8 TODAYS. , An*u?t ?, 190#, si tbe paatoffi of Wwhuigtoa. M. O, toW the Pet of Match ?. 1878. _ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Om Moo lb ? .SB Three Month* 75 Six Moatk* 1.50 On* :? ? ? 8.00 i i nM * ...i, Subscript iana vmuC be pud fe? im advance. If paper ii not re wvid pr>* iptly. ttlophone or writ? tki* office. Subscriber* desiring the paper .lisvotit>Bi"xi, wi^. please notify this office, otherwise it ?ill lv> cuitiuued at- regular ??b*eripticm rati?*. JAVRS L. MATO , .. fnoranrm? OAKL rtOEHCH.... Editor WASHIXCfrON, NORTH CAROLINA, NOV. 7, 191?. THE ELECTION TS OVER. The people of the United States yesterday decided that Wood row Wilson should be re-elected President of the L'nited States. In the country today, there is much rejoicing and there is also und nbtcdly much bitter feeling. Otn* Hide is jnl>ilant over having won a victory and tho other aide is dvvvueuat over having been sent down to defeat. At the head of .this article tin ro waves the American Hag. It Wlfi put theie with t;*is thought in mind :--rhat we may be Republi can#. or Democrats, or Socialists or Hr ?nibiti-.nists, or adherents cf anv otLrr political faith, but that we are AMERICANS, tirst, last and all the time. The T ;i ii an have been dcfcate din electinc a president, il U tr.!? ' y !:u\ H n^t now make u point of criticizing every action f ; : -ciatic administration. Every citizen of the l'nited States !. ; '-mbcr that national honor comes before political honor and a d .ii should be given tho party in power. ft- '!:? \? of peace, the handling of national affairs is a big enough ta>k. but with many of the great countries of the world engaged in war, tho prwMetn? that confront our administration are often ex tremely complicated. Ono misstep might send this country into tho pit of war. Only extreme caution can avoid it. Ar.d why should not Democrat**. Itepublican?. Socialists and nil tho other parties of the country, now that the election i? over, join in pvinsr their heartiest support to Mr. Wilson? It is hard to pleaae everyone, we admit, bul there is no nxcuse for continuous criticism and fault-finding just because the pnrty in power doe-, not huppen to be that to which the criticisers belong.? j Tho majority of the people in the country hove expressed their] choice for Mr. Wilr^on. The majority usually rules and it should i rule in this case. The thing for all to do now is to forpet partisan j politics and endeavor to aid and support the Democratic adminia- i trat ion. which has won out. And thin theory applies to l?*-al political condition-? as well as to national affairs. We believe that the men who have, been elected to the various offices which the voters in the county have bestowed upon them, will give the county the be* t service -thai they ran. Ir Rhort, now that the nation as a whole and each individual state, county and township has made its choice, let in abide by the results and remember that our first duty is to the fla?f that waves at the head of this column and not the Republican or to the Democratic parties. Tf the people of our country would only give about n tenth as much time and interrat to religion an they do to politic*, we'd all be a great deal better off. When you hare read through thi* issue of the paper just take time enough to let one fact sink into your active brain. The paper on which this issue was printed has coat us more than what it cost us a year ago. The ink we used is away up in price. The oil that keeps the press revolving is up in price. In fact, every item of expen??e is lip in the clouds and many are away shove them, and every dollar of expense mean? just that amount of money right out of our pocket. A great many subscribers are in arrears on subscription, and we need that money in order to meet the rapidly increasing co*t of producing] this paper. It is iimply thoughtlessness'on your part, we know, but our own creditors do not recognize that word. It don't go with them for an instant. I. Lsrnr woo? mhiw w miu Mii?i?iwi Tarl Ontu? rifdMf? J LEON WOOD & CO bankers and brokers ?ara?. noMa. Oattaa. Orala mM KnUtu. T? na>< a?l^ al aaaaaau fi?aa narafai attaauaa 15 WASHINGTON PARK! r. - tfc* CfcUdn.-. Mm tof. Ml U vi. I '/.-4f NOTICE. of Ibe eetate of A T. Qodloy. dM?u> od. will Mil OB the fth day or No vember, 1118, ml the boa* place of tho Mid B. T. God ley all of the por ?on*l property of tho dTMMfl Tbl? Not. 1. 191?. w. v'godlbt. Admr. ?T B. T. Oodley. 11-1-fte. 1 Saturday nl?ht. - MIh juu? VIK* Woolard wu tli? *o?t of Mr. ud Mr. Seott b?c*?ti Sondi# aftarnooa. 3ft "Sg Mr. an? Mr. Bl?4e Woolar* war* rlalUaj Ma father Sunday Morala?. Aurora Crlap baa purehiMd a w horve. Mlaaea Myrtle and XJlUa Jackaon war. the sueata of Mis? MariyJU Legiatt Sunday aTUrnoo?.'.?* Mlaa Bra Mae Leueti waa tie iOMftln TO Trm DAII.T T J- C? W Ladies & Misses i . ?i:.1; See our East Window Tor a special display of attractive garments. All sizes and styles to suit each individual ' taste. THE HUB 8USK1N * BERRY The T own Gossip (Sent In from near Old Ford) I SEEN IN THE paper. THE OTHER day. WHERE YOU wanted. SOMEBODY. TO TRY thero hand. AT R1T1KG. TOWN GOSSIP. ? AND I'M trying (nine. f AND 111 a farmer. WHAT LIVES. OUT IN the country. AND I read. THE PAPER. AND LIKE it. AND 1 believe. MR. WILSON. IS A fine man. AND I hope. HE WILL be reelected. AND MY wife. SHE WANTS to know. IF YOUR wife. WOOD LIKE. SOME" PICKLED peara. AND SHE has sum. AND MY crops. ARE COMBING in. TOLLEBALLY. AND IT looks like. P0TAT08 ARE going. TO BE high next spring. AND I'M going to plant CONSIDERABLY. ? AND ONE of my young ones. HASN'T BEEN feeling. VERY GOOD lately. AND I think. SHE'S GOT a chill. AND IT worries me. AND HER name Is Annie. AND IT peers to me. MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS Tak* a tablMpoonfnl of lalta If an hart? or Bladder both???Kaat form? urio add. We aro a nation of meat eater? nad our blood is filled with arte Mid, HJl a well-known authority, who vtm us to be eonataatly on guard final klda^f trouble. llto kidneya do their utmo*t to trm the blood of thla irritating aeid, b?l I beootne wank from the orvrwork} thav trt aluggUb > the elimJnatlra tiaaoaa elog and thue the waaU ia retained la the blood to polaon the entire ayetem. When roar kidnera ache and feel Ilk* lurape of lead, and you hare stinging C lina in the bank or the 9rine in elt/odj, II of aedlmant, or the bladder fa irri- ? table, obi I gin a 70a to aeek relief darim| | the night i when too hare eerere head achaa^ n?wrooa and dissy apalla. iliwli neae, acid atoma* h or rbewaaUem in bad sr^sL,^lsrkssr^i!rt tableapoonful la a giaaa of water before braakfaet each morning and ia a UW day? your kidney? will Mi flan. Thin fa mode aalts In nude front th* aald at graOaa and lemon Jnlee, combined with 11 thla, and haa baa? need for to neatraliae the aeida la arte* an it la an Ion far a eottfne of irritation, ih ending urinary an? bladder dlawde*. Jad Salts fa ianxpeanlr e an' THAT 8HE caught It. WHILE OUT driving. THE OTHER evening. AND YOU can't keep up. WITH THESE gala. THESE DAYS. CAN YOU. AND THAT? ' ALL THE Gt . I CAN think of. AND I certainly. THANK YOU a lot! ? m - asyr gueet or Kin Mattle WooUrt tot' urday afternoon. ? ^ j i .?, Mra. Scott Leggett tu the gneat of MIm Allie Vid* VVool.rd Frlday. Sorry to know that lira. Dora Corey of Old Ford la dead. She died Monday morning About 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mm. Scott Leggett and Blade Woolard Tinted Mr, O ray Corey Monday evening. ' Willie Rodger waa the gneat of Mlaa Lucy Ayera Sunday. Oliver Hardy haa badly hurt his leg. Hello, Turtle Dora, thank yon for your klndneaa; that woald be nice for yon t? take Woodpocker on an Automobile ride. SAGE TEA KEEPS Gray hair, kowmr handsotns, denotee advancing ?|e. W? all know the adraa tan* of a youthful appearance. Your hair la your charm. It make? or mar* the laoe. When it fad??, turn* gray and look* dry. wispy and -waggly, juat a fen application? of Bage Tea and 8ulphur I haneec It# appearance a hundred-fold. Don't atay gray ( Look young! Either I prepare the tonio at horn? or get from i any drug atore a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth't Sage and Sulphur Compound." Thousand? of folk? recommend this ready to-uae preparation, because > it darkens ' the hair beautifully and rfemoree dan druff, atone aealp itching and falling hair; besidss, no om can possibly tell, aa it darken* eo naturally and evenly- You mo It ten a ?ponge or soft hruth with it, drawing thia through the h^lr, taking one email strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dieappean: after another application or two. Ita natural color la restored and it bseomee thick, gloeay and histroos, and you appear yaara younger. ; If yoa had never vlnited any of our stores jou could Still decide, from reading today'a ada, which ones are mqnt likely to secure moat of your patronage. ADVERTI8E IN THE OAILY NEW8 Chraipe# Grades Sanitary Comforts $1.00 to $3.00 It Will Pan You To Loth Our bine Over. J. F. BUCKMAN & SON Will 110? prevent the fire, but it will give you a mighty thankful feeling after thp llames have cleaned yuu out C. IVIoroan Williams Washington, n.c IF YOU WANT "ECONOMY" IN YOUR KITCHEN. THE FIRST THING YOU NIED IS A PAIR OF KITCHEN SCALES: YOU' NOT ONLY CAN CHECK UP THE COODS YOU RECEIVE. BUT YOU CAN WEICH THE THINGS YOU USE?THAT SAVES MONEY AND WASTE. AND WE HAVE LOTS OF OTHER THINGS YOU NEED, THAT DONT COST MUCH BUT SAVE YOU TIME AND STEPS. COME IN AND SEfc THEM. Harris Hardware Co. re 2 Wed. Eve. Nov. 8 D. W. Griffith's Mighty Spectacle 8 Months con sumed in Mak ing at a cost of a Half Million Dollars. "The Birth of a Ration" !? History Vitalised ?*4 Made Li rita?. Mr. (Jrifltth'a New AH Is the Crowning Triumph of the 18,000 Persons 3,000 Horses Seenin the Su perb Pageantry The Author Hm Creat ed Almost a Miracle in Bringing Forth a Drama With Thrills Pil. d Upon Thrills. Moat atnpendoM, most renl latie, moat convincing, most exciting, moat abf?ort?!nj;. tnowt dramatic narrative ever cmt?d for Mr. V*, mmm