THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS P0BU6I1E0 EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY8. Entered m Moond-claae matter, August 5, )909, at the po^toffice1 of Washington, X. C., under the act of March 3, 1870. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Month $ .25 Three Month? 75 Six Mentha 1.50 One Year 3.00 Subscriptions must be paid for in advance. If paper is not re ceived promptly, telephone or write this office. Subscribers d? i rine the paper discontinued, will plea?e notify this office, otherwise it will b* continued at rcjpilar subscription rates. J A MPS I.. M A Vf? . PnopnirTOH C A PI. GOKRCIT Ei.itok WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. OCT. 2*, 1010. Today is the hut da v to register. And today, it is practically de cided who is going t .? I'?? i>Kvted a wo k ft?:u Tuesday,?only nobody knows it. The fePow who :!ir ugh I"ft* kicking at other people usually is propelled into eternity \ y a kick from the .lovil. Kicking don't pay either tho kicker or the fellow who is kicked. The injustice of an unjust kick leaves many a heartache behind which rankle.- and grows into bitterness which last? for months and year*. At time* it era*.s onh with the death of the victim. But the victim of the kirk is not the only one who lo-es in the parne. The kicker makes a repu tation for hiin>clf with every kirk that lie gives, and that reputation follows him through life. When the day cornea that he needs th * sen-ices of a friend he often finds that ho has kicked the only people to wh?m it is possible for him to turn. He loses because he has kicked himself out of the confidcnce of his fellow men. Don't kick. It is an old saying that two heads are better than one, and on the same principle two heads together are better rhan when they are fac ing in opposite directions. It will pay us to keep our heads together in this town, for the good of the town and each individual in the town. When we arc facing in opposite directions and pulling apart we get nowhere and accomplish nothing. Tho result of our labors is a cipher. Hut not so when we get our heads together. No ?o when we act as a community and not as individuals. Xot so when we all face a definite object and pull until we get there. T? i-s g?>od to keep our heads together. We learn ea^h other's ideas and ambitions and thoughts, and from this knowledge springs the impetus that brings success to any community. Let's get our heads together in Washington, and keep them there. TI!V RFAL rowET'SIOX A* the union revival, which is being held at the Methodist church, two hundred persons have signified their intention of joining the church. We don't mind stating frankly that this action will not d the majority of these two hundred any particular go-xl. It will act , against them, to a certain extent. That sounds like a hold statement, and it will meet with the d:i?- i approval of practically every reader of this article, without d??;jVt. But let us investigate the matter just a little. It doesn't make anv difference what theologians sav. the fact re mains that ninety out of every hundred persons, who confess faith in I Christ and join the church, do not materially alter their way cf liv-1 ing. They may do *o for a short while, but they will gradually drill I Lack into their former Uric sins and transgressions. Iu truth, by joining the church, most persons really make hypo crite? out of themselves. Instead of accepting God and trying to live up to the teachings of Christ, thev put their God to shame. They prejudice the unsaved again?-? religion by their action. Their con vo*>i'?n not only fails t ? Ik* of benefit to themselves, but it helps to ! turni to others and d? tract from the power cf Christianity. And yet. the impre*.?i?n of many ?>f our people is that once they ("?lifers Christ as their pcr?om;1 Redeemer, they have nothing else to f?ar. They believe that all their sins will he forgiven them; no matter how many times they sin. It is true that the plan of our evangelists and preacher* i* the ccr rect one. for it is in accordance with the teachings of Christ that their work is carried out. Their method is prolwihlv the only efTcc tive one that will bring about a religious revival and will bring Christ close to the people of the world. But, nevertheless, tin rc arr millions and millions of persons today, who have taken the important -tep that the Bible prescribes, but who are in no better condition than they wers- before they confessed their faith. There is only,one way to make confession and "joining the church" ? of value and benefit to those who do it; and that is for them to de part from their former ways of living, res?dve to do their utmost not to repeat the transgressions they have committed in the pa-t and 1 i ve. upright and clean lives in tho future. They must he absolutely sin-; cere in their conversions; not for the time lieing, HI T. FORKVKR! Of course, there are time* when they will sin?for if would 1?*? im possible for them to be perfect?but if these sins are repeated time and time again and if no effort i o made to check them, are thev not 1 more serious in the d intentions and DON'T hold yourself up to the world as a hypocrite and confess to the world the insincerity of your own SOtll. And, we repent the statement that we made at the beginning of this article; in the majority of cn?e?. those who join the church reallv do thempelves no benefit, for they cannot break off from their old habits and persiat in repeating the sins they have committed in the past. E. Carolina Teachers Training School A flt??# srboel to irsio i?orh?ra for tho public school* of North Car olina. K**ry onera? I* dlroctod to t hI? nn? pnrpo** Tnltlon fr?# (o all who afro* to feorh Fall T?na h**an Roptomhor 2*. ISIS For aatoloaa* and oth*r informatiko ?ddroM. ROflT R WW Girt. ProofaW*. W O How Delightful is WASHINGTON PARK! For (h? Children's Sake lrc*4 build I there. A. C. lUlhivrty. I Vrh? j* irn minute? devoted to reading the store ads will show you | how to save lome T??l money" on, today's purchMee. subscribe to the daily news Edvard B. M U o'clock. . Subject, -ji. Port* of Dlaotwdlcnc?." Eraoln* ?ub)?ct. "The Lore of tha World." 8oa? ?arTlce batfna at t:?#. Sab hatk School at 1 11, Prof. w. J. Prlvetta. ?upi. Wedaeadajr night PraAr meeting 7:S0. Teacher* meot la? at T:?? Friday night Todajr'a ada hare, for r ?ij? a Corporn Congresaman John H. Small will apeak at Pantego, Dnkes Store aid South Creek. .?,.