WASHINGTON. ? After months of campaigning on the part of various cities throughout the country to ?? euro the location of the Federal Perm Loan Basks, the Federal Farm Loan Board today announced th?> following locations for the banks: Springfield. Mass. 1 Baltimore. Hd. ' ' . ?' Columbia. 8. C. -V:l . Louisville, Ky. pjf New Orleans. La. St. Loota. Mo. Omaha, Neb. - V ? i ?? Wichita. Kan. ' Houston. Tn. Berkley. California. Spokane. Washington, The third district is composed of North Carolina. , South Carolina. Georgia and Florida. The second district Is composed of Psniitylvania.. Virginia And the Mr. Small Dtxnp pointed. When informed by the Dally News thts afternoon of the location of the farm loan banks. Congressman Small expressed himself as disappointed because North Carolina did not se cure a location of one of the banks. When he was told of the States that comprise this district, however, be stated that the board probably felt that any city In North Carolina would not be centrally located and had therefore selected Columbia. 8. C., as a more central location. As far as actual benefits were concern ed. Mr. Small said that the location of the banks made little difference to the residents here, although the ttly of Raleigh would undoubtedly be very much disappointed. ? Charltioe wlslv4o\hank the pub- * ? lie-spirited citizens of Washing- ? ? ton. and also thS' Dally News, * ? tor the generous contributions * ? and assistance given. Our funds * ? were very low and we fearJB "? ? that it would bo necessary to ? ? discontinue the work during the ? ? coming year. But now, the ? ? gener pglty of our people has ? ? made 1* possible to keep on help- ? ? ing those who are infant and ? ? who an able to pasvide for ? 1 ( . Ujr United Preaa) OflSIPBE. N. H.? A chemical a* alirals of the stomach of Mr. Flor. ence Small, tar whoee murder on September II, Frederick Small. her husband, i* on Irlal, ahowa that aha ate rout beef the day before death, according to Information hare. Thla fact, the 4efaaae -claim.. wUl prore the Innocence of the accused m?? Tber claim that it ahowa aha ata a meal attar ha left their horn* the day aha was murdered. NEWS FROM AURORA AURORA. N. C.? One of the Jol lleet of the Christmas week partlt a was given last evening by Hiss May field Hudnell to ihe member* of the younger set. The decorations were beautiful, the color echesse betas carried out in red and green. Interesting games of Progressive Hearts were enjoyed. The supper was aarved buffet style. Those In v J ted were Misses Pannie Price. Sleanor Cathrell, Charity Swindell. Clarissa Bonner. Bonner Thompson. Dawnie Oodley. Ixiis Hud nell. Nina Past. Mayflekl Hudnell. May belle Beacham. Miss Brinson or New. Bern. Messrs. Haisey Thompson, John. R. Chapin, Harry Broome, Hoyt Paul. Fltxhugh . Bonner, John Belby. Myers Thompson and Tu thill Bon SNiS Miss Hannah < Cutbrell. who has been attending Greenville Training School. Is home for the holidays. From A. * M. <^>*1ege. PltxhuRh Bonner. Harry Broome and Henry Chaptn are home from A. A M. College for the holidays. Prom LiotdNirarfi College. Miss Bmma Hooker, of Loulsburg College. Is speeding the holidays' here wKh relatives. Visiting His Parents. George D1a<>n. of the University of . North Carolina, is visiting his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Dixon. Sr. 1 high officials bxueve that BRKAK WITH GERMANY W1IX OOMK IF NEGOTIATIOXH 2 F4DU ' WLSON STILL HOPEfUL (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? Despite the gen eral hopelessness among government heads over peace prospects as the result of Germany's communication, men closest to the President bell ere he will "strive to the utmost to pre vent the situation from going beyond .his control. ? Two reasons are as signed for the President's activity in the peace, proposals : First:? The natural desire to end the war in Europe. Second:? -The desire to avoid, It possible, putting through the Sussex note threat to break re Lotions with Germany shoukl *he overstep her submarine pledges. Officials expect the allies to reject 0?rm.P. pWo.^. bo??u? (t?J? TlbfTuelOtle a world peace guarantee. Those closest to Wilson say th af\"tbr door is not yet closed?' although the allies threw the German conference idea hard. While the Idea of obtaining peace Is uppermost in the minds of admin istration officials, there are those among the Inner circle who are pro found In their belief that a break with Oermany would be Inevitable If present peace proposals fall utterly. One of the highest officials told the Unttrtl Press today that present plana call for no more note writing to Germany. GROWING mi IS hjhhng BRITISH PEOPLE TO PEACE < OF YOUR OWN Stock in tl* ?*r^3i'??7--dLEi ?**t rirrteM pn.iUv- mill tarr bat th. ?.<* re wm la ?i. Mb. ni T.lnjrrf (Morirt bllndir tnforwi rrfe rmmtrymon th** th?y ?? now mllwi upoo tn b?|rfH *11 ?r?r win." ' ' ? Th? Hollander ?n?rU that tb< HW proponal revealed Ch.n^llor ton B*tbmaan-Hollw?y to Eo?lub men unwilling to ba duped ta (hp mi ?UUnu who elearlr percaivn* tb< cataatroph.l. effact or war earrleKgg? 40c 47o Durham Joldaboro Greensboro lam let Lumberton Maxton New Rem Raleigh Rocky Mount Salisbury Scotland Neck Wilson Winston-Salem il?c PRIQB W OJWOs^CDTTO! HRED. Town Middling Cotton 16c 42c 38c 38c I 30c A 40c J: 40c I 40c ? 40c 36c 40c j 86c | 40c 40c 36c 4?c 46c 36c 36-4 0c 4.76 4.76 4.00 4.60 AND HftlH 15c 12c 16.30c 10c 17%c 14c 13c [ 12Hc 13c I ?M* Ahoskie Charlotte Durham loldnboro Ireensboro Lumberton Maxton New Bern Raleigh Rocky Moant Salisbury . Scotland Neck Wilson Ortton Hfvvl I per bnshel j 75c 17c 18c 16c 18c 16c 16c 18c 16 % c 16c 17c 16c 17c ? THANKS FIREMEN FOR ? ? THEIR EFFICIENT WORK ? ? . S ' ? ? I wish to express my sincere ? ? appreciation of the efficient work ? ? done by the members of the fire ? ? department on the night of De- * ? comber 25., But for their er- ? ? forts, there l? little doubt but * ? that the blase would hare com- ? ? pletely ruined everything In ray ? ? place and I believe R would have ? ? also spread up the street. They ? " worked splendidly. ? ? ? J." L. CAPEHART. ? MEXICAN SITUATION IS AGAIN SERIOUS NO WORD HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM CARRA NZA REGARDING TROOP WITHDRAWAL PROTOCOL. BANDITS OK RAMPAGE (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? Two develop ments today closely followed each other and thrust the Mexican situa tion Into the foreground. The first was the unsolicited state ment from the State Department that the unrest In northern Mexico waB growing and that as a result, atten tion was once more focused toward the border. The second announcement wan made by Secretary Lansing when hi called a conference of American members of the Mexican-American I Commission at an early date. Early this afternoon no word had been received as to whether Carrama hsd signed the troop withdrawal pro tocol. The Department declares thai U 6 aa in f orjaat tha*. large groups of bandits^ lire on a. rampage such as to give the depart ment fresh concern. The Department also suspetcs that Villa is getting all the arms that he needB across the border. Those in touch with the Department's maneuvres are Inclin ed to believe that emphasis on the Mexican situation today was Intended to prepare the -public for possible i.erious developments. UP BEFORE THE RECORDER Th? following rases were brought up and trlod before the recorder yesterday afternoon: D. J. Harris, intoxicated, costs. D. B. Simpson, Intoxicated, coritn. Tom Davis, riding on sidewalk, costs. , A. S. Wallace, disorderly conduct, 30 days in jail. + Ivy Warren, assault, coBts. Jesse Smaw, colored, assault, half the costs and hired out for six monthB. | Calvin Boyd, colored, assault, $3 and half the costs. ' Fred Collins. Charels Eason, Aleck Crist, colored, gambling. $6 and ! costs, $10 and costs, and $6 and I costs, respectively. BICKETT AND MAM ~ CONFIDENT OVER SUIT nidWlC.#t?o li retiring from olike tovWoree roTeruor. aod Judge Jw S. Manning. who la begltailng nt)?r n?? geaarnl wlthl* a xftf da^MM, bf-en 1? conference todlfy again* Jta preparation tor the Cuban bond -ablt which In to bo argued in the United States Supreme court January 10. 4 That date will be two days beforo Hr. Blckett's Inauguration, according to the program now. The salt or Cuba against the slate will be argued by *r. Hlekett sad Jadfe Manning nnd while- they would xnako no pro phecy as to It* outcome. they are en tlreljr pleased with w^at they hare Unearthed in aupiKm df North Car olina's repudiation. Vv Thin will he Mr. Bick*H'? last ar guroeat la the United State* Bupr*m* court lor fear years at leaatXjCrery body experts te hear that ha baa 1 done something "big" In thta action. 1 He has burled hlmftelf In ti erer since he fouad oat that the state fc. .-zjess. jggj m 11 hK hlatovy And It has taken some delving. ' When the State began Inquiring into the cass It had few facts and lea* law to work upon. The declalona had been adverae. The facts were hard' to And. B? alonoat every day haa rewarded the labor of Mr. Blckett, Judge Manning and Cameron Morri aon. Mir. Morrleon haa done aome of the beat work, yet done a&d with their dlscorery that aome of these bonds were paaaed In the most slip-: shod atul Illegal way, the road of the! collector* in made harder. Besides! the finding ot so riany Irrgpa^lgfttw In the pfcssage of aome of, the acta, they hare been unable to "*?nd the! "value reared" necessary to make Uiem stsnd. * ' ' Although the ease *fll be settled before Judge Manning becomes at torney general, Judge Mannlnr been working on it since It began r>rfd la prepared against farther setts of this chsrketsr. 90 fares cs*> now be ACQ) KESWif DIED TODAY Mi*. Murgem ^o? t Paaaed Away at Her Homo on Mai-fcet Street This Moralng. Mn, Margaret Grist Hojt, aged 80 yoart. widow of Edmund 8. Hoyt, 1 died at ber home on Market street at' (our o'clock this morning The. funeral will take place from St. Pet er's Episcopal churcK tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock. The actlvo pall hearers will be her grandsons: E. Hoyt Moore, N. Henry Moore. Charles Moore, Allen Moore, E. H. Hardy and J. K. Hoyt. Jr. The hon orary pall bearers: J. O. Bragaw, John Havens, T. Harvey Myers, Dr John Q. Blount, Dr. D. T. Taylo? Frank Rollins, Harvey Carrow. 8. F. Fleming and Thomas Latham. Mrs. Hoyt was probably the oldest native resident of Washington. She was born at the corner of Fourth And Market streets where James H. Hodges at present Uvea and while her father. Allen OrlRt. whs sheriff of Boaufort county. She *hb the moth er of fourteen children, seven of whom survive her. PRESIDENT WILSON I 60 YEARS OLD TODAY; (By United Pr>as) WASHINGTON. ? The President of the United States will- be 60 years of age tomorrow. At this, the beginning, of his sec ond t*rm as President, the Executive Injbtt'M fBtm nrort! TOTHf thin #? did ut the beginning of bis occupancy of the White House In 1912. He is a bit more stooped than then and the heavy lines in his face are much more sharply drawn than they were before he came through the inter national crises that have confronted him since the war began. He is. however, strong and well. Letters, telegrams and remem brances from rrlends and relatives ?)egan pouring Into the White House by Kcores todny. Visiting Walter Wolfe. Mr*. Malpass, of Orangeburg. 3. 0., la visiting her b-other. Walter Wolfe, on Market at-cet. REFUSED BY ALLIES NOW CKRTAIN THAT THE AL&BS WILL XOT ACCEPT I'ROPO 8ALM FOR NK<;0Ti\T10N8. TO ISSUE STATEMENT LONDON. ? The allies will cer t.ilnly not accept Germany's propos al* In the note sent to America and which naked for an Immediate peace conference. Thai fact was mada en tirely clear today. But the Teutonic reply to President Wilson's note nai hailed here as affordlaic a splshdld opportunity for tnglaid and^Jier allies to aet forth before the worfd a statement which would concretely epitomize the ideals and alma of the Entente Powers In the war. By her lack of sincere responstveneas In. the conclusiveness of her rtply, England holds that Germany Is self-conidq(ed of a lack of sincerity cf peace pro posals. CAMP PICKS All .PL fOOTBALL TEAM Ffflt US IJolow Is the team trhlch Waiter Camp, the great football expert, haa pickt-d an the All-Star Amerlcan't&am for 1918 : End ? Uaston, Minnesota. Tackle ? West. Col gat* Ouard ? Black, Yale. ^ Centre ? Peck, Pitta bur?it- *. | Guard ? Dadmun. Harvard. Tackle ? Homing, Colgate. End? Moseley, Yale. Quarter ? Anderson, Colgate. Halfback ? OFlphant. Army. Halfback ? Pollard. Brown. Fullback ? Harley, Ohio State. torn losses or the war NOW PUCCD AT 20,000,1100 By WILIJAM DA YARD HAT.K, (Bpeclal Hfaff Correspondent) BERLIN. ? "Your Royal Highness' distinguished leadership at critical periods has halted the French and English attacks; Iho attempt to break through has failed; the battle of the Somme has been won." With these autographed lines Emperor William conferred the oak leaves for the Order Pour lo Merlte | Upon Crown Prince Ruppresrht of Bavaria. The imperial note recalled the Impressive hours 1 spent some thee ago on the Somme front with the Bavarian Crown Prince In a su preme period in the world's history. The allies had gained a miserable bit of territory after three months' en deavor to break through. "They ?an have all they want at this price." observed the royal host, md there was Itrnnies* and dotermt~ -ration la his voice as he speeded the parting guest with the assurance: "Thay ca'nnot Ureak through." 81. Month* nf MIa Tho battle of the Somme has been fro n for the Oermann after si* months' of death, grapple. In frhich armies numbering feetfMps thrae million men war* engaged at various tub*. A day or two aco I submitted some data baaed upo* la at tlegrounds mrfn .are murdering one another day and night, wlthont re spite sufficient, to bafy the de*4 or harbor tha wounded. v Tot oaa hundred and twanty.flve u. I bean rolling over central and nouth ern Europe, belching fofth grenadea, shrapnel, Shells. gas bombs nnd liq uid Are, setting up In luxurjr-' the mahufacturers of these fiendish de vices which are leaving -a Shameful wake. IxMtftCtt 15,MH>,900. Military statisticians fc