A WANT AD IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS BTTBE BE8ULT8 I TIN MINE EXPLOSION IN ALABAMA ILLS ID THE GERMANS 1 - * ? ? ? ? ? ? DAILY NEWS ?'WASHINGTON:? FIRST IN HEALTH; FIRST IN WEALTH, AND F|BST IN THE RANKS OF THE THE WEATHER Fair tonlgbt and tomorrow Probably colder tomorrow. BEST CITIES TO LIVE IN." '/PLUMB EIGHT ? WASHINGTON, N. C., MONDAY |aFTERXOON, OCTOBER ?3, 1016. NUMBER 68. BODIES OF VICTIMS IN EXPLOSION ARE FOUND BETWEEN FIFTEEN AND TWEN TY LOOT THEIR LIVES IN ALABAMA MINE DISASTER. man bodies been found ?eairh I* 8 till In Progress, Although No Hope la Entertained lor the Fire Men Who Are Still Reported To Be Missing. (By United Press) Birmingham, Ala., Oct- 23. ? Fif teen or twenty persona have probably lost their lives in the explosion which occurred last night In the > Marvel mines. Twelve bodies have been re covered. Five men are unaccounted for. Government mine rescue men are directing the^rfiscue. Feverish work ' has been In progress all night. Crowds are surrounding the shaft and" are aiding in fhw wfrrtt.' Some of the bodies that have been brought to light were horribly bruis ed and mangled. Little hope is en tertained for the liveB of those that ; still remain unaccounted for, al though it may be that they were able to scramble into some crevice and thus keep alive. SUBSCRIBE TO TUB DAfl.T KKV8 CARRANZA GIVING A RIFLE LESSON First Chief Carrnnr.n wants all th* Mexican studputa to knuw bow to handle a rifle, *o he has Instituted rifle practice In the. National Preparatory school In Mexico City, and other schools. He attended the first practice MhiK>t and showed the students that be Is no slouch with the rifle hlmaelf. FORTY-EIGHT LOST LIVES ON LAKE ERIE Another Steamer Has Reached Port . .With Three Bodies of Storm - . - _ Vlcttma.. fBy United Press) Cleveland, Oct. 23. ? It Is probable that the toll of Lake Erie's Black Friday storm will reach forty-eight. The Toledo steamer, Matthews, reached port here today with the bodies of three victims wearing life belts of the steamer Merlda. Among other steamers that were sunk In the storm were the Colgate, the Filer and the Marshal F. Butters. CURSED (V NEGROES AS HE ' drove mora coimiRY Editor Dally News. Dear air: While driving through the coun try yesterday, there occurred a little Incident which wrought me up con siderably and which I believe gives a good Ulustratldn of certain condi tions In our rural districts. I was. driving my car at a moder ate rate of speed and came acrona a I gang of seven or eight negroes, walk- , Ing down the middle of tho road. My wife was in the car with me. and IMPORTANT NOTICE. Beginning November 1, 1916, we will sell lighting fixtures, mantles, globes, lamps and all lighting ap pliances for cash only. None of these artleles will be charged to anyone. This does not, however, apply to gas stoves, ranges, heaters and radiators. These will be sold until further no- 1 tlce on the installment plan, payable at our office. All Installments must be paid -promptly when due as we ean not carry accounts longer than arranged for. ?11 gas bills are due and payable at our offiee. Discounts are allowed If paid on or before the 10 th of the mowth and no discounts will be al lowwl alter that date. ? > * All Astra whose bills are not ?ald by the 15th will be out off the 16th without further notice. Washington Lighting Co. 10-f t-lwc-fp. ATTRND THR AUCTION 8 ALB Wednesday. Oct. tS, 10:60 a. m. Hear good_musle by the Atlantlo Coast Realty Co/s "All Star Breae Band." 10 18 tfr-fp another gentleman and bis wife were on the back seat. Aa we approached the negroea ,1 blew my horn. They paid no attention to It. I slowed up and blew the horn again. ThM time they looked around and they movNl to the Bide of the road with apparent reluctance. As we passed them, one of the negroes shouted out In a tone | of voice loud enough for the ladles to hear: "You son 1" My | natural Inclination, of course, was to get out and fight, but I realized that 1 1 could no nothing, and they prob ably had guns, whereas I had none. | I have heard of similar Incidents from other motorists. This sort of thing has got to be stopped. If It isn't, there Is going to be a big fight In this section before very long. 1 j am Just mentioning this matter to show how far along things have got ten. Very truly yours, -A MOTORIST. GOOD MEETING AT BATH Republican* Spoke Saturday at Rath and Also at Woodard Pond School ffmtse. Successful * Republican meetings were held Saturday afternoon at 'Bath and the same evening at Wood ard's Pond school house. Large crowds were present at both meet ings. Horace Cutler, candidate for sheriff, (Leslie M. Jones, candidate for comma. *nd Hugh Paul, candi date for representative, wsre the orators. All three made stronf and Impressive speeches NO DISTURBANCES FOLLOWED KILLING OF AUSTRIAN COUNT (By United Preps) Berlin, Oct. S3. ? Vienna authori ties to ?k p/oPipt action to prevent any deriootrttlia, following the a asaasslnation of Coant Bturghk yes terday. The usual Sunday meetings prohibited. Crtrnii# gathered on the streets. Indignant at the shoot Ing, but no disturbances occurred. Dr. Frederick Adler, the assassin, declared that his act. woald be the signal for a great demonstration. It Is expected that other radical social ists will head disturbances. TO BE MARRIED WEDNESDAY Popular Local Young Lady to Be come Bride of Prominent Resi dent of Fayette vllle. The marriage of MIbs Ethel Fowle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Fowle i to Mr. McGlldary Orr, of Fayettevllle will take place at the Presbyterian church In this city Wednesday even ing at 9 o'clock. No cards Issued In the city. Immediately after the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of the bride's parents on West Main street to which the friends of Miss Fowle are Invited. SHELBIM WRITES I Prices this week on my floor are higher than I have ever seen them. | My sale today of 10.836 pounds of ! sound tobaccos sold for $2,739.11, (averaging $25.30 for the sale. As I high as those prices aj-e I cannot but I advise the people to sell what they have. There can be no glut on the market at any time, and If the to bacooe are sold In my house I will guarantee to make the highest sale on then you have made this year. Some sales made as follows: Jno. Mayo, 14 V4. 24, 28, 31, 47. S3. Ave. $34.64. Douglas and Singleton, 20, 27, 30, 82. 28, 12; 69. Ave. $31.95. J. H. Leggett, 2U4. 21%. 24, 28, 33. 40. Ave. 1120 lbs. $80.01. D. H. Bright, 20, 25, 25, 27, 29, 82, 87, 48. Ave. $80.40. W. H. Try?. 18H. ?3?. 24, la. it. 49. Mtra flt?lal Cot. ' 2 2 14 , 29, 31, 34. Av?. 137.85. MIm Stella Cox. 22tt, 29, tl, M, Come to see me and bring your load and 1 will make you a high sale, and work m hard on the man who has 100 pounds as on the man who has 10.000 poands. Tour* truly, V. B. 8HBLBUHNR. VILLA BANDITS KILL OFFICERS OF CARllANZA COMMANDER IN CHI?F OF DE FACTO TROOPS SliAIWHTFRED. SUCCESSOR IS WOUNDED. BANDITS ARE RETREATING i Jt -?*< | Are Making an Attempt to Reach Mountains In Southern Chihuahua. Have Looted and Burned Several Additional Village*. . (By United Pws) El Paso. Oct. 23. ? General Ozuna. i commanding the defacto expedition and aent to crush Villa, was killed In Saturday night's clash with the bandits. The commander wan liter ally cut to pieces. Cold^al Martin Halinas, who succeeded to the com mand, was seriously wounded, ac cording to United Statei agents" In formation. j Ths bandits are still operating through southern Chihuahua. They "have attacked a number of addition al small towns, looted them and burned moBt of the houses. They are apparently retreating toward the mountains. The de facto troops are ! endeavoring lo cut off this retreat. WASHINGTON BABIES WIN Made Moat Excellent 8howing at the Better Babies Contest at State Fair. Washington babies, cntorcd at the ? State fair, made exceptionally high scores. t Elizabeth Hudnell. age 12 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hud- j nell, scored 99 points and won the bronze medal. W. O. Privette. Jr., age 13 months son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Privotto, scored 98 points and received special , mention. Clark Rodman, age 6 months, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Rodman, scored 97 5-8 points and also received spec- I lal mention. AUTOMOBILES COLLIDE (Jrecne Rlnglrtnn and J. 1/. Moore Hud Collision at Corner of Market and Seventh. An automobile collision occurred at the corner of Seventh and Market streeta Saturday night in which the cun of Greene Singleton and J. L. Moore were slightly damaged. No one was Injured. r Mr. Singleton was coming out of Seventh street Into Market, with eight passengers in his car. Mr. Moofe was coming along Market. Slngteton stopped his car Just after hp bot Into Market, hut not noon enough to avoid getting hit by Moor%'p car. which wan coming along at a ?lr rate of speed. DEMOCRATS AT BELHAVEN Gardner and < 'ongreaoman Small AddrMMd liargn Audience In t That City Saturday. ? large audience was present at Belhaven Saturday to hear the ad drneees that were made by O. Max Gardner, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Congressman John H. Smbll. The speak In r took place In th? City Hall and tho speakers were Introduced by John Tooly. A large oyater roaat followed the addreasea. Many farmer* from the surrounding country were present and there la no qoeatloir but that the meeting made a deep Impression. 'DANIELS AND BAKER - ARE ATTACKED BV COLONEL ROOSEVELT (?By United Press) Albuquerque. N. M.. Oct. 23. ? Colonel Roosevelt today bitterly at tacked Secretary of War Newton D. Baker. The colonel called him "an amiable pacifist who is exquisitely unflt for his present position." The colonel stated further that the atti tude of President Wilson In main I talnlng Mr. Daniels aa secretary of I the navy and Mr. Baker aa secretary [of war. Is wholly Indefensible. He also denounced Baker's comparison of the Carranza revolution with the American revolution. AUTO WRECK AT AURORA Last night, three mllea from Au rora. two automobiles. rcolng In op posite directions, ran together, threw Carnie Swain, Jn J. Dunbar's, cat through the windshield, breaking hia nose and knocking out several ot hla teeth, shook up the other occu pants In both machines and practic ally completely wrecked the cars. Willie Bryan, with three girls, was In one of the cars. PETROGRAD ADMITS RETIREMENT AT THE CITY OF DOBRUDJA French Storm Important Position. No Infantry Action Reported on Somme Front. I By United Press) I Paris, Oct. 23. ? Following a short bombardment, the French late last night stunned and captured Hill 128. northwest of Sallly-Sallllflel. accord ing to an official statement. British Report Shelling. London, Oct. 23. ? Considerable shelling by the ?nemy between Le aara and Guedecourt is taking place. Thero la no Infantry action on the Somine. Itu.sso-Rumanlnns Retreat. I Petrograd, Oct. 23. ? The Russians and Rumanians continue their re tirement at Dohrudja under the heavy enemy pressure, although they aro offering stubborn resistance. GOOD PLAY ON TONIGHT Attraction at tho New Theatre In Saiil To Bo One of the Rest Ever Shown Here. "The Olrl He Couldn't Bujr" In a melodramatic comedy with a thous and laughs. In four acts. In speaking, of this production the Now York ' World says: "It rlncs true." It has : Intense dramatic interest and sur- j prising climaxes and a sweet love story aided by sparkling comedy. This production Is one of the li?'st to be seen In Washington this season. 1 The manager of the play wires the | theatre management to the effect i that nil those not ffttlsfled can have ! their money refunded gladly. Not In years has ft play been presented In whleh the dramatic and light side of life hns been ao clearly and humane ly portrayed. ATTRNO TIIR AUCTION RAMt ON Wednesday, Oct. 25, 10:30 a. m. 10-lf-tfe-fp. TftK ORIRT RRTATK PROPERTY | In West End, on Main, Second and Third atreeta, will be aold at aue i tlon Wed., Oct. SB, 10 30 a. m | 10-18-tfe fp HNWK& BEING CRUSHEDJY TEUTONS Important Seaport of Constansea is Threatened. Others Towns Have Been Captured DOBRUDJfl IS UNDER HEAVY PRESSURE (Special Kill lot In) Berlin, Oct. 23.? Constansea, Rumania'.* greatest sen|xirt, has fallen before tlie armies of Field Mnrshal Marken*>en. Jt was officially announced tills afternoon. The rapture of tl?o |>ort In tlio greatest single achievement for the Central Powers since Ru mania's entry into the wnr eight weeks ago. The victory Is hail ed hy tiermnn military men as j more Important than nil (lie allied gains slnre the Soimne of fensive began. Official dispatches from the (iertiuin and Bulgarian war offices indicate that the | Russians nnd Rumanians sutler- | ed n disastrous rout. (By United Press) Sofla, Oct. 23.? The Bulgarian right wing smashed through the Ru manian defenses and has arrived within six miles of the important Rumanian seaport, Conatansea, ao- 1 cording to an official statement. The capture of Ihe seaport. Tulza, twelve miles south of Constansea. wns reported early Saturday after noon. The slx-ni!le advance since then indicates that the Rumanians have suffered a severe defeat. The Rumanians are being rolled back along a forty-flve-mlle front. DnbriuIJa is under tremendous pres. Bute by the superior German, Bul garian and Turkinh fusves Macken sen's vanguard jo wit It s ik a few miles of the Constansea-C. tnavmla rail way. This lino. \vl: ?-*!% ja carrying supplies to the Rui^lan troops In Hui'iania. and vr.th ii > two important terminals, la the ohjet-tive of the dormant*' Rival effort. Tin* Rumanian !??:! center wing la y!? bli:i;:. Topi'aJ. > ::r a';d Tulsa, the rupjio: ? nnslt'nn* nf the Rumanians, and which defend Con filanfiea, have fallen !?? ?:'?>!*.? M.. n seti'a advance. The Rumanian right [wing la strategically tending the Important Danul - Bt CVrna voda and arc repulsing the attack of the eiwtny. For the second tioio since the German campaign to crush Rumania. Bucharest has ap pealed for help. ficrmnns Give tip Gold. Berlin, Oft. 23. ? A new spirit of optimism hns beet Inspired through m ? 1 1 Germany by Maclconscn'a and ' F.;lkenhayne's l. i*.-H over the Rumanians. Thl.? Is ox preyed in the lemarkablc p:ici ifieca to the old cold fund. $12T>. '.?<><? worth of gold has hi-un donated durlnc the 1.-st Ave days. Farmers, s-rvu::?*. rrown prince* and others :i*e among the eontrllnitnrs. The nobility are giv ing their gold plate r. r. ? 1 jewelry. OUTSIDE TOBACCO HEN ARE SWING TO 10CAI HARKET "Tobacro Jumped in price Friday," stated Tom Timber] .ke of the Cen tral Warehouse, thi ? morning. "And with the Jump, th' re wan also a jump of warehouse) en to the Waah-I Ington market from a near-by city. I 1 1 counted four representatives of the I lire warehouses In that city on our streets Saturday. Tliey have been here before and their visit always 'follows immediately after an Incroasc In the market price. "Here's the scheme: "Right after a jump In price. the?* men come over here and they tall; to the fanners and hrin^*ln prior? In their talk. Then they tell th? farmers what they are paying for j tobacco on THEIR market. They ; quote the new figures- duo to th? .rise In prlrp ? nnd llie farmer Imme diately pees that they arc higher than what he received hern in Washington a few dnys ago. See the point' Thes* foreign tobacco men then try ?o Im press upon the farmer that he's been 'stung' here for the entire pensnn. I "Of course, If the farmer took the trouble' to learn the latent prices on our market, he'd catch on to their BE WOULDN'T "MOVE ON" HE'S SHOT AND KILLED ( By United Prewi) Rlohton, Minn.. Ort. 23. ? W. If. Dobbin*. n prominent home man. wan *hot and killed hy Chief of Pollen Kau-11 wh^n Dobbin* renented the or der to "move on" aw E*ell w?s en deavoring to dlMpeme a frowd. i :n <?. l-ut *om<* ?.r them don't do this, and :ik a res\lr, tiicy .ire antag ?nlzfil ajrainst Washington through tho smooth tnlJc of iV'nr outside to hacro n?rn. "Prices on our marmot ar*? ns good ;?* any market in the Stair, and ev fry honest tobaroe man will be forc ed to nr-kn owl edge as much. "I'm just giving out this state ment RO an to warn the farmers Tgninst the tartir* of kotiih nf theso outside mon. I l Mi? ve that they hould be informed about th- details >F the matter ."o that th? y can guard ? gainst them." rim phopf.ktv si nniv Id'-rl Into 75 ehoire |<i?"*. Will b?? sold at auction W?d.. Oct. 25. at 1" ?.f? a. m. I ft tfc-fp. TODAYS PROGRAM AT INrw Tlirntre "TIif> fJlr! Flo Couldn't liny** Thr> piny of a thousand loughs The theatrical pvent of the dpanon Admlnsioa SR. GO, 75 A $1.00 JUST RECEIVED OUR FALL fir WINTER LINE OF IiitSr?>v5^5^incl eei socks 25c, 35c. 50c. Calais Clothing Company,

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