal t Has to that oi aqy mail order house in fh'e United Stair* for the same qual ity dl goods and ou the same terms, delivered to North Carolina. Harris Hardware Co. ? INew Arrivals In ? DRESSES, COAT SUITS, SWEATERS AKD MILLINERY ARE NOW ONDISPLAY. ^ MOST ATTRA^^^B^UES. I. ^ SDCeESJ^K. 'TO JAMES E. CLARK GOOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO YOU We have a vast number of customera all over this terri tory. They arc steady customers because they like our goods and our service. But we want YOU for a customer, too. Try our groceries next ? when hungry. You will como here again They all do. CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER. Just Received Another shipment of tbo Reliance $.1.00 Watches. Al*o Sulid Gold T.avalHers and we sell them n> low as $1.75 to 850. It will not be many days now before we ?ro north, and we would be pleaded to handle any special orders f??r you. J. S. CAMPBELL "CRYSTAL" 100 lbs., 200 lbs. and .000 lbs. NICELY li.UiGED AND PACKED. ORDERS TAKEN DAY OR NIGHT, Crystal Ice Company PHONE S3. WASHINGTON, N. C. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING CALL AT THE ? DAILY NEWS JOB DEPARTMENT - TO THfc. PUBLIC.. EVERY STORE ACCOMMODATION AWAITS TO HERE. Wo carry a full lino of tlio liest thero la in . GROCERIES AND FRUITS. We sell everything hero on a Money-Back Guarantee. Gfvo us a call. Our prices aro right. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. PITOXE 97. : : : WEST MAIN STREET A Special Show ing -OF LADIES < OATS, COAT ST'ITS AND DRESSES. The ln'cst styles at prices that will please you. SPENCER BROS. A. J. COX & COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROPE, RtTBHER OOODS AND SITOES. NET TWINE and Fiaherman's Outfit*. Hay, Corn flu '1 Fred Stuff. WASHINGTON, N. C. FOR DREAKFAS i\ DINNER OR SUPPER You will find everything you desire at our store. The quality and prire arc right. B. W. BE ROE ROM & SON I Put Money in the B dftk* By Avoiding Mail O refer FTous*? and Patronizing Home Merchants. DEPOSIT WITn * The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. O. Ill ? LADIES DRESSES NEW ONES, ON DISPLAY TODAY. COME DOWN TONIGHT. WE'LL GLADLY SHOW YOU. Bowers Bros. Co. ^WASHH^TON'SBEST STORE.