IT, "IS. KAIL ROAD HEN ARE TRUSTING PRESIDENT; iDHMPE THAT HE WILL FIND XX?* HER MEASURE IP ADAM SON LAW FAILS. HEW HAVeTbRINGS SUIT 3Bm Ftted a Bill, Attacking the Con stitutionality of the Bight-Hoar Law. Now Being Hinted That A damson Law Cannot be Unforced. (By United Press) CLEVELAND.? Confident that in 'the event .the Adamson eight-hour ;law faO* President Wilson will pro ? wide another measure insuring an ? eight-hoar day, the Brotherhood lead ? ?rs Jgay soouted the possibility of i a ge&SftlM^rtke on January Warren Stone, head of the Broth ' erhood of Locomotive Engineers, to day said that ir the Adamson 'hill was knocked out, the1 'trainmen trusted the President for an effective substitute. ? ffef V T' Haven Frhtgs Bolt. BOSTON. ? The Hew York, New - Hares sad HfgoM ndlfbad today filed a hill in the Pedergi court, at tacking the ednstitnttonallty of the Aiamson bill and requesting an in fnndUon, restratnfn'g the government from enfoKfo* the law. ALL TEAM QIZIBETH CITYl The Washington high school foot ball team' defeated the Elisabeth City ?team yesterday afternoon at Boper, ?the score being 11-0. Touchdowns for the Washington team were made by George Howard and lfao. Wheal ton. All of the locsl boys played a| brilliant g*me and the tasult of the I ? contest was never in doubt after the) fltst half. (By United Presa) WASHINGTON. ? With an increase of 160 per cent 1n the export of meat since the outbreak of the European war and a constantly greater propor tion of grain crops leaving the coun try, Amerfttt is assuming an ever increasing share of the burden of feeding stricken Europe. This, , in the wake of poor crops, is one of the foremost reasons for the high prices, officials declare. The Department of Justice is probing into the charges that "the war In Europe" Is being used as the fulcrum by food sapply men for a further advance of the soaring prttfes. EXFECUOSEE MONASTIRFALL IN THREE DAYS (By VnlXtf! Press) . J LONDON.? The fall of Mosastlr within three days Is the confident prediction ma^MAK ^Ith Ah* M celpt of fresh n4ws or the victorious progress 'of the .allies toward the liactfdonlatt *lty, > The French, Hub-' aians, Italians and Serbians are now ?fighting through fields ii^whlcb the mud Is knee-deep. Through their dashing flanking movements, they now have a vice-like . grip on Monas Ur. HUGHES MAT ADMIT J . . . i DEFEAT SATURDAY NEW YORK^-rGharles E. Hughes snd Republican . National- Chairman Wlllcox will spend the week end at Lakewqod. If by Saturday Mr. Hughes Is convinced ^by the re-elec tion of President Wilson he may ??ad him a congratulatory from the pines. But Willco* win Insist that Mr. Hughes refrain from com- < mlttlng himself until the flpal official returns are received. MUCH INTEREST WWII OVER PAW WEEK Everything Sji 'n readlnoe* tor "Pay-up Weak" In Washington. Th? ?Tint prom IMS to be In extremely interesting one. Every paft of the caftnty ts to take part Is It. "Week" la being carried through under the guidance or the - Bnalneea llfcM Aaeoclatlon. A llgt Of the men w*0 are Uklng part In It ?' ,#Ut M Jtntollahert tomorrow. The tde*'Dttfc? project la to Mttlo ?p old acrtjtdHg and wipe out ?H <iMa aa far at passible In order ' >maa a atlmalns ?o the event; thrf ? eominlttee dn- eftvge- haa decided to offer ?U I* ee.h prlae. Ticket, have bean prlated ^and distributed ' will' be given <m tor every dollv paid on old accounts. Bach- ticket will then entitle the holder to a chance on the cash prices. There will be one prise of 9*6, one of ft*, one of $6 and ten of $1 each. The prises will be awarded through draw* lng and the drawing takes place bn Saturday night; - > "Keep the dollars rolling" Is tha slogan of the week. Many pennants have been given out, adverUgtitt the event, cards have been printed and other forms of publicity hare bed* employed. .-v. -.r.W- " -Fay-Up Week" was held ia^WHson last year had .fTS'.OOO: was eofleeted 09 old aocovHtc -While Washington nfay not equal thla record, it! Is be lieved thit * **ry Japg^amatftot wiU be paid &. ^ ? ~ ? ? ^ a.-;. ?' ?? ? n "v-i SEEK Off COAST I (Br United Pre) l NEW LONDON. CONN? It iu |reyrted here today that a strange te, with a gun mounted on ; had been sighted 6 ft the ! In the sound during the I RELIEF FID SHI GROWING! Total of Contributions for Armenian* Received to Date Is (70.00. The Armenian relief fund. took an other big Jump yesterday. The fond ia growing larger dally as the citi zens be^jtn to realize the need for. money and the good that the con tributions trita do. Those who contem plate donating to the cauBe are urged to db no-at cmce. M it U jiealtM^to send the money ofT ti toon as pos sible. The contributions to date are as follows: ?* Previously acknowledged . .165.60 B. G. Moss ............. 1.00 | jl/'E. Norfleet, Ransomvlllo 1.00 | John H. Small 2.00 C. M. Brown 6.00 - Cash J. 00 j Total (76.60 IW(! \ t iv. 1 ^ S- ? T By United Preaa) BALTIMORE.- ? Tremendous Inter est la being manifested In the conven tion of the American Federation of Tabor here relative to the railroad brotherhoods' fltfht for an eight-hour day. Speculation Is high as to what the big brotherhood leaders will say | when they will address the conven tion next reek. , . ? y *?? r. : ?MtlMfr.tHlIP ? imiA (By 'United Preaa) LONDON. ? Further advanced, a long the north bank of tho Autre brook were reported today by Gen eral Halg. The British front now extenda from eastward of Beaucourt along the Hver. ROOSEVELT TO VISIT WITH rill ISLANDERS W ' (By United Press) I NEW f ORK. ? Although the Fiji Islanders and Bamoana don't know it tet; Qielf respective Islands are due tqf * tilt and the 8outh Pacific la hi fpr somowhat of a splash. Dtfrltfg ll?< February, "T. R." is goini|r to tWlt 'eifi. The trip will constitute the Colonel's vacation after his stren "otnj labors In behair of Charlea B. rtttgnes. Mrs. Roosevelt Will ace*? SOfSkDOHAL HOIDEII . J . .. Ml NOW IN PROMS > . t (ty'ViiMiMik) 1' ? ?>BMWAUr,--n,.t r?u?? ward T?ftwr,i* fdrmafHSWa tootSal' pl??ar, plottad tSa Ah?ar of 'W, mother, Mr*. Am? If. WHpar, hfr hrolhw, Frad, and Ma alat?T, <U*N. and. than btatM ?< atory about ?: ~?wlr ntgra MtMtfcr fliw#??rtr. will k? tha contantloa la ?)>? promt* futloi of tha mntlonl trial; wMoh la no* In prograaa. Saras- Jaror* hara kaaa aalactad, all of whom are marrtad and hua child ras. AURORA! AIR A BIG SUCCESS IN M WAY ? ml " ' HUGE CROWD WBKT DOWN ON SPECIAL TRAIN 16 THE FAIR YESTERDAY MORNING. IMTfRESnNCEXHlBITS in Spite of Rain and ' Other Handi caps, It Now LodiBf ja If Financial lx?s Will Not Re ! Considerable. Fair Continues Through Today. When the special train rolled Into Aurora fwterdjijr morning every available seat wan Occupied and scores were rmmg to -the baggage car and standing upi in the aisles. It was one of tho largest crowds that ever visited Aurora fori any occasion. The visitors found jpany attrac tions awaiting the^Nftt'the fair. The crop exhibit showed agt&e of the best of everything that haalvecn raised in the Aurora section thW T*&r. An ex hibit by B. H. Thompson attracted much admiration. It Consisted of a huge dressed hog. beautiful ears or corn, sausages, cotton and other crops. In the center was a hand some portrait of President Wilson. Several placards bore the legends: "He gave us these," "Prosperity with Wilson," and others of a similar type. The poultry exhibit also attracted much attention and ootttalned some extra fine specimens. / In the llvo .stoelc department. ther? wa* a large display of hogs, mules, colts, cows and -bulls, all of which were of the highest grade. The exhibit In the women's build ing was visited by large crowds dur ing the day. The eihiblt embraced needlework, art, curios, cooking and a magnificent floral display; It wire well gotten up and every Item that composed It was of special Interest. The amusement features were tak en by large crowds and provided a versatility of entertainment. Taking everything Into consideration ? In cluding Wednesday's rain ? the cltl xeoa of Aurora have a right to be *proud's at their fair. There were many expressions of praise heard on the grounds from the vlsltfea. The fair Is continuing today, an other special train having left hero this morning with a large crowd on board. A featurex>r today's program ?Will be the parade of schooV children and the awarding of premiums. A large dance waB given last night at which many wero present. IN HONOR OF MRS. WESTON Reception Waft Given Yesterday Af ternoon by Mrs. J. G. lllcrant, A most beautiful reception, charm ingly carried out In every detail, was given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. J. G. Blount at her home on East Second street In honor' of Mr?. El bert O. Wonton. A large number of fueats cilled during the course of 'tbto afternoon. The home was most attractively tfecdnfWd, tW'"U&lor ncheme betttg yellow and white. Ros es. JUteM. chryaairt^aujM and n u motoe? gf Uhtn ertrf* etrffrfes aided In tk* decorations. ? E$ferS~& BttJEfcwiS Mywfc Jtdmund Harjjnfiiid Hta'ao noMna Cidrter and Kalliarlaa Small. Punch ni ?ttrro4 dnrtng Ihit conn* of tk?<tar Laoon, Mra. J. K. Hoyt. Hrt. ? n?k Utiort ?nd Mlaa Mamln Ilurtunl* prc [ UdlBK or*r the punch bnwl. RofrmV n?nta or loa erchm, cak* and mlnta vara icrrad ill Ua dl&to?1fgtaL ' in - ? *?'.* 1 , "It. j "*?| jpttoa IHwi- ,<r ? XIM .hSh UK ? *?od eottfta , , ?t | Cotton aM'.J,,. *%**? I- ? I , ?i MMH <mM In Hearing Is Held On The Deepening .d f The Pamlico Riv& To 12 Ft j Before Major A. E. Waldron. of the corps of engineer*. U. 8. A.. a, hearing was held at the Federal building yesterday regarding the deeping of the Pamlico river at below Washington from 10 to 12 foet and widening the channel from 100 to 360 feet. About twenty local cit izens, including a special committee1 from the Chamber of Commerce, at tended the hearing. The committee, composed of Capf tain George T. Leach, Harry McMntl Inn and J. F. Cowell, made a com prehensive report on the situation and It is generally believed that the report made a most favorable impres sion, although, of course, Major Wal dron had no comment to make. A part of the report on the situa tion readB as follows: 1. We are aware that the further improvement of this rlvor must be conditioned upon the commerce thereon, existing and prospective. The commerce on Pamlico and Tar Rivers during the calendar year 1915 amounted to 286,716 tons, with a valuation of $3,937,502.40 as collat ed under the direction of the Engi neer Officer. The greater part of this traffic originates at and below Wash ington. While this is quite a sub stantial tonnago and the products carried are diversified and valuable, still It does not represent all of the commerce upon this part of the river. The Introduction of the motor boat has brought Into use upon the flvor a large number small b&ats en gaged In local commerce.?0M|ned to the river, and theM. torfjiU|<$' with- a. large number of small salf boats, car ry In the aggregate a large number of passengers and quite a large ton nage of freight. This freight Is usu ally In small packages and of greater comparative value. The commerce upon the river as now collated is of necessity done after the end of the calendar year and the data obtained Is dependent upon records kept by i shippers and consignees. The pas- J BengerB and freight carried by the smaller class of motor boats and sail boats is not recorded and, therefore, not included In the estimate of traf fic upon the river. There is now a revival of interest in commerce upon the river and there are indications that the commerce will grow more rapidly in the immediate future, for jarlous reasons, Bome of whloh will be hereinafter stated. We append hereto a statement prepared by the1 Secretary of the Chamber of Com merce of Washington, N. C.. giving a partial summary of industrial, plants on the. river and others which are in course of construction, or which are prospective in the near future. In the river and harbor Act of 1912 Congress adopted the project for an Inland waterway from Norfolk to Beaufort Inlet, N. C., In accordance with the report of the Engineers, having a project minimum depth of IS feet, with adequate widths. We are Informed that the sum of $2,800, 000 has already been appropriated toward the construction of this wa terway. It will have a mlnlAurn depth of 11- feet as above stated. 1 With auob completion of the Inland j waterway an lrupetus will b* given to traffic on Pajnlloo River, particularly through trofllc, by reason of tha In (ereaaad faftlUUea. With the cotn of the Inland waterway , <$o Rt^nr. It la tmpor'\nt that tftfcr* rivet** far up aa Washington ahull be coordinated with the Inland waterway, and hare a almllar depth. Of Id feet Otherwise bargea and I Vtfefrr vosa^ie from Washington win tie denied flie enjoyment of n aub atantlal share Of the benefits accru ing from the Inland waterways We canhbt too atrongly emphasise the1 necessity of provfdhtf a depth on Patnllco River aa far np aa Washing ton ^responding with the depth or the Inland Waterwty. We iaka great pride in tfce state ment that the aanmetpnttty of Waah? Ington has take* the neceaanry stepa to provide a municipal water termi nal. The ally /haa aequlred. a water m 4 . nnl n _ * - ? - - I - - - _ J ? ? * ^ ^ ? rroni, appropriately locaiee wiuan - the limits of the city. It la tb? par jpoae of th* city to construct a lerml oil? wbtcfc aball in all the eesentlal r?fct>e<U confer m to the reulrements V & mpdern municipal terminal, containing warehouses, a water slip along the warehouse, together with a belt line tract connecting with at least one of the railroads and cranes for the quick and economical trans fer of freight between the wate* car rier and the warehouse, and the wa ter carrier and the railroad. We realise the necessity of adequate wa ter terminals In the development of water traffic, and of through traffic carried partly by rail and partly by water. So far as your committee are aware, Washington, North Carolina, is one among the few, If not the only city between Baltimore and Jackson ville which has taken this step for the construction of a modern munlci- j pal water terminal owned by the lelt/,, "DRYS" TO HAKE NEW CAMPAIGN IN CONGRESS (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? Encouraged by the declaration that William Jcn Inlnga Bryan will favor prohibition, I the "dry" workers are preparing for a "big drive" on congress to obtain prohibition legislation. MUCH INTEREST ' 18 BEING SHOWN IN ENTERTAINMENT The regular meeting of the Elks ' lodge hu been postponed for one week on account of the lodge room being In use for rehearsals for Elks County Fair. Instead of meeting to night it will meet next Friday, Nov. 24. Rehearsals for County Fair are progressing In fine shape. Great In terest is manifested by the yoAng people and all points toward a good show next Thursday night. CZAR PLANS RBPTCHALS ?JX CAPTI VE GERMANS PETROGRAD. ? Measures of re prisals are to be enforced against captive German officers because of the treatment of Rui :<lan officers In German prison camps, says a state ment Issued by the War Office today. The German officers are to be , placed in isolated ramps, refused communication with Oermany and provided with the fare of ordinary privates. CAVE NOVELTY SHOWER Many Gnoeta Preecnt at the Home of Mrs. H. W. Catrer Ijut Night. | A novelty shower wab given by Mrs. H. W. Carter at her home on Harvey street last night in honor of Mlas Elisabeth Simmons and Mr. Hugh Phelps, who are to be married on November 22nd. About eighty guects were present composed of the many unmarried friends of the cou ple. Euchre furnished the principal amusement for the evening. High ?core waa made by Mr. 8cott Hath away, while the twenty-h-an-d prlae Waa- awarded to Mr. Horace Co well. They pmsttfrd th* prlae* to )fiaa Simmons. Many ^aaytlfui gifts were predat ed by the guests to Miss Simmons | and Mr. Phelps. They were display ed In a most unique manner, being brought In by acvertl: "colored" la dles and gentlemen, attired In the antl*belltrm negro oostumee. There waa much laughter and fan as the various gifts ware brought to, light. Music , and dancing followed the card playing, after which refresh ments of Ice ereem and eake were* served. The occasion waa thorough ly enjoyed by the guacta and was I moat delightfully carried out la ev ery detail. SUBMffffif S FDSCED1 TO SO BACK TO DOCK COLLIDED WITH HER ESCORTING TUG AS SHE WAS MAKING DASH FOB TlSft: SEA. FOUL WORK RfTORIED Ramorfd That "Mysterious Motor Boat" Was Trying to Bam tho Deutschlanri When tiic Tug Swung Actom Hor Bow* to Protect n?r. (By United Press) NEW LONDON. CONN. ? The at tempted dash to the asa of tho Oer man submarine Deutachland ended early today when ahe collided with hor escorting tug a ahort time after ahe left the dock. Captain Guruoy and four membcra of the tug's crew - were drowned. Other members of the crew were rescued from the Icy waters of the river. The Deutachland Imemdlately changed her course af ter the collision and returned to hor dock. It was later rum ore* 'that ir f #**'?" terlous motor boat attompted to ram -r' the Deutachland. The tug tried to protect the submarine and In doing so. awung directly across the path of the U-boat. Before Captftlu Ko?-nlg could bring the U-boat to a stop, her sharp prow struck th? top Amidships, tearing a large hv!e <n the side of the vessel. It Is not believed that the Deutschland was damaged. The Incident caused wUd excite ment and directly after it occurred, the river was filled with craft of all kind. The Deutschland had an ex tremely difficult tltuo making her way back to the dock. 'SHAVED 250,000 PERSONS IN QUARTER OE CENTURY (By United Prens) I LORAIN, O. ? When Theodore Cur tU rested from h'g labors today, the twenty-fifth annlversai^f of his en tranco Into the barber's trade ? he looked down the vista of a quarter of a century and saw a quarter of a million Bets of whiskers that had fallen boneath hlH trusty blade. Not exactly a quarter, either, 243,690, to be exact. Curtis' tabulations show that he has shaved tu*n that many times. 8ome distinguished men amongst them, too. '"Well, how does thn old knife work today?" la a question he has put to Presldont* McKlnley, Taft and Roosevelt, Senators Mark Mao na. Matt Quay. Albprt Deverldji^afcd ^ Ben TSJlman and the untitled ?o ? Cook, Buffalo Bill. Jess Wlll*?d, Slogan and Harry Shaw, SUBSCRIBE TO THB DAILY NEWS TODAYS PROGRAM! ? AT ? .vrt New Theatre "THE CHIP OF EVTL?? I re*1 aerial f*?tur? ? r "BitwNfl H(Kirq^p Tii*n*lo KoyMone Cor A frrftt proirram. Don't fall 1. to ??? It " l? ' * Aiunmioff 9m M%Hf Show aUrti at 7:41 ibirf K&UnM dtllr tiu*. Batter get busy and t^utt 8U't anc* Overcoat. It will help you to enjoy 0us It nictly c'resBuit. W. a heo^pekctkm 0/ Reedy 8VITS & OVER COATS. J

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