AJTERKOON, DRCEUU?SL$A, X$ TO mtmui NATIONS WHO ABM TO HKM? BIUNO ABOUT PBACB. M OfUCInfCOHKDII Hlllf (By United Pros) , : ROME.?Germany today htxM lb* neutral nations, whose ?enrieer ?he ha? asked In forwarding peae< suggestions t? her enemlee. a sssled packet containing specific terma upon which she la willing to make peace It 1? reported. The report also sUtea that ths packets were sent with In structions to be read only'la f?T-< warding to the till?*; If the latter, actually asked for terra a. The same report stated that t? a note sent \a the Pope, permission was given htm to read a secret list Of ths terms. No official comment on the news Is obtainable, although th* ?reports are generally credited her? ?. Mac utbeMte. LAST SAY FOR ? IZATO COME ACROSS (BT ? {By UnitN * the dimcultlea betwae the Celled Bute. Uiiough peaceful muna dependa upon what aniwer Cviuu glYea. Today la the ;JfK dar aet toy the peace commission far him to ilgn the troop withdrawal protocal. They expect to hear today whether he agree* to the protocal. if he ioea not aign. peace negotiation! wfll be at an end and the troopa will probably be kept on the border. MM HARMED HESIERBH Mlaa Tingle BeeavMa tke Bride ol Held Mitchell. Bare Left oa Krldal Trip. ' ? J Mlaa Fannie Tingle ,aad Mr. Ka Mitchell wear married thla morblnK at tan o'clock at the Mcthodlat par-_ aonag* In the preaonro of a few if tlmate friend? and rolatlrca. Re*. V. M. Rnlpfft officiated. The couple have left for New York and othei' polnta on their bridal tour. Oftot their return they irlll maka IMfsir horae la Washington. ''A ? Mlii Tlngla la tha daughter or +T. afid Mra. joe Tlagle of thla city and ll popular with all who know Mr. Mitchell la in the employ a? I kin * Kerry aA'l la well STOCKINGS m km Otct two thousand Hmu nn praaaat ?t tm Court Hooaa Sqnr* iMt nlf bt ?ni wltnewd tbo giorui that ni onM out at Waahttftoa'a' drat Comm natty Chrlatmaa 1m. i" Ttia traa ni graatiy adalrad.! Hundred? of rartoaa .algrad alaetrlc Itcbta vara naed In lllVKlaattas It. ta addition. tbara vara May othar laeoratloaa. Including lar?. color?? bana, altrar ?traamsn, chain, ate.'. It jpraaaatad a moat baatafnl upaar ""????a ' I?".'. | I Promptly at ?:I0. Maud Hard In*, ?ho acted as muter of oeratni lea. called npon Mayor 8tewart. ?1m made a brief addreaa of waleoaa. The f?*C. Bra?ew do make the Chrlatmaa inlet, the larce crowd listened at ..entirely to Jod*a Bragaw*a n?ech, which told of the eeareh of the wise men tor the Chriet and the trn? rueenla* ot ChTlstmas. Several aonjca arere also anas if ? the hatrsof the eity. ; 4n attractive feature at the pro gram wan thf passage of a brightly ailed slowly thronsh the Alas aad ben directly orer the tree. It Stop ad. 8t* hundred stocking?, hlled with ?fult, avta and candy, were dlatrtbtft d to the children present. It was endeavored to ghre a stocking to ev iry child although the crowd was ko large that there were probably aoae who were forced to go home disap pointed. The Community Christmas tree pro-red a treat saecdss la erer* way. (t is still standing and will probably ,he kept up for a few nigbta AUSTRIAN DESTROYERS i ?I""* . (By Unltod Prw) H BBRLJN.?Foot AaatHaa OTI unk two patrols and route? all tutor daatroyars of ?parlor typa aad apaed o* Otranto, VMa dla patchea atatad. "la tha haavy daal. ob* of tha hoatlla daairoyara waa art Ura. Thraa otHn vara hit at akart range. Oar loaa n 4 oflletal raporta. Mayor wai?n ta tk* oHy. I Rob. L. H. Watara. mayor of Brldgaton. N. a, and a formar raal daot of WaahlBitoa. apaat tha holi day? with frlaada aad relatlrea I Mr. Watara Itatf* that Brldgaton I snvtnc rapidly aad that a aumtt of public lmproramanta in j y. Ha alao aald that - C lonnty la maniac preparations to* *on?ldarabl? brick paring. having da dd?d that thla torn of road waa Ik* boat for all r rife 3 . Itfft Mr at. W. T. BalUy. Jr.. loft tkla moat ing far at. Loala aad Canton. OL. op > tbo l*r*w tea?? wwoffit lut ml?kt, thar* n? ; mtaMMMu of lh. chlldru Wjo wot. dlnppoUu* M tht Coamnalty ChrUlmu troo ul who did mot roeotr* * AmMb? Lti" -iwSte Mow* wtWa UMIMtll-M ?jgiaL tbo eUr_rac*ro aomo Cbrtttut gin. 4* order to ?o towT.'g-. w??t ot*t7 child, wfco did not km aay candy. or trait. P>aU b* ChrlMmaa. or who did wot rocolro a axwtfclnt lut nittt, to " to tb? D.117 Now. oOeo >omi> tlmo tomorrow ud ?t U ikHt It. Bach child, bo??Tor. mttlt h?ti a moto t 4 him or t*r aajinx th.t tfca child did not rocattr? u #-?* oat*. fc. If thtro woro maj rhlldron dlaappotatod. tbo Daltr !?< ntaa irruim to tin thorn una of tko (ood Uda*. that wafc *1. an ??J at tbo CbrUtmmm tx? lut alckC WT^ V K U la raQoaatad fiat all of tip ehlMrom com? to ttl oOt. tomorrow Is ardor that It m*T- ?t aacwrtalnad bow much fruit mud Uta tt will ba Doeeaaary to *Ux. PLAN IS M FOR MILITARY MING ilQi d?ipad to . __ to *ht miu. |-Ury CmnmlttM tod?y by Colro W?hi> c. Bern, or Ohio. All the flu* by tli ?lthonfb Col DEMOCRATS PLAN - TO MEET Mir IN THE REVENUES WASHINGTON.?PUos for tills? everything from motion picture films and phonograph records to low In come? are being considered by Dem ocrat? of the house ways and means oommltteo. as the prospects of a huge treasury deficit grows. . Indications are the, Democrats of the house committee, who tucve been harassed by revenpo problems since the outbreak of the European war, most tarn soon after the holidays to a tariff revision. Congressman . John Garner, of Baa. a Democratic member of the committee. announces that hs will (sponsor a plan */or a horizontal In-1 jcrease of 10 per pent in existing tariff Ho has conferred with Secretary McAdoo, Chairman Kitchen, of the Ways and means committee, and a number of his colleague? regarding the practicability of tariff legi^dn of thl? iort. He asserted todsy^bst kip plan had been taken under ad-; vlsement by Secretary IfcAdoo and others. He declined to "say whether Hr. McAdoo approved of tba sugges tion. Mr. Garner estimates that'a 10 | per eefit Increase in import duties Will raise at least $118,000,000. This amount, sdded to the sum realised Ible sale of 11*0, cannl bond?; will ? dad 76.000. The ' I? r.pldlf ?4mI*S. H*. ? "tflj wiihio k eitr " 4 of moit ImporUac* la >**?1 ?? mm ?? -.. S m" ico ta> . .. . _ . . . on?l root?, In chart* off ?dtool at Fortress Moftto?. U ln tuth of lllt&ry **? UUm cam for i rfiulMu mn of ?o tok _____ training during UirMMa^?f months for fonr jaara. The &rtm*T7 BRTTtSH ARE DIFFERENTLK Believe Ttkmt He Hinted If Ocrmaaj Didn't Act RJgfct, America Would Join Allies LONDON.?British hostility to ward President Wilson appeared somewhat mollified today. The chance la attributed to the lat eat In terpretation of the motlvee that Im pelled the American note. It Is now regarded as having been sent wltfi ths purpose of forcing Oermsny to state her peace terms and to carry implications that unless the terms are satisfactory. America i may enter ths war at ths aids of the alllei. NO J.ET-UP IN FIGHTING ON ACCOUNT Of CHRISTMAS L ?BBKUN.?Repeated ' repulse of iflrgtleh patrols Is reported In. official ittftemenU. Artillery fighting la | tire. Increasing In some sectors or the I Ypres front. The Qermana and Aus | trlana. stormed at bayonet point, | tenaciously defended the villages of FWpsstl and Wallachla. Active oU the Homme. P A RIB.?Active artillery action oosurred^ on Christmas night on th# Romme front and in ths region of Ubous, says'dn official statement. : I - is I fflftwinms 10 JOIN U. S. a PLACE NOU ."WaSHWOTW.-: tolMrM Joined tka United gUl*. la lb*?!!?? to brio? about ?M?Jl KuroHt-OUi cr neairal uUoni u> .UI>H u? ?MB Hallu KU.1.*wae Intimated in uUHlat underatood, will ba tnao^aaM to Mttrat CavAmmaau - M bow ntatad officially, for ttf ?rat time, that Prealdaat Wllaoa In nak Ma faan mot* baa baa* aatlng ME ON WATER SMI UST NIGHT JOSH MILLS 18 HEAVY LOSER BJCC.tl'SE OF BLAZm. BOMBS AMD MILES BCBXED TO DliTB. LAUNDSY AtSO DAMAGED Fire broke out ?t midnight Ust night in the stables owned by Josh Mill* on Water street, completely gntted the place and alao did consid erable damage In the laundry of Mr. Cape hart, next door. Six horses and i two mule? were burned to death In the Are and considerable hay and equipment was also deetroyed. It Is reported that there was no Insurance carried by Mr. kill*. None of the machinery In Mr. Capehart's estab lishment was hurt to any great ex lent. but hla losa -will probably amount to four or five hundred dol lars. Mr. Capehart waa out of town at the time the lire occurred, hut It Is understood that he 1? /airly well covered by Insurance. No one apparently knows how tl^e blase etarted. Tbe Are department reaponded In a hurry, but by the time the alarm was aent in, the entire building was In flame*. A genera] alarm was turned In and than a can was eent In for direct preesure. The department never worked to better iflvantage. In aplte of the headway fmtr9 woodan fire from spreading tV the n&Y building, they held the flamea in check by skilled and efficient work. The pressure tyaa never better and each boso did effective work. The different companion deserve the high est praise for their cxcollent work. The building waa owned by Mrs W. L. Laughinghouae aad Mr. H. D. 8til ley. GERARD MEETS WITH KAISER U (Jailed for a Special Interview, Prottiimably to IMacusa Peace M (By United Press) AMSTERDAM. ? American Am baasador Gerard la scheduled for a. special audienoe with tho Kaiser to day, according to Berlin dlspatchee It Is stated that the Emperor also ariked the Swisa minister to go to the palace for an audience. It la pre sumed that peace measures will be discussed. 10,088 SCIENTISTS TO HOLD COHKW (By Untt*a Pr?w) . YOtflK.-^The Kleno? of ?v~J ?rythlng/ from e&wln* woo? to i(el lar etnloemiinshlp. will bo ronnded op njiil ?one over In dotall by ten tfionaand of the world's leading acUmttata Who wffl arrive here Mon day fer tbe ?9th eeeeUn* of The A?aocl*tton for the Ad vancement of Selene? which convenes Tueaday. Prenldenf Charlee R. Ven ^lae, president of ||ia> UnWeralty of wleoonaln. Will preside. Twenty ??? en differ on t eodetfW will p*rtldp?te. TENDERED BANQUET . T9 tltS EMPLOYES r ? ' *?* rhMinr t?V Th? iIbIt wm thoroughly b, ?I tnMU MM -??? MB for fourteen Tk? mrau w?? M follow?; onttrraa h??f ttntt ?4 ITS miur WTffijf ?**>? -MllM ?kMtafoiici tka pro/OMOr or I*oloi7 M Uw Calror altr told tlo op??-mouth ftudenu. No ono f the origin and destiny of our Re public, was presented to a packed j house at the New Thoatrs last night and will b6 repeated this evening. | Thoss who witnessed the perform ince last night were charmed and delighted and those attending tonight | will bo as much pleased. The story 1/ written by Thomas Dixon snd the) music is furnished by Victor Herbert. The story (s presented In neven reels. ADMIRAL DEWEY IS 79 YEARS OLD TODAY ( By United Prow) WASHrNOTON.-?Admiral 0*once Dewey, victor over the 8panlah fleet at the battle of Manila Bay. who ?o long aa ha llvea will ba on the active llat aa ranking officer of the Amer ican navy, celebrated hli 7ft b birth? day today. j The Admiral !ft atttl. - hal* . and hearty. Hla favorite MMMn 1? tw>r**M?k lidlBE. *?lch He lastit?! Mniont ?trry ' Xdr?l?irt .Jjwror, wU ?0 ytarft W iii^hn on Mat t, lin. b'o cpiftmfcndWt the yictorlou? Asiatic m?4roc Is kUalU Ho th^n hrid ?? rm of CflifcmoioM. h?t >u promotM U Admlr.l Ud [thukod br. Cttngnm tmaMdlatelr ?pon r#Mtyt /? lYf jpUtU promptly ?t "wr .