WASHINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY APTERWOOIT, DECEMBER 12, 1816. number 110. = totfay presents to Its readers the biggest "SCOOP" that I in months. It Is the most important story that has "Br^^hls h the great CENTRAL POWERS ARE READY TO ENTER INTO PEACE NEGOTIATIONS NOUS HAVE BEEN SENT TO MSEKTAfflfS tf 01 IS KUTML NHS III DEM MIRKS Fla?h.: ? Berlin. ? GERMANY AND -HER ALLIED POWERS riiOPOSE TO ENTER INTO pfeA^E NEGOTIATIONS. '?? >??? (Special bulletin, 11:54 a. m.) ' Berlin. ? Proposals by tho Central Power* that peace negotiations l>e entered into fort with were made today in notes handed to rrjpm Bfintntivi* of neutral countries which are representing GermAny in the belligerent nations. >.' Sj a t i 1 ? ii (Spocial bulletin, 1:64 p. m.) Berlin. ? Chan<-eIlor Yon Bothmann-Hollweg today called in the diplomatic repres<>iitative? of the IJiiited States, Spain and Switzer land to his office. One after another he handed a note to them. The full tart of these notes will be read in the Reichstag today. ?r.~- ? . The Chancellor his asked the neutlU nations, which represent Germany and her allied powers at the capitals of the various nations with which ahft ia at Mrar tn Wrinir thcan nronoula In th? attmlinii of com is wain; to MAKE Hi* CONCESSIONS Ready to Give up All Territory Which She Has Acquired * ? * -i- j _-~>>rding to the German wiil induda the suggestion that the territorial itatus of the nations engaged in the war be returned prac?i<^ny to what they were before the great war started. Exception is toade, howerer, in the way of estabjiihing an independant kingdom Poland and also in Lithuania and tome readjiuUnents of international boundaries in the Balkan*. The Twenty-First Annul! Session of the 8esboard Medical Association of Virginia and North Carolina, will be held In* this cltjr on December It. ?0 and ?1. They will hare head I quartern at Hotel Louise. with place of meeting at the local Hlks Hall. They come to Washington as the guesU of the Beaufort County Medi cal Association, and upon the express Invitation of the Chamber of Cem fneree to hold this meeting here. Dr. Da rid T. Tayloe Is president of the association which Is a )n?t recog nition of merit, and an honor well "beet owed. Other local physicians oo mknand wagoxs being out Willi) FOR HEAVY WORK during winter months. (By United Press) With the Oer man army at Buchar est. ? Germany's campaign In Ru mania haa only started. Every sol dier i* being fitted out with allow shoes for the winter campaign. All wagons are be^ng devised so they ean be transformed into sleds. Favored wlfh Ideal weather, the forees of Mackenaen and Fslkenhayn have acquired much momentum with the fall of Bucharest. They will surge on further into Rnmamla. Mackenaen. through the fall of the capital, la In a position to swing his masses of men and artillery in ewry direction, with clow Ucm of Mm minrteatlon. I>r. W. 0. liartln, Bible Inctruetor of tha Atlantic Christian collet*. of Wllaon. M. C? iMlarad last slgbt at Ui? Ohrtntlan church on th? aubjeot. ba4 Wtntirr. a -toco number me UNITED STATES READY TODODO HERPAfiTTO BRING ABOUT PEACE WASHINGTON IS WAITING, HOWEVER, TO HI FULL DETAILS OF WHAT GERMANY'S PROPOSES ARE STATE DEPARTMENT ELATED tfHPll IMPORTANT NEWS ' ^ " ' ' Washington. ? If Germany's* peace proposals are suifh that she merely wishes the United States to act as a. courier in transmitting them, this government -will pass them along without any comment of her own. _ "1* On the other Tianel, if Germany's projposaU are to tl>e.effect that the United States, along with other neutral nations,^ ehttll niake proposals in her own name at Germany's behalf, the administration will care fully study the proposals before taking action.. This i* not taken to mean, however, that the United States will not- transmit he proposals under the second plan. . These facts were officially revealed today by the. SSafc Department. In the absence of exact information as to what Germany thinks, Landing U withholding ooroment. Ilia manner, however, indicates that the news is, probacy the kappiest word that has been heard from Berlin in months^ Officials point out that* Genuairy'a action is un precedented. t ' Various reasons' ard being assigned to Germany's peace overtures at the present time, *hen her armies are .meetHJpt^fith such great pnccess on the fields of battl^. One of the most vital of these points ia the fact that the low^r classes in Germany are undergoing untold suffering because of lacfc^of food. Thus, while <3erp?any has no rea son to fear the outcome of &e war, she is desirou# of ending the suffering withing her own borders. AMSTERDAM. ? The kffflft* ?IxtMa Belgians la a riot it Turgo ing, Belgium, wu doe to tk* prac tice of German deportations, an re ported by the ncwspa^, ' 9&ho A* Betfe. A Ocrman soldier, who BtrucV I Belgian with the butt of hfe gnte. < tai attacked by a crowd* German troops. In charge of t*e Asportation*, r en ponded wtth a fusillade Many WW* wound*. nrt>t ha*. bmumMl ??q( . TODAYS "^PROGRAM ' " 'r&~ New Theatre "THtf I1AIKMAN" S Reel Trtfcdfile Fin ^ Art* With DoacZM Fftlrbnnka AdtQlMil<*fc?c find 10c COMIXO! W?fn??f?T ?m1 Ttinrfldnj "WA|WiArOMR?f PW ?rf ?M*,1 T ' ? ' gOftBCWIBK TO.THB DAILY NKWft OFLHI2ML THE KIND MMgt Calais Cte^BWft^ompany