mire 0 COME IN BELIEVED THAT MBBiESOTA WILL H IK STATSoSB ELECTION EO Wit (Special bulletin 10 ?. m.) New York, Nov. 8.?The oleetion U ?till in doubt. Wilson fcads with fivo electoral vote?. , Wilson has 837 and Hughes 282. Sixty two votes aro still doubtful, including California, IS; Indiana, 15; Kansas, 10; Minnesota, 12; New Hampshire, 4; New Mexico, 3; Oregon, 5. Tho situation is without, parallel exeapt the Hayee-Tildcn Campaign. ..? (Special bulletins 11:30 a. m.) Arbury Park, Nov. 8.?Secretary Tumulty this morning told JPnyudcnt Wilson that the President oould feel assured of 284 elec toral votes and that "things are constantly looking better." The ?tatee included in Tumulty's calculations are Minnesota, Kansas and Oregon. Concord, Nov. 8.-*-The issue is still in doubt in Connecticut. St Paul, Minn., Nov. 8.?There ia a strong trend for Wilson here. The Daily Newa claims ^.majority of 12,000 for Wilson. A Rqpub DQtX. CONTEST Thfci coopon l?g<^ ror twenty-<iv? (4?>VttUa by a cuh purchaae of tm cent*. (10c) Votes For Ml'BT BE CAST BY SATURDAY, NOV. ilth. E. K. WILLIS WATCH DAILY NEWS FOB BONVB VOTES. cm governor baa barn dotted. "* New York, Nov. &?fhe smog m toward Wil ( nine o'clock! this morning in the cloaest presidential race unee,IUft, The prvsi- j dont needed 29 rotes to attain the doctoral colla^Bjgjority. 20(f| votes are necessary. Of the aeveri doubtful aUteaBHCaa i? appar ently leading in Minnesota, Kansas awl Oregon. IMpcarries these I he will till lack two votes of being elected. The cO^Hm the House ' of Representatives will probably go with the preeidafcLjalthoogh the majority will be mighty slim. Three socialists niajEHSlfca balance of power. The RopnMHUsa apparently failed to'SIHpltrol of the Senate. Senator JLhipont of Delaware has been 'Wilson carried Ohio by a landslide. Wilson is also loadfljHV^OOO vot?s in California, according to accounts receive d from tykli the pnx-iiu-ts. Hughes ia leading Indiana by 9,000. Two-thinW-'yjjj^P^Wtfirns have bean counted in this stat?. New York, Nov. 8,?The latest returns show an bdteaae of eleven electoral votes for Wilson since eight o'clock, makinaidstal of 248 for the Prfsident and 248 for Hrfghea and leaving*? still in the doubtful'list There is a stroilg drift for Wilsqtt^p: Minnesota, North Dakota and Oregon. Wilson needs eighteen wrfes, following j the litest changes. Wyoming has been transferred Sam Wilson to the doubtful columA. Kansas is "conceded to Wilagp. Idaho has been transferred from Hughea to Wilson. Indiana 1? conceded to Hughes. (Special bulletin 2 p. m.) New York, Nov. 8,?It is eonqeded that if Pn*id?iitWilson rar riee either California or Minnesota, be will be reflated. He has been conceded 2S8 votes so far in the electoral college,^aa-against 238 for Hughes. It requires ten votes to eany Wilson through to a ma jority. "I Late returns from North .Dakota, 5 votes, and Wyoming, 3 votes, give them all tp.Wilacm. ' Wilson is ahoad in Minnesota. The race in Califortia is Seek and neck, with Republican chairman claiming the stilt# kv 18,000. Returns from San Francisco indicate a ?trong'stotimetit iit favofr of Wilson. There is question, however,, as. to whether, it tvill be enough to offset the Republican majority in southe^ia jCapfornia. Thirty-seven votes are still doubtful, including California, Minne sota, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Oregon. Either Califor fli-thrpo-of tho Wnall sutea, wUlJpcure Wilson's election, Jfearly complete returns frota New ilaropSMre favor Uu plies by 400. A recount has been demanded. Ballot boxes are being guarded. An official ballot may be necessary in New Mexico. The Republicans captured o very pivotal state with the exception Ohio/sweeping Illinois by 100,000/ The St Paul Daily Xews, an independent paper, predicts that Wilson will carry the state. Democratic headquarters claim the state by 20,000. (Special bulletins 2:30 p. m.)_ Washington, Nov. 8.?Following a flood of premature regrets last I nighf, thousand? of telegrams were received at the Whito House this > 1 morning congratulating Mr. Wilson. I 8an Francisco, Nov. 8.?Wilson and Hughes are running neck j and neck. Returns from 3,003 precincts give Hughes 218,885. This j includes 560 precincts in Los Angeles where Hughes has apparently I swept the section, and 342 in ban Francisco precincts where Wilson is leading. San Francisco?(Later)?Returns from a hundred additional San Francisco precincts sweep Wilson into the lead by 7,500. Portland, Ore., Nov. 8.?Republicans claim Oregon by 10,000 and the Democrats claim the state by 13,000. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. ?.?Sydney J. Catts, Independent ticket Prohibition platform, has been elected Governor by apparently 10,000. New York. .Nov. 8.?Republican national headquarters formally claim California, Minnesota for Hughes. California managers have wired that the Republicans could safely concede all counties claimed by Democrats yet to win. Shadow Lawn, N. J., Nov. 8?With the result still in doubt, Pres ident Wilson departed to play golf. ( Cleveland, Nov. 8.?Secretary of War Baker will resign after the election whatever be the result, it became definitely known today. THE LATEST (Special bulletins 3:30 p. m.) San Francisco, Nov. 8.?Returns from 8,300 precincts in Califor nia give Wilson 9,000;plurality. Now York, Nov. J&-?Senator HoUis clainris Now Hampshire for j SUiato by 350. 'J St Paul, Minn., Kov. 8.??1,029 out of 8,024 p*eciUote givos Wil son 92,000 and Hu^vi 83,000. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 8.?Solid Democratic Congressional delegation, assured. Bickett was elected governor by 40,000 majority. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 8.?Wilson has 252 reasonably certain votes in the electoral oollege and is leading by small majority in Minensota which casts 12 votes. With that state and New Mexico ho will very probably win. California is apparently for Hughes. Both camps claim election. HOW THE VOTE WENT IN THE COUNTY! f I ^ ^ ^ f ? P I ^ g 1 P H' .A F?5?H i" N I Ml 'i"l f I J l u i j i - i ,, i u i - i . , . J ^^TPT^mTTTT TTPi r< ? g L H L t* ^ P P= 5s ?-| s s; g s JL Jf l. o > o G?; P ?! . ' f F I ! 3-J- -"*. f -f I i /I I 1 IIs I? * 6. ? j. 3. f S L I r t % 4 i ' Election Precinct? InL,; j ;' U-v Washington 1st Ward... 182 35 170 81 172 174 2tt 29 Ui ^ a'i ik, 0a ,'j, ',u ,i i 3 i ' Washington 2nd Ward... 188 a 1RR a 101 . lit ?! 174 29 174 27 173 28 174 27 174 Washington 2nd Ward... 188 8 180 8 191 108 8 6 177 10 193 ^ ^ ^Llo! 2? "J27 174 30 118 29 173 171 173 170 ^4 30 27 27 57 27 Washington 8rd Ward... ?8 17 87 15 80 82 8 8 66 " 83 \ ?* 4 m I ?* 1 194 4 185 3 191 191 188 180 193 7 4 5 4 0 Washington 4th Wwd... 88 18 88 15 82 82 18 18 77 10 SB ,j ^ ? 5 64 8 50 5 60 15 56 60 60 60 63 6 6 6 6 6 Washington Park 18 7 14 7 14 14 7 7 14 7 14 7' ff* 'n ff " W " 82 18 65 14 80 81 81 88 13 14 13 13 13 Tranter, Cro* 49 60 40 ?1 48 4? M J A ?1 A .1 li 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 " 14 14 14 7 7 7 7 7 49 50 CO,-.46 ..58 40 56 47 50 40 50 40 60 40 60 46. 61 43 43 45 43 45 50 59 59 ?9 59 *^T?n-V ?iJ.v-.'M 1? 65 14 57 57 15 18 87 10 ? ^AKJSf it, ba>.iAm*.?*. - ^J00^ 88 "?? 5 M 28 "4^4 20 "? 25 "2 "2."1 2I "A I] "? ti "4 49 114 47 47 47 47 ? ?4 114 114 114 fit ?inetc,Wn 1?5- 46^-46 1IMI? 44 1*? At 10? * xli ?!L .11 71 22 74 22 ,'1 21 21 21 21 21 75 fcnlTJ 75 75 75 75 45 187 137 137 137 137 ?8 79 28 7? 23 28 74 74 20 77 25 79 'S 7, ? I* 47 U? 47 114 48 114 47 47 47 47 47 4?, W- *7 186. 46 46 1ST'ft* 44 137 47 1? J*'ill A -.H, 28 71 28 74 22 *71 21 21 21 21 21 Bath " S V k * M 48 23 23 41 24 48 23' t " "v* "o "J I! "I ft '? " 4R " " ?ra,,, 79 ?0 77 2? 79 7 9 28 lit 80 28 84 27 Tfl Pa ? ? ? ! i 88 48 28 48 45 48 41 48 23 23 23 23 81 xTr!^8" !?' 88 89 40 24 21 4fl r,ffl 17 48 17 so J2"" \l ff? 4I If 39 2'^ II 88 78 78 78' 78 77 28 29 80 29 40 North C?tefk ?$? .66 84- 75 88 8 2 76 7? nt ll a? ? *r 1. 48 21 48 20 46 21 44 20 10 20 18 19 47 47 47 47 4? ?1 28 55 29 Ti S- JJ M I2 51 88 - Kft ll ? l8 82 78 8? " 8? ' 77 ? 81 81 80 81 77 78 77 77 79 79 ft0 80 ?1 79 80 51 51 71 51 70 51 80 '1 80 SI T? ki 2a " l* 33 47 47 47 47 47 89 32 32 32 32 y,118 205 212 lia 21* 213 111 11? mi ?i? J,, ^ 78 - M 78 61 82 60 77 77 77-!;> 77 7# g4 62 51 K9 ?0 3? ?4 82 ?3 8? 87 40- 4? 88: 40 86 48 ? ? "5 ^7 "A S?8 111 808 114 ?4 ?1? ?18 218 215 111 111 108 113 111 ?? v 0 14 8 u u ? 3 14 8 14 * m' ' ^'-2 ^ f '* M 88 82 84" 84 84 84 8? ?? & ? 4? 62 d I '5 -s -s-S 'j ??:!?? i -??M fl7 10 3A 1A M P! H ill i: ii H E -i H" ?>^T?TT7 s; s s 8 1 s s s?.g I: ril H ?&? ? - ? ? H ? ?1 61 61 61 ?1 ^ H f? ja ^8 BIG CROWD AT COURTHOUSE GET RETURNS An enthusiastic, happy. discourag ed, optimistic, pessimistic, positive, doubtful, hilarious, dubious ??'* Jlg glbolous crowd?If yon k nov that mcr.as?were in the court houoo last night to hear the electloa re turns r.s they came over a special Postal Telegraph w.'rs and were read aut by the Dally News, Another Interested crowd remained' at home and watthed the flicker 6f their lights. The first two flicker* were for WilHon and all tho others rere for Hughes. Still othors -used the telephone and hundreds of call* were received. The meeting at the court house was a jolly and good-humored one. Doth Democrats and Republicans Joined In "Jollying" and bantering. Loud applause was given to the ora torical offerings of Captain George Hill and Richard Hudson. Everybody had a big time and everybody enjoy ed themselves. Naturally, the majority of those present were Democrats? Their en thusiasm was dampered^ somewhat by the Hughes news that came over the wire, but they kept up their spirits to the end. Many of theux left with the statement: "I'm going to bed, convinced that Hughes 1? aletcecf, bot I'm praying that I'H wako up and find that Wila<tif won oat." And it seems as if their prayer? were answered. This mbrnlng tho news was given out that Wilson had won the election by a bfg majority. A largo crowd gathered at Worthy & Etherldge's drug Btore t if get the lat ost telegraph reports. After a while, the enthusiasm of the crowd was again dampered by the "doubtful" reports that came in. "rtiey stack It out, howover. determined not to go hack to vote until the show ed that either Huches 'or^Uson would bo inaugurated on March 3 or 6. (Uy the way, the e*ket date of the Inauguration has ndt been de cided upon as yet, fof*' March 4 comes on Sunday. WAR JEWS NOTHING DOING ADVERTISE IN THE DA<LT KEWd TODAYS PROGRAMI *..X v ?at? ?7*^ New Thealrev, D. W. Griffith prAonU "THE BIRTH NATION" An historical Hrr~ia 2 *rf? S3 Evening nhow at 8 :i# if alinee Thnrsdar 3 " ?Prien? Evn*.,$1.80< ?1.00, fl*. M*t, $1.00, 75c, We are showing the most beautiful line of MANHATTAN SHIRTS in Stripes and Plaids Mr sh'jffp in Washington. Prices $l.Z5 to $5.00. - .CALAIS CLOTHING CO.. cu>Z?DHA?l2lS"~

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