:IL RELIEF OF NEWS *2 1 or ntt RA5IS OT TBS BEST CUT EES TO UVX IH.?~ | riL'_.. vi -1 *2 1 " ?? ' ? ??> _2 tN - ' m BRITISH ARB MAKIJIQ FIERCE | OFFENSIVE AND HAVE TAK EN THREE IMPORTANT OH THE ROAF TO DIMM At low Poiata Ike Oesasaa Rertst-1 ance la Bnn>rUlo??j WmX. Osr-| ?w^anrnkf to B?Uy Force. | I to PrweoC Fnrtb? , (By United Pre*?) London.?The bHUe at Anere-1 brook continued today. Fighting is I golns on on the northern edge? of 1 Beaumont. Samel, an on the north I bank where the Germane ara attempt-1 Ins to rally their foreea and increase I the Inlenalty ???7 Tk|i--was I the unofficial report from the troat-1 Oa the south b?ek ' wr the gt. I Pierre division ud about halt a mile I north o< Tbtapval the H?*UU?I making counter attaefea and the ffijht * 1ns la hitter. The British have ruah ed their reserves to th. frost and I hare (aken all the three point? In a] lightning stroke that beiaa under I the cover of a low hanging mlit yea-1 , terday. It la being continued In this I sector with a ?urprlalngly laek ot| German realatance. The British are now uniting >helr I reserve? and are making tremendous I gains where the Oermana had dug I and cemented themselves Into ?hat I hitherto* has afforded the most sub-1 stantlal guard for them on the west-| em portion of the line. Military i parts expect a determlond r? around Beaumont and Hamel. farther Brltlah sdvances will seriow-1 \ ly threaten Mlraumont which is os I the road to the coveted Baupaume. COURT MARTIAL! FOR CAPTAIN OTHMS (Br United Frees) ' Washington?Th. court martial of Captain Edward Beach, comman der of the erul.er Memphis which .^MM'sunk off Santo Domingo harbor several weeks SCO. was today recom mended br the naval board of Inquiry according to as announcement made r br Secretary Daniels. i- 6>."Ker attempt will be made to sal vage th. Teasel. It would cost be tween two and three rallMon dollars lo aare'the lull of the Memphis. Aa the V.syl la of an ?beolete trpe. the nnVy bo fir d decided to rescue aU poa sibK w>nt?m?.t bat not to fate. ker. K A. M. NotMa. There will be a r.gular coevece tloa of More Chapter No. (t R. A. M at Maao.k Hall this erasing at 1:10 Every companion earnestly requested to be present as bustssss Of Importance I. lo be tressed?! Alssr work Id Mar* Msst*rs degree. r. W Ay.re. H P. . , II P Brldgeman. ?sstr. CITIZENS ME 1 RESPONDING TO APPEALS Of SUFFERERS STAB VINO AJTD BfPPKRISO TBO ; Maor uounu isd^ru WUL BB GIVKV IdtLP. MORE FlINDHK NEEDED Amecnt IhlHd H<1 Kar I, Ml. ru. pie of Dean fort Coot? Urged to Contribute sad Do Their Share In !&??, r-V . , A Anal urgent mgM'l 1? being mM? to the cttl tens of Beaufort county for the relief of the atarrtng Armenians and 8yrlans. ' It la Imperative that the funda be dlapatched aa soon aa poeeible but John O. Bragaw, Jr..'who la acting aa local eeerotary. ia holding the money he has w-fcfcived ae far in the hope that it will be Increased con elderably. V jhe starving men. women and ba bica of these* atrtCkee countrlwi are looking to America for relief. Wash ington should uphold her reputation for liberality and generoaity in thla cam. No cause could be more de aerring; in money could be spent for a better purpose. We are proe peroua. happy and In peaoe here, while they are unfortunate, miaerable and starring by the thouaanda. More money is needed to help them. The response so far baa been liberal but there are certainly more of our reeldenta who must realise the suffering In Armenia sod Syria and who muat do their part in helping allocate It. it Is hoped tKst every Individual In the county win consider this mat ter. Employes In the various stores sre urged to get together and send in contributions in a ltMnp sum. Er 3(7 eent received will be acknowledg ed through th'ead column. The fol lowing has been received to date. Previously acknowledged.. ISO. 10 k W. H. Stanetu 1.00 Joe Mayo . ."V. . 1.00 Mrs. 8. M. Malllson 1.00 Robert Tripp ........ .60 J. O. Brsgaw 1.00 Q. A. Phillips 10.00 N. L. Simmons 4... 8.00 Grand total 901.00 No one Is soliciting contributions; (hey are all volnntary. 1 11:1 H SCHOOL ATT INCREASING RAPIDLY] The attendance at the public school here Is continually40creaaing. TBerc hss been an overfftfw;'jn the fourth and firth grades which essary to add list Mlse Rena to take this work. to pu*r| The boys football team from tbls school will play thd CHy at the community fkir on November SO. Thla la to be the last game, of the esaeon and the boys sre looktft# forward to It with much ? . ? ??; yv x ziiimu Aamuioi^. ^ . - Quite a s umber of the teachers trom hw* will Mtwd th. T..ch.r. agar? - IJL'lijI'il 111*1 ll nil alffalUlllll Washington Celebrates Re-election of \tfiTson In Appropriate Style ? Ions street parade, speeches by prominent citizens, the roaring of cannon, the screech to* of auto horns, the explosion of lire worksy the dis cordant tooting of horns, the shoals and songs of hundreds of persona? all theee were a part of Washington's magnificent celebration last ni^M orer the re-election of Wood row Wil son. It was the greatest demonstra tion of any kind that was erer held In the city. Under the leadership of. Marshall* Joseph V. Tayloe and George H. Kill the parad? started promptly at 1:$Q o'clock from the poetofflce. It was led by the Aurora band, which play ed continuously throughout the Une of march. The marshallq rode next. Captain Hill being, attired In an err mlnex robe,, and were followed by the members of the county Democratic executive committee, and Pred Moore doing acrobatic stunts on ^mule. A cavalcade of horsemen followed. ?n elaborate coffin, marked "Q. O. P." and carried by pall bearers robed t? white sheets attracted much atten tion. ' The remains of "an'old "ele-^ tfmit." looking exceed Itagly the (By United Preas) Washington.?The railroad ques tion has loomed up again as a threat ening shadow, as it did during the closing days of Congress.' AIT other questions before the administration conferences In Nejr York between the. railroad heads and the brotherhoods orer the operation of the Adamson law bsve failed thus far to bring about an agreement. The admin is* tratlon la keeping a close pre on da NO SATISFACTION OVER THE "BLACK UST" REPLY <By tJolted^Preaa) Washington.?Great Britain in sists on her right to limit the trade of British Hubjects. Thla is the tenor of the British replj to the Unit ed atates blacklist protest. It was learned toda/. The note will be published tomorrow. UP BEfOREJE RECORDER The followfnf an wate browtht ? before the recorder yaatcrday: Qua Dillon. apeedlng. II r ad eoata. Bob DUlon, aaaanlt, not l?tltr tHre Hill. KrtWatn?, It u*[ ?SP. L ir' awgugi. > Dev? Hill. I?t?lteau4. ?d ntouafns offlear. ?10 and (mil Robert Jono?, color?!. MMntt. ?5 and coata. 'I ' 'hv- ' Kd Kanafar rolpr?d, fcavlnc arbla key for Uu pur?OM of *?; throe month, ob t?e rm*M. * ? -T Bd. Blonnt. colored. abooUa? ?1a lol om tb^i atreet; ?j? Ud aoeta Aleck aivt^erthMlt?. colored. Id AnXt wmidina, IntotKated. eoata. r CIIB rtKjVd. ?olor?I, ?nlleHln? (U ?ehVara at the Co?tt.Une; r/>eU. ?7rJ| V?"" much merriment. Ifanr tuW< J ??re car Uof,t WlI>* Wnptute "le '??tcar,z erywhere. At the princih >2" Ur barrel, and raitrSi v er*' *d* mw v u. fia&ee. Spectator. ttrteged tl. ^JewaJka ?d apptaotfirUieli^* After the gmd* Wow ?,. 1 JS" '"nm"' th' ?tnt" <? front <tf the poetofflce. where Ur speakers ?t#nd had been nrnr I oil -??'?? . zzzSSXFzz ?1 and intro^'^?1 P"?"1 ? * E2ES5KLr^; STE? J?""' br UT ?? <??*"" " "r. MU Ur? George Hackncy Jr ^!"n The Of an orglna] P?m wan rendered by Zoph Potu ?'? ?o?n himself a* r^lu? 7ta 8hort flre-mlnute aveeehee war. JlH? t A Btew*rt- R?r. C. L. Wd. Judge StepheK C. ?rW, H AU^L^f ?*t>U"KO*0'?? H. am. ZZ*?f *?rk 'W??r'nr tT? * hl" t,rm ?r o?? and wo^f JU'"!10m6'n of American People ip re-ejecting him. 'ju.tWore the ?peaking, u.. T."'7 **V had the light, of tt,e d(y ^. er ,nd then 'our times. th? 2? wJL?n"",un<:~1 W election .... e crowd r?cel*ed the *?? Wlth * W"d 0'"bar?, of The committee? In charge of the ln?"O,n"r"l0n ?????'?1 out their work in aplendld atyle. Mewra. n.dcliffe Sorl?r ?22? ???<?*<? to the m a? ? ,oa ">? torch & thtT" "a0kMr' ?"??'' arranged tor the decoration of the sneakpr.* *Und, the lighUpg achfme iDd th *utomo^ Srrfn, I . """ BMaed urging to dworate.wd the number ^rrsrjs: firs, 5 dence of their mhJSLm. The car ??? CI?'K>. with an elect rl c ' of.Wo??">* Wilson Uon !a ?'' r"rMted ,peCtal ?"<"> h?L vlf.2 Wmund Harding's doT!,^U_? d~w,,*d machine. Otl,., *?*"" *' *owle-a. William Blllwn'., George Hackney. Ha'?"!; ?HOT' Jom Ortme?. Mr. Hyta*. jttr. JUdcllir, ?d about ? s&z z^ssr-z iTVESE d,r?"*? Of Gunner w. If. Chaiar?r. It wu * -big nlgjrt" (or ererrt^dr wa? ?rt^*! "" ,h44 ,h* CT?,rd ?tr?m^ly orderly la ipfta ^ lUi? "^"'inwn^"* " ,k*-,K"l<!* doubt fni Aether 'tV^KZ ba? 5?*,.?um for a '4*0* ,432 "did b.raelf ?rood delegatlooa w??- prueent '. Onwowlajty, The Aurora"^--"*: h ?? guertlon but that Washington aj^r?elated thetr U?? on??, the com. "Those people down ??f? .ureenough ~2 HEMBY, WHO ON THE COLUMBIAN, IS NOW SAFE IN SPAIN Relatives Here Received Word Today of His Survival of U-Boat Disaster Mr?. Hornby receive*] a toltw gram today from Fs H. Bennett, marine raperlntendent, statin* that the 8. 8. Columbian wna *Onk off the Dtninh cooMt by a German submarine and that her Cleveland Hemby, who wiw board the Columbian at the time, had been saved and Lh now in Spain. Cleveland Hr*nb> is well kaown by many persons here and hi* many friend* will re joice with his relatives over his survival of the submarine di* Mtcr. The Columbian was sunk by a submarine after her crew had taken to the m mall boat?. Bomo of these made shore safely and others were picked up by pass In? steamers. It Is supposed that Hetnby was rescued by some craft bound for Spain. RAILROADS WANTED HUGHES TO REVOKE THE 8-HOUR LAW (By United Preaa) New York.?That the railroads hoped to escape the enforcement of the Adamson Bight Hoor law if Haghea waa elected. wXtAft^&fllctal bailer of the railro&d^V?$b?"'hood. Some declared tllAf'r4M*f4Uy'B con ference over the operation of the lair waa called eolely because Preaident Wilson was re-elected. It la uncer tain whether the seBsions will be resumed or not as the union la con fident that when the railroada moot tljelr demands there will be no strike at the first of the year. The Broth erhood, however, holds that the re jection of Wilson is a great credit to them. ELKS COUNTY FAIR TO BE GIVEN SOON The "Elk* County Fair," an enter tainment which la to be given here In the near future, la going to be a tcene of great delight. Miss Boch Who has met with wonderful auccesa In the management of other amatour play? will hare charge of thla per formance and a large crowd la ex pected to be on hand to participate In the amusement. There la a true Baying that "A Ut ile nonaenae now and then la reliahed by the beat of men," and if there la anything Is laughter. In uproaroua applause, wlldneaa of delight, aa a criterion to gauge the truth of fal aity of thia maxim, then the perform ance which la aoon to be giren at the ?New Theatre will be the incarnation of nonaenae, the eaaence of delight. Further d#talla will be given later. BIG CONTEST FOR ! SCHOOL CHILDREN ' (By United Preen) Waahtagton. ? School children throughout the United gtatea ?re naked to participate la the tto-word rconteet far the be,t Utter on "Why Purcheeed Chrt?Unaa article, f The movement ha. been ItVttgn rated by Ura. Jam? Thorn peon daughter at Speaker Champ Clark and chairman at the Women'n Na tional "Made la the li. 8. I?gm." When ba aara. "Tka mora friend, you hay?, tha mora plotaraa It will turaa mM." Baker', Medio. CLAIM ALLIES EXHAUSTED ON . THE SOMME (By United Proaa) Prince Ruprecht's headquarters on the Western front.?Germany be lieves that the crlala on the 8omme has passed. This belief la baaed on the unshakable and unanimous opin ion of men who have borne the ham mering of the alilea and who claim that the entente can never pierce these lines of ateel and cement above and below the ground. It la confidently believed that the allied offensive Is wearing itaelf out. The criala passed In July, It la thought, when the combined allied forces, with their "tanka," failed to pierce the Oerman lines in a daring Initial daah. WILL SERVE LUNCHEON The Ladles' Aid Society of the Flrat Preabyterlan church will serve luncheon at the Fowle Building on Saturday from It o'elook on. The meno- will constat of chicken aalad, sandwichps. pickle?, oysters, biscuits, ?offee, doughnuts, Ice cream, cake candle?. j There will also be a candy booth and & "baby booth." At the latter there will be shown a number of nov elties for bablea. 11-Ultc. Every person poealble to have their UkeMM taken la l?lt. Baker's 8tudlo. HADE T8 mr<\ in GERMANY THOUSANDS ARB ?KING TORN FROM TIIE1H HOMES AND PUT IN (iKHM.W INDUS TRIAL nim COUNTRY IS INDIGNANT Seething Spirit of ludi^nLloti I* Swwplnu Over Belgium. Men Are Taken from Their Hotne? Without Any Warning. (By United Press) Amsterdam. ? Thirty thousand Belgians, from Antwerp alone, have been torn from their homes and have been sent to labor in German indus trial plants, according to the Belgian press. Thousands of other Belgians, from various parts of that country, have also been taken In by the German soldiers and have been sent over In to Germany. In many cases great suffering has followed for the depen dent families of the men who were seized. A seething spirit of indignation Is sweeping over Belgium but up to the present no action has been taken ex cepting through the papers. The ' more vigorous of these have beqp or dered to suHpend publication. There are hundreds of German sol diers throughout Belgium, according to the report, who are canvasing the country for those men who are phy sically fit to work in German plants. In many cases these soldiers come upon a man's farm, enter his home and then take him away without al lowing hlii) more than a brief fare well to his family TO HAVE SECRET HfeiS FOR TROOP CONCENTRATION (By United Press) Washington.?The suggestion that the war department make known to the rallronrln tho location of the sec ret military concentration points in order that they may evolve a system for routing in cases of emergency was made today by a special commit tee from the railroads, co-operating with the department of troop trans portation. This Is urged as a stop toward preparedness and to prevent unnecessary troop-train congestion. TODAYS PROGRAM ?at? ' New Theatre TrUnrflt FU? ArU "IJttM PitaMI (I Ota) , ??i DOROTHX <"?H 3 " ADMinuo*.. ... .0? and 10? 8how start* it 7:41 sharp Mati na? dally at 4 p. m. looking for smart shoes for holiday wear. We are selling many every day. The news of our superb shoes is getting round at a , an* prfe* of. wfu* prop* umnt~99, 90, 97. - CALAIS CLOTH IW G CQ, ' I. " -'????

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