EIGHT High Weed Price Seen As Helpful ToBig Companies 3rookings Institution Cites It As Power Weapon In Market Control iEPORT PRAISE HIGHLY AAA CONTROL PLAN Praise Of New Deal Agency From Agency That Criticized NRA And New Agencies Received With Surprise Washington, June 16.?High praise for the tobacco control program is contained in a book "Tobacco Under the AAA" by Harold B. Rowe, of the staff of the Brookings Institution, which is just off the press. The book is more remarkable for its source than for tone, as the latter is nothing new in the flue cured tobacco area. The Bookings Institution is well known in North Carolina, where its staff has made several sur"e """oi'nmfntal conditions veya "? ? with the report on one of its surveys having been widely used as a campaign issue. But what gives point to the book on the tobacco program is the fact that the institution has recently conducted other surveys of New Deal agencies which have resulted in severe critism. Its report on the NRA a few weeks ago received widespread attention and a sharply critical study of the AAA wheat program was released along with the tobacco report today. The book on tobacco gives to the AAA program the main credit for "spectacular" increases in tobacco prices in 1933 and 1934, it being stated that the marketing agreement in 1933 would have been ineffective but for the assurance of a control program in 1934. One order to freeze out competition and listed encouragement to large manufacturers to pay high prices in order to freeze out competition and other factors mentioned are increased consumption of cigarettes, increased exports of tobacco and devaluation of the dollar. As to the future, the book raises some doubts, but gives the program the benefit of the doubt as to the immediate future. It is admitted that the benefits so far received by the farmers have caused little, if any, additional cost to the consumer, but it is warned that the process cannot indefinitely continue with that same effect. It is also admitted that the farmers are now overwhelmingly for the plan, but it is contended that their attitude may change because of lessened benefits or because they will begin to take the benefits for granted with the passage of years. The administrators of the AAA are praised for having kept the program flexible so far, but it is pointed out that that will become an increasingly aimcuit task. Concerning the buying operations of the big companies, the report says: "It is reasonable to suppose that manufacturers of standard brands of cigarettes now retailing for the most part at two packages for 25 cents desire to prevent loss of volume to manufacturers of 10 cent brands. "Prior to development of control methods two principal methods were available; advertising and lowering retail prices. The first is effective only within limits and has not power adequate to prevent a substantial loss of business to new brands. The second means practically a price war. "Under the new conditions, with a limited supply of tobacco, a third method is available, viz the bidding up of tobacco prices. This ? YOUR PHAR Is more than c criptions filled. W line of Drug Store for what you wi have it we'll get it Watson's Southpo THE STATE PORT I era' attention from the road, ti ! resolution stated. The women also commendi the Agricultural Adjustment A I ministration for its benefits agriculture, which are being fe by the club women and busine: [houses of the nation as well i the farmers themselves. After throwing their suppoi [behind the world peace movi ment, they turned to the movir I picture industry to endorse tl I improvements made in the mor; | tone of pictures. The use of motion pictui theatres as "nurseries" for chi 1 dren while the parents go aboi j other activities was deplored i j being bad for the mental ar physical development of childre j A resolution adopted by tl | Cumberland county farm wome ; prior to the meeting at Pinehuri I requested that rural electrifici 1 tion be given a prominent pla< ' in the public works program. Copies of the resolutions hai I been sent over the State f< J study by club women so thi delegates to Farm and Hon week at State College this sun Women Start War On Roadside Ads I Would Boycott Products Advertised On Unsightly Signs That Mar The NatJ ural Beauty Of N. C. Highways A boycott of products advertised on unsightly roadside signs in North Carolina was recommended , the other day at a meeting of home demonstration club members in Pinehurst. | In a resolution adopted, the I members appealed to farmers, merchants, chambers of commerce, woman's clubs, and other organizations to enlist in the war against signboards. Many of the' signboards not only mar the landscape, but they are also a source of danger inasmuch as they divert the drivwould increase the costs of manu| facturers of lower price brands, j whose margins necessarily are | narrow. Thus an effective weapon against price competition is afJ forded which may be used at j much less cost to the established J industry than a price war." The report draws the following general conclusions: "The program has been effec! tive in obtaining substantial benei fits for producers in both 1933 and 1934. Growers' aggregate in; comes from tobacco production I increased very considerably in ! both these years because of price i enhancements attributable to the I program, and because of the i benefit payments made in conI nection with production control plans. Processing taxes have furnished adequate revenues for financing the program. The benefits received by growers have been derived from the former profit margins of the manufacturer, while - it appears that consumers of tobacco products have borne little if any of the cost thus far. "It may be that the benefits I would not permanently justify [ the maintenance of the complex and expensive administrative machinery required for a program of this type. Furthermore, it is I entirely possible that other effects, including those upon consumers. would be of a more undesirable character from a longer ! point of view. But the evidence seems clear that during its first two seasons of operation the program has been successful in attaining the objectives which were sought with respect to tobacco." Southport Team Wins Over W. L. I. Southport nosed out a 11 to 10 victory over W.L.I, in an interesting game played here Friday afternoon. Fred Willing pitched for Southport and held the visitors well in check until the latter stages of the game. He helped his own ' cause by hiting a home-run. Fielding features of this game were provided by Carey Reece, Southport first baseman, and Robert Thompson, center fielder. Rurrus was the Southport ! catcher; D. McKeithan, H. McjKeithan and Baggett formed the ! W.L.I, battery. The CCC boys staged a seven| th inning rally Saturday after| noon to gain a 10 to 7 decision lover the Southport team. Robert Thompson was on the mound for the town team and had the camp [boys at his mercy until the seventh, when they scored seven | runs. Moore was the Southport catcher; Woodard pitched and Wagner caught for the CCC outfit. Cheeks / f* Malaria OUD Cold'8' first day. | Liquid Tablets _ . Salve Nose Tonic and Laxative Drops I LOCAL ? MACY I i place to have prese carry a complete Merchandise. Ask int If we don't for you. Pharmacy ]| rt, N. G. . *. _ met' may De prepared to aui upt , them at that time. ELECTION' NOT HELD i There has been no meeting ( I the local school board for tt | election of members of the fai J ulty for the Southport schoi during the coming year. A mee ing for this purpose is expecte to be held at an early date. MAKING REPAIRS A new floor is being laid th week in the building occupied b Watson's Pharmacy. COUNTY CORN-HOG CONTRACTS TYPE1 Continued from page 1.) ty this year and they are divide | into the following three group! | Group one, which includes 1 j ?XJt3C3t3C?Jt3tJt3tJt3C3tJt !! * THIS w il! | Wilmingtc I I ill WUfflWLi )f ! ( Thur., Fri., Sat., June 20-21-3 || U. S. G-MEN'S ) ( War On Crime! ) I "PUBLIC HERO NO. 1" j j with Lionel Barrymore, Che; I i ter Morris, Jean Arthur, Jo! | eph Calleia, Lewis Stone, Pa* ) [ Kelly. One of the outstandin j [ hits of 1935! ) j Mon., Tues., Wed? ! t June 24-25-26 JOAN CRAWFORD ) [ ROBERT MONTGOMERY I [ in "NO MORE LADIES" ) with Franchot Tone, Charle j j Ruggles, Edna May Oliver, an ! | others. )( . . j | Soon?The Dramatic Romanc ) ( 'THE SCARLET PIMPERNEI j [ with Leslie Howard and ! I Star Cast / An Interesting to be Remem / It is not ge outside tke have granti far more lo: banks fron usually gat In fact, 1 did coopei hnmc-nwnf the smaller enterprise than it did The so-c knowledge ?mate acqu and his wi ? is generally blow ever WACC BANK &' Wbitftvillp Phai | ? ? ?WW v W VX11L4 A' PILOT, SOUTHPORT, NORTH ie signers, is for those who signed contracts last year; group two, ed which includes 3 farmers, is for d- old signers who have changed to farms since last year; and group It three, with 7 members, includes 3s all new signers who are estabis lishing a corn-hog base for the first time this year, rt Corn acreage in connection e- with these contracts will be ig measured for compliance at an ie; early date. al| LIGHTNING KILLS [e! . SHALLOTTE MAN ' Continued from page 1.) Jt standing directly beneath the flue ld when the bolt struck. His body n. was badly burned and one shoe le was torn off. ;n Dr. W. R. Goley was called st j but young Cheers was dead be3. j fore he arrived. ;e The deceased, who was the son | j of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Cheers, j re was an industrious young man i )r j and was unusually popular in I [ his home community. In addition le j to his wife and parents he is 1. J survived by a number of sisters m 1 and brothers. | TRYING TO LINE UP IMPROVEMENTS if1 (Continued from page one) le; of the old school building and j the lumber will be used for the erection of a colored school in, the Supply community, t- Officials hope to be able to in-1 1 ? 1 *> tVia IAHQI 1 :d stall new macnmcrjr m ? power plant and this, together1 with other improvements, should' i give local patrons better service. ] y BOLIVIA NEGRO IS INSTANTLY KILLED! (Continued from page 1.) ' ill feeling between the deceased j 3 and the defendant prior to the i shooting. :d Hickman's wife is the sister of j: the dead negro. '4 The inquest Monday night was | 'EEK AT * II in Theatres j! >! ! ! 12 J ! Fri., and Sat., June 21-22 JOE E. BROWN i ( ; j in his newest laugh riot i i 3- "ALIBI IKE" ) 11 i g Mon., and Tues., June 24-25 ) JAN KIEPURA | golden voiced star in j j "MY HEART IS CALLING" | A great musical romantic hit. ! i I I it Wed., and Thurs., June 26-27. j j International star, author j ( d NOEL COWARD in "THE COWARD 1 ! e ) t -PLCS- j | "RAMBLES IN RHYTHM" j | A great stage musical hit. j j t g Fact ibered * rierally known that the banks : larger cities of the country td, all through the depression, ins, proportionately, than the l which "loan statistics" are hered. had it not been for the splenration of the independent, :d, home-managed banks in cities and communities, local would have suffered more ailed "country banker" by his of local conditions, his intiaintance with his customers llingness to "go along" with Towers, helped far more than known to cushion the heaviest felt by the American people. AMAW rRUST CO. dbourn Fairmont CAROLINA held in the colored school at Bolivia and was attended by a large crowd of white and colored spectators. Members of the coroner's jury were Henry Maultsby, foreman, L. J. McKeithan, McNeill McKeithan, D. P. McKeithan, J. P. Hand and F. E. Galloway. MEASURING LAND 1 FOR COMPLIANCE Continued from page one Where a farmer is found to have overplanted his acreage al' *- itHIl hp lotmeni, ?jiiis auiicu, i?w ?*? asked to remove the excess from cultivation or else forfeit his contract and all benefit payments he has received. The measurements are being made with tapes and other equipment designed to insure accuracy. The work will also be checked by experts to make sure that no mistakes are made, he added. Five re-check engineers will go out from the college soon, he said, to aid county supervisors check over the work done by the township supervisors. In cases of I Stop! H( Efird's . r r-?*.i I1NUW L.IN STARTIN New Mark Hundreds Only On Join Every C I LOOK! EXTRA SPECIAL One Big Lot TAILORED and RUFFLED CURTAINS In Suntan and Cream for 39c pr. BIG TABLE OF FAST GOOD QUALITY IN ALL THE COOL Summer Pattern I for 13c yd. LOOK! Big Table Of SHEER COOL SUMMER MATERIALS 'Batiste""arid Handerchief" Lawns? for 18c yd. I BED SHEETS 8(1x90, good quality seam less Bed Sheets. Originally $1.00 value? for 79c PILLOW CASES 21c eacl Extra, Good Quality LOOK! LADIES' NEW Summer Slippers Cool and white, for Hot Weather Dress Wear. Values on this big table up to $2.30. for $1.44 and $1.94 Men's well-made, Full-Cut Semi-Dress Pin-Stripes And COVERT WORK PANTS for 79c pr. BIG LOT OF HEAVY Turkish Towels Mill ends, but good Absor bent Quality. Soft and fluffy. At Three Prices? 10c, 14c and 19c (Fourth Floor) EfinFs Now Entering WIl WEI dispute, fields will be measured again if necessary. To satisfy the farmers that the work is being done properly, he continued, they are asked to ac- j company the supervisors when the field measurements are made. MAY RE-INSTATE OFFICE OF HOME AGENT IN COUNTY (Continued from page 1.) agent would be provided to take charge of work in Brunswick | county. Chairman H. O. Peterson was J sick Monday and was unable to ( i attend the meeting. Definite act- [ ion on this matter was postponed until today (Wednesday),! SHORT SESSION OF COURT HELD frnm nag"** 0116 VyUUllUUVU v?tj - fulness of the man of the family. Ill feeling ended in a free for all fight in which Mae, Goldie, Lillian and Carletta joined their mother in an attack upon their father. All five were found guilty of assault and were given 60 ;ed! And ! Annual Ji ITERING 4th B G FRIDAY, J -Downs! New ( of New Savins ie More Bi ^rowd Headed LOOK! Big Rack of New Lace Dresses Sizes 14 to 20 in Pink, Maize, and Light Blue for $1.65 each Values up to $2.50 each for the above Price. J Big Rack of CHILDREN'S SUMMER DRESSES Silks, Organdies, Voiles. I Every novel summer trim.I sizes up to 16. for $1.79 B LOOK! Big Lot Of Ladles' Pure Thread Silk Chiffon Hosiery The Seasons new colors (Slightly Irregular) But Un-Noticeable for 44c pair )??, VVTOTE | Dress Oxfords Well made choicest quality! leathers in plains and per-1 forations? for $1.94 pr. I LOOK! Big Rack of CHILDREN'S SUMMER Dresses All fast colors in sheers and printed percales, values to $1.29 in some cases. All good styles CLOSE OUT OF 128 DRESSES for 38c 1UV/OW ail OlliCiS .up LU 1U. | BOYS' SUMMER SLACKS in white and colors. Most all sizes for boys'?big or little? for 97c Bed Billows ' Heavy Quality Tick and filled with first grade feathers? for 69c, 95c and $125 (Fourth Floor) mmm a CiKfcAT I. ANNUAL J* I Fourth Big Week Of ,MINGTON, N >NESDAY, JUNE u days on the roads. thi^M being suspended unor that they pay the cost!* case and post a bond ,,9 good behavior during a jfl months. e fl Greer Gore, white J guilty of assault and -J? 6 months on the roads ZU tence being suspended dition that the defendant* of good behavior for a'l"W two years. ra* ROGER CLEMMONs I SERIOUSLY J (Continued from pa?j ination revealed a comooJB ture of the left thigh, TheTH also painful injuries to tht| hip, resulting from a ' and dislocation. Reports fafl hospital Monday indicat^* Clemmons' condition actly favorable, although 9 peared to be in no byX danger. The railroad car which I truck hit was loaded with fl ed rock and was heaiecH Southport. The truck wajfl damaged. Speed f| une Sail IG WEEK I JUNE 21 si joods! AndI rs For Yon! I Ig W For EFIRD' LOOK! Big Rack Of Voile And Batiste Summer DRESSES smart new styles, fa $1.65 each | Big Tables Of BEST QUALITY 80 Squa? Dress Prints I Regular 22c Quality I for 15c yd. I LOOK! 1 FIRST QUALITY FCBf I Silk Hosiery I Full Fashioned. All wanteiB shades? for 49c pr. I MEN'S $4.00 WHITE H Dress Oxfords All sizes in Summers I smartest sport styles- H for $2.95 pr. | LOOK! Boys' Heavy Quality DENIM "BIG LEAD" I Overalls I for 38c pr. I Third Floor J Men's "Loud Speaker" I 8 pocket Overalls for 75c pr. Heavy, good quality- B Beautiful New CRETONNES J In florals and every ? decorative motif for suiU'M mer? 10c 15c 22c yd. I Quality unbelievable at ""B above low prices _ I One Big Table of fl RUFFLED CURTAINS! 2% and 2Mt yds. MS 111 cream, white and colors C IJ line oait Value Giving^ .%c.