N DJP IMS AtewtimHiiti paid for hi thim If paper it i?>t rv MiwAii t ?>ju O JM? ?*w PrtnwliMi^iiliiin tkm p? ?r diary tiaaad. will plow notify this office, (tWvije it viU be aaaaixkued at regular utbsoription ratea. J^VBS L. jgLTQ. ...(Aucv*" .Wf&IIENgTOK, MOflTH CAROLINA, SOV ?l,';l'?16. - . ROOSEVELX FOK 4?gQ. fQpyior politicians ub atandv beginning to faort^Odaoal Ropao v?tt-for4w RopubHcan eaadidacjr iji tbejareaideptial ejoctiu# of 19g0. A*# nerw?p^per? aw giving jnuch sRace,l?,tl**e AmsW 'JkU anraju probably good enough to as* as ?.sp?ee.?U<sr, Jwt ?V?B it-jCfpxw to victual fact*, thote is nothing to it. If R>Aor?lt run* in ,1920, be^jroulj majto a, poorer showing than did Hnghes at fin eirKtiqp ha?just passed. While the cvlouel fnigh; be , cqnudpred faii^v ttrQpf in pohtips.at.the prweot tUae, his streugth is i*r ?*;m fceing.as gr*at m it w*s four year* ago. I* other V9f4n, Juia pewmr is dapreiiaing wrry year. By 1920 he wo* Id sot atand any bettor show of getting elected president that William J. Bryan would. Of course Roosevelt does not abject to t^ruig his pirp? mentioped in this connection. He enjoys publicity. But wiiwi it.ajn**, Iq ibo eotoing a presidential candidate in reality and not. through the pol ?au?.sf-?he.<Mfw^>aper*, ? we as confident that >JS> better jadgejnpnt will tell fcnjP'to>Ue low. - ..q .?? HUE ^BUTLEK AND BONDS" EDITQ&IAk , .Id Monday's edition of the Daily .News there wa? piiblished an, edi torial under the caption: "Butler and Bonds." A number of our* readers have had some comment .tp cyike on .this ^editorial. which, we were fllad to listen to. It is evident that *oons idergl4e discussion has been aroused. But there is one fact which should be kept clear. The bonds, which chat editorial rcferrod to. ARE NOT the caxpet-bag or special JAY boruls. We have never had a word to say about THOSE hopdfc ju>d we -will be frauik in saying that we are not acquainted sufficiently with .-their issuance to state whether they should be paid or not* The bonds that the editorial in Monday's issue referred to were' issued ? as wa have said before? during a Democratic administra tion, ? when Governor Worth was the chief executive of the State. ; J>r. Kemp Battle, who is now over ninety years of age, and who was State Treasurer during Governor Worth's term, has often ei preued himself on this subject. There are a number of local men who stydied under him at the University of North Carolina- One cif thcuo qaen yo^rday explained the view that Dr. Battle had al ways iield relative Ao 4he .bonds which South Dakota sued for and jRrkich wore referred to in our previous editorial. In substance, Djr. "fhrttle's views are as follows : "TUw botulu may be .beat tUu*tmt?d by oooipwiv Uwm to jw Individual transaction. Anppoae a roan couioe to John Health %Dd t*U* hire that t>e haa a aood invoetment In view btrt thiu ho dm4? money to put it through. Smith sign* a ?old for the mooej nod the other man Ret* ft discounted at At. the .bonk. Later, however, he aquandera the money and .doesn't #et <what h#? thought he wan froing to receive. Jtfce flxne limit on the note ?jxjiire?, BioitM is called. yp?n by the bank to make good. The only courae.left op?p to Mat, according to law. is to pay the amount of the note. And ?bln ia exactly the position that North Caro^Jxm U In with MeA? bofMl U?V5." The cane of South Dakota va. North Carolina waa /tried before t ho S?>pce we,. Court of the Ujuted States This court, as everyone knows, m comppaod of men who are as impartial to one atate aa another. ?They know .nothing of conditions that loa4 iy> , tp , tfce qfaea ,whioh they try ; they are governed aolelv by facta. South ,Dakota.,provod that the bonds were issued with due legality. That wrs .>11 .tUat the Supreme court needed. Thev -peered North CarWvoato pay. Ap<liwhen Cuba sues in January ? if permission is I given, bar to auo-? *he wift also undoubtedly reoover for the bonds. / And, a^ain, we would urge our readera to .keep theae bond /issued distinctly apart, ^he issue which is now claiming the attentiop of t^e ^ibiic has polking to .do with the so-called carpet bag bon(U, pij special bonds. In the meantime, we are securing all Available, jntforn^ati on. on thia m utter. -xCcngr^saman Small has written the Department of Refer ence in Raleigh for all literature that refers to the ; bonds and Mr. H. 8. Ward has also promised to write .article pertaining to them aa soon aa court adjourns. Through these channel*, Wp.^rc .certain, t^at aotne iAUnstix^ information will be given out ? THE VALUE OF .THE HUX>. The Extension Fann News, in its issue of last week, baa dome inter esting data .on. the value of the silo to tho farmers of North Carolina, it wwt farmer to study .the IwieiiU that cap J? .derived from fendu* ?iiap" to rtook. ( "The aiioJiaa Wn well named as the waV'htewer of prosperity on the farm. The economy of atoring crop* for silage ia a feature which appeal* at once to the average fanner, since 2Vi to 3 tons of (rilsge can be stored in from one-half to two-thirds the. space occupied a Umljo t ,<?irtgiaiy July. More cattle can be fcept ?p a given amount of land where silage is fed, aral there ia the additional advantage that after the crop is in the silo the" fanner is .not depepdfut to .any e** te^t whatever upon weather condition*. Cold ?M>y comp, pastures may dry np? the silo contains a supply of juicy, greea), sooeiitent food that is good winter or summer and equally aa good ^or the periods in between. 1tHlaa? atock thrifty. And in growing oopditjon all tain-, iter. It prodnoas lieef fat mrwe cheaply th*Bdec?..dry {and. Cow* fed sitag* will produce milk; and bntter at Wwar.eoet. Tbe.ail? pro ?rant* waate <tf cornstalks, which contain about owrtbird the food lataexrf lhe gntinmngn crop. Silage ia kept in the silo rery much aa fruit, vegetables and ether article* for human nonaumption are preserved in airtight cans. The ,???* *tab/-a<ise i lay gee, and If air i* kept from the silage it can be puis ml for an inde&utewriiil yonvit been yet they're MILD In other wfcmfe. Chesterfield are MILD? and yet they ;<totally nty y Ti iin 1 1 . . Vutgincn wtkfy. This ia to cigarette#. It p(eMin{ ?Hi mo what a does far Chesterfields satisfy know you've been smoking. than does fqr icy slice of appetite. Aey let yofi Bat they're MILD, too? Charter fitting arc! * ^ If you wantth is new aifuetla delight ( satisfy , yet mild) yod yi gpt ,to get Chesterfields, because no cigarette maker can copy the Ckt%tirfitli &*/? This blend-is an entirely Jiew COTipin* tion of tobaccos and the fcUfMt jhlKPV" cry in cigarette.blcndin|?lp^0 i11 How Delightful is WASHINGTON PARK! [for thr ChJhhm'i 8*ke left build I****? (JKEKK8 HAVE RRFISED TO <3 RANT DEMANDS London. Nov. 23. ? The Greek gov-| nrnment has refusod to comply with the demands of the entente allies for j the surrender of part of Its supplies of arms and ammunition, Reuters' Atkens correspondent cables. The Town Gossip IT'S STRANOE. HOJV K^NY que^T thlnp. CAN H APP,EN. * ** # OYBJl TUS telephone AND- THIS morning. I WAS hard at work. A^TD THE phone bell rang. AND /l l&Hy said : "MB. DAVIS. "WANTS HIS pants preMed.' AND i Bilo: "ALL RIGHT, nj ad am. "HE HAS my permission." ANp SHP did not seem. TO UN0EBSTAND t&aL AjND.TOLD me again. ABOUT Davis. AND Hlfl pants. AND WANTED to knqw . IF I'D pome around. AJND. GET, them. AND I t^d .her. THAT 1, didn't think. i pouLu AND 8HE jeqmed. TO BE surprised. AND 8HE aald: THAT MB. Davis. HAD TO have his pant*. FOR SUNDAY. AND SHE Mid: ?TXJM'TVTOU do preulngT" AND I told her. THAT 4 -did. BUT -NOT that hind. AND SHE Mid. THAT SHE guessed. SHE'D HAVE to send than. SOMEWHERE ELSE. AND I 4old her. THAT 1 thoupcbt. THE BEST thing. FOR HER to $o. WOULD BB. ' TO 8KK*>,V*1? SO |WW|W'H? ?it>b. AND 8BX wld: "MWO. V.tbicT Aii.'ri.&HK RAW : "T1BMAAU." Mtb WKK *k? how ??> THAT UR D??V AND .WON'T h.we to appear. WITHOUT THEM on Sunday. I THANK you. JElgh|l> Annual Southern Commercial Codrtcm Convention December 11 to 14, lPlti^. Uc. An evitnt of unusual Importance. Economic. Agricultural, Military Governmental. Financial and Com mercial subjects will be discussed in the Interpretation of thA relation of the United 8tatee to International re construction. Tickets on sale Deoember tth to 11th, 1916. Inclusive, with final limit to reach starting point prior te mid night December 19, 1916. For further Information ask near est Norfolk Southern Ticket Agent, or addreea the undersigned. W. A. Rhea, TPA.. Norfolk. Va. J. F. Mitchell. TPA.. Raleigh. N.C. H. 8. Leard, OPA., Norfolk. Va. BUB0GRLBJD TO THJD DAJL.Y NTCWB Why Look So Thin? It it not becoming ? not ?afe for your health. Add flq?h to your Uo*??nd to? to you* check* by drinking a gl?m of this delicious difertant with meal Shivar Ale ' ?Pioo. jrour (focal pi drnaxU for . (Wn MIm. S>(UK<S?a rau. ? nt?ed or jrour mooT nfiuxM oo ?iX doaon UOTd. ',"t *? cA. f> rated Shim Mia.nl Spring, JUL ton, S. C If not rooihr <WW --araffisteft wmwcioM ro? wajhuhto*. SAGE TEA ml 10 DARKEN HAIR; _______ ' * tld Lock J?v?<wni?l Vm .?*? J>I4 time 8 ?? TM.rad SaJWwr^' and nobody will know. .1,1? night if you'll git a 80-oent kottls of "Wyeth's Bage and B nip bur Compound*, at any drub store. Million* of bottle* flf this old, famous Sag* Tea Recipe art ?old annually, says a well-kncnra drug gist here, because it dark? s the hair so naturally and ?vf*ly .that .AO. ??? SMM tell it has been applied. ^ Those whose hair Is turning gray, -to eomlng faded, dry, acraggiy and this bare a surprise awaiting ihcsn, .because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks bsuoafr luxuriantly dark and beautiful? all dan drnff goes, scalp itching and filling hair stops. This is the tnff youth, ,-Qrjky-baired, unattraetWe folks aren't wanted armind, so get busy with Wyeth'a Rage sod 8ttl phnr to-nWht and yonHl 'be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and ypur . yonthfnl appearanoa withia^afsw day*. If yon hiul aerer *Wted a ay ?f gm, stores you ?on Id still doeI<U. from reading today's ads. which ones are ruost likely to eecnrw most of your 1 I NOTICE OF'HUMMONS AID WAR. I^NT OF ATTAC^MpfT. North Carolina, Beaufort Cptmty. Philips JFtottMs4r Compiiij Tk!" Utah PoU<h Comptftf. *? The defendant *fco*e MAfd will ?ake.;goUce that.ciunmons * ,in the torn . Mtltlea iJktj6n Wu 1m tied agalnnt the said defendant on the 14th day or Norffcnber, 1916, by the undersigned .Clerk' of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, for the WD} of Tw en tTrAlpe Hundred Dollars (WW) dee^ the de fendant u (fafcnages for breach of cbntraet in the quality of good* sold and delivered and for failure to de liver .gopde according to contract, ^hich mmmoni 1*. returnable at the &WH?rlor Court Of Beaufort County to >e held on the fifteenth Mondays after the first Monday In September, 1916. It being the ifith 447 of De cember, 1916. The defendant fi# also take no flpe. that 6 warrant of attachment was Inued by said Court at the same time agalntt the property of the said defendant, which warrant la return able, before the said Court at the Ujpe^gufl pl^pe aMnre named for the return of Bummone, when and where the defendant Is required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint. or the .roller demanded will be. granted. This Noy ember 11, ltl6. <??0. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court, Beaufort Co. 11-6 6-4 we. ADVKRTI9B W THB DAILY NKWB Yeur Winter Suit Is bow ready and "Wailing For You We have ijever before of fered such a laxge assort ment of men's olothing to select from. AH sizes and the latest styles. Your Inspection Is Invited.

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