rur tonight ui Llsht TftrUble wlmu. 1 VITB can* Christmas hi now on. The wiarWr wi? buy ?rlr thU jt*r. can now bare Xm? goods reserved by nuking a i deposit Always gha to show 790 the line. VICTBOLAS . $15 to $200. Easy payments U deured. RUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE '-'15 w. MAIN STREET FOWL? BUILDING Dainty Wedding Gifts IN sjlverwabe; band-painted china AlfD JEWELRY. An especially large Aoving now on Htflay. (Bu y li At Bom*X { STEWART'S JJWELRY STORE WE HAVE MOVED Our offices from the Rodman Building on Main Street to tie building formerly occupied by Dr. Rodman'* J?*"? ? on East Main Street, acroaa the atreet from 0. L. Ca garage. Washington Lighting Co FOR^OUR \ Thanksgiving- Dining Room Suit, Sfee CHERRY FtJRKITURE CO. Undertakers and Embalmera OUR JOB DEPARTMENT la fully equipped to handle every order ? no matter how large or complicated. We turn out woA to your satisfaction. The JPaily News- | SKCIM. DEHOHST" " Next week will be HARMONY WEEK at "our store. Miss Mae Marshall of Boston, will give a dem on&tation of HARMONY PERFUMES MassagejCreSlhs and all toilet requi- , sites The ladies of -Wa^wngton are cordially invited to attend this interesting demonstration. W or t I TRADE A T HOME ^ We have a Complete Line of % w j/j HEATERS, COAL STOVES AND OIL STOVES at prices that no mail order bouse can duplicate ' , > Pegram-Wataon Hdw. Co. Phone 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ? Highest Priepa Paid For ? EGOS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN IflDKS AND ANYTH1NO TOD HAVE TO SELL GREEN IHDE8, J fie per lb. Money Spent At Hoipe Drifts Back to Von Again. . a. "mts. IN ALL SIZES ANi) imflBflB. ?T(g TAmpeial showing now on <&pW . r , ? * Coats to suit each individual taste. THE HUB . .*SUSKIN V BERRY Blankets and Comforts iBEE 0TTR-WE8T WINDOW 5T0TPLA? ALL WOOL ? MIXED ? COTTON a;': '-?? U V CORRECTLY PBIOED the All Some persons Appear to think that the mail order business is confined solely t# residents of the nnl districts oC the country ?' ? ' This is. mistake, for figure# prove that there are as man; town people patronize the mail ordet bt>tt?B? jla there are country people. =Vv-;' ** g 8ometiine?_ there it an excuse forthomin in the country eroding his money to a far-oiT 'eititogrhe doesn't 'come to torn jften and the maji order UettMs send out attractive catalogues I their acrdiandisft to advantage Of coursti the home merchant ?yuld compete with jibu if he advertised, hut man; of them don't. ; But there is little etouae for the town people wading Ihppugh mail order catalogues. Perhaps they-h^ve some personal grievance against this gjmTfhat merchant in their own town, or else th?v have a i^roiig idea of what styles and fashions reason is a case of "cutting off one's noeo to gpita. one's face,", and the second is foiHsh^ fir everyone knows that the mail order houses feet what the mills can't sell to the joV .. % ? y .? ^ Taking it all around, there is only one logical and safe policy to pursue for both town and country people, and that is to trade with the store that is nearest to them. Trading at -home means money at home; trading with the mail order houses means money gone far away from home with no resulting benefit/to die community. - jjP orit Be Carried Away the Catqlogue Habit ARE YOU among .the thousands of men and women who ar? CARRIED AWAY by the catalog habit? J? anyone in "?OUR immediate family circle who is allowing this habit to run away with him? lT^fe, there is work for YOU to do. This HABIT started more than jforty years ago. It is THIS SAME habit that has stunted tbo growth of thousands of com njUfcitiw. It has. built up a few enormously large cities at the expense of YOUR town, ?w ^JJON'T allow a habit lik? thiaJto run away with YOU. Take the bit in your OWN teeth. Investigate for YOURSELF, ? FIND OUT. Talk it oyer with your HOME merchant. Get i your heads togetlier. That HABIT is hurting you BOTH. By kililng.this habit you benefit yourself, your children, your -neighbors, your romjnunitjw Spend your money at HOME. A Complete Stack of Hardware For the<Home, the shop and the farm " at prices that are' right all the time. McKeel-Rfehardson Hdw. Co. ~ j GUARANTEE e We guarWfee oar ftteta on any piece of Hardware we carry id be equal i less to tftfcPdf-kriyflUlltftrdw- ttause in ihe United Statea for the aame qual "Is and on th* aame terms, delivftt^kiriXortb Carolina rrls Huvd^ai c Co. WfWV SBOWtflg of : . ? ths htaM ib luAimf Wratriiig Apparel i? meeting witli At decided tpprevil of tbe ladies of Beaufort county. v New Coats, Suite, Bau, Dresses and other wearabldfc now on display. I. H. IVIorris SUCCESSOR to JAME8 E. CLARK COOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO YOU Wo have a vast number of customer? all over this terri tory. They are steady customers because thej like our good* ?nd our service. But we want YOU for a customer, toa Try our groceries next ? when hungry. You will com e here again They all do. CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORE AROl'NP^^^ORNER^ Our, Stock Is being increased daily with additional shipments from Northern markets. We cordially invite yen to visit our store next week and see this splendid showing." J. S. CAMPBELL "CRYSTAL" 100 lbs., 200 lbs. and 300 lbs. XICET.V RAGGED ANT> PACKED. ORDERS TAKES DAY OR NIGHT. ' "5 Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83. WASHINGTON', N. C, Ed. E. Strauss Suits Are tho suits for the men who are particular ak-ut style and quality and who also consider the price. _ We are special agents for this lino. Come in todav and < lot us take your measure. IDEAL PRESSING CLUB E. G. WESTOX, Proprietor. i FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING CALL AT THE DAILY NEWS JOB DEPARTMENT LOOK OVER rOl'lt PANTRY SHELVES and make n list of what Groceries they lack. T^ei\ come here and have u& iwjw ply the needed articles. You will And to your nirprlsed delight that you liav.- bought better ;*ro?orlo? lor less money than y.?u ever rould before. ADAMS SIPPI.Y C O. Phone 07 You Will Find Us Ready to serve you at all times and ready to give you the best values in ? Ladie a' , Men's and Children's Wearing Apparel. SPENCEK BROS. A. J. COX df- " COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROPE, RUBBER OOODS AND SHOES, NET TWINE ? ud Fisherman's Outfits. liny, Corn and Feed Stuff. WASHINGTON, N. C. For the Sunday Dinner 5-\fc. -TS* f" ?? Let us supply your wants for tomorrow's meal and you will let us do tlio same for every meal in the future. " a W. BERGERON SO/y t : if UTbrown kio t V TOyS ?A?S, OR WHITE. AM. SIZES. PRICED AT S0U5O Bowers Bros. Company WASHINGTON'S BEST 8TORJ? w.

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