rut toalcht ut |U?ht TmrUbU TUftf THB RANKS O? THE BEST CIT NOVEMBER BELGIANS RESISTING ORDERS OF TEOTO NS NUMEROUS OUTBREAKS HAVE FOLIX>WBD THE DEPORT A TIOX8 OP MEN INTO GERMANY. endre crrT revolts gfr of.lwalnc* Attack Railroad SUtloa and l>o Much Violence. German Commiuulant Threatens to Pnnlsh All the People. (By United Press) AMSTERDAM. ? Two months' Im prisonment Is the punishment meted out by German authorities to the Belgian deportees- who refuse to do the work that their captors demand according to tho notfsfc&per. "Echo Belfe." ^ -v ? The population of the Belgtan city of Lesslnes openly revolted at the de portation orders. They attacked the railway station, smashing wlndowi and doing other damage. They wen finally driven off by a detachment of Oerman soldiers. There have been numerous riots In other parts of Bel gium, but in every case the rioters have been dispersed by the soldiers. Many havo been kfled and wounded in theso battles. 'The Gorman com mandant has threatened to punlBh thtfWboR^rowmunlty of Lesslnes for the- outbreak In that city. FRENCH TAKE CHARGE OE GREEK STATION (By United Press) ATHENS. ? Following the various outbreaks that have been occurring recently, the French marines today assumed charge of the Peloponnelus railway station. SANTE Ft CASE BEEN POSTPONEB United Press) Injunction of against the which was before Judge Viiais THIEVES ROB EXPRESSMAN MO, OOO (By United Press) ?CHATTANOOGA. TENN. ? Two mtn today held up Fred Cornlelson, a Southern express" drfver and are reported to have obtained as high as $40,000. Cornlelson reported the robbery when he staggered through the door of the Express company of fice a little later. He Is being held for future Investigation. The money was being shipped to southern banks. AYDtN TO GET A BOX FACTORY AND VENEERING PLANT Progressive Little Town In Pitt County is Making Some Dig Stride*. | AY DEN. N. C.? With car loads of material dally arriving and plan9 rapidly assuming shape in the con struction of buildlhgs for -the . box .'actory and veneering plant to bo lo cated in this city, conditions around the location^ where the* old Ay den Lumber Company was formerly sit uated are at the present time taking 3n a very lively appearance, and prospects at this time predict that It will not be very long before the con duction work will be rapidly under way. Information as to the charactcr of the new plants has just been obtain ed from an authentic source, and :he car loads of material for the construction work that is dally ar riving gives Btrenj^tJi tp. the fact that the now enterprises are to be a sure thing, and not of the imaginary char ter as was one thought. The fr$i?oipal promoters of the enter prises are conn ected-. with the old Ayden Lumber Company, and It Is stated that more definite Informa tion will bo obtainable from head quarters at a later date. The box factory and veiteering plant combined will command a three and one-half acre floor space, and will employ from three to five hun dred men. RECEIVES WORD OE DEATH OF AUNT Mm. Winifred E. Campbell, Former ly of This County, Died at Troy, Ohio. J. 8. Campbell today received of the death of his auni, Mrs. Wfitf-* fred B. Campbell, who died at Troy; Ohio. Mrs. Campbell suffered frofflfl heart trouble for some time and thft was the cause of her death. bora at Bath. N. March ?, 18S8. She ..left North Carolina about : #0 yeariflftgo. She Is survived By thtfse chlimi. f ho all live in Ohio; brottBT. Wjfff. Campbell, of-*e* a ttta.flgg a nephew. J.' SHCampbelfc'of thin ft. y t-X* 1 ,,)TH rum ?ron nrmtn.Mmori.ANB* TO SB OrHNID TonAV.-i! *1 "iM , , Irni r: " Uij'So v (by Cnlt?4 ?nu> ? WASmflOfOU.? VTh? ??? <U?Mt meil today opaaad btdq ?orr the tor tr-alKht military' trdttHupoptaaaa. "fcrtwa r.iT^o frqm >11.00ftto fit, 000 It f rwwUf ,4B, affaad to fafhatr mlfea aa hour and a cllmwaj MBtm-vl .la l>. ''JuotvyaFITL AtR KAIT> KXxndoH. ? A successful air raid agalhst the Oerman hydroaeroplanes by naval forces was made today, the admiralty announced. Elks County Fair to be Held At The New Theatre Tonight Tonight's tho big night. At the New Theatre there will be a glorious and Joyous time for all who attend. The Elks' County Fair is to be the big attraction. No other fair has ever been seen like it in the past and It is doubtful whether one will erer ?Lo ??ou UkeHt fn the fixture. Tight rope wfcfljcers, wild men. trapeze artists, snake charmers, fat ladles, strong men and many other characters usually found at all fairs will be seen tonight. At close ob servance some ot the audience may recognize In these characters a num ber of our most prominent business men, but that won't make any differ ence. There will be pretty lances, chor uses, singing and lots other fun. | Il*? going to start at T:J0 o'clock and It promises to be the biggest thing of Its kind that has ever been seen In Washington. ALREADY BOOK TEDDY FOR THE 1920 CAMPAIGN WASHINGTON.? In a circular sent out J rom Butler, Penn., under date of November 10 and addressed to the. detonates to the National Re publican- convention of 1918. Pro gressives Republicans notify prospec tive delegates to the convention In 1920 that f'Theodore Roosevelt 1* to bo the next nominee of the party! unless the Republicans desire anoth er term for the Democratic nomJ n?e." Circulars have hren freely clrcu Inted In North Carolina. In fact. It Is said, nearer every delegate to both the Republican and Progressive con ^ei^UoA at Chicago last June has been furnished a copy of the circular and been urged to give his views now and praparo'for the biggest political battle ?$Ve r pulled off for 19S0. The circular calls the Chicago con vention a "miserable mess" and de clares Taft was "stupid" when he re fused to enact such Progressive leg islation as the "child labor law," and the "federal reserve act." Wilson, the circular says. Is no more of a progressive than Taft, but that ho la ! a much smarter man. BORDER TRAINING ADDING 150,000 YEARS TO LIFE * FSj WKIHt, \ I "rtJtAd 'Bnm HUff DnrreflpnAdent) rEU ?ASO, TEX. ? About, 160,000 ru U being added to the sggre JW^p life of the population of the United States by the Mexican "alt tbtibft." Instead of spreading death disablement the campaign In Mt&lco and the mobilisation of the national guard Is adding from a few |3onths to .yiirs to the life of every cfwHan soldier, army physicians de clare. Statisticians hare figured that lh<^ average added to the life of. each gun rdsmafi' will be nearly a year. After four to six mnotti6 6f train ing like ah**thlete? working In the Open air. sleeping In a tent and eat Iul simple food a hundred thonssnd gtiirdsmen will go tack to olvli life With a s?w lease on life. Mkfer James P. Edwards of the tqt4ical corps of the PeitofftViinla MltUla haa beim maVthg a' eft#*1 study T>f the general effects of *h+ tntonstre (raining upon the** to #4 drawn 1 foto office, fac Xfftf an?T Hfrm In ?*lt fife he Is director of. ffabli* Health ' of the city of Pittsburg. I '^Nearly erery maa on the border will be benefitted Immrgrnmbly by th*' training ho la underrating," mid Major Edwnrd*< In moat case* the Instruction In p*raonai,hytten* R>d rlfht living will influence the mili tiamen for y%ar&. EVen now the dif ference 1A' the health of Onr men oan bo notice^, . flavor* I motatb* ot Aa#? exercise i?~tho*pen afr In a teat eannot but boneflt. It i* worth a doCen v&catldns roll edlrtbl one. "But moat Important la the effect of the army diet. Moat clTlUana eat too much. And Intemperance In ?atlng la more dangerous thin any other form of Intemperano^. "For foul1 month* our men have **tlng th" simple palatable They don't eat too m W tte Mod vain* o( what they get la ppipputed scientifically. Thta regime wl$h plenty of exercise cannot fall to add wM&ethlnf to the Uvea of far cltlaen C * But there la 06 pleasing everybody . |Tr? tbe man undergoing thla training It AOmedthee loaee the vacatloa? ' phyaical training tinge and become* last hard tttfter "Hufc/'Wld me ? .. . FEAR IS FELT OVER SAFETY OF SERBIANS (By United Prees) LONDON. ? An omlnoua silence front Bucharest respecting tbo fate of the armies which Berlin claims hav?? been encircled by Teutonic forc es south of the Danube, in causing considerable uneaHlness. No reports have been received Blnce Sunday. VIENNA MOURNS EMPEROR'S DEATH (By United Press) LONDON. ? Vienna will not parade her sorrow. Vienna dispatches Indi cate a departure from the rigidly for mal and highly ceremonial customs which have hitherto marked the pass ing of a monarch. The pall of war beclouded even the pall of sorrow. | Vienna Is liberally wrapped In a shoud and draped, with blalk. Thr body of Frans Jnsel'ir lies In' fetkte at the Imperial palace. THE RAILROADS URGE CLOSER CO-OPERATION (By Uolted Press) WASHINGTON^ ? -PI eft* for ihore iufoauata railroad facilities, less *ua-j "ftelifltv^t rfcllroad nunnRpmcnt and a b'ettor dftNUt condition wan made by t^xe rnlttoads today before the New .W4? inroad lore negation commit ?*?. ^Afjty.Tbwn. ?ouw*l for the fv*4*. im a mere- helpfnl attitude toward railroads ao th%t they m!gh.t iK^d out and H?creas? America.'* bualeeea and bettor aerre the public. Ootie to Richmond. ^?%lsa Beasle Conley, snperlnten dent of the Washington hospital, and Jesse Manning Hospital left for .Richmond today on a ahoft riait to thai city. IN THE DAILY KIWfl imrinu drlUfnc la tk? ?un wh?n told ho mi ?Mint m r*w to kio H(?. "lta>t ??, w?H. IH ?1t? throo off th? oth?f- ?4 of n >7 Ufo to (O jwHg;"" DESTRUCTION Of BMC TO BE TAKEN UP BVfflE U.S. RKPORTKD THAT THERE WERE AMERICAN HURGEONS ON HOARD HOSPITAL HH1P. IMMUNE FROM ATTACK Under Rule* of Geneo Convention. Hospital Ship* Were Made Immune Prom Attack. Case to be Probod by Government. ( By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? The destruction of the great British hospital ship. Brlttanlc, Berlously threatens to en ter Into the tangle of possible sub marine complications between the United States and Germany. The re ported presenco of American sur geons aboard the vessel renders the case one for serious reflection and poaalbly serious action. ' The Brlttanlc case, taken in con nection with others, may show trans gression on the part of Germany re garding the plodges that were made early this year. On the other hand, the ease may be taken merely as an Indication of the way the German war wind la blowing. Under the rules of the Genoa con ventlon. hospital Bhips are Immunis ed from attack. Subsequent changes do not effect this status of ships en gaged In errands of mercy. Hence, If American surgeons wera aboard the Brlttanlc, they were entitled to safety under the law. The case will be added to the list of submarine cases now being probed. TELECIM WAS SEttT to mm LAST NIGHT MESSAGE FROM MR. H1GHB8 WAS COUCHED IN I1KIEK AND IX RATHER FORMAL TERM A. WILSON SLNDS REPLY Thanks Defeated Candidate for HI* ErprauUon of Good Wlshea. Too* Wo? Much ike Same am That Cited in Hughe*' Mussage. WASHINGTON.? Charles Evan* Hughes last night sent the following telugram to President Wilson: "Because of the cloeeneee of the* vote, I lmre waited the of ficial count in California. And oow that It 1* virtually xdSBe? plete. permit me to extend yoa my congratulation* npon your, re-election. 1 dt-nlre Alao to ?? l>re?H my best wlshce for a most burcettHful ad ministration. ( Signed > "CHARLES EVANS HUGHES." President Wilson's rspty to Mr. Hughes' congratulatory*' telegram, which was dispatched thla morning, read as follows: "I am sincerely obliged to yon for your message of congratula tions. Allow me to Aftmire you of my good wlithee for year* to come." NO COMMENT IS MADE ON IIIDCE HOOK'S DECISION ?WASHINGTON. ? The government aril! be unable to submit formally itn ippeal to Judge Hook's declnlon on Ihe Adamaon eight-hour law In Kan tian City today until December 4. when the United Btates Supreme court reconvene* after a two weeks' recess. The papers In the cane, how ever, can be filed with the clerk pre vious to that time. This preliminary step was expected to be taken, ac cording to department ofllrliils, as soon as tranarrlpt of the records ran be made and brought here from Kan sas City, which may take four or Ave days. The White House heard, without comdient. of the ruling of Judge Ho ?It at Kansas City declaring the A4ati)?op eight-h?ur law to be un-, tlonal and invalid. B'pnAXKS. Tl (By United Press) >ART9. ? Uevtmil Guy N*mer today downed bin twinty-aecond Oer min buttle plane. Thpre sr? do ac tivities along the entire front today, according to official statement. Yotm prirniw fcA* buy any thing upon the market and psss It OTer to you and tell It a Christ mas preeent. exeept your own photograph. No other gift ?o per sonal. No other gift so hear yonf own gift. No other gift so laatln*. No other gift so In mm*. No other gift carrlee with It sneh a personal toneh of tr?e friendship as yonr photograph. BAKCR'8 STUDIO, i ll-il-tfe. Attach?* ar the riorotlTa office and official* of the department of Justice, while obviously fturprlsed at th? decision declared the question "of course remilDR to bs finally set tled by the United States Bupretrie court." It Was aaM at the tfhlte House that no statemen* or aanouncvstsnt of any kind could be exp?cttta? Cspee Inlly ulncp the mutter a? Ipfttie is stfll In the courts. The name attftfiitej^k^ taken nt the department of Department of justied officials3 efc pla4ned privately, however, tbttwthe blKpeet part of the flKht to start." ' They Rave evidence tBat *>?? part ment Is by no means "d Over Judge Hook'* decision. TODAYS PRC ? AT? New Theatre " > ... "KI.KB COV STY A4miMlon 25c, Sent a on Worthy and Show atarta it Halls#* *11?

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