L WAKT AD Df THE DAILY NEWS BIUXGg RESULTS f THK MfcA/llKH Unsettled tonight. Prob able ?bo*-tr? tonight. K HilBEH &S. RUMANIANS ARE BEING PURSUEDBY GERMANS GAINS OF TH* TEUTONS IN THE CAMPAIGN CON TINUE. according to jf? REPORTS. BRITISH SI HOPEFUL Claim That II Rumanian Army Was Encircled, Germans Would Have Reported m Big Capture of Men - and Munitions. (By United Press) Headquarters of General Falken hayn's Transylvan'.an campaign. ? "Our task Is to destroy the Ruman ian army and that is what we are do- , lnjs as heat we c??." J ? So spoko General von Falkenhayn today, his, brows wrinkled but his eyes sparkling as he submitted to I ^questions concerning his victorious progress against Rumania. "Our flyers," bo coutinued, "report i the Rumanian roads blocked with people ana wagons that aro fleeing 'from Little Wallachia toward the Alt | liver. This is the terrible part of j the war. That soldiers should suf fer, la a part of the war, but that wsr.ien and little children Bhould be pat to such misery ? that is terrible. However, It waa Rumania's choice. She has been playing with Are now too Ion ff a tlmo not to gft burned.'* ' Rumanian* Retire BUCHAREST. ? The retirement from Thealt and also from Topolls, slightly eastward, is announced through an official statement. .PETROGRAD. ? In retiring thru western Wallachla, the Rumanian army is taking advantage of all nat ural obstacles to resist Falkenhayn's advance. Having crossed the Dkn uhe near Slmlnetza, the Teutons have placed observation points on the River Vcde- and are occupying posi tions between Valent and Rusede wade. French Arc Rcpoleed. _ BERLIN. ? The French llttetnpt to force an entrnnce into the southern part of the St. Pierre and Vaast wood without artillery preparation, was repulsed by the Germans by machine gnn fire. Minor firing occurs along the Somme. Alexander Is Cuptnml. BERLIN! ? Alexander has been captured from the Rumanians In Wallachla, doclares an official state ment. British Are Hopeful. LONDON. ? yews from German Sources today caused a renewal of the hope hero that the Rumanian nrmy has extricated itself from the precarious position in which hor Wcllachlan forces were placed by General Von Falkenhayn's strategic camoalgn. The prime basis for such hope is thft utter lack In ?all German official repots of' Ally claims regarding tho large capture of prisoners and mater ials. If tho Rumanian army wa^ae fnally trapped tlie encircling movement around OHo*a,*? Is re garded as certain that Genua* re ports would hav* chronicled- a big Capture pt men *nd monitions. | ?v ? * .;<>"? liyn'B rREflrDKNT TO ; rf . ? ATTBim ENCASHMENT. ^ (By U&lted Pfeea) ' ) fa WASHINGTON. ? President Wil son has "been invited to attend the annual encaihpment of the United ' Confederate Veterans at Washington during the laBt part of. Way. Is the first time that the encampment &11' ever have been held north of th# M json-Dlxon line. i WARNED OF A CRISIS " V iB* ***** R- Auder? ) WA8HJN\>TO?ff ? Count von Bern storff, Oermtn ambassador to the United States, baa been warned by his government that a new crisis be tween the two countries Is near. He has been nutifled that unre stricted submarine warfare Is now the Germnn policy; that it probably will land to war. and that within alx months the two countries will In all probability have disco nil n end diplo matic relations. Thin is* the story. Just . come to light, of Karl Armgaard Graves, who eajtt himself the master spy, and who claimed he had been In the German secret service many years. Graves, recently, was srrested on the charge of trying to sell to an at tache of tho German embassy in this city three letters purporting to be J personal communications from a Ger- ' man woman of high place to Countess 1 von Bernstorff. - These three letters were turned over to the secret ser-j vice of the United 8tstes, and are now in their possession. Graves claimed that the letters wet-e not stolen but thst they came to him direct from Berlin, though they wore written for other eyes. He alleged that they were in a cipher and that In the guise of unlmpofauit personal communications they con cealed a message of the greatest in ternational significance. The* ^sub stance of this message, as Graves has stated since his arrest, was this: "To Ambaasador Count von Born otorif: Be prepared to leave America at any time. Admiral von Tirplts has returnM ffotn his exiled at the frontier and 1<* in control once more. Unrestricted submarine warfare will be ersumed and win probably lend to war between the United Staitcs and Germany. *? This messa re Graves claimed could be made out of the letters. He claim ed that having in hlB possession the code he cooH -translate the message to thesatlsfa^fjo n and conviction of anybody who understood German. Graves Is now held under bond for appearance before a federal commis sioner In Washington. He is at~*res ent In New York. Graves reepatedly declared, after his arrest, that he was not worried about his predlcamont, and with Ihe utmost sangfroid instated that no government would employ extretpe measures against him, because he knew loo much. UROB8 5-YEAR HARRIAGB TO CURE DIVORCE EVIL 1 ? TOLEDO. ? A law that will provide that married folk cannot obtain a divorce until after they haveJiad five years of married life to their credit! This Is the solution of the divorce problem offere dby Common Pleas Judge Bernard Brough. "It has reached the shameful polht Where there is one divorce out of every four marriages," Judge Brough . declares. "Thre^ tlmc^ as many I wfmen as men apply for divorce. J This may Indicate more men than I vomen are responsifcl3 for disturb- 1 angCB in the household. "Some marriages are really no more thin trials," says tho judge. "Couples make no pretense of estab lishing a home and living as sane married people should. They fight the first weok, and in a month are seeking a divorce. Hasty marriagcr bring about this situation. I believ the only solution to tho divorce que$ tlon is a five-year marriage." ASTRONOMER WANTS A QUESTION ANSWERED BOSTON. ? The question, "How I qld is Tna?" wan answered long ago ? !n many ways. But here Is a new one, propounded by Professor W. W. Campbell, of I Lick Observatory. The answer most I be written on a moving picture film. The question is: If light travels 186.000 miles per second and It requires four and one half years for light to travel from the sun to Its. nearest stellar neigh bor, Alpha Cent&urf; how far is It from the sun to Alpha Centaurl? i Visiting Friends Here. J. R. Evans, of Oreenville, spent yesterday in the city on a visit to friends. NO m IS RAISED j TO THE BMP ON FOOD, WASHtNOTON. ? The state d ? | partment will Interpose no objectlops j to action by Congress placing an em bargo on the shipment of foodstuffs I out of the United States. The sensational development, com ing on the heels of an announcement 1 bj^ Chairman John F. Fitr.gerald. of the house appropriations committee that he will Introduce such legisla- 1 tlon at the forthcoming session of Congress, created a profound stir in official and diplomatic clrdcs. Secretary of State Lansing made this statement: 1~ "The department of state has no views on th!s .matter as It is entirely ja domestic question." I This attitude is In sharp contrast I I to that taken by the state department toward efforts made earlier in the1 j1 war to get the United 8tatcs to pl^ce I an embargo on the exportation of | ammunitions and other war supplies to the Entente powers. ..fc. I In * memorandum to the Austrian ' government. Secretary Lansing then jtook the position that such anem bargo Would constitute a violation of i neutrality on the part of this govern ment. And ho went on to explain to the government at Vienna that it was no fault *Of the United State that the central powers were unable to enjoy the Mine advantage* of free and open trade with the United States as those possess** by the entente govern ments. . * f Officials of the department, Ihfl tid ing Mr. leasing. made it-plain today that the distinction between each shipments and food exportation!! was ' n perfectly valid one. Justified . by such domestic considerations as the Increasing cost of living In this country. Tho fact. It was said, that Mr. ' Fitzgerald, In his announcement, ad mitted that such a food embargo i would be of serious consequence to Great Britain, was not to be taken into consideration. It was emphasised by state depart ment officials that the conclusion was not to be drawn that the depart ment's Indifference toward the qucs I tlon of a food embargo In any sens? | reflected a growing resentmrnt on the paj*t of this government toward the Increasingly burdensome cffects of the British stricture! on American commerce.. Indeed, it was found at the' department today that the ad ministration Is making no move whatever at this tlmo toward avail ing Itself of the various retaliatory measures against Great Britain and ?her allieti which the Congress, at its last session, authorised the President to oadtrUke. On . tfct other hand, the administra tion, it Is said. Is receiving dally evi dences of dlsoonteat oa tho part of the American public concerning the ?oaring prices, of foodstuffs. | * Wheat, flour and other articles ef food, being in great demand by the entente powers, whose pre-occupa tion in the war prevents their nor mal agricultural - activities, have reached unprecedented prices, and the cl^sens of the American cities arc groaning under the resulting raw VEKCtMT fIS IMMINENT DISPATCHES INDICATE THAT '' FR^BKNT BODY WILL 800 N BE BROKEN CV. j> CREECElnURMOlL Conditions Are Steadily Growing I Worse. This is the Fourth Minis try That Has Been Formed In Greece During Last Four Month*. (By United PresB) ROME. ? Athens dispatches declare that {ft* resignation of the Greek cabinet lis imminent. Greek dis patches indicate .the impending; dis solution of the Lambros cabinet, i which was formed October 10. It was reported Saturday that the min ister d( Justice had resigned. This la the' fburth ministry that has been | formed In Groece during the last four month's. Conditions in Greece are still In urmoil. With the dissolution of the , >resent cabinet, they will be even, I acre ?o. I. R. DAVENPORT WINS BIG PAW WEEK PRIZE I f Drnwipg Wm Held Saturday Night. J $20,000 Wns Paid on Accounts. I "Pajr-up Week" ended Saturday night with cloei to 120,000 paid on accounts. The drawing was Held at Davouport'e drug store and a largo lir mbfjr of persons were present. The fo.lowing were the prise winners: Firit uprise, R. Davenport, Pactolus. Second prize, $10 ? D. E. Horton, dlty. Third prize, $5 ? Mahew Paul, City Dollar prizes ? L. S. O'Brien. R. F. D.. C. A. Faucette. R. F. D.. Mrs. A. M. Dumay, city, C. A. Faucette, R. F. D.. McT. Roberts, city, H. D. Charles, citfr, Bruce Leggett, city, J. K. Alllgood, city, L. S. O'Brien, R. ' F. D., C. A. Faucette, R. F. D. I FAIRFIELD SCHOOL IS I "MAKINCJE PROCIIESS FAIRFIELD, N. C. ? The Fairfield people are ustly proud of the Falr Srld High School that entered the third year of Its existence at the be ginning of the present term. Pror. ' . V. Lydn. the principal, la quite a hustler and with the able assistance ox M.ds El.zj.bjth Scarborough, In termediate teacher, and Miss Emma Burrus, primary teacher, our school Is thriving. A splendid program 1b rendered by the school every Friday afternoon. I and taking everything Into cdhslder- , atlon we feel like Joining the school j children In the chorus of their school 1 "S>?o"t three cheers for Fair field High School, 't'.s the finest school wu . ?> , I BOOK CLUB EHTEKIAINED FAIRF4EL/D, W. C? Mrs. A. L. Cuthrell And her daughter, M!ss Alethla, were at home to the Wo man's Book. Club Wednesday after noon from 1 (o S p. m. Those enjoy ing their hospital'ty wore Miss Mint nle Spencer, president of the clhb. Mrs. A. Williams, vice-president* Miss Emma Burrus. Mrs. J. O. Mur* ray, Mrs. H. C. Jonee, Mrs. A. O. Harris. Mra. Ada Burrus. Miss Janle Chsdwlck and Mrs. Q. P. Carter. After the business had been trans acted and vcrtoas books discussed, j the following refreshments were I served In ttM order named: banana salad, ambrosia and eake, coffee and cheese-elswwtt' ihe Mnb win be en t*rtaln<*?y MUk'ImiI. Ohadwlc* at th? OMMMr ttMMnic. LOCAL HARDWARE CO. ' BOOKS BIG OR 47 . ___ Mffipe^Rlchwdson to Furnish Com plete 8ftw Mill to South Amcr i ' lean Concern. * ' Xhat Washington business estab lishments are extending their trad? artaq far beyond the limit* of Beau Toft county la shown by some recent jrdei* that have been received from distant points. Some of the largor stores cover practically all of Fist em Carolina. Others extend into ad joining states. The Mc Keel-Richardson Hardware Company last week boolied an order from the Droadhurst Lumber Com pany of Paramaribo. Dutch Guiana. South America, for a complete saw mill of 25.000 feet daily capacity. The equipment will be shipped via New York on the boats of the Trini dad Steamship Company. The ship ment wl!l Include everything for the mill, together with a dry kiln. rd^er. trimmer, two engines, two boilers, ctc. The order amounu to about It, 000. 1 ARMENIAN FL'ND IS INCREASING RAPIDLY Total Amount Donated ho Far Is 9122.80. Citizens Vrjjotl to Contribute. Every citizen of Beaufort county, who can possibly do so, is urged to contribute to the Armenian relief fund, which is now btlng raised in this city. It Is desired to get up as larg? amount as possible this week and then dispatch It for the nfd of the sufferers in Armenia and Syria. Leading citizens are contributing liberally. Your name on the list will make someone else contribute. The following is the report to date: Previously reported $119 86 Mrs. S. A. Winfleld 1.00 E. R. iTTxon *1.00 J. B. Sparrow 1.00 M'-s. J. B. Sparrow 1.00 Mrs. A. S. Jordan 1.00 Mrs. W. H. Ellison 1.00 Tota* $125.86 In addition to the above, the fol lowing donations were announced ' this afternoon: Collection at Episcopal Sunday School yesterday $ 16.54 By cash 1.00 Complete total $143.40 OFFICERS ELECTED FOR AURORA FAIR B. T. Homier. To Be President . Fair This Ye nr Wns Finnncinl Success. At the annu: 1 mooting of the stock holders of tbe Aurora Agricultural Fair held laBt Friday the* foil string wore elected officers for tho coming year: B. T. Bonner, president. C. T. Allen, vicc-presldoat. O. M. Hooker, treasurer. J. W. Chapln. Becretnry. Notwithstanding tho bad weather during the week the fair was a suc cess, and the Association Is In tlie high road to success. We expect to make the next one the best of all. The memberB of the Association know no such word as fall, and work his already begun toward tho next fair which will be tho coming event of Eastern Oarolina. . Under wlnn man agement tbe stock of the fair is now ab?ve paf and there la not one cent ngalnftt the Association. It will be well for the public' to keep an eye on Avfora. and see that prosperous tec- ' tton jrow. jumped From top of ElfJtfT-ftTORY ncniDINO. (By Unite*" Pt-oss) NEW YORK.? Joseph Brooks, not ed theatrical man, either jumped or Ml from the eighth story of an apartment building here. He was Instafttly killed. VULISTAS ARE STILL BESIEGING CHIHUAHUA EVBjg *0* i.n CAllRANZA ^ IS llt.NG HI. SHED ? rl'O CITY AS l A.ST AS POiiSlllLE. GARRISONS ARE DEFLEIED Numerous Sr.uHler Tow::? Arc Clvlnf; J Up ThoLr Garrison* la Ord.'r to I Furnish Men to Asftitit in the IYo I toctiug uf Chihuahua. (B/ United Proas) EL PASO. T:x.- ? Tho jiJla.'Is on Chihuahua by 4C.OO V: J*I?t is uitJ.-r peisonal command o." VIH.!. .s a- i: :;i progress, Unite J 'States areata d> j dared here todsy. They b.-sc their j statements upon the actim of Car Ira uza authorities in Bonding every [available soldier in northern Mexico Jh belnc rushed td tho beclrccd city. ? From S :ota Ventura the* garrison of 1 150 C.vrrar.z'stas !s being withdrawn I together with the garrisons at Ximl plqua. Cases Grandcs, Caiman a:i 1 several other smaller towns, ear It garrison cumbering about lUO'mcn. ^Tbey are b?lng rushed to Chihuahua .over the M:>xl?o & Northwestern ru 1 road to Jt:arrz, where they ar--1 bo ng tranpferred to the Mrxico Cenlr.il. General Gonzales today announced that Genera) Muycotte. with C50u of the defacto tr&or* Is maltlnC-a forrcd march northward from S'.ntn Tlosn l!e. It will take him sever? I days to arrive at Chihuahua because evc?iy bridge south of that city has boon burned. GETTING READY FOR FIGhF OVER 8-HOUR LAW * (By United Prose) W/gruxarCN. Government nnrt railroad attorneys today m.vkVH -1 together their mrtcrtal for wh-t is destined 10 h? th? greatest lKliistr.nl contest in recent yonrs, ? the t. nt of the Adamson elKht-hotir It". Attorney General Grpc-ry will b% in personal rHargo for Ihrr *->vrn ?ment. Brotherhood nElrJnls. fnni the *Ido lines, will keep (lose t. h.i on i.\] proceedings. Riv Fhl|>? fl*wk. BERLIN. ? Six Brit*Kh Ira'- Irs wore flunk yesterday . ."f'ernoon by Cermnn BirtimarincR, -s^^ordinK to dispatches received hore today. TODAYS PROGRAM ??AT ? New. Tliratre VAcnimrxK a ptcttrks 12th Episode of "Tho Hflcrol of the Hnhmi?r1n?**' Triangle Key* tone Comedy "The Snjnv Cnre" W'lh ?*ord Sterling "Mnrrel, Of>erltn A Co-n^nny** In Mirth. Myatrry nnd Manic ADMIASIOX 10c nnd 20 Rhow MKrtmt 7:41 ?h*rp tfatlom dully at 4 p. m. The Man who wishes &to pay $20. OO for a SU FT should see our beautiful selected line for men and young men in the very newest styles and colors. Calais Clothing Co.

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