A WANT AD fN *HE DAILY NEW8 BRENGS SURE RESULTS X " WASHINGTON DAILYNEWS "Washington first in health-, first in wealth, and first in the ranrs of the best cities to live in THE WEATftBB Fair tooltht ui MHmr. ?Probably colder ? WASHINGTON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 80, 1918. mnliftR u. PAUL WANTS WARREN TO ?? ? - ~ MEET HIM AT P1NET0WN DDE OF BATTLE IN BALKANS CHANGES TEUTONS HAVE BEEN HURLED BACK BY THE RUMANIAN FOItCES AT SEVERAL POINTS, INVASION IS BLOCKED At Nearly Every Poiut Along Traii* ylvanlun Frontier, the Teutons Havo lleon Cheeked. VonHLnden burg Arrives At llcrltn. (By United Press) London, Oct. 30. ? General Falken hayne's invading armies- have been thrown back more than three miles by the Rumanians, following the bat tle north of Campolung, according to "Pctrograd dispatcher, yy lighting con tinues. The Teuton#; rein forced, are deejf^ratelj^ copritex "attacking 1n thoir effort f6 rfcg&ln lost' ground. Other strong Austro-German forces are attacking northwest of Campo lung. On nearly every point along the Trannylvanian frontier the Teu tonic Invasion is apparently blocked, at loast temporarily. On the north ern front, the Teutons have been j swept back everywhere against the j frontier. Mackensen's pursuit of the fleeing Russians and Rumanians con tinues. VonHinrtenburg Hailed as Hero. Berlin, Oct. 30. ? Arriving at Ber lin for his first visit since the start pf the war. Field Marshall VonHIn denburg. chief of the general staff, was the object ol a great demonstra tion here today. He dined with the Kaiser. ' "The Rumanians are still retreat ing; their day of reckoning Is com ing,'' he declared. "The French are showing great stamina." he contin ued, but the extermination of lives by the present methods will mean that there soon won't be any of them left. A similar offensive will be conducted next spring and will rob the French of the rest of her army and national strength. The British have not yet produced any groat strategists." French Take Trenches. Paris. Oct- SO. ? The French have captured northwest of Bsilly, in the rsnowal of .their attacks north of the Sbmme last night. South of the river the Germans attacked Biaches arid the Maisonette farm. After in tense bombardment, they were re pulsed at most points, but penetrated the Maisonette farm. Portugese Troops Fighting. Beflln, Oct. 80. ? Portugese troops Are with^he allies in Macedonia, ac cording to the Berlin Tageblatt. If this Is true. General Sarsall now commands the troops of ten nations. TAFT CONDEMNS WILSON POLICY ?S<HjrUnU?1 Prwil *? Marakoll. Mich") -Oot. JO.? Bx Pr.asidont Toft today declared that President Wilaon'a policy In Mexico should be deefated. Taft also at ked the foreign policy In general. "The pfonenees oil the administration to write notes, appropriately phrased and theft deem the Incident closed, bsn exposed the .nation, to ridicule," he said. ^ ^ ? si t STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS AT MOTTLE j CAPTAIN LEENS 8UT)I>EXI,Y TAK EN ILL WHIIjE ON HIS REG ULAR RUN TO PARMELE. IN SERIOUS CONDITION PariUyuls Extends Over Right Side. Happened at Poctolu*. Train Wan Brought In by Captain Ellsworth. Leens Renting Easily Today. While making bis regular run as engineer on the Coast Line train be tween hero and Parmelo, Captain C. K. Leens was stricken with partial paralysis. His train was bronght In by the conductor. .Captain Ellsworth, and Captain Leens was given modl caLattentlon as soon as possible. The paralysis extends over his right side. He was In extremely critical condi tion Saturday night and Sunday, but is reported better today. \ Captain Leens had pulled into Pactolus, being on the return trip, when the accident occurred. He was getting off his seat in the cab when he fell to the floor. The fireman ran back to Captain Ellsworth and ac quainted him with what had happen ed. The latter then took the throttlo and brought the train in as fast as possible. Captain Leens has been on this run ever since the Coast Line built into Washington. Ho Is popular with , j all who travel on the Coast Line, as J | well as with all railroad employes , in this section. It Is not believed that his present condition will be ! permanent and there Is universal hope that he will be able to resume his run at an early date. j TOG CITY IS THREATENED BY VILLISTAS I * (fly United Press) El Paso, Oct. 80. ? The town of Santa Rosalia, eighty miles Bouth of : Chihuahua City. 1b now occupied by Villa, while bandits on three trains aro moving southward upon Jimlnez. As the Vlllistas approached Santa Rosalie .the garrison of that city fled to the hills. Military men expect an attack on JlmineB. 8everal thousand of the defacto troops are located ; there. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS KING FERDINAND AND l!!S ARMY CHIEFS KIxir of ituumuula umJ his army Lieud* tMtuieti in auto. ^jie king Is drivlug Uie car himself. KflNY CONFESSED FAITH ! At the Christian church yesterday there were seventeen confessions of folth. Large congregations attended the services during the day and for clble scrmonB were delivered by the | pastor. Tomorrow night Mr. McEntyrn will preach on "Sin Against the Holy Spirit." A cordial invitation is ex pended to the public. Special music I will be a feature of the services. BUY 10T ON MARKET SI. Horse Exchange Piiirha-w! Lot from Knights of Pythias for $.1,000. The Washington Horse Exch.-.nge Co. has purchased the vacant lot be tween the new building being erect ed by R. L. Stewart ac J the Small, McLean, Bragnw and Hodman build ing. I This lot has been owned by the Knights of Pythias for a number of years and was purchased from them by the Horse Exchange for $5,000. TO HOLD OVER TRAINS Both Norfolk Southern and Coast Lines Will Mnkc A rran cements for CircuN Dtiy. Both the Norfolk Southern and Atlantic Coast Line railroad com panies will hold over some of their trains tomorrow afternoon on ac count of the circus. T. H. Myers, local agent for the Norfolk Southern, announced today that the train which leaves here In tho afternoon at 3 o'clock for Bel haven would be held over until 5 o'clock. S. R. Clary, agent for the Coast Line, statod that the Washington & Vandemere train vould also be held over until aftef the circus. It Is expetcod that a large number of persons will come up from Bel haven and Intermediate pointr and from along the Washington & Van demere to view the big attrrctlon hore tomorrow. MANY EXPECTED TO MTfND THE BIG FAIR HI BELHAVEN Many residents of Washington aro expected to attend the Belharen Community Fair, which will be held on "Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Plane for the big event hare been completed, and everything Is rftady for the start of the fair Wedneeday taortttftg. A handsome list of premiums will be offered for the beet exhibits In live stock, produce, poultry, kitchen I and pantry produce, floral displays.! needle and fancy work, antique*, ' school exhibit*, art, manufactures, I etc., etc. A big parade will be held on Thursday. Special trains wlU be run from Washington and back again on Thursday over the Norfolk Southern railroad. Thousands of visitors are expected to be In -Belhaven during the day. SCANDAL STIRRED: UP OVER ALLEGED POST SCRIPT TO SECOND LUSITANIA NOTE (By Unit cwf Prer.s) Boston. Oct. 30.? Hoary Cabot Lodge, United States Senator from Massachusetts whftfe attack on Pres ident Wilson for alleged post modifying th? force of the "Jtrtct' accountability" declaration. was de nounced today as "beneath contempt' by former Assistant Secretary of War Breckenrldjte. Lodge will ninko "whatever reply he sees fit" at the Republican rally at Pittsfh-ld to Jilght. l>r. Charles Harvey Bailey. of the Tufts Dental School, on whose au thority Senator Lodge made charges. i today reiiorAUid.-Uia.t- his report of the conversation with Breckenrldge waa "fair and not exaggerated." Brockenridge wired Bailey today. "Your letter is a jumble of false statements. You are a conscious less wret- h for uttering It." DR. THACKER WILL CLOSE THE REVIVAL TONIGHT Dr. Thnoker, the Preshyterlnn evangelist. who has been conducting! the union revival at the Methodist church for the last two weeks, will preach lii? conrluding aermon to- 1 night. His subject will be. "The Secret of Success." % Yesterday was the greatest day of the rovival. Three services were' held, one in the morning, another at the evening, and an afternoon meet ing for men. Tne attendance at all of these meeting* waa exceptionally good.- Last night, the church was paokod. It in estimated that between 225 and 230 have JolnH the rhurch during Dr. Tharker'H etay In Waah inrton. The revival, from every point of view, in one of the moat buc jCCBsful that ha? ever been held in I Washington. WILL HOLD HI HERE 10 TALK RIVE# IMPROVEMENT mi i. upon nnt meeting Jn Washing ton. In addition to the one In Green ville. will hr held here November 16. relative to the proposed Improve ment of the Pamlico river. The no tices of this meeting, which have been sent out, read as follows: In the river and harbor art ap proved July 27. 1916. Congress pro vided for thn following preliminary examination: Pamlico and Tar Rivers. North Carolina, with a view to provid ing a channel depth of eleven or twelve feet, respectively, with adequate widths at and below Washington, and such additional depth and width as may bo ad visable up to Tarboro. For the purpose of affording all Interested parties an ojrportiffTlty of presenting their views on this Im provement. a public hearing will be held at Washington, N. C.. Novem ber 16, 1916. in the Federal Court room. Postofllce Building, at 10:30 a. m. All Interested parties are invited if ho present or bo represented at this hearing. and to give their views aa to what benefits may bo derived from the proposed improvement. For accuracy of record all Important facts or arguments should hp sub mitted In writing. A. R. WAJ.IMtON. Major, Corps of Fnglneers. U.S. Army. MAf>F HIGH AVFTMOF IV TOIIACVO SXt.FH In their advertisement. which ap pears on page 8 of today's issue. the Central Warehouse announces an ex ceptionally high average on sale* during the laat week. This record Is an extremely satisfactory one and It shows that the Washington market la one of the highest In the country, as far aa prices are concerned. The high average which was made b ythe Central Includes all scraps and damaged tobacco. They enjoyed quite a heavy aale last week. IPAUL SAYS HFS WILLING TO IPMN, AXNOl'Nt 'ES HIS WIIXI.VCJNFSS I TO MMKT IX JOINT DKItATK AT PIXFTOWN. TAKES PLACE TONIGHT If Ifc-lxitc Tnke* Place. it Will Be One of the Moot lin|tortmit Fea ture* of iho County Campaign to Date. Miui) Fvpected Pn'scnt. The feature of the political cam paign In the county promises to take placc tonight at Pinctown. In a let tor to the voters of the county, Hugh Paul, republican candidate for the legislature announces his Intention of being present at the Pint town meeting tonight and entering into a juiut discussion with l.in'teay C. Warren, the democrat!" nominee for Si.it*- annate. Mr. Warren has not a* yet announced his Intention of en gaging Mr. Paul in debate, bul it is believed that he Will do so. At any, rati1, Mr. Paul has staled that he will | be present nn:l give Mr. Warren an' opportunity for doing so. A large crowd will undoubtedly bo present at the meeting. Several car loads will leave from Washington. An Interesting meeting Is assured and there is no doubt but that It will play an Important part In the result of the election in tli" county. Doth Mr. Warren and .Mr. Paul are pood speakers and they will b* at their best tonight, provided that the debate lakes place. OBSERVE WILSON DAY i Prominent Hankers Spoke at Four Different Harps in tho County on Siiiiif lay. Woodrow Wilpor. ? y was r>Merv- ' ed in Rr.'Ulfoit co y on Saturday by speaking In fo:r different sec tions. A pood crowd I irtl the county rand I dates at Blou a Creek in the afternoon. and Rpe. lies were made by Gilbert Itumk... W. M. Butt. Lindsay C. Warren .ind H. C. Car ter. Congressman John II. Small spoke to a lai'Ko audience at Dukr>B store in Bath township, and Hon. A. J. Maxwell of Raleigh had h splendid crowd at Pungo at night. Jos. F. Tayloe made a splendid address 1o a Rood crowd at Hawkins nchool house. MANY TICKETS FREE TO CIRCUS TOMORROW The eireiis Is coming lo Washlng ton tomorrow, and many will be able lo view ail of Hi'- many attractions without cost to them or to their parents. Under special arrangements with the management of lh<> Robinson cir rus. the Daily News has made It pos sible for all children under fifteen years of nrr to (ret Into th?? circus I free. All they have to do is to hrlng In a dollar on sn old subscription, | or a dollar on a n?*w subscription, j and they will be glv^n a ticket to the | circus. This offer will not be good j after ten o'clock tomorrow morning | A CHAIiLRNCJK. I am authorised to challenge any Republican In Beaufort rounty to meet Joseph F. Tayloe In Joint de bate at Clilead school house Thursday night. November 2nd. A division of1 time will gladly be given. W. O. YRAT8. 1 0-30-1 tc-fp. 4 VESSELS ARE SUNK WITHOUT WARNIKG AMERICANS WKKE ON HOARD OP TWO OF THE SHIPS. NEW SUBMARINE (KISIS IS EXPECTED. MANY LIVES ARE LOST Some of the Crews of the Vroacb Have I.umliHl Safely, bnt Many OUim An* Still Reported to be .Missing. Ships Sunk by Shell Fire. i Hv I'nllM Prctt) London . Oct. 30. ? The uteamer Marina ?jf Glnn'owr hni been sunk with n pofi-lble Ihrh of seventy Uvea. It is reported that she wan torpedoed without w.irnine Thirty-four of her crew of one hundred and four, have landed safely Four other fihlpa have been sunk during the last twenty four hours. Washington. Oct. 30. ? A new aub marlne crisis with Germany loomed im'nurlnjrly today, officiate hero cgre?*d. following the report of American Consul Frost at Queenaton 1hat the Glasgow boreeahlp Marina was sunk without warning by ahell fire. Two Americans are reported to have bo-Mi nnvirt' the crew. In fixing tf:?* blame fur the de struction of the vessel it will be nec essary to ib-termlnc the character of iho charter of ihe Marina. Some of the horse ships plying between th? United Slates 11 nd England are un der direct or Indirect charter of the allied governments. In such caaew. rhey assume the character of admir alty vessels, subject to attack with out warning Consul Frn-t nlno reported that the Furnesa freighter, Rowanmor, was sunk by a submarine while ahe tried to osmpe. Two Americana and "five Pl.iloplnos were on board. MR. HUGHES IS CONFIDENT OF ELECTION ? i Hy 1'nlted Press) Enst Liverpool. O.. O^t. 30. ? Can didate I Ju ?rh'*f? rolled Into Ohio to day for the wind-up of the Republi can campaign in thnt slate. This is his second visit in the T?urkeye state, where the republicans are at present centering their heaviest artillery, finches Ik supremely confident of election. I TODAYS PROGRAM AT / Nrw Theatre 8th Fplsml# of "T1??? Sorr<*t of tho Nnhintrtm" Trlancl^ Kfynione Comedy "Snrk of Delivery'* A program *ure to plemM ADM1H.MION lie and Ito Show fltartR at 7:46 nharp Matinee dally at 4 p. m. WE ARE LOCAL AGENTS FOR THE "NATIONAL STU DEN T" CLOTHES, fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed, ?? Calais Clothing Company, CLOTHIERS. FURNISH AND HATTtRS,

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