KATES i ? * ? ?*?????*????? .7 ft ? ?? t |*a ? ? ^ ? ItBO ? J W-npi* i ?? .. I I prvtim most-bo paid for in idr&nc?. If paper to net- t?-p telepboM or writo-thi* officet Bofcicribcn'deaiHbf J coulil^cootinuod', will plcu? notify thi* office, otiwewitB it -*31 I ? -.J.M ?t rrgular subscription rate*. ' " C&R& I- MAYO Ptcpbixto* < ?ySiOEKCfi. Eoitob < : I WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLIN A, DEC. 3P. tt>'^ ] In tho majority of cases, "Happy Now Year" is going to mean 4*Could you please pay this bill now!" "'*? ? . There's more than ?*io way of bringing about a discussion of pcace terms besides getting down into the bottuin of a well and whisperiug our dc&lrcn. A LONG CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. Pupils of the city school ar rejoicing over the long holiday they havi been given this Christmas. Tho school will remain closed -?ver two weeks, no classes having been held for the entire week before Christmas. We doubt whether it was a wise policy on the part of tho school board to give'this lengthy holiday. Impressions are made readily on young minds and they are just as readily lost. It will take con siderable "review woik" to bring back to the minds of tho pupils those thirds tl:at wore learned before tho Christmas season. Thus, to a cer tain extent, it can be seen that a good deal of the work that has Veen accomplished during tho first part of the present term will have been lost. rSTXO BRAINS WITH YOUR FOOD. A general agitation is spreading ovor the country in which the pfopie are being urged to cut down the amount of food that they eat and to pay more attention to the ingredients of the food than to the quantity. Promim-nt physicians aro recommending various kinds of diet* and there appears to be an inslinatiou on the part of tho people to follow these instructions. The North Cur lina State Board of Health, in a press article sent out this week, drals with this subject in a brief and concise manner and urjjes the citizens of the State to follow the advice that is being given along this line. That brains mixed with food will reduce tho high cost of living without decreasing the nutritive value of the food is one of the con clusions already reached in the experiment that is now being con ducted in Chicago for tho purpose of knowing whether or not people can be properly nourished on 40 cents per capita per day. The ex periment is being conducted by the city commissioner of health and includes a "diet squad" of twelve pcoplo who aro furnished thr^o meni? a day?breakfast, luncheon and dinner?the menu beitig changed daily with a view of both economy and variety. The results of the first week of tho experiment showed a total gain in weight ??f 2Cpounds, the average weight gained per member beii.g 2.23 pr.und*. Tho members go daily about their business jnst as before beginning tho test. The actual cost of food served for the first week was 33^4 cents per^peruon per day, this exclusive of fuel, lights, sen*ice or other overhead ' hagres. The menu in part for the week which was Wight at retail prices was two dozen eggs, 35 quarts of milk, 54 pound# of meat, sugar and flour. Bread was bought in ten cent loaves. Probably the most valuable lesson that tho experiment will teach is tha! economy does not mean deprivation, but education and training? to mix brains with the daily food supply, in choosing, buying and preparing. The experiment will not have been in vain if it sets peo; le to thinking as to how they can buy tho most nourishment for the lea-t money and at tho same time adapt that nourishment lo tbe.'r needs. NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. Mondav, January 1, will ho tho day for making New Year reso lutions. The custom has come to us through many years of usage and has unqne?tu naLly horn of great individual and general benefit. How, where ami why New Year resolutions came about no one ap parently knows. The custom, however,.is not an American one (? r it is also knowu in European and Asiatic countries. In fact. New Year's Day is much more observed in some countries than is CVrist mai. This is particularly true in Franc?, where comparatively little observance is paid to Christmas hut where everyone joins in cele brating the advent of the new year. Thcro are probahly very few people who hnve not mado resolutions on the first day of the year. It is a time for taking inventory of our had habits and endeavoring to correct them. Men resolve to quit smoking, drinking or playing cards; women resolve to give up candy, to spend Jess for clothes, to attend church more regularly;' children resolve to bo obedient and kind. Those are some of the morr. common forms of resolutions that are made. There ar>, of com so hundreds of others, hut it is safe to say that nine men out of ten, who make any resolutions at all, havo made np their minds to quit sin#king. And, oat of this number, probahly eight have g?">ne back to smoking again before the end of the year. Even if New Yrar resolutions are not kept, they will have don" some good. During tho period when a man or woman is endeavoring to live up to some resolution, there mnst be self denial and us* of will power. So don't be afraid to mako your resolution on Monday. Even if you fail to kc*p it, yon will be the better off for having made it Today's the Day Y*mt*nlmy %rIU never Mara Again. TW oQpnrtvnlU?* which tt bold arc rierfcapa t> ? arif liuncUI pro. OTtom ftm MM. a *??? raplt*! would WM (Iraa foti ?1111? 1. l^Ip l(.-m,mlH.r-_TT?D.1Vn THS DAY I Bank of Washington WMSinotm N.r r! ' Sow Delightful S WASHINGTON PARK! ft. 0. i WMW ? - Mk au K? ? ?WC*fOOd UKU i Str t\ cr tiicd. M am te** ? lo*c iprl ?1 ^bteTt^BUck-Dnuitit * trtcUal r. aad haa been in*I t*? wtit trn?fin, til ?gatkM, ML ^ li ku brai i* tonu Mt Ur not? ??a? 10 ?cara, and baa hni

r of AprfT ltI0. at (bt Court House door I pur tbaaad the Fallow-lax property am eat? tate which waa aold (or the talaa ror the rear 1(11 doe on aald prop erty Which Waa liatad la yonr nam? minding the teat or tha ml*, aald property balat o?a lot Waahlaxtoo Yob ara farther notified that rot. KT.u-i,rsr2ite ill owed by the law oa or before the Irat Monday la April, HIT. p. vabi? .o the aadertlitaed or to W. C. . City ClaA. Waahlnttoa. N. c., ?t mM by aald tlma, tha il*n.d Win daaaad a tai .i.m laid wotMrir :.ymt ?? This December fttif, 1916 ELLIft B. ? AND HE Mid. THAT BEFORE Another vnt THEY'D GO np 6? c?oU. AND HE asked me. TO TRY on a pair. AND I did. AND TOOK them off again. - AND HE wrapped them np. AND I paid for them. AND HE showed me. ''SOME NEW shlrta. AND BEFORE he got through. I HAD bought ONE OF them. AND JUST then. ANOTHER FELLOW. CAME IN. AND SAID something. ABOUT WANTINO a suit. AMD WHILE he was talking. X TOOK the chance. and beat tt. AND IF he hadn't come In. St JUST about that time. I GUESS. I WOULD hare BUYING YET. I THANK you. Tie annual meeting ef tl hotter* of the Ftrat National Baaft of Waahtagtoa. N. C.. wUI be held *1 the banking house Tneoday. Januar) ?UfclMT. at IS o'clock moon. A. X. DTOAT. Caahfer. 1S-4 to 1-9. ?*<*-- Si.rw#Tl'? *?<*??& ??. ; * ftf ; 11 ?^v v "<> ^k' ?? ->Ap^V V'! >%A. M.-^ J *+ >'< ? > i*v .i^ L' VtT'. 1 * ? v lMWte \ X ipirtr? ? ?; \t our store offers many at tractive values in odds and ends. Many citizens are coming in daily find looking over the new things we are putting on this counter. Aluminum Ware, Lamps, Toys, Crockery and many other articles are being sold at extremely low prices. i. .e i Harris Hardware Company The Stenographer Says 1 SPEND most of tta* day. AND WHEN I feeL AND THE work it don*. AT MY typewriter. LIKE THAT. BEFORE I know H. WRITINO LETTERS. I'VE FOUND out. AND THE boee. OR ELSE THAT THE beat thing. HAS TOLD me. I ll WITH the boae. FOR ME to do. SEVERAL TIMES. TAKINO DICTATION. 18 TO phone. THAT WHENEVER 1 feel. AND SOMETIMES. OVER TO the drag-More. LIRE ORDERING a drink. I'LL GET * bunch. AND YELL them. OF PEPff -OOLA. OF LETTERS. TO SEND me. TO GO abend. THAT HAVE to be typed. A PEPSI-COLA AND DO it. BEFORE GOING home. AND I drink It. AND HE drink? It too. XJCD 1 ?Urt la. SlX>WL,Y. AND KNOWS. AND HAMMER *t the ken TO THE tut drop. A BIO h?lp. UNTIL MY Angers. AND THEN. . JNjOETTINO out. MHO. T.IKE in], I START working actio. TH* DAY'S, work. AND MT head Mhes. AND I fool.' AND I rtont' ?no*. AND IT doesn't MS. AT.TOOBTHBR DIFFERENT. WHAT I would do. AS IF I could possibly. AND MT iafisrs. WITHOUT IT. GET MY work Hedsh?d. RACE OVER tbo k?T?. I THANK TO?. ff The Pin-money Club Is Now Open For Membership 10c, 25c. SOc or $1.00 WELL MART A SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS ACCOUNT have already joined. They will make weekly payments for 50 weeks and befc Christmas they will draw out a neat sum. tiever uriss the dime or quarter tnat you nratf' hMt at the end of the 50 weeks you will I ow the amount has grown. * - : feee Us About It ;ia??2* * VctUtt and pi ? ? #T t t ? ?-' 7, Business G. H. W. CARTER, M. D. PtmMm Umltsd to dlMUM m? m. BAR, NOB* * ta* um rrrrnro or CAm mr BronH bra? Bo?* ? to It i?.; ? to I | rim Monday*. WASHINGTON. N. a . i . . . i ' M. A. DuM, Jr. 11 8. >UlU| | U 0. Tm ; W. W. Kitebts I DANIEL * WABREN I MANNING * KTTCHIN .*rSar~ of thl*?at* JOHN H. BONNES Attonwr-at-Lcw WASHINGTON, H a ?? SpraE5jTL? _____ Jno. H. Bm?a A. tt KUta* p. a Bracmv W. a Rodmu SMALL, MacLBAN. BRAQAW * RODMAN City BaIL ?a mrM ?L. on WamMiiftom, : B. ?. War? /villus D. I WARD ft GRIME8 illonwHt-Uw naratorNOTO!?. * o. W? pnetlra In I h? court* at t Ftnt Judicial Dtrtriet aad < >- '