SIX Shallotte News (By Miss Annie Mae Holmes) Crop Damage , Due to the torrential rain storm that visited this section last Monday night many fields of tobacco that were looking so promising a few days ago have been almost entirely lost by scalding. Many gardens show the same affect. Corn, peanuts and potatoes are not injured so much. Dr. W. Ross Davis, who has had his dental shop located here for the past several weeks, returned to his office in Whiteville Saturday. Citizens regret to lose Dr. Davis, and hope that he will return again and open his office here. Society Meets The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church met with Mrs. R. N. Fitts Tuesday night for their regular meeting. After the business session was over, delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Fitts. Capt. Bill Murden, of the U. S. Dredge Currituck, now undergo- i ing repairs in Georgetown, S. C., together with his family spent the week-end with Dr. W. R. 1 Goley. i Revival Begins A revival meeting was started ! at the Methodist Church Sunday night by the pastor, Rev. R. N. 1 Fitts. During the meeting Mr. Fitts will have with him Rev. i ? TT?l..AMiKi I 1 Mr. *jrossno, 01 uukc uiuvcioiy, who will assist in the meeting. < Rev. Crossno is a native of Tennessee. ' Mrs. John W. Worthington and son, of Whiteville, were visiting < relatives in the Village section i Sunday. Friends of Prof. Reginald Tur- I ner regret to learn that he has I resigned principalship of the Shallotte schools to accept the posi- I tion of superintendent of the Ash- I boro schools in Randolph county. 1 EXUM NEWS (By Miss Blanche Phelps) While working for the Waccamaw Lumber Co., one day last week, Mr. O. D. Pruitt had the misfortune to get one of his hands badly mashed. Mr. C. C. Gore, of Awensdaw, S. C., is spending sometime here with her mother, Mrs. Rosa Ve-j reen. NOISE SHOWER A group of local boys decided a few days ago that it must be a little unfair for two members of the Waccamaw school faculty to marry and nobody make any signs of merriment over it. So they planned a trip to Ash for the purpose of showing Mr. and Mrs. Z. G. Ray, recently married couple, that they could make noise outside the schoolroom as well as inside. Mr. J. E. Dodsoni was generous enough to let them i have his truck to transport t themselves and implements. As j the clock struck 12 one night j last week the signal was given j and the serenade began. The i boys say that although one had i such a weak heart he could not help, they had plenty of racket j and lots of fun. Miss Beulah Edwards of Bolton is spending sometime with her cousin, Miss Dossie Edwards. Miss Ocia Vaie Bennett is vis- i iting her sister, Mrs. Hardie j Duncan, near Whiteville. Mesdames W. R. Babson and M. L. Evans and children, of Ash, visited their aunt, Mrs. O. R. Phelps, Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Phelps, a nurse at 1935 lis H The followi I who desire to m due Brunswick ( If paid on o If paid on < If paid on o If paid on o If paid on o Whenever any will be issued, and I cial receipt to the ti necessary. SEND Y W. Tax Supei Brunswick County hospital, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Emma Evans, of Freeland, is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Cox. Mrs. Evans has been confined to her bed with paralysis for several years. Mrs. J. A. Simmons is improving nicely from injuries received in an automobile collision near Whiteville a week ago. Mr. and Mrs L. L. Edwards and children, of Bolivia, spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. R. M. Maness, formerly of Exum, but now of Franklinville, was a business visitor here one day last week. Winnabow News CROPS DAMAGED The excessive rains Monday night and before have damaged the tobacco crops in this vicinity to the extent that not more than half of the crop will be made. Other crops were not damaged to a great extent. Dr. Joseph Ackerman and daughter, Elizabeth, of Augusta, Ga., arrived Tuesday evening to spend some time at the Reids. Mrs. R. S. Willets returned home this week from Florida where she has been visiting her brother, Mr. Clarence Cumbee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Planco, of Southport, were visitors at the home of Mrs. A. P. Henry Sunday afternoon. TLfVa VnrHo Hrnnr ixra a a viai^nr here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. E. Goodson left Friday morning to visit relatives in Charleston. Mr. Goodson and son, Roger, left Saturday afternoon for Charleston and all will return Sunday afternoon. Mr. G. K. Lewis arrived home Saturday afternoon from Quitman, Ga? where he has been working for Fairbanks - Mor^e Company. Mr. and Mrs. Loper, of CharlesBeport of the i WACCAMAW BANK At Whiteville, North Carolina, to the of Business on the 29th day of J ASSETS Loans and Discounts .. United States Government obligations, teed Other bonds, stocks, and securities .. Total Loans and Investments (Ite Banking House, $26,166.79; Furniture i Cash in^ vault, exchanges, cash items Other Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES Deposits of individuals, partnerships ( demand or within 30 days Time deposits of individuals, partners! after 30 days or subject to more Public funds of States, counties, sch< or other political subdivisions United States Government and postal Deposits of other banks, cash letter: cers' and travelers' checks outsl Summary of Items 12 to 16. inclu* (a) Secured by pledge of loans a (b) Not secured by piedge of loa Investments (c) Total Deposits Acceptances executed by this bank fot dollar exchange (exclusive of purchased or discounted, and of i Interest, taxes, and other expenses a: Dividends declared but not yet payal Other liabilities Capital accnunt: (b) First preferred stock to R.F. par $50.00 per share, retirable at (e) Commonstock, 1000 shares, par if) Surplus (g) Undivided profits?net (h) Reserves for contingencies a (i) Reserve for undeclared dividem stock, and for accrued inter notes and debentures (k) Retirement fund for prefer capita notes and debentures Total, Including capital aci STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CO J. N. Coburn, Cashier, Dr. R. C. rector of the Waccamaw Bank & Trui me this day, and, being duly sworn, going report is true to the best of hi Sworn to and subscribed before mi R. L. SHOLA (My commissior J. N. COBURN, Cashii DR. R. C. SADLER, I W. P. BENNETT, Dire BhwhSRRBMRBSVH lax Lnsc ng discounts are app ake a pre-payment of bounty:? r before August 1, 2 1-; >r before September 1 r before October 1, 11 r before November Is r before Dec. 1, 1-2 of such payments are made the tax collector will later ii axpayer subject to any adjv OUR PAYMENTS TO OR SI R. HO visor, Brunswick Coi THE STATE PORT F ton, S. C., arrived Friday at the home of their daughter Mrs. F. J Till. They retuned Sunday and Mrs. Till and children accompanied them home for a two weeks visit. Mr. Lacy Dawkins left Sunday for Lukens. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Dosher, of Southport, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Preston Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Galloway and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Lizzie Henry. Rev. R. C. Clontz was a visitor here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Gore and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gore of Wilmington were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ward Sunday. V Bolivia News Mr. W. K. Cox was a business visitor in Bolivia Tuesday. Auto Accident | Mr. Cedie Bullard and Mr. Quinton Leonard had an accident last Sunday night. The piece of oil cloth which they were using for a top blew over the windshield of the model T truck which they were driving and caused them to lose control of the machine. It began swerving and the boys fell off. Neither of them was hurt seriously. Mr. George Hand, former editor of the "Bolivia Gazette," left Tuesday for Raleigh and then to Norfolk to join the navy. Mr. G. W. Kirby and wife arrived in Bolivia Friday where they will spend some time with Mr. Kirby's sister, Mrs. Mary Hewett. Mr. D. P. McKelthan and Mr. Luther Holden were business visitors in Wilmington Saturday. | Master Billy Stone, of Shal Iotte, is spending a xew uayo ucic with his sister, Catherine Stone. Mr. Frank Mintz was in Wilmington Saturday on business. Mr. Ed Mercer spent Saturday Condition of The & TRUST COMPANY Commissioner of Banks At the Close Tune. 1935. .. 4 519.853.25 direct and or fully guaran 30.274.48 304.176.90 ins 1 to 4) 5854.304.63 and fixtures 7,168.45 33,335.24 . and balances with other 421,327.92 720.00 11,309,687.79 >r corporations payable on 5 564,498.82 lip or corporations payable than 30 days' notice.... 299,243.70 ool districts, municipalities 107.774.67 savings deposits 138,941.11 3 of credit, certified offi:anding 2,275.33 live: nd or investments 3 233,004.92 ns and or 879.727.71 1,112,732.63 customers and to furnish acceptances of this bank anticipations by customers 3.701.52 ccrued and unpaid 2,242.01 Die 6.00 6,407.03 C. 1000 shares, \ $50.00 per share f. $50,000.00 $50. per share. ) $50,000.00 $25,000.00 48.101.76 ind depreciation 8,246.84 is on preferred est on capital 750.00 red stock orl 2,500.00 184.598.60 count $1,309,687.79 iUNTY OF COLUMBUS?ss. Sadler, Director and J. N. Coburn, Di9t Co., each personally appeared before each for himself, says that the fores knowledge and belief, e this the 16th day of July, 1935. R, Notary Public, i expires 2-23-36.) sr. Director, ictor. :ounts ? licable to those their 1935 taxes 2 pet. discount. Ij , 2 pet. discount 2 pet. discount || t, 1 pet. discount |J 1 pet. discount a post-formo receipt isue the original offiistments that may be EE ' ' ! 1ES, I jnty, N. G. || 1 1L0T, SOUTHPORT, NORTH ( in Wilmington. Mr. Curtis Cox and Miss Vir- ( ginia Cox were in Bolivia Sunday. 4-H Club 3Ieets ev The Bolivia 4-H Club girls held te< their regular meeting at the home be of Mrs. G. C. Lewis on Thursday July 18, at 3 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by the lead- se er, Mrs. H. F. Mints, and the da minutes were read by the secre- de tary, Inez Wilson. dit After a short business session un a quilt pattern was selected with which to make a 4-H Club quilt, to The remaining part of the ce I meeting was taken up by continuing to work on unfinished to garments. mi Delicious cake, candy and iced re tea were served by Mrs. Lewis, hii after which the meeting adjourned to meet again on August 1. en Those attending the meeting were, na Mrs. M. F. Mintz, leader, Inez sp Wilson, secretary and treasurer, va Amanda Potter, Jack Potter, an Mildred Lewis, Mary Johnson, Si: Edith Mercer, Gladys Mercer, ca Margie Mercer, Catherine Lewis, of Doris Cox and Creala Cox. ; i ii : V ? k In compliani ? owner or keeoe ) J j | dog vaccinated || by a licensed ^ narian must be IThe inspect cate of vaccinati that it has beer dule below is cl old before the n !( 11 Meet your i ( ^ j | in stamping out it The 50c fee || dog tax if Cert it it it I! 11 NORTHWES1 |j PLACE j| LELAND It NORTHWEST?(M( || NAVASSA ) ( MACO | PHOENIX?(Powell ijj TOWNCREE] |j| LANVALE ! W. D. LEWIS' It BATTLE ROYAL? || WINNABOW || BOLIVIA It HARRELSON'S ST< It SMITHVILLE It MARSH BRANCH SOUTHPORT?City |( WARD'S FARM .... lit ARCHIE EVANS .... 11 LUL.KWUUU3 )! . I ; SUPPLY |[ W. L HOLDEN'S .. , ( STANBERRY?(Old ! ( OAK GROVE II SHALLOTTE 11 SHALLOTTE 11 LONGWOOD I \ GRISSETTOWN ) f VILLAGE?(Registe II HICKMAN'S X ROi 11 WAGCAMAW | [ ASH P. O | j FREELAND P. O. . ) I MRS. M. E. GORE'J j j EXUM?(Bennetts S j | HONEY ISLAND ... Published ': i ' 1! 11 . I! 1! ' )! 1! . ! :arolina Freeland News By Miss Gertrude Simmons) This section has had some rain ery day now for the past thirsn days. However, roads have en passable an tne wnile. Seriously III Mrs. Maggie Evans has been riously ill for the past several ,ys. Mrs. Evans is being attend by Dr. W. R. Goley. Her contion at present is reported very favorable. Miss Lillian McArthur is able be out again following a rent illneps due to malaria fever. Mr. Loyd King is also ill due malaria. He is taking treatsnt from Dr. Goley. A speedy covery is wished for him by 3 friends. Mr. Wood row Simmons, who is lployed by The Carolina Kelvi,tor Company, Greenville, is ending a two-weeks summer cation with his parents, Mr. d Mrs. W. B. Simmons. Mr. mmons is a graduate of Wacmaw high school with the class '33. Miss Clara Mae Milligan spent NO! :e with Chapter 122, r of a dog is require against Avauits uj uu Veterinarian, in whic furnished the inspec or will administer th ion for a fee of 50c. E t vaccinated. The fee osed will be 75c exce ext annual vaccinatio inspector at one of th Rabies. : paid for the vaccina :ificate of Vaccinatio SCHE 1 TOWNSHIP?H. edlin's) I's Store) EC TOWNSHIP?D. (McGee's) ORE ; TOWNSHIP?G. Hall) I FOLLY?S. O. He I School) TOWNSHIP?S. T. rs Store) \DS TOWNSHIP?Da 5 itore) j ....i by order of Board o; R. L ft Ex-Offic iggKKlHIlCKIHCltKlKlC 4 WE the past week-end with Miss Vera Simmons. Leaves For CCC C. C. Simmons and Daniel Simmons left this section this week for CCC employment. Mr. Luther Inman is scheduled to leave Monday, July 22, for CCC employment. Messrs. Dampy and Wood row Simmons visited in Boone this past week-end. Remodeling Store Mr. Garfield Simmons, a merchant of this section, is having his store remodeled. When his store is completed it will be larger in order to / give the people better service. He is also running a gas station. Bridge Work Bridge work has been started in the lower end of this section. A crew under the direction of Mr. B. Marlowe is now working on the Juniper Creek bridge. A completion is expected in two weeks. Catawba county sweet potato growers are selling their cured sweets at the storage houses for ; $1 a bushel. ? [ICE: Public Laws Session 1 d, under penalty of lav e of the inspectors list ;h case a certificate fror tor. ie vaccine, furnish the ti very dog must wear th i for vaccinating a dog i pt for dogs that becoir n. The fee for such do| ie places listed below a tion of a dog will be cr n is presented. DULE O. Peterson, Jr., Inspet DAY JULY 29 JULY 29 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 3 L. Henry, Inspector JULY 29 JULY 30 JULY 30 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 3 S. Ward, Inspector JULY 30 JULY 31 AUGUST 2 AUGUST 2 wett, Inspector JULY 29 JULY 31 JULY 31 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 1 Bennett, Inspector JULY 30 JULY 31 JULY 31 AUGUST 2 ? vid Ross, Inspector JULY 30 JULY 31 JULY 31 AUGUST 2 AUGUST 2 f County Commissionei fllNTZ io Clerk DNESDAY, JULY n Stowaway FomJb On Banana I Wilmington, July jj H I Smith, 24-year-old HotiiwM I gro, arrived Monday afwM I a stowaway aboard the^H i gian steamer Nicholas from Puerto Cortez, jjjH and was lodged in jailjJM departure of the vessl, to Jennings Ott, immwM spector. ' He said Smith will i*fl back to Puerto Cortez vessel, which brought a tsfl of bananas here, returns port. The young man secreted I self on the boat early nesday morning. It salltd^f day and hunger drove U.'H his hiding place Saturday H He was attempting to friend at New Orleans. Heide and company an for the vessel. V Much cotton in Sampson fl ty has been planted for time with a poor stand ql ing secured. I .935, each dog I /, to have the ted below, or | n said Veteriag and certifie tag showing ifter the Scheie six months [s will be 50c. I nd co-operate edited on the hour i 2-5 M 8-12 2-5 2-5 8-12 I 8-12 2-5 8-12 2-5 \