MeSDAY, JUNE 26, 19 KNJORUM I] Inn dedicated to opinions of V,.c a mouthpiece for the and observations of our and readers, for which we no responsibility. Contrlbu o this column must not Si ed three hundred words. I Editor:? I ^ Ims as if quite a number |w Men-irk county citizens are A Kg to realize that one per-'s' not make a newspaper, hi |t is possible for one man ei Mg a paper he must have 9 if he prints it. It is a at not many things hap- r? g he good old county of e; ck that are of world-wide ei But what happens here a as much to us as things n cur in other places mean a I So therefore, it is im- d I for us to furnish our h Kith the news we all want 0 I, and in that way we can s: nowsDaoer surpassed by I Yours truly, Bs BLANCHE PHELPS, a Bbcum Correspondent) j*' (standing News | Bntinued from page 1.) j c: ll]OKE 01 T REBELS a Be, Lacey Simpson himself11< K charge which quelled B Boo rioting prisoners in the t? ? State Penitentiary mine f( Bday after 21 hours of dis- n Bee. Tho mine vvas retaken n Ventilating- fans were re- fl I to drive smoke in upon ii Bisoners who had seized it. j si Bf the demands of the riot-1 d Be discharge of the prison ' a B better-cooked food, and Ktv from punishment?were j H. Warden Simpson expres-l belief that no state charges ! a B filed against the revolting i u Brs. but that disciplinary h Bes will be left in the hands B Be prison administration, j ri Be ar.d loss from the riot- j tl estimated at approximately o Ids' wings clipped h Bough no state quarantine F Be in yet in effect, the tl Big progress of infantile si sis throughout North Caro- a B resulting in the banning e venile gatherings in the N I In several cases, legal act- i d being taken: Cumberland j ti has made it a misdemean- p a child under 10 to attend ' public gathering; in Rocky K. similar orders have been j B and Sunday School classes ! fi I been suspended. Preventive J pes are in use in various P en s nomes anu suituuis, <xa u weeks' total tops the 2001 fi iP |h KITCHEN' C ABIN ET | O delegation of housewives tl New York and Chicago in-11 1 the Department of Agri- j f< e Thursday to protest I n st the high cost of meats.' n delegates, simple housewives I e lin coats and dresses, voiced s disapproval of a continued : 1 Irian diet, but threatened a s 6-wide boycott of butcher F i unless meat prices are low- ' / by government influence, i p stated that their protective t dzation has already spread Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and i of New Jersey. On being j sd that the Agricultural De- J b tuic y?i i nlj or ar - i R A WIT" saies Ur&I^I HV creast has ba;k; MONEY Se T l J i o Lend ponsii whicl natur Sue new comrr make loans Ou ready about ments WACCi bank & t I WHITEVIL1 I More Dollars Fcr You Sell il in M I 35 iartment is unable to act in the natter, the determined women ;ft quietly, promising to crusade J tirough the nation for new reruits for a buying strike. STILL AIR-MINDED Col. Charles A. Lindbergh is till interested in air, according ) an^ announcement made in the cience magazine for June 20, ut this time it's air in an arti- j cial lung. The popular airman,1 orking in conjunction with Dr. lexis Carrel at Rockerfeller Intitute, has developed an artificial eart and lung pump which will oable whcle parts of the body ) live, and grow, under glass fter surgical death. The Institute j jveals no details of the pump, ncept that it is radically differrit from any previous attempt, j nd that it is so nearly perfect lechanically that no infectious gents can reach the organs uner observation. The pump will e, it is predicted, invaluable in le study of hitherto obscure phyAlAonr>Q 1 nmOQCooo ween san miuiuku anu I SNATCHER GUILTY Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Waley | oth entered pleas of guilty Frii operate a farm, store Ml ly other business, the of which could be in- ?|. 3d by a loan from this <p, come and see us. 1}? i are always ready to money where it will c|g money for borrowers ^ known financial res- j|f bility and projects if t are of self-paying fy :h co-operation puts |?business life into the |fr mnity. We want to leas many of these ?? as we can. r officers are always || ' to talk with you M ; your business require- Gfi VMAW I RUST CO. I LE, N. C. p. r Tobacco When You rhiteville." W IWIVglVUl VVVOSV0I NO TAKE OFF Too much gas and a strange ssortment of food-stuffs kept ivo young Portuguese noblemen rom beginning a flight to Rome aturday. The two wealthy younsters, Count Alfred de Montvere and his younger brother, rashed into a sand-bank at Floyd lonnoff TTihlH in AJo\?r Vnrlf in >biUlVVb A' 1V1V4 Alt ilVH o v*?? ... . vain attempt to get their over- j >aded monoplane off the ground.' loth were unhurt, and returned j 3 the hangar to buy champagne J sr everyone in sight, and to an-1 ounce their determination to! lake another try at the Roman j light. The food supplies of the j 1-fated ship consisted of chicken j andwiches, chicken broth, soft! rinks, coffee, oranges, chocolate, | nd chewing gum. CONTINENTAL FUSS Because Great Britain signed naval pact with Germany which rill allow Adolph Hitler to triple is fatherland's sea strength, lenito Mussolini proposes to dis- j egard the recommendations of le League of Nations as to his wn aggressive action in East Lfrica. In view of strong British1 riticism of Italy's recent rushlg of troops to Abyssinia, the j 'remier and his ministers feel j riat the British government; nould have discussed the treaty ction with other European powrs?and with the League of j rations. British agents hasten to efend the pact on the grounds tiat it is a step toward future, eace for Europe. MAKES BLIND FLIGHT Further assurance of safety | jr transoceanic flyers came on [ une 22 when the Clipper, of the 'an American Airways, landed j i San Francisco on a flight j rom Honolulu. The fliers' com- j artment was covered with a j ood, and they depended solely n radio instruments to bring hem safely to their destination, iespite head winds, the huge Dur-motored plane made the 2,400 j [lile trip in 18 hours and 39 linutes. Weather conditions sev-j ral times compelled the huge j hip to rise to an altitude of 4,000 feet. This is the fourth uccessful experimental trans'acific flight conducted by the Lirways, who plan to set up ermanent passenger service beon/1 Uauraii I THE STATE j day in the Federal courts of Ta coma, where they were on tria for the kidnapping of Georgi Weyerhauser, nine-year-old timbei heir. Waley drew a prison sent ence of 45 years. He assertec that his wife, 19 years old, knew nothing of the crime until three days after he had abducted the boy. Because of his assertion, the court rejected her plea of guiltj until further investigation can be made. Waley is 24 years old, and Federal officers stated that with good behavior he will be eligible for parole after 15 years. BABY SOLON SEATED Rush D. Holt, youthful Democrat from West Virginia, was seated by vote of the United States Senate Friday after a lively debate as to the constitutionality of such a proceeding. Holt, too young to take oath as a senator until two days before, presented himself for installation only to have several members oi the Senate argue his election void on grounds that he was too young to hold office when elected. A 62-17 vote rejected the motion of Senator Hastings (R-Del.) tc oust HoJt, and the same vot? granted him his seat. The "infant's" parents watched from th< gallery as he took the oath which made him a full-fledged lawmaker. EMBASSY BOMBED Ambassador Josephus Daniels classed as "a matter which has no importance" the bomb which exploded in the courtyard of the American embassy in Mexico Citj on the morning of June 23. The source of the bomb, which made ? hole nine inches deep, and broke a number of windows?that of the Ambassador's private office among them?is yet undetermined. Daniels told newspaper correspondents that he had receivec no threats; he made no complaints to the police. Officers whe heard the explosion, however, reported it, and a cordon of police was thrown around the embassj while investigation progressed. ONE ON CAL Former president Calvin Coolidge is quoted as saying of ar eauestrian nhoto of Senator Wil liam E. Borah (R-Ida.) that it couldn't be Borah, because the man and the horse were going the same way. Borah has come through with another exceptior to prove the rule of his well known contrariness by hailing President Roosevelt's new ta> plan as "a just and timely adjust ment of our tax laws." The new plan is arranged on a sliding scale, and will affect materiallj only those incomes large enougl to stand substantial taxation Borah, however, called it ai "economical plan," sound ir principle, classing as "absurd" the "soak-the-rich" and "share-the weath" epithets applied to it. The Brunswick County corr crop is reported in excellent con dition with all other crops grow ing well. Wedding Gift; WIN THE HEAR This your K craving v\ mk *?5 are ?,r If/S SILVER MJ! / HUGGINS' j GtOMH JEWELERS * ill - n WILMINC ^rx?i PORT PILOT, SOUTHPOR1 jj Tips To Tourists [ BY JAMES M. CRAWFORD j; Chief Engineer J Chevrolet Motor Company ? i I [ J The comfort of the driver am . j his passengers on a vacatior ' I tour depends partly on their uti ! | lizing the special features buill [! into their car, and partly on theii | own initiative. The experienced long-distance tourist thinks nothing of a run of four or five hundred miles a day, because he has learned how to rest and rela> during the run; whereas, manj 1 whose average driving is but a l|few miles daily in the city, 01 .; 100 miles on Sundays, become fatigued on an all-day trip, simply through failure to avai ' i themselves of the refinements which the manufacturer has pro k | vided. , Fatigue is the chief cause ol [; discomfort on a long tour, sum, | mer or winter; in the summer ' heat and glare are added bur j! dens. We have come to the aic ( of the driver with improvements , that enable the driver to comba' " ~c f, NORTH CAROLINA I of effects, but many drivers fai j to reap their full advantages. The I rear windows of a sedan should j be open, for instance, even if J only the front seat is occupied? j because it induces circulation of I air throughout the car, from i front to rear. Incidently, if your (! car has a heater, don't forget I that it will act as a radiator inside the car, even though the t switch is turned off, unless the r | heater is disconnected from the I; engine. Another point to watch .! in hot weather is tire pressure. . j Tires inflated in the cool of the i morning with cold air from a ; compressor tank will increase in r pressure from the heat of the l road and of running, and may be: | come too hard for comfort. >1 On long drives, it is a good . J practice to halt by the roadside 1' at regular intervals?say for five ; | minutes every two hours?for a . "stretch." It helps too to get out of the car for a few minutes at f stops for gasoline, or during long . waits at railroad crossings. Probably the most trying driv. ing?and the most dangerous?is i when you can stay awake only by 3 j conscious effort. The thing to do t j is to stop, and take a ten min1 ute nap. 3 j Eye strain has much to do . with the fatigue of driving. Use the adjustable visors of your car .! whenever possible, and wear tin3 ted glasses to kill the glare of r the road. r I > , \ Issues Report On t Soil Adaptations r t The N. C. Agricultural Experi1 ment Station has just prepared 3 a report on North Carolina soils - and their relation to the 28 prin cipal crops grown in the state. 1 The report is designed to aid - farmers in the selection of soils best suited to the production of 3 ' ; j ??????? r W8HHHHHHHHHHHHHH : AM jiii WILL SAVE ^ Jill ... W L)( The ATLANTIC Ra 1 i ijjj itself.It does the w< r | ! er, heavier range, ! '! economical than an, 1 ) I 3 )! type. It uses less fu f j [ ? -%r _ i. 1 !-|* quicKer. iou gei i S J ( j) [ quicker because of 1 3'! t . jj el around the oven V 1' ( i uses 1-3 less fuel. I I "Ferrite," lasts se\ i i as the ordinary iroi || ALL SIZES J I J- B ll )i faHHHHHHHHBHHHHB \ Peopl / i K I | Will Ap \ h 1 I Maximv I ^ III i,:' Let Us Discu J. W. RUi Preside _ | tnese sources ux uiowuuui c, auv ? the experienced driver has trick! ' of his own to bring further re lief. The actual muscular effort re quired to drive a car all day i! not great; the fatigue of a lonj j j drive results more from beinj j i forced to remain in a fixed posi (| tion than from actual expendi , ture of energy. You would ge ': just as tired, of course, if yoi , | remained in an easy chair a ^' home all day. The experiencec , I driver will vary his position a! [ frequently and as widely as pos [ sible by moving the easily ad [ justable front seat back ant forth, and by shifting his pos I ture on the seat. Muscular effort in driving ii ( chiefly in the operation of th< ; pedals. The experienced drive) i will save a lot of energy in theii ' use. It does not take much ef j fort to depress the clutch ant i brake pedals, but to hold then down for extended periods is ex : tremely fatiguing. Therefore, yoi '! wont' find a knowing driver wait II ing in gear at a signal, with thi " J clutch pedal held down; he'll b< j in neutral, resting his foot ant ! | leg. Similarly, at a halt on ; | jgrade, he will hold the car witl 5 J the hand brake, not with hi. 1 foot. On long, stretches of clea: road, or on long climbs requirin; ' | full throttle, the driver may se [ the hand throttle and rest hii " j accelerator foot by a change o position. On a steep down grade ' i he will save his braking muscle) r i by shifting into second gear. lj Combating hot weather als< j has its tricks. No-draft ventilat 1 j ing systems offer a wide variet; ?i Checks Malaria hhh coids I first day. - | Liquid - Tablets _ . , . Salve Nose Tonic and Laxativ Drops s from Huggins :t of the bride iger set who excitement? m /\ trills?always ,/ y some new et the vogue, emr , A J tes who insist Hpr \ ver from w\/\/\ GGINS' Xv\X UGGIN5 CO. 8s SILVERSMITHS F RO N T 1TON, N. C. I; different crops, and also in the i j selection of crops best suited to ,; their farms. The authors, C. B. Williams, j head of the agronomy depart-1 ment, and J. F. Lutz, assistant 1 professor of spils, show the adaptability of various soils to the ] crops when fertilized according i to recommendations of the agro- I nomists. c Free copies may be obtained 1 upon application to C. B. Wil- t liams, agronomy department, N. C. State College, Raleigh. c GETTING READY t On Thursday S. W. Watts was r busily engaged overhauling and b painting some of his boats, in; J < ?K3C3t3t3CXX3tatXH3tMMM3t | Two Real Ijj 1934 Ford DeLuxe | 1929 Plymouth Sed jj These cars are it j I ical condition and i' I j) ( bargains at these pt ')! We carry a ful II: Oil Products, Tires I !| Hood Servi Jj SOUTHPO V t fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx*? t*gX3t*X3t?XXgXXgX3<X odern RAP fOU MONEY . . . 'hen You Buy It . . . Wh nge is in a class by ' )rk of a much largyet it is far more y other range of its ; ' 1 j fliH el, is stronger, heats baking temperature the long flame trav- reSp? , Tests show that it ts fire-box, made of wj m 'eral times as long Jpp? 1 fire-box. ? /'* VND PRICES *? . Ruark Co., SOUTHPORT, N. C. [gXggXXXXXKKXXgXXMj es United iouthport, N. C. - I preciate I our / $5000.00 im Insurance F< DEPOSITOR $5000.00 lss Your Financial Nee< \RK J. W nt C THREE anticipation of the summer tourist fishing season. Mr. Watts; well known over the state, frequently has parties from up the state for fishing trips, both deep sea and inside fishing. After leaving the post office, following fourteen years of service, Mr. Watts has decided to try the fishing and boating iniustry. His two sons, Duney and flulan, are his partners in this interprise. Irish potatoes from home-grown ertified seed tested against Norhem grown seed are earlier, nore uniform in stand and show letter growth on the Mountain iranch Station. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXIM ii Bargains jj Coach $450 j j Ian : $140 11 l i i perfect mechan j; t i are outstanding j | ices. j; | I line of Standard j and Batteries. i( | ! Jt Jl ce Station jj RT, N. C. j! jj EXXXXKXXXXXXXXM*! i xxxxxxxxxxxxxxay * ^GE !! si 11 ien You Use It j| )t - . i | | - v j ( I II || 3. ' ?V?'' < | j I i\ - il !| !t ___ 7Z j j i?* J j I Inc. ! I ! ! HHHHBHHHHHHHHW _____ A Bank > i * I Account i >r Each | I In is With You II f. YATES I 1 L #% A * r>?^ ^asiiici

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