TO OF THB BEST CIT fES TO tTV* MM S Ur. i wAwnrta statiMknt rbU-^| ativb to ' Mofer ncin , .J jm-BEeraiMt id Thai lUlds WUl Oc< ~ . TTT>:? t >)fJSTI< ^*7 ~: & tor wntM rir*ft>rt J-^l Waahtartoo, Oct. *7 ?A winlu 1 .fetha Itatfcaa tevw?t*?t la i Ante* tU? American gorerumest cdo4 I , feltb la tho cour.eof actios that wtll U ttriwd by KenUi; ot r j "=*?? Mention U' B?d*.Ot?..>Ut ofl ?t?*?* ?re-aloctjon ?Mt am American (owna ul traoca. br M?x J tu bnCOM aiwlt. Thai 'f trtnrtloa expaeta Um i lhmMt 't9? \V'l emocratlc campaigner. arekar ] lot an eitretnelr bmy week ef It. *oaiir aliht. t ?? Daniel aX asBSk SB enoe. t Twidny night, ?w Cart? as* mReemu??: ? Kr. ; j ... jJULHHIHMII I I (C-r ?nx rid I*t>>f bti> ci> 1 MjflKS,.?gjl M'CASKHi IS u : , Ji ItnbvMrm,. $*? uto-t I at th* KawibUeaa nawgalgn. mj delivered at the eourt boaae thl.'l morning tfr X"Iit McCdaWH, -?f I^tJfTlUe. fie eoort 'room wal .wall filled and UO^eaher wae tiran1 attention nxA ?U llborallfr *p aud?#. \oten"Sj3t Whether Me amM with Mr. Me CM?>H'e Tterwa or not. Itwlll have to to admitted that be la an eiceoilon |aUr Intereetlns and forcible ?poetrf! He bae a unlqae ?lrie of deltrerr. which hold, the attention of K> ?? dlmedat .11 iimit: * . T'fti ] The speaker dealt largely with etat? law He .poke of MM of the I law* that ?to Bemaerat* had put In 1&*t and eepodalljr .tucked the; admlnlatration of HIM eTtkb atate tabtltltton. including tke OM Sol dlan Hon? aid the I?*m 1 .Jrfti V.l I., t h^Lntirj^- IP4 3?| K$I (BRIBE CONNTY "I " A (C,v . X ? r-.1 ? ?, W. M. p<*ter U strung Boo.?? for tha llniiwiui of Thla SoctU? Potter, preeldent of ?*? ftp -?ar Terra Cala and Monday at Lak* Mattel** , . , While la Raleigh, Mr. Potter par ch aaed 100 yarn? mm. Baying $tS aft??! ft>r them. which he haa mt to the Board Acre Ranch, of which C. 8. King la aianager. jjj] Mr. Potter la on? of tha atrin?aal *>9**r* I-' ? ?? ??.'.--t *'"J '!?' ? BE H H E. CHURCH ??1 ?? -- ? ? i }? ?Hl Blw ??M ThU Moon. I f-'Wgi ?? ntw broke out thla noon In : the baaamaat <* the Methodlat church on [Want Second atreet. The department dad In qalck order and the iiiaw ^waa ' extlagulahed ' J I tha anglaea arrived at tea acaae of the are, acuree ot aahool ??Iklree. out for reeeae, Immediately Wt tha jehM grmmda and ran 4?wn to. t%t. church. Tie Iranian we greatly handicapped becanae of tka faterfranae or tta'i 1 ??!?,() b Oi SUM,* ?? mm IjmiimmitJ*' a flramen became of ?r\ CLAD iN PAJAMAS AND SaUK MM1 = ?tiwtii* ^ RHtefleld, Maaa.. Oat. J7.-Ctodl it* Hrnnaa appeared on the'?ear tm| .4 ' late laat to tha arowd i r demanded a acaaoh. fraaa at. town, 1 '.WdfrtU BRmSH AND FRENCH LINES MEET EuKllBh ?oldier*' od right, are going to tbe left, ere coming beck from U*4fftulng line. J lew YORK will majob ram. anroRT to SWING THAI STATU and TUB DRMOOltATIO COLCMJI. M* 01??*, AIf Political J qa?1Ha?, PaUtlrUlU! Awl. ' {Vr'VnitiA Vnu) *?'. Orafton, W. V*.. Oct n -Prrmi dent Wiiaon la returning to Shidow Lawn to prepare for the final |nre works of his campaign. Tomoyow 111 be Wilson Day throughout t the nation. Democrats will observfe it. i reading at local moetinga the aame meeeage that the Presfdent will de liver at the lummer White Houae. Next week President Wilson goea to New York for a series of addreea es, designated to swing the Empire State Into the Democratte column. He leavee .Tuesday for Buffalo, Where | be will sepak on November 1,, fol lowing a day in New York City. Both I day? promise plenty of action. J. Tbe President's reception in Cln ; clnnatl. waa a pleasant surprise to hia lieutenants. Politicians there declare that they never before saw i such a political demonstration, tak ing everything into consideration. It la a mightily confident party ftfcflft i* returning to Shadow Lawn today. BSTIOTE SIMW ?0IE Vngfaca Win. Orcr wilaoa hj a Vota of ao to K .t Washington Cot. ? MgUto Inatltnta. 1 A (trow rote tu taken on th? na- . 11 ona) eampaltn at tha Waahlaglon ColVtfiala Institute yesterday. Thai roans man care Mr. HtXkaa a b!? majority. Tha count waa as follow?: *<;??>?? lo. ?or WUaon I. ' +L. ; ! KMT CO. 18 FIFTH MMUlMliMntki tha Mata Fair la Ba Laat Weak. ' ?aaafort oounly aacurafl "?rat honorable mention" at the Mat* fair - ti far county bcbtbtta. Tbta * tka Boaafart eoanty booth M Ifth-bMt tbara, HcoortUa# I wUlon of ?>?? j Itjii Tka ' af thte eoanty ??? aaflrely n UM fear. T?? . county ? fat Drl?, bat tha a an. a? Waa <]ia?la7M la? ?a/ ? ? I. USING THE DAYLIGHT SIGNAL A Url t lah ntgukllng imrty ualng the duy light M gnu I lamp In n afeellhnlc on the western front. One of the party la receiving .signals from fair away, lie la looking through a pcrlacnpo well wrapped with gunnyKnck the color of the JOrroundlnga. _ 4 OVER 1W0 HUNDRED EXPRESS DESIRE TO JOIN THE C'lUU The union service? at the Metho- i d 1st church continues to increase In ' attendance, Interest and power. The ' auditorium was ailed last night and heard a fine sermon from Dr. Thack ^r. The evangelist was at his beat, kM.delivered a powerful sermon on '""Tfc?. ^Perfeot One." The text wan | 'taken from John 19:4, "I find in Him | [lfe fanlt at alL" It was a logical and eloquent discourse on the char-, acter and Gospel of the Son of Ood. 1 Many ef the professional men of the city were present and listened care fully to the evangelist's Impressive presentation of the character and claim? of the Divine Christ. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Beginning November 1, 1916, we will ?ell lighting fixtures, mantles, globes; lamps and ail lighting ap pliances for cash only. None of these articles will be eharged to anyone. This doee not, however, apply to gas stores, range?, heater? and radiators. The?? will b? ?old until further no tice on th? Installment plan, payable at our office! All lastallments must b? Mid promptly whea lue a? we can not carry a??ounts longer than ?rra?g?d for. I All gas bills are due and payable at our offlc?. Discounts sre allbwed If ? paid on or b?for? the 10th of the month and no discounts will b? al lowed after that dat?. J- All a??m who?e bin? are not paid by, t&? 14th will b? cot off OR th? iflth without farther notice. \ WflptMf**. fighting Co. U ? fty H. ft. Crtlcbleid. Jr.. S?pt. IfwIfeWs; ' uu Many accepted Ch at *s their personal Lord and ?.:vlor. and sig nified the name by s): nlng the deris ion 'card used by Dr. Thacker. So far over two hundred have thus' Indicated their decision snd express ed their earnest purpose of Joining tho church and leading a Chrlaitan life. The subject of the sermon tonight will bo "The Man of the Hour." On Sunday Aftornoon nt 3:00 o'clock there will be a mass meeting for men and boys at the Methodist church, when Dr. Thacker will dis cuss the theme, "What Constitutes a Pool?" IS TRYING TO ARRANGE FOR BIG MEETING HERE Dr. Yager Want* I?\|w*rts to Come Here mid Deliver l/Whirpi on Opportune Subject*. Dr. R. P. Yager, who Is In charge of the tit* *radlratldn work In Beau fort county. Is endeavoring to ar range for a big meeting to be held In this city, li Is proposed to -hare ox potts from every deprtrtment of ftie Department of Agriculture present 16 dollver lecture?. - A meeting of this kind wag held at Orangeburg, 8. C* ashort time ago at which Dr. Yager was present. He rtat^s that the moctlnfT "tlrero was highly *ucce*nft/| r*nd that *M who Attended derived 4futr>e*s?rabto benefit tMoattfca Of ft > 7 v .??? V*? RUMANIANS CONTINUE ON THEIR RETREAT king HAH sent personal PLEAS TO ALIJED Itl l.KRS, asking tiikm to gi\t assistance. FORI VAUX THREATENED Most Important Position Hold by the Ocrmnns Is Now I'ndor Attack by French. Important Session of Oor mau Reichstag on Tomorrow. (By United Press) Berlin. Oct. 27.?Fleeing Russians and Rumanians are evacuating prac tically nil of Dohrndjn. saya an offi cial Bulgarian statement. "On the whole float, !he enemy Is retreating preclpauiy lowaid Tulces, Hralla and Hirsova. pursued by our forces. A personal hr.s been dis patched to the allied rules by the king of Rumania, begging the in to save Rumania from the disaster that Is following tho fall of Constansea, according to Budapest dispatches. Tho mcBSugeH followed a stormy ses r-lon-of th*'P.irraanintt cabinet,, vhire ft1>c miltnuT ^.aiviH were harshly criticised. The king Is said to have defended them, blaming the Russians for their Jailure to supply the prom ised ammunition. -? Fort Vanv Is Threatened. Ityds. OcL 27.?The French are closing in on Fort Vaux. the lost im portant position held by the Ger 111ans,-. northeast of Verdun. Heary attack* occurred during the night. Hoihvcg to Answer tirey. Berlin, Oct. 27.?Chancellor Von Ri'thman Hollweg Is expected to re ply In. the Reichstag today to the statements of Viscount Grey, the British foreign secretary, who last Monday accused Germany of start ing th? war. At tlie sam? time, thn chancellor cxpet is to rll?? Germany's victories over Rumania as emphasis ing Germany's power and proof of Germany's Indealructlbillty. SELLING MANY PIANOS Jefferson Furniture Company Are Offering Rome Fxceptlonal Values In Instrumenta. The sale of pianos In Washington la rapidly on the Increase. Tho Jef i'ferson Furniture Company. In anoth er port of today's Issue, are running .a half page advertisement, In which I they announce some exceptionally attractive off?rs. The make of planoa which they sell are known tho coon ? try over and it Is expect??! that large number will he sold here. TODAYS PROGRAM AT New Theatre I Fourth episode of "THR CJHIf* 0?^ KVa" ^ Triangle Keystone ComedJT*;' "AH OILY HCWXDBfl/* ' ?ttractivo Program - admikhIo> ....... .?# mmd lie Show start? at 7;4I ?h? M.unr. d.?r .? 989B ST AKMVED "STETSON .HATTS." v - - <*ag& ?? ? - * - Ca'atS Clolhtng