the Daily News and Trade at Home m Serviceable Hardware The Iqpcl tkat is gnnranteed to give satisfaction. And the price is *lw?vs right. il'l N . WHEN YOH THINK OP HARDWARE, THINK OF Pegram-Wataon Hdw.Co. Phone 100. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocero ?Higheat Prices Paid For? KGGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, T ALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOD HAVE TO 8ELL. GREEN HIDES, J5o jkt lb. Momj Spent At Horn* Drifts Back to Yob Again. An Advertisement in the Daily News W?U Give Sure Results.. .Try us. and lie convinced. M ena Clothes We are_offering some exception?] values in Men'? Winer/ Suits and"Overeoat?. fricea ??e extremely low. * We urge. your inspection of theae garments Wore our stock is de pleted to such an extent that yon will find it difficult to ?geni* joor sizei j?H5|3fs, : >-Sv - THE HUB SUSKIN V BERRY Christmas Gifts FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Visit our store.tomorrow and make your final selections bero. A large variety to select from. J. K. HOYT CTiat I can wellJffjbrd to Give bac/fto my 2oft'/? some fbrtion of cofiot It has <7ii/en to me. T7iat / will Co-operate with myZfe/k>tv\ Citizens in Svety rtiovm made for I our Common betterment Fhat /coill ttnnK only Good thoughts ] about the Totem which a Good enough Jor me to hue in. "(That J will Sal/t Prosperity, and "?~hjnk Prosperity about myTourn its ZFctture 3^ A ^ MAKE THIS YOUR RESOLUTION A GonuMe Stock oi Hardware For the Home, the shop and the form at prices that are right ail mmm ? " McKeeMtichardson Hardware Co. GUARANTEE We guarantee our prices on any piece ?f Hardware we carry to bo equal 01 less to ihat of any mail order house in the United States for (tie same quality of goods and on the same terms, delivered in North Carolina. . ?, V?%: * Harris Hardware Co. HUl/SiS Ifct Out mm due to 1 w? Mil to tba I HAVE JUST COME rs. A ?' i- Htt*? 'fPC'-'Tt jV' v ~'rCi H. Morris 8UCCESSOB TO JAKES K. CLAKJC COOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO YM ' W? bait a TMt number of cuttomer* all onr tlii> irrri tory. Thay ar? dead; ciutowen becauM Out/ lika ganit and oar Mrrica. But we want YOU for a eettoaair, too. Try our groceries next?whn> honjrry. Yon will omc? here again They all do. CLAUD A. LITTLE " THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER. Vanity Coses Tho newwt designs and attractive pattern?. Many of them have already been ?old. We still have some beautiful pieces left and urge your inspection. J. S. CAMPBELL FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING CALL AT THE DAILY NEWS JOB DEPARTMENT Best Wishes .And a Ilappy New Year To All Our FRIENDS ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phoiio 07. Our Shoe Department It offering 6omo special values in men's, women's and childrerffs Shoes these days. All sizes and styles to wit each individual taste. And the price is always sure to be right SPENCER BROS. Good Things to Eat Seasonable Fruit* and Vegetable* and all Staple and Fancy Groceries. You can always depend upon the quality of our mer chandise and be sure that the price is right. B. W. BERGERON & SON Many Appropriate Gifts The kind that will always find appreciation. Do your last day's shopping at the store where you can make the largest variety of selections. Bowers Bros. Company WASHINGTON'S BEST STORE. im I" ^U1 Open oflea. ?Sr. Hdgh n. York. <* willlamaton, N. C. unoutn that h? will open an oltlce OB January 1, 1?17, In ID* Blount building adjoining the oOoca of Dr. R. T. Oallagher. Pr?Uo? will' k? limited to X-Bar OTstoecopy and dleeaeee of the atomach. O flirt honra Tuteday and Friday only. * a. m. to it M., and from 1 to 4 p. m. Other dare by appointment only. jfT t YOUR BA6A - ? IwS HP & EIGHT HOURS ?t STHK" ULTIMATUM OF TRAINMEN J NEW YORK.? " Put th. Adamaon i KLrbt-Botir la* Into effect on Mxt Monday or w. ?111 not bo raaponalbl. for That" This vu the aitlmatam dellrered ya?terday by the (our Brotherhood chief? to th? railway Uiinii at aa eiMuUre conference 1b the Grand Central Terminal. -j** A tat rajectlor of th? d.m.od ni mad? by th* railroad manager?. Tka/ hare now pending a? appeal to th* S uproot? Court, which win be hoard January V Th? Brotherhood h*ad?? I W. O. Lm, of the Trainmen; Warr-n of the Knglnoera: W. S. Car . and Acting Chief I. of th. ( Ur? in their dMlaratlos - would aot be satisfactory 160,000 railroad employe* i *d by them. *No matter what wa might I ladlYtdnalty of fix ' M manager? war* lold. "w c MM to 1 ptrt of the eoontry. "They faal that the PretMeBft^Mtl Gongreea f>T? than the AdanMto far JM Intended it to go Into etect *? """ ? f BMllnt of th* ttoek Bwnfort County I * Lsui AMO?Utlon will b* HIGH COST LIVING, NEW FEDERAL PLAN WASHINGTON.?A tu on the "high colt of living," ?? a mum of refilling tha depleted coSar. of tt* r?d?rml Treamt*. via Ukn ondor br officials m4 MM rklM menu? with on t arousing popular disapproval. |p| TM suggestion nI .'.bnmml to air ot tM Treasnrr McAdoo to f\ f ? ' *? *? ' m m ' > NEW YOBK.?SU miH ltmm ?hipi. Including fly* Urttlsb and on? Belgian, are Ions overlue. Not a word hu boctl hHrd rtao any of tham. IM all lott tMlr porta with wlrelM* equipment. It U feared they have (allm Mletima to tb? operation? of tha mtaterlont Oerman raldar of wWeh tlx Rrltiak Admirali* haa tent one of'tham ta laaa ?ftp rtWir | r. k talre. The shipping llita yoaterday show- j ed tli? over-due steamers to be the J following: Oeorglc, White 8tar liner, which left Philadelphia on December 3 for Liverpool. Bayreaalx. bonbd from Cardiff for Montreal. She left the Welah port on November SI. Baron Baeyana, r?glan. whir,h Barry Deeember t. for New York. I London on L' rable November 25 for New York. Bellerophon, which left South hampton on November 25 for Hull fax. To this l!at mm', be r tided the Vol taire. Rot shipping men yesterday figured the Voltaire may bo carrying the crows of tho other ilve m!as!ng ships, and that those Ivo may be resting on the bottom of tho Atlan tic?after having boon torpedoed bj tJ-boata. Rcporta from Halifax l9tt of | search for the myaterlorts raMar^? splred by the fe?.r that alia 1 Ing as a mother ship for ? 1 boats. These reporta Cold of des patching two French ctulaera from Halifax, where they wen* acting un der orders of the Rrlthft Admiralty. These cruisers were sent out to flad the Voltaire or the raider. This strengthened the belief that the raid er and the Voltaire werr one and the same ahlp. In Geriban shipping llrcta ntated yesterday that newa concerning the mldaln era wonM be explained If fallen victim to th* 174?ata I of their eqolpmeat wither tauee the snbmartoee Ifrve \ structed to ?0? up suddenly < to ?end signala of Intentions to I wlrelate warnings are (give?, well directed shot weul# pat i lew equipment out of <

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