1.4 i a t- i- U - ???.'??? , V ' Jf* ~W?* #??? ,}.j ???? #r VL-i i m ?"?? ww. workhto ranit. ?HM I* ORBC* TO AVOID VKUilADLE I1REAJC WITH o?uuj,v. . nuu MT'COHE r ? t? th? admlnlatraUo?** We.,, conatitnte a ?roa? dab In ??kins her preaent a ^ working basis for peace than ahe has jet given. The thnagfct tw the hreak man ?>11? If P?,ce '?11 U aputrlng WiUan au. according to ? cabinet e racial while th* endowment at hla peace Tim neutrals !? making him doably anxlbae to keep dp tke work. The action of Spain In rtgorou?lr pro tee Ung to Germany against aub ??arfne activities la retarded aa U ?K?d by the kaowladg? o t thla mt erameafa purpoee, .hoald all hope ?f peace eranerate. 8p?f* Refused Support. - J W- - ?? ->ivm .no* rid, Spain baa aotljMd. tke Dni tel ?OTcmraent that ibe cannot ?npport Preeldenf Wilaon'a nole. Ufuinurk WASHINGTON ?The Danlah Bote ?VPPorUnK Wtlaon'a peace meaaap*. which waa made public yeeterday. waa received here today. State Depwtmeat 1? Doubt. WASHINGTON. ?TI)e State Do-, pertinent cl&lma not to know the la tentlona of Spain regarding the Pree Ident's note to the belligerent!. Note from Sweden. WASHINGTON?The peace note from Sweden la rlrtnally the aa ?a the Norwegian and Danlah no which arrived today. MAGAZINES FORCED TO RAISE PRICES PUgJl Ooet of Paper rut. rtern. to. nfa?l?? /Tlty and Carranaa'a reue bara la to be r*ca?al*edN -3 WYEST1GAT10N SHOWS TfiAT CifRGYMENL LONGER THAN OTHER M?N RALEIGH, N. C.?A recent inves tigation bum!? to find out what cltaa of men Uro the longest revealed the fad that clergymen lire longer than other men. Monell Bayre, who majlo t bo investigation. attributes the long evity of clergymen to their simple life and says that the extra years which t^e.clergy ac^unralato. are the mpum*: Jim.. wwari itws] Mvee of sacriflce andjsbateiniousno**. ] If they were drinkers, they would not lire long. If they were gluttons they certainly would bo short-lived, so blessed with neither poverty nor riches, they find wealth in the num ber of their days of usefulness and Service on earth. Moderation Is now considered the salvation of this life. A splendid rule for attaining longevity la summed up >y the United States Public Health Service In the following short cut statements: "Other things being equal tt Is tha man who lesdl the well-balanced life who lasts the longest, whose work to : the end te uniformly the best, he 1 who neither over-works, nor over plays. neither ovor-ests. over-drinks,, j nor over-sleep?, he who maintains a standard of simple healthy diet In moderation, who offsets mental :work with physical recreation, who Is as honest with his own bodv as he is with his own bnalneee. When aue eeee eomes to such a one his [phy sical and mental condition Is such that hecan epjoy in peace of mind and contentment of bod*, the fruits of bis labors." at the*Now Thea& next Tuesday from 1 p. m. to 11 b 7 n. They were photographer through the conrttfe of High Gor man OfBcUla. Th? duplet all the grim scenes or gi&tlo war In campaign tor the c ?ture or Poland. They have not been presentation is their showing in Ch ago. Large crowds ar c?n before. This ultaneous with expected to see this great picture. The hour ?-(or Its performance ha A beep so arrang ;e4 IHLMMmI* flP^I^UTIjljarik haven can attend aqd return to their homes that same Afternoon. If they so dealre. ALLEGED MURDERER IS CIVEN HEARING Slnvm Small wood. Colored. Wns Kill ed Near Old Ford on Hiiadaj Evening. Solomon Brown, who Is alleged to have shot and tilled 81mon Small wood near-Old Ford Sunday, was given a preliminary hearing today. Ho was bound over fte,trial at the next Urm ol Superior oourt. Both uien are colored. \ It 1s claimed thai Brown and ' 8m all wood had been ?uarr??lln* wnd 'that tho former went up to Somll v ood's house and shot at him throxigh the window. The bnltet took rftfcct in tho hip and the vlctfm died eoon I afterward. VfOU IV ??. A jtNMV w | $10 will be. offered for. the winner. | Tbla la the flrat tonrnament that been held la the county In some 1 time and ae these ovents are always 1 o? great Interest. many are expected! to be at Bath to wltaeee It. j ENTERTAINED AT BRIDGE Miss Mary Lillian Ellsworth en tertained at her borne on West Sec ond street yesterday afternoon at htldge la honor of Mrs. Crone, of Norfolk, Mrs. R. L. Stewart and Mrs. McGllvary Orr, of Goldsboro. There wore stx tables of bridge and one of hearts. Miss Llllle Belle Willis was awarded the high-score pr!te. The home was most beautifully decorated with pine, holly and other Christmas decorations, presenting a most attractive appearance. At the conclusion of the card playing, re freshments were served In two courses. I Among those present were Misses , Mary Hill, Winnie Nicholson. El'.*a Branch, Mary Cowell, Luna Pulford, of Norfolk. Llllle Belle Willis. Kath arine 8mall, Mary Belle Smnll, Cad die Fowfe, Maty Fowls. Augusta Charles, Bessie Buckman. Elisabeth W"irr*n. Meadames E. O. Weston. E. K. Willis. Lindsay Warren. Hu*h Phelna, N. L. Simmons. Leo Stewart, M'O'lvary Orr. Mrs. Crone. Mrs. Swan. J. C. Crow, Carl Ooerch and John Oorham. W- H. RUSS BROS. COMPANY VARIETY 5-foRE ... * Dmitibvtor* of ~ Sewing MachinesiandSuppJief* :: Talki**} Machines and Supplies . : Picture Frames. Made to Order; patronsgs And friendship Ijr our thoughts go out t? ???)> of you, to prosperity In your undertakings, wlsdoa in tfco'Mrk. , frl?nd? for t fas fireside strength crowned aa emperor or Hungary. The youthful successor of Frans Josef will be formally Invested with the crown at nine o'clock tonight at the Church of St. Mathew, following a solemn religious ceremony. in prince or Mr HAM GOOD IMPRESSION nils Season,'Accor3lir(f*to flfiuiy - in the Audience. "The Prince of Pllsen" played at the New Theatre last night to a ca pacity house. The audience appear ed to thoroughly enjoy the presen tation. As near a* we can "line up" the play, it "stood up" about as fol lows: Comedy,?good. Plot,?entertaining. 8cenery,?fair. Singing,?-excellent. Girls,?good looking and other wise. Charles Horn, as Hans Wagner, was extremely it.>??d in his part and portrayed the "Ziminnatl" brewer to perfection. Next to him, George L. Myers, the Frcn? !t hotel keeper, dis played the best talent. Edward T. Mora, aa the real Prince of Pilsen. and George Hall, os the English lord, were also good. Estelle Blrncy car ried off the "femlnie honors" with ease while Marie Baldwin, as Ed!th, the Vassar Girl, pleased the audience with her excellent singing. Ella May Baasett, as the brewer's daughter. only fair in her part. Dorothy Delmorfe, In the part of Jlmmle, thp bell boy, was generally termed "cute' by the audience. The chorus work was above the average and there were a number nf uniqrue and handsome costumes ex hibited. A few m in a tee before the close of the performance, several of the au dience thoughtlessly arose from their seats in order to get to the door first and caused considerable annoyance to those whb wished to soe the finale. They rushed tbftttgh the aisles, msde considerable noise and confusion and blocked the vlsloh of those who hap pened to be teated In back of them, However, they ?obkbty didn't know - m.: \ jftv wiuuffu irouiilo i.iL1JJ* Nimil r' I'lTnY between the four. M? brotherhoods and the railroad executives. They will. probably ace the Presi dent before Tuesday. In tho mean ime there appears to be no Inclina tion of the employes and the railroad executives /o come to an agreement. Haftth bold Una to their original declarations and mneit bitter fcallnf Is In evidence. On oadi or two of tho smaller roads In t be west, It haa al ready been decided to call a strike. soinrmrmtD JOIN UNITED STATES IN PEACE MOVEMENT BUENOS AIREd.?If the United Stnten makes the reapest. the South American nations would probably join In peace notes to the belliger ents. Just at present, however, there !s some objection to unanimous ac tion, but there Is good authority for the declaration that these objections would be swept aside If the United States should formally request co operation. DRAINAGE TAX NOTICE. | The drainage tax?? for PAiff). [Punfco and Broad Creek Dralnag* ' iJistrlots aro due and mrst br? s<*ltl*il iat onre. All not paid imn:e1'"Hv will be adevrt!sed and sold tho 1 r Monday In February, nt the Court House at 12 o'clock noon. This 29?h day of Dertmbar, 1916. W. B. WINDUCT. Sheriff. 12-29-Stc-fp. TODAYS PROGRAM ? AT-? New Theatre ?THE i vmo?nv 5 reel ? Presenting Bhu?$fc? 8we?t Trianglu Od^dSl ? "THE TWO 0'C!4^M; flMjnr* ADMISSION... lu n?* fobs Matin*? Night show r AKE YOUR NEXT CHRISTMAS Brighter and Happier. Join , the*HoIiday SAVINGS Club which opens Saturday Night, Dec. 3()ii?