Lmsday, august 7. jtice of Sale Lj For Taxes ISruoswick I I County i , , ? hereby given that I have I B,.'ievied Ihe folloHing de-1 Mfrttl estate situated within I mLcff ot state of ,;,rollna. to satisfy taxes due ./ Brunsniik for the yearl L wiil sell same to the high- I KL for cash, at Court House f.said County of Brunswick M, o'clock, noon. September 2 / V-uj sooner redeemed accord-1 V Th'3 lsf daT of August, JOHN' B. WARD. County Tax Collector. Km ^rIXET0WWSHIP I Best Estate M, jf G.. lfa acres, "- a on.1 ' 55 acres , 6418 D.; 38 acrea ^M r-r F.;"W acres ^ iftzr*'* acre9? 1.71 901 ? ? \v estate. PUnta- moo l -f- , acres, woods 7-60 SB. n "r ' u acres. Home -?. p- , acres. Home 14.6? t } m i'; acres. Home 6.70 ffc* c:....ie?? i3.io1 ^ "h:"53? acres Wan- ^ ^ tf&r&t I ? ? T5. j. ms ft'ITET"55 i care i.4o r "'51* acre8 ii-38 frXTfr iiome 14.66 67? ?Seli Mrs- J- 2 3.04 ? iji acres woods. ^ ? "Horse Pen, 43 ! acres Hp Oreen ^ -aires woods. 10 asf: ^. ami woods. 50 **%&." ,0- block 52.32 v%. "450 ""acres Point ^ a?? 18.i6 jfc-C R~" estate. 8 14 73 2iMC. "K 22 acres f- IT acres Hinton . . 13.24 ??, 1 c.. 1' a,re* .pt* I'^X acres Norrin^r. 26.75 k*.-,ri Agnes. 20 acres ;|acfes H?dSe, !64 0, p"g.n creeiTcfcar- 876 '..f'Vrs V -M- i? acres ? 56 acres Field and ^ ^ estat': 491 27.80 %. mJv a.. estate. 88 J0J J o1 l 12 acres home 8.50 SVv- '? ,.? 7< e H.. , Ik. 131 acres woods, 37 32 tf?*7*7*5"acres Field g gj rt. It. 36 acres home 15.10 ? 5 J.. 1" acres home loos |'j j 34 acres home li.oi 1400 acr? Tln" 69.95 ?W "acre Mace g ^ -0" I S, 50 acres home 7.86 fe w. D.. Jr.. 350 acres roods. 440 acres C. Wijle. * act" _C;. 64.96 ^"Nursery "Company. litres home ? jj'J? p D G? 18 acres home 19.4b is E v.. 110 acres farm. litre Store. 20 acres Dick ^ ^ 13 Hancy w:"5u' acres Mi and Woods " "0 *! C H.. 22 acres home, litres Woods. Bal ? JJ.b4 P 4 Dolonoo 17.S4 U. uaian^c ? ty, G. F.. 10 acres home 20.50 ml H. C.. 32 acres . .. 8.64 W Geo. 6.. and Hazel . 12 acres home, 10 acres <k place 21-23 M. Geo 0.. 305 acres 81 and Woods. 20 acres Mi ? 62.04 Sri Geo. O., and J. T., ices Field 4.52 M, Geo. 0.. Jr.. 200 acres 141 and Woods 36.08 W. Hazel M? 68 acres Banal] Land 6.30 W, John F.. 117 acres Ms. 100 acres Woods. 75 * Woods, 15 acres Field 'Woods, 45 acres Woods, acres X. W 45.54 H Martha A Heirs, 50 * Rice Field. 355 acres ? 30.26 J. C.. 15 acres woods 5.68 ID L.. 1 lot 2.56 * 1. P . 4 lots - 3.34 htr Brunswick Investment "Wny. if 4-10 acres S. htter 2.33 Jjp ? W. 2 acres home 13.20 3 Ruby. 15 acres woods 3.34 5 Mrs. T. H. estate. 15 18 Home 14.03 Archie. 25 ai res Horse 'branch 3.34 ' albert, 25 acres Home" vr? > - 12.12 L. .?- 4 acres Home 19.08 tw Alice, 71 acres S* 6.54 t Oeorge M? 33 acres P 16.15 ? Julian S. and D. F.. - H acres Alligator.... 3.81 v 4 G., 33 acres Home 13.95 Z sIl)h"? C. estate, 250 ?.w?ell 16.60 S,Umber Company. 596 -yw Cape Fear" Rivt*' acres Lucy Perry 106.58 l : J- !i ai res Home 8.28 k ii. 1 ' acre home 2.65 b ? F- H acre ? ''acres Field 19.20 h M. v.. 10 acres J --? _ g_42 ci JIf9 E. j? 4 acres k?-5~~ 5.68 k-Bs?l acres Woods 15.31 k, ?. B- estate. 321 Is 'J and weds 19.88 i, rs- Wm., 10 acres *Li,E- 136 acres Conit?*?. 23.55 it x-15". M.. 147 acres ft W, 27.16 ' 6 acres Home I Rft 12 91 i is' aI!' 8, acres Home 31.85 *Jl D E.. 23U, acres IT. r-p~- - 3.24 k ?i ?.state, 100 acres "rF^s 9.35 WJ? acres Johnl "a. ,?i) acres x. w.. 10 acres Field "5 ?6 p Sf S^ST"''80 " acres' 6'?# tP,Fj 100 acres Woods 1270 h joa'* JW acres Cox ^aver r^m B^. 76.50 39.30 Jt a' 65 acres l~Bi'? 20.82 ftfes. itrJ . acres home 28.61 J[>! fu.A Mj Estate. t) , and Woods 21.84 ] Kb, ? ? acres Home 6.62 ' 25 acres / 1935 ' Home 8.80 J McFadden, Kate, Kstate, 100 t acres Woods 8.80 j McKoy, Kate Estate 175 acres Woods 14.66 McRae, Hugh and Co., Inc., 1340 66-100 acres John McRae Tract, 726 86-100 acres Woodburn Tract. 348 acres Murrell Tract, 300 75-100 acres Stuckey Tract, 900 acres M. Chinnis Tract 169.95 Medlin, A. Arra Jean. 14 acres Home, 148 acres Woods. 15 acres Field, 40 acres Woods 41.67 ] Middlebrook, R. P., 100 acres 1 Home ? 31.42 ] Millinor, J. H? 40 acres Home- ] stead 9.58 Mintz. Eunice, 2 acres Home ] 4 acres Rebecca West 24.22 ] Mintz, Emma V., 60 acres Pt. Garrison 8.49 ] Mintz. J. E. and Eunice, 125 acres Pt. J. T. West 15.44 ] Mintz. J. E., 4 acres Woods 5.73 ] Mintz, S. T. 3 acres, home 7.60 : Mintz, Mrs. Lee, 16 acres Woods 2.25 ] .Moore, Mrs. S. F., 30 acres ' Woods 3.34 Murrell, John P., 2 acres home 5.53 : 'Nelson, M. L.. 1 acre Home 10.34 : Oldham, Catherine, 2 2-10 acres Home 7.64 : Orrell, Norwood, 1 lot 8.80 : Parker, E. L.. 1 acre Leland 2.56 Penny, D. R? 3 acres Richard son 6.46 Penny, G. W.. 25 acres Robbins Land 4.90 Peterson, J. W. estate, 100 acres Home 24.02 Peterson. Mrs. Vera, 100 acres Home 41.02 Pickett. Mrs. Alice S., 17% acres Home, 1 Lot 30.49 Pickett, C. M? 2 acres Home 6 acres S. W. Edwards. 2 acres Fayetteville Road. 1 Lot 28.59 Piver. D. E. Estate. 96 acres Woods 8.49 Potter. Agnes, 6 acres Home 6.86 Potter. Mrs. A. E.. 4 acres Woods 1.31 Potter. A. L.. 8 acres Home 11.44 Potter, C. B., 72% acres Home 19.72 Potter, C. J., 48 acres Home 12.47 Potter, C. S.. 18 acres Home 7.39 Potter, D. L? 9 acres Home 9.93 Potter, D. Roland, 5 acres Woods 1.40 Potter, Eunice. 4 7-10 acres Woods 1.73 Potter. G. M? Estate, 53 acres Woods 9.27 Potter, Mrs. Kathleen 134 acres Home 28.38 Potter, S. C., 4 7-10 acres Home ... 3.66 Powell, I. C? 120 acres Home 25.49 Powell. R. M? 16 acres Home 34 acres Field and Woods. 100 acres Woods, 25 acres J. D. Orrell 56.90 Raybon, H. J., 1 acre Home 7.24 Raynon. Dexter. 42 acres Home 15.98 Reeves. J. E.. 43 acres Woods 4.36 Reeves and Watkins. 650 acres Woods 77.06 Regan. C. E., 114 acres Home. 20 acres Field and Woods 35.73 I Reynolds. D. W., 1 acre near Leland 1.78 Riley. Martha A., 150 acres Woodland 16.60 Rhodes. C. J., Balance 4.61 Riley. Martha. Estate 26 acres Woods. 96 acres Woods 12.08 Robbins. J. E. Estate, 30 acres Home 7.55 Robbins. J. W., Estate. 59 acres Woods 5.61 Robbins. Mrs. W. L? 13 acres Home 5.37 Roberts. R. M.. 50 acres Woods 4.90 Roberts. L. B., 1156 acres Woods 84.82 Roulk. U. L? 1 Lot 9.32 (Rouse. Ruby. 314 acres Home 7.24 Rowan. Mrs. Nola, 2 acres A. C. L. R. R 1.94 Russ. F. B. Estate. 24 acres Home 9.27 Savage. Mrs. J. G., 3 acres Home ? 10.20 Scull. Jas. H., 30 acres Maco 19.72 Scoggins. D. L., 98 acres Home 19.65 Settlemyers. Mrs. Lillie. % acre V. C. Garner. 214 acres Field 1...... 34.16 Sheily. H. C.. 150 acres Woods 12.70 Simmons. T. A. Heirs. 20 acres Field and Woods 6.62 Simmons. Mrs. T. A., 8 acres Home 7.24 Simmons. F. O., 2 acres Home 15.64 Skipper, Claude. 8 acres Home 7.47 Skipper, Mrs. E. R.. 6 acres Home 13.29 Skipper. E. S. and M. L., 100 acres C. C. Home 8.80 Skipper. D. W., 23 acres Home 4.74 Skipper. J. D., 2 acres Leland 11.48 Skipper, Lula M., 7 acres Home 5.37 Skipper. M. V.. 75 acres Home I 21 acres Ed. Williams Tract 34.07 Skipper, W. W., 6 acres Home 12.23 Snyder, John A., 50 acres Hood's Creek 9.20 I Starnes. Lucy Gaylord, 126 acres Woods - 10.83 I Stevens. A. E.. 42 acres F. O. Williams 4.91 | Stevens. W. H. and Pearl Butler. 252 acres Woods .... 20.66 Stewart. N. A., 5 acres Home 195 acres Field and Woods 37.43 ' Sue. W. A.. Estate, 107 acres Stumpy Grade. 48 acres Field and Woods 22.53 Sykes, Mrs. Lorena, 58 acres Home i._ 16.02 Sykes, W. T.. 12 acres Field and Woods 2.18 Taylor, J. A. 5 acres Woods 2.56 Teboe. H. O.. 9 acres Home .... 6.93 Teboe. J. B., 7*4 acres Home 10.00 Thomas, A., 3 8-10 acres Home 9.74 Tharp?, J. W. and C. E.. 10 Acres Farm. 46 acres Woods 4.12 Tharpe. N. J. and C. E., 10 acres Woods 4.12 Vanderlithe. Henry. 43 acres Applewhite 7.24 Wallace. Mrs. Mary B.. 69 Lots 16.60 Wannett. Mrs. L. A.. Estate, 546 acres Woods 43.59 Ward, J. M? 300 acres John Rowell 19.72 Ward. L. E? 218 acres Home 28.35 Wehunt. Dr.. 620 acres Jones and Schull 70.11 Wells. C. R.. 30 acres Green Swamp 2.40 Wells. D. R.. Estate. 30 acres Woods ?2.40 ] Wells. D. W? 242 acres ureen Swamp 12.33 Wells. J. H. Estate. 60 acres Horsepen 3.81 , Wells, Mary F., 30 acres , Green Swamp 2.40 West. J. T.. 295 acres Field and Woods 37.40 White, J. P.. 26 7-10 acres Field and Woods 7.55 . Williams. A. B.. Estate. 60 . acres Home Tract. 50 acres ; Stumpy Grade .'. 35.58 Williams. A. M.. Estate. 692 j acres Auburn. 108 acres j Woods 66.14 j Williams. Mrs. A. V., 20 acres ; Home 14.60 Williams. D. A.. 4t? acres j Home, 30 acres McRae Tract, I 15 2-10 acres R. T. Williams 30.33 j Williams. D. D.. 10 acres I Home, 50 acres Woods .... 20.21 ] Williams. E. V., Estate. 1 Acre Home 9.58 Williams. Dr. F. M.. estate. I 4% acres Woods 1.40 j Williams. H. A.. 9 acres Home I 16 acres Field and Woods, 8 1-10 acres Woods 15.90 j Williams. H. B.. 10 acres Home 12.80 I Williams. Joe M., 3 acres Home, I 8 acres Woods 23.60 Williams. H. B., 10 acres I Home 12.80 Williams, L. L., 35 acres Home 7.25 J Williams, Mrs. R. T., % acre j Ohurch Lot 1.78 Williams, Seth, Estate, 86 j seres Woods 6.37 Williams. S. F? Estate. 35 J acres. Home 15.50 j Williams, Thomas M? 4 acres j Home ... 10.31 j Williams. W. A.. 3Mt acres j Home 9.27 Williams. W. H., 10 acres S Field 3.89 Wright. I. C., 100 acres Will- J iams, 7.24 > Peterson, J. J.. 61 acres Home 27.26 NORTH WEST TOWNSHIP?colored > REAL ESTATE Adams, Ida, 13 a. home ...? 6.17 ? THE STATE 1 Ulen, Caroline, 20 a. woods 2.56 \ tllen, Marilda, 8 a. Big Branch 1.83 & Ambrose, Nora, 5 a. woods, 17 a. John Ambrose 4.43 ' Vndrews, B. J., 7 a. home 7.55 h trderson, Charlie, 6 a. woods.. 2.56 Andrews, Sam. est., 7% a. wds. 2.18 * tsh, Wm... 2Vi a. woods 1.40 ttkinson, John, 3 a. home 3.74 i Vtkinson, Solomon, est. 15 a. w. 4.78 3allard, Asa, 7 a. home, bal. 7.43 A Ballard, A. G., 10 a. home, 20 & a. woods, 20 a, field and woods 15.19 3allard, Capot, 3 3-8 a. home 9.01 & 3allard, Cindy. 6 a home 4.12 J Balard, Ernest, 4 a home .... 8.54 5 Ballard. Fred, Estate, 12 acres S Home 7.71 Ballard, Geo., Jr., 2 a home 9.58 & Ballard, Geo., Sr., 15 acres Double Run 3.34 J Ballard, Jas. est., 18 a. Field 1 and woods 11.07 5 Baldwin, John, 6 a. home, bal... 3.71 5 Ballard, J. S? 1 1-8 a. home 2.61 I Baldwin, Levi, 9^4 a. home 18.01 J Ballard, Nancy, 3a. home 4.64 J Ballard, Stilley, Sr., 25 a. home 10.00 Ballard, Stilley McKinley. la. t home 5.82 Ballard, Walter, 3V4 a. woods.. 3.63 I Ballard, Weldon, 10 a. home.... 6.93 I Ballard. Willie, 2 a. home 8.01 Ballard, Wra? est. 25 a. home.. 7.24 1 Baloon, Jim, 1 a. home. bal. 6.46 Baloon. Martah, 7 a. woods _ 2.09 I Ballard, Tony, 5 a. home 4..74 1 Bass, John 3 a. home 6.08 1 Berry, Levi, 40 a. home 6.86 Blaney, John. 5 a. woods 1.94 1 Blaney, Matt, 20 a. woods. 20 A. Mllltngton 8.02 1 Blaney, Root., 5 a. home 9.27 1 Blaney, Willie, 5 a. home 4.12 1 Bostic, Nathan, 2% . field and woods .. 1.55 3 Brown, Geo., 28 a. home, 27 < a. field and woods 13.88 ( Brown, Henry, 105 a. woods. 30 a. woods ....... 17.38 1 Brown, Ida, 2 lots 6.46 1 Brown, Tom, est., 6% a. home 4.83 Bryant, Ed. est. 1 a. home ? 4.15 ' Bryant. Ella, 5 a. woods 1.40 Bryant, Delia, 20 a. woods ? 4.12 J Bryant, Joe, 2 a. home 10.10 ( Bryant. Joe, 5 a. field and woods 2.19 Bryant. Joe, 2 a. woods 1.78 Bryant, J. D., 11 a. home ...? 6.70 Bryant, John P., 4 a. home ? 5.32 Bryant, Mf tt, 7 a. home 5.45 Bryant, Mary Ida, 1 a home 50 a. woods ? 9 00 Bryant, Wash, 10 a. home 11.87 Butler, J. D.. est., 27 a. woods 5.21 Canady. W. K., est. 5 a. woods 1.78 Chestnut, Henry, 3 a. home ? 3.37 Clemmon8, Chap, 1% a. home- 6.46 Clemmons. C. C., 2 a woods.. 1.68 Clemmons,. Margaret, est. 21 acres home and woods 8.49 Clemmons, S. J., 7 a. home ? 11.41 Cobb, Lela, 2 a. woods 1.78 n W 14a hnmA 10.10 i Corbett, Laura, est. Ill a. wds. 9.66 Corbett, Sam, 1 a. home 6.60 Corbett, Susie, 114 a. home 6.21 Corbett, Willie, 21 a home 12.41 Cornair, Rachel, 15 a. field and woods, home 9.58 Davis, Amos, 5 >4 a. home 2.56 Davis, C. H? 11 a. home 5.63 Davis, H. K., 10% a., balance.. 9.53 Davis, Jas., est., 2% a. home.. 4.90 Davis, Jesse est., 3 a. home .. 6.46 Davis, June, 1 a. home 6.21 Davis. Louisa, 29 a. home 13.27 Davis, Louisa. 1% a. home ? 4.12 Davis, Sadie T., 11 a. home 7.32 Davis, Sarah C., 34 a. home 6.46 Davis, Tom, 4 a. home 4.56 Dixie. Charlotte, est. 5 a home and woods 4.12 Dixie, Harriett, est. 12 a. home 4.43 Everette, Albert, est., 2 a. wds. 1.31 ! Everette, Dinah. 2 a. woods... 1.78 Everette, Edmond, est., 2 a. home 3.34 Everette, G. G.. est., 2% A. home. Sturgeon C 11.45 : Everette. Jane, est., 1 a. home.. 4.12 ; Everette, Joe, est. 4 a. home .. 4.90 j Everette, Sarah. 6 a. home .?. 5.84 Fairley, Anna. 8 a. home 4.12 ; Fairley, Gus, 8 a. home 3.29 Fields, Tom, 16 a. home 7.71 ] Formy, Calvin, est., 2 a. home- 9.72 Formy, Elizah, 15 a. home 13.09 ] Formy, Henderson, est., 10 a. home 3.75 j Foster, Lina, 5 a. home 4.90 Formy. l.izzie, 22 a. home 10.20 Formy, Peter, est., 10 a. home 42.96 < Formy, R. J., 2 a. home ?... 5.68 Formy, Susan, J., 15% acres.. 5.90 j Formy, Vera, 20 acres woods.. 2.56 ! < Freeman, Frank, estate, 21 ac- < res. home 7.40 < Freeman, Geo., W., estate 24 ac- ! ? i 7.40 < r?3!Ji iiuiiiv Freeman. W. H? 20 a. wood9 1.941 j Gause, Mike. 4 acres home .. 11.17 J < Grady. Maggie, 25 acres Piney Bluff 3.74 .< Grady. Rebecca, 9 acres home 8.10 Grady. Tamar. 5 acres home 5.921 < Grainger. Geo.. 5 acres home 7.70 j [ Grainger. Willie, 14 acres home Balance 1.94 Green, Damon, estate. 25 acres < home .. 11.91 j Green, Jim.. 15 acrfs home 9.37 Green. N. E., 1 acre, school | j house 1.62 j Hall, Alec, 84J acres home .. 19.02 Hall, Anna. 1 acres home, 6 > acres woods 8.18 Hall. Florence. 3 acres woods 1.47 Hall. Gus. estate, 7 acres home 3.81 Ham. J. L., 5 acres home 8?301 Hatcher. Catherine, estate 13 '< acres woods 3.03 > Hawkins, Henry. 2 acres woods 3.48 Hawkins, John 75 acres woods 4.52 Hawkins, Relius, 2t4 acres home ... 7.40 Hawkins. Staggle, 2 acres woods 3.39 ' Hayes. Abbie. 9 acres home.. 8.36 Haywood. Jordan, 13 a. home.... 4.12 i Hill, Abel. 10 acres home 8.02 i Hill, Charlotte. 1 acre home.... 3.34 Hill. Elsie, lVi acres, Fayette- i ville road 1.71 Hill, Louisa, 10 acres woods.... 2.56 i Hill, S. P., 14 acres woods... 4.28 Hilton, D. J., 12 acres home.... 10.34 Hollis, J. H? 2V2 acres home.. 5.42 i Hooper, Alfred, 5 acres home.. 8.54 Hooper, Annie. 21 acres woods 2.64 11 Hooper, Chanie, 2 acres home.. 4.90 Hooper, David, 15 acres woods 2.96 Hooper, Josh, estate 40 acres home ?.. 8.80 i Hooper, J. D., 10 acres home? 10.27 Hooper, John H.. 3?4 acres 1 home ? 2.18 i Hooper, Sarah estate, 100 acres home ? 8.80 i Henrv. 5 acres home 9.32 ^ Jackson, Wm., estate, 48 acres near Leland 30.80 ^ Jenkins, Ed., 8 acres home.... 2.56 Johnson, AH. 1 acre home 8.54 Johnson, Bill, 2 acres woods.. 1.78 Johnson, Elsie, 25 acres woods.. 2.96 y Johnson. Henrietta. 8 acres field and woods 2.25 y Johnson. Lucy, 3 acres woods 1.47 y Johnson, Rosa. 3 acres home.. 5.61 Johnson. Ruth, 20 acres woods 2.56 y Johnson. Stephen, 21 acres y home and balance 11.40 Jones. Emma Eliza, 1 a. woods 1.16 y Tones. Ella. 1V4 acres home .. 5.68 Tones. Primus, 11 acres woods 2.72 y Tones, S. F? 8 acres A. C. L. R. R. 3.81 -v Tones, Susan, 5 acres home 7.51 y felly. Annie D., 2 acres home 6.46 felly, Emmanuel, 2 acres home 4.12 y felly, John, 2 acres home 4.12 felly. Mary J., 4 acres home.. 7.79 y findall, Nancy, 7 acres Big y Branch ? 1.55 y fit, Eugene, 20 acres woods 1.94 fnox, B. N., 20 acres home 5.99 y jeak. H. J., estate 20 acres woods 2.56 y joftin. George D., 5 acres home y balance 4.02 coffin, Hannah. 8 acres home 3.96 ,oftin, Lizzie, estate 25 acres y woods ? 2.96 ..oftin, Wm., 10 acres home. y balance 4.05 y IcAlister, H. W? 8 acres home 9.89 IcKlnnon, Will, 1 acre home, T 36 acres woods 15.46 IcKoy. C. H? estate, 15 acres A near N. W. 4 98 A IcKoy. David. 40 acres home 9.20 A IcKoy. John, 19 acres home .. 10.27 A IcKoy. Laura. 14 acres home 11.34 IcKoy, Mable. 3 acres woods 1.47 A IcKoy. Minerva, estate 9H ac- A res home _ 6.70 A IcKoy. Simon and H. D., 20 acres woods ? 4.12 A IcLaurin, Jas.. 8 acres home 2.90 A IcLaurin, Randolph, estate. 8 A acres home 3.65 IcNeil. Wm., 12 acres home, 10 acres woods and farm 26.65 A IcPherson, Laura 6 acres home 4.90 PORT PILOT, SOUTHPOR' [anuel, H. L., 5 acres home _ 10.91 [anuel, Nancy estate 71 acres home 10.05 lallon, Jim, 1 acre home 8.78 larshall. E. P., estate 2% acres home 8.80 leares, Kate estate, 8 acres home 4.43 lelvin, Lessie, 2 acres Hood's Creek 1.40 lelvin, J. F.. 10 acres farm .. 8.92 lerrick, Jane, 4% acres home 4.90 lerrick, John estate 3 acres home 7.64 lerrick, Phoebe, 8 acres woods 2.25 lerrick, Rosa, 1 lot 4.90 lerrick, Wm? 15 acres 10.98 liller, E. F., 15% acres home, 30 acres woods 25.37 filler, Susan estate 18 acres home and woods 11.30 fills, Levi 1 acres Navassa 1.78 loore, Hannah, 5 acres woods 2.56 loore, L. J? 50 acres home? 11.65 loore, Moses, 7 acres home _ 3.96 torris, Sallie. 2 acres home.. 6.46 fosley, Daisy, % acres home.. 7.24 losley. Mary Jane, 5 acres home 5.68 losley. Wm? estate 6 acres home - ? ? 7-24 fosley, Z. D., 8% acres home 11.03 lurrey, Henry M.. 3 acres Liner Reeves ? 3.38 dyers, Joseph, estate 1% acres home ? 6-68 dyers, Kate, 8 acres home ? 4.45 dyers, Lewis, 1 lot 6.68 dyers, Wm? estate 3% acres home ? ? 8.08 if ell, Annie. 12% acres home- 11.92 fell, Catherine, 12% acres home 8.23 fell. Dudley. 27 acres woods- 6.63 feil, Elizabeth, 2 lots 7.24 feil, Jersey estate 5 acres field 178 fewson, Amanda, 10 acres home 8.26 D'Neil, Charlotte, % acre woods 1.24 Dwens, Andrew, 234 acres A. M. Wilson 39.84 Patrick, Charlie, 10 acres home 9.73 Patrick, Chris, estate 20 acres Big Branch - ? 7.64 Patrick, Sip, estate 12% acres home ? . 6 ?5 Patrick, Stephen, 1 acre home 5.04 sParce, Lucy J.. % acre Dogwood Neck, 13% acres Alice Taylor - J-9 Pearce, Sam 5 acres home ? 7.7t Pearce, Sip estate 10 acres home ? 8.1. Pearce, Willie J., 7% acres home ? ?-9( Pearson, Mary J.. 38 acres home ? Pelham, Sarah 26 acres home.. 10.5. Perkins. G. D.. 81 acres home 3 acres woods ?? 20.8t Perkins, Lucy, estate. 10 acres. woods ? 1-7] Perkins, Andrew, 3 acres home 6.6, Perkins. Mary 5 acres home - 5.9, Perkins, Wilson, 5 acres field and woods ?- ? 2.2, Person, Leah 9 acres home 8.6Person, Joe, 20 acres field and ^ ^ ailU nwua Q Q1 Peyton, John 6 acres home .... ? ?) Peyton, Sudie 6 acres Big Branch, 4% acres homestead ........ 4.81 Porter, Wilson. 3 acres field.. 4.0. Pridgeon, Hardy Estate. 40 acres home and woods t>-4> Radford, Alice, estate. 2 acres Reeves, T'M.,"200 " acres field and woods ?... Reeves. Mariah. 7 acres ...... 5.6. Richardson, J. R.. 3 acres near Eastbrook ,?; 17! Richardson, Susie 2 lots so Robbins. Dan, 7 acres woods 2.0. Robbins, Ham, 11% acres woods 1.9' Robbins, Henry estate 6Vfe acres ^ Robbins. Jess estate 15 acres field and woods Robbins, J. L? 3 acres home 4.0 Robbins, J. S. 12 acres home.. 13.2 Robbins. Sam 1 acre home .. la-? Robinson, J. W., 12 acres home 9.9! Robinson, Annie 7 acres woods 15. Robinson, A. J.. 8 acres home.. 9.6 Robinson. A. R., 10 a woods 2.5? Robinson. Florence 37 acres g ^ Robinson,^Martha J. 25 acres Hood's Creek ? ' Rowell. D. L? 73 acres home Sampson, Fannie R-. 37 acres g Shaw?6 Mary." 7V4~"ac'res woods.. 1.59 Shaw, Edgar 10 acres home. g J( Shaw?" Robert "4 acres woods_ 162 Smith, Augusta. 42 acres home 14.2J Smith, Fannie 15 acres home- 9.51 Smith. Joe, 8 acres home ? Smith. John R., 5 acres home .. 6.39 Smith, Marina. 12 acres home.. 6.04 Smith, Nathan 5 acres woods.. 178 Smith, R. G.. estate 5 acres 3needd8Freei'and.' '2' acres' home. g ge 2 acre9 woo<ts ~ Sneed, Lizzie 6 acres home .... 5.68 Sneed, Mariah. 5 acres woods 1.40 Sneed. Viola. 1% acres Fayette ville roa'd i.?? Sneed, Willie, 1% acres field .. 1.55 Southerland, Betty, 16 acres home 4.59 Southerland, W. S., 1 acre home 5.04 Southerland, Berta, 44 acre field 1.40 Taylor, Andrew, 15 acres field and woods 3.74 Taylor, Archie. 2 acres woods 1.31 Thomas, Isabella, 44 acre home 6.46 Thomas, Rebecca, 1 acre home 4.12 rimmons, Moses 2 acres home.. 4.76 roomer. John estate 20 acres woods 4.12 Troy, C. L., 7 acres, field and woods 2.25 Troy, John, estate, 5 acres field and woods 2.25 Troy, W. H? estate 15 acres 2 homes 17.46 Vernon, Hamp, 3744 acres home 17.22 Vernon, Wm? Jr., 17 acres home 10.98 Vernon, Wm, Sr., 3214 acres home 13.45 tVaddell, Alex 1 acre home .. 11.15 (Vaddell, Chas. estate 4 acres home 6.46 tVaddell. John, 6 acres home, 14 acre W. B. S., bal - 10.26 tVaddell. Lonnie 14 acre home balance 5.16 iVatkins, Mary Jane, 10 acres home ? 7.55 Washington, Geo., 314 acres home, 5 acres woods 8.04 Vallance, Amos, 10 acres home 10.71 Waters. B. J. estate 28 acres home 15.35 Webb, Alex, 7 acres woods 1.68 Webb, Joseph, estate 80 acres homestead ? 12.39 Webb, Russel 8 acres Big Branch _ 6.88 Vebb, T. W., estate 8 acres woods ? 1.22 Vebb, Willie, 814 acres homestead 2.46 Vest, Anna, 1 acre home 5 68 Veston. A. E.. 6 acres home, 6 acres woods 8.80 Veston, Geo., W., 6 acres home 5.92 Veston, J. E? 914 acres home, 31-20 acres field and woods 15.63 Veston, Richard, estate 11 acres home - 9.11 Villlams, Andrew, estate, 5 acres, woods 1.40 Villlams, Emma. 8 acres woods 3.03 Villiams, Evelina, 10 acres. near Iceland 4.99 Villlams, Jas. estate 23 acres woods - 2.80 Villiams, Jane, 34 acres home 8.64 1 Villiams, Louise, 6 acres home 2.49 j Villiams, Louise and Harriette, 44 acres home 20.50 Villiams, Napoleon. 13 acres woods ? 3.03 Villiams, Robt., 4 acres home 12.44 Villiams, Robt. estate, 12 acres field and woods, 2 acres woods .... 4.67 Williams. Sam. 1 acre, ww balance 5.62 Hills. John lYt acre home ._ 6.98 fllson. Delia, 20 acres field and woods - 3.50 OWN CREEK TOWNSHIP?White REAL ESTATE kerman, Dr. J.. 176 a home 49.29 nderSon, Durant, 3 acs woods 1.40 mold, Alfred, 28 acres home 13.06 mold. Mrs. Callie, 31 acres home 6.76 mold. C. T. 34 acres home 7.71 mold. J. J.. 351 acres home.. 38.86 mold, T. H., 15 acres, cleared and woods 5.06 I tvinson, C. A.. 55 acres home 25.631 tkinson, Floyd. 18 acres wds. 2.33 tkinson, L. M., 79 acres Green Swamp. 18 acres R. L. Reynolds 7.32 tkinson, Lizzie Flowers, hi acre G. F. Tharpe 1.03 r, NORTH CAROLINA Atkinson, S. V., 117 acres Home and 2 lots 38.40 Aycock, C. B.. 83 acres woods.. 5.14 Ballard. Mrs. J. T., 16% acres home 9.99 Ballard, J. D.. 17 acres home 5.21 Beck, Albert M., 41 acres home 15.07 Beck, D. D? 32 acres home, 9% acres cleared and woods 14.47 Beck, Geo. L? 63 acres home.. 14.52 Beck, J. W? 24 acres home 19.66 Beck, R. A.. 25 7-10 acres home 11.01 Bellamy. John D? 80 acres Eagles Island, 20 acres Keeter .. 14.26 Bellamy, Mrs. Lizzie. 28 acres, D. R. Walker 6.15 G Bender, J. D? 50 acres woods.. 4.90 G Bennett, B. A.. 100 acres home 41.99 G Benton, Mrs. Alice 20 acres home ... 7.86 G Benton, A. J., 2 acres Benton.. 1.78 G Benton, A. W., 21 acres home.. 13.49 G Benton, D. E., 1 acre woods 2.18 G Benton, E. M., 13 acres woods.. 9.74 G Benton, G. L.. 49 acres home.... 16.31 G Benton, Ira, 18 acres field and G woods 8.70 C Benton, K. S., 5 acres woods _ 4.89 Benton, Leo, 9% acres home.... 6.46 0 Benton, Mrs. Mary, 14 ac. home 4.33 Benton, Mrs. P. J. 52 acres C home 9.89 C Benton, S. L. 1 acre home 4.77 Benton, W. P., 20 acres home 13.84 I Bishop, Mrs. A. V., 29 acres woods and cleared 28.77 I Bishop, J. L.. 2 acres cleared.. 13.91 Bishop, J. L. and Mrs. A. V. I 14% acres home, 82 acres woods and cleared 42.74 I Blair, Walter H., 22 acres Rabon 9.12 Bowers, E. S? 16 acres Lizzie James - 7.08 Bowman. L. B., 26 acres woods, 26 acres Danie Rabon 7.24 ] Braswell, J. J., 50 acres home 15.05 Braswell, P. E., 50 acres clear- ] ed and woods 16.47 : Britton, Mrs. Odessa % acre 1 home 5.68 j Broadway, Dr. R. E., 35 acres i woods 6.46 : Brooks, J. W? 150 acres Wil1 kens Potter. 30 acres woods, ' 160 acres woods, 15 acres woods, 69 acres woods. 100 acres woods. 6 acres woods, ! 4 lots. 1 1-5 lot, % lot. ' 12 14 lot, 4 lots, 125 acres timber, 100 a Green Swamp, ' 75 acres Green Swamp, 100 acres Green Swamp, 100 a ' J. B. Church tract, % in, terest in 150 acres, 6 acres [ A. S. Sullivan land, 18 acres A. S. Sullivan land 92.09 Brown, J. S? 2 lots 1.78 ' Brown. J. S., 3 acres home.... 9.35 , Brown. Mrs. W. \V? 50 acres | Heath 30.95 ; Brown, Odell, 21 acres home .... 6.73! * Brown, Roy, 5 acres home 8.55 . Brunswick Land and Lumber ? Co.. int. in Allison Grant 24.40 1 Caison, Mrs. Martha, 6 acres . home 1.94 [ Caison, Mary E.. 33 acres 1 woods 5.14 . Caison. Ruth G. 20 acres wds. 2.87 ; Caison, Mrs. S. A. 49 acres home 13.72 . Cannon, G. H? 100 acres woods 6.46 ' Carr, J. O., 112 acres Brunswick Sta. 9.74 I ' Carroll, A. J., estate 52 acres . home 10.83 ; Childs, Mrs. Agnes, 1 acres D. ' A. Stubbs 1.40 . Chinnis, H. C.. 35 acres woods 6.44 [ Chinnis, J. W.. 35 acres old ; home 7.02 | ; Chinnis, S. D? 35 acres woods 3.65 1 Chinnis, Tinnie M? 15 7-10 ac, res, 11 acres home, 18% acres ' Sullivan 12.75 , Church, J. B., 228 acres woods 21.12 ! Clayton. Mrs. Blanche, 20 acres | woods 2.56 ! Clemmons, Thurston, 12 acres home 17.96 , ! Coker, Lillian V., 5 acres home 3.34 |, ' Coleman. Sudie R.. 240 acres ; woods 15.98 : ' Collins. J. W., 32 acres home ... 14.84 , . Collum, Pearl. 27 acres home _ 6.92 1 Colucci, G? SO acres woods 2.56 , r Comen. J. C., 105 acres home .. 20.34 Cox, E. M., 1 acre home. 40 , acres farm and woods, 3 lots 45.70 ' Cox, P. M? 2% acre* home 17.96 , Cox, S. P., 8 acres home 33.81 f Cox, W. K., 8 acres home, 814 , acres woods 66.43 , Cumbee, A. A. 45 acres woods 5.66 | Cumbee, Clarence, 45 acres wds. 3.58 , 1 Danford, E. M. 40 acres home.. 25.61 , Danford, J. M. 40 acres woods ; and cleared 12.37 , ' Danford, Mrs. Lillie Mae 50 acres woods 9.42 , ! Danford, Mrs. Vina. 14 lot 1.40 , 1 Daniels, Mrs. Mattie 10 acres , woods 2.56 Devane, Miss Bertha 30 acres farm ..._ 19.72 ! Devane. D. E. 36 acres home 18.09 ' Devane, Zelma 7 acres home.... 8.67 1 Dew, J. A. 14' acre home 5.68 ; Earp, G. E. 40 acres home ? 21.10 Edge, E. H. 12 acres woods .._ 2.56 1 Edge, Fred 12 acres field and woods .... - ? 3.34 Edge, Tom B. 20 acres home.. 9.40 1 Edwards. A. R. 8 acres home, 6 lots 24.48 Edwards, Mrs. Fred, 1 lot 15.04 Edwards. Fred 314 acres field and woods 14.62 : Edwards, G. L. 20 acres home. [ 30 acres woods 21.87 ! Edwards, L. L., 3% acres home 9.32 1 Elchorn, Mrs. Charity 10 acres , home 6 08 1 Eichorn. Euclid C. 8 acres woods ?... ... 2.56 Elchorn, W. E. 90 acres home - 33.24 ; Elvington. V. estate 220 acres 1 home ? ? 26.73 Elvington, Miss S. D. 114 acres ; ' woods 11.54 ] Elvington & McKeithan, 2 lots 2.56 Estate Corp.. 381 acs. D. Ward. 4280 acres Atkinson, 20 acres j Benton. 40 acres Brooks, 108 j acres Clemmons, 40 acres Cox, 340 acres Drake, 745 rivann 979 acres Gooman, 1 115 acres Johnson, 816 acres j Jones, 339 acres McKeithan, 170 acres McCoy. 839 acres ] McCoy, 27 acres Robbins, 92 2-10 acres East Grant, ] balance 663.84 Evans, E. V. 135 acres woods, ] 50 acres Douglas. 3 acres home, 2V4 lots 49.63 ] Evans, Mrs. Hancy W. 32 acres woods 6.62 ] Evans, J. D., 97 acres home .. 40.48 Fennel], A. G. 16 acres home.. 9.92 i Fields, J. R.. 1 saw mill 22.98 j Flowers. C. T. 70 acres woods 4.82 Flowers, Fred 50 acres home _ 10.27 j Flowers, H. T. 10 acres home 4.90 j Foulke, Geo. and Mrs. D. F. 2000 acres Winnabow Plantation, 1024 acres Belle Grange 476.64 j Galloway. F. E. 293 acres home, 1 lot, 2 7-10 lot 65.20 i Galloway. Gertrude 1 lot 2.56 i Galloway. H. C.. 3 lots 3.34 Galloway, N. C. 5 acrs Lanvale 4.51 j aGney, A. J. Estate, 31 acres home 11.76 i_ Ganey, C. O. 29 acres home.? 12.98 x, Ganey. E. A. 3 5-8 acres home, i, 3V4 acres woods, 501 acres L Eagle Island 89.12 l Ganey, G. H. and Eula, 8 acres Hodges 2.56 rj Ganey, H. A., estate 30 acres I home 10.52 rj | aney, I. S., 3 acres home 7.78 rj Ganey, John T? 43 acres home. 6 acres woods 9.82 rj Ganey, L. D. estate 2 acres home, 11 acres old home, 7 5-8 Rj acres field ? 30.10 rj Saney, L. J. 30 acres woods.... 2.64 Ganey. Mamie. 32 acres home r1 tract, 40 acres Branch and r] Swamp. 70 acres land 21.05 Ganey, M. S.. 2 acres 2.64 Ri Ganey. - Martin L.. 18 acres home, 26 acres woods, 5 ac- rj res woods. 85 acres woods _ 15.66 Ganey, R. Z? 2 acres home ? 5.68 rj Ganey. G. W. estate 125 acres woods 8.18 rj Gibbons and Rice, 384 acres Graham ? 34.48 Gore. Bertie L., 12 1-80 acres M woods and farm ? 3.98 Gore, Blanch, 220 acres woods and cleared 4.67 Gore, Edward, 30 acres home _ 10.10 Gore, Mrs. Emily 9 acres Ganey 2.18 Gore, Eric J., 100 acres woods M and cleared 12.91 M Gore, Estella estate 7 acres woods 1.09 M Gore. Mrs. E. R.. 106 acres Board of Education, 180 ac- M res Lonnie Brown, 184 acres J. W. Collins. 160 acres n. W. Davis. 21 acres Durant, 10 acres Durant, 46 acres E. D. ^ Evans, 117% acres L. Goodman, 125 acres J. L. Grimes, J 1162 acres Grimes, est., 112 j acres I. W. Harrelson. 244 acres I. D. Harrelson, 36 ac- j res I. D. Harrelson. 1100 ac- j res Gilbert Hollins, 115 acres j R. W. Moore, 164 acres W. G. Moore. 1627 acres Amanda j Russel. 163 acres S. Amanda Russell. 82 2-10 acres Mark j Saunders, 320 acres E. W. Taylor, 99 4-10 acres G. A. Willetts 461.37 jy lore, G. W. 30 acres woods .. 3.34 j lore, Isaac 33 acres home ? 9.91 lore. J. C. 25 acres old home. H 174 acres Garner plantation 32.73 j lore, John K. 8 acres home .... 9.23 j (ore, M. P. 38 acres home 11.83 y lore, O. J. 30 acres home 11.38 j lore, Sophie 30 acres home ? 4.91 j lore, Vallie V., 15 acres woods 4.96 lore, W. C. 150 acres home ? 25.84 lore. W. I., % acre Lanvale ? 6.46 y Iray, Winston H., 2% acres \ home 12.94 Ireer, J. D. estate 75 acres \ home 12.19 jy Ireer, J. E. 196 acres home ? 48.68 Jriffin, J. Henry 108 acres \ Pt. I. M. Rogers Land 12.78 jy lamme, R. F. estate 2 acres \ Eagle Island 18.16 iamme. R. F? Sr., R. F., Jr., j and J. S.. 12 acres Rice Field 1.94 j Iamme, R. F.. Jr., 1 acre home 11.92 land. J. P., 1 lot 12.02 s lanover-Bruns. Trust Co., 6333 acres Allen Creek, 10 9-10 ^ acres Louis Norwood, 203 ac- j res Fred Arnold. 16 acres F. M. Gore, 50 acres G. G. Par- , ker 732.55 " .lanover Land and Lumber Co.. , 1189 acres Rigger 124.08 , Sanson, L. estate 4000 acres , woods 227.79 j Harrelson. I. D. 232 acres home 48.05 j Harvell, D. A. 69 acres home.. 24.61 i Harvell, J. M? 10 acres woods.. 2.33 Henry, C. H? 3 acres home .... 7.48 i Henry, D. L.. 27 acres woods and cleared 14.42 i Henry, Floyd K. 3 acres "home 8.70 j Henry, Hilda estate 66 acres home 26.00 j Henry, J. J., 143 acres home.. 47.86 j Henry, Mrs. Lizzie 50 acres home 16.06 ' Henry, T. A. 714 acres home .. 9.18 i Henry, Weldon D. 2 acres woods 3.27 ' Henry, W. A. 714 acres home .. 8.19 Heyer, John C.. 21 acres woods 5.14 ' Hickman, Bertha, 15 acres woods 4.51 , Hickman, E. M. 30 acres home 22.02 Hickman, G. T., 2214 acres , home 11.34 Hickman. Otto, 35 acres cleared . and woods 9.48 Hickman, W. S. 36 acres home 11.88 , Hilburn, M. H. 109 acres home 38.41 Hill. Lizzie 20 acres home 6.62 , Hilton Lumber Co., 200 acres Cameron. 100 acres Potter, . 232 acres Galloway 24.02 ( Holden, Rob. 6 acres woods .. 2.87 , Hoover, D. S. 50 acres woods.. 4.90 j Howell, J. W. 50 acres cleared and woods 15.28 , Hughes, T. E. 205 acres woods.. 13.48 I Hutaff, G. F. 1 lot 8.02 Ivester. Fred 12 acres cleared and woods 4.64 Jenkins. Mrs. Blanche. 1-7 un- , divided interest in H. M. Evans estate 1.63 Johnson. A. N? 64 3-10 acres I woods 8.10 Johnson, C. R. estate 440 acres woods 33.76 Johnson, D. G. 29 acres home.... 15.52 Johnson, D. R. 193 acres home balance 62.05 Johnson, D. R., trustee. 184 acres. field and woods 35.66 Johnson, Horace, 10 acres home 11.72 Johnson, H. W., 1810 acres woods 79.00 Johnson, J. D. 2 lots 28.14 Johnson, J. H. 63 acres home.. 24.37 Johnson, Mrs. J. L. 1544 acres woods 2.96 Johnson. Mattie W. 144 acre Brooks 16.82 Johnson. Miss Catherine 3 acres. Farmer home 2.88 Jones & McKoy, 30 acres S. P. Cox, 126 acres A. B. Mercer. 53 acres Galloway, 12 acres Willard, 4 lots 26.98 Jones. A. F. 6 acres J. J. McKoy, 200 acres Medlin, 25 acres Cox and Danford 64.34 Jones, A. F? 4 lots 64.34 Jones, Dawson, 2 acres Greer land - 6.85 Jones. M. A. and A., 100 acres, old home 13.72 Jorden, John 1944 acres home.. 7.40 Justice, D. L. 844 acres home .. 6.90 Kessler. Geo. J.. 800 acres Wilson, 8324s acres, Adkinson, 406 acres Brooks, 190 acres Brooks, 795 acres McKelthan, 400 acres Sexton, 285 acres McKeithan 247.48 Kirby. Glenn, estate 31 acres field and woods ' 6.30 Klutz, P. J. 1000 acres home .. 93.66 Knox, Carl G. 208 acres cleared and woods, 75 acres Savannah Bay 74.23 Knox, C. W.. 7 acres P. M. Cox, 100 acres farm. 3 lots .. 45.77 Knox. J. H.. 2 acres home. 25 acres field and woods 15.66 Knox. J. J. estate 1344 acres Bellamy, 55 acres home ? 47.26 Knox. J. L., 10 acres old Drew home 23.16 Knox. Lillian, 144 acres Alice W. Craven 3.65 Knox. Mrs- Maggie, 42 acres D. R. Walter tract 6.30 Knox, Mrs. Minnie. 55 acres old home, 65 acres Tallie, 1 lot 38.83 Krahnke, E. L. 1 lot 60.95 r ? T T 1K3 aprps clear ed and woods - 25.62 Lamance. Stella. 37 a home 7.63 Lanier, Clarence. 84 acres home 15.98 Lennon, J. O.. 3 lots 3.34 Leonard. N. B. 8 acres farm, 2 lots, balance 6,99 Lewis. A. M., % acre home ? 3.31 Lewis. Mrs. A. M. 11 acres wds. 2.18 Lewis. C. F. 50 acres home ? 13.62 Lewis. D. B? 50 acres Sam Beck tract 17.17 Lewis, D. D. 10 acres field and woods .... 6.30 Lewis. D. D. and D. B.. 50 acres woods ? 6.30 Lewis, D. G. estate 110 acres home - - 25.18 .ewis. Frieda Mae, 4 acres E. V. Mercer 12.32 s ^ewis, Geo. G.. 6 acres home.. 28.57 g .ewis, G. K. 104 acres field 2 and woods - 31.08 2 .ewis. G. L. 10 acres home ? 9.09 2 .ewis, G. T. 100 acres home .. 35.85 a .ewis. I.. F. 4 3-10 acres home 5 acres field and woods 7.57 ? .ewis. Mrs. L. P. 96 acres 8 home 35.63 .evvir, S. F. 40 acres home ? 20.19 ? .ewis, Mrs. Vera 140 acres 8 woods ? 6.68 _ .ewis. W. A. and G. B. 50 acres old home 12.86 8 .ewis, W. E. 50 acres home .. 21.83 8 ,ew1s. Wade L. 50 acres home.. 17.81 eughlin. J. A. 310 acres woods 30.33 oftin, E. H. Bryant 2.56 8 ong, Carl. Retha and Lillie 40 acres woods _ 5.99 81 icDowell, R. J. estate 30 ac- _. res home ~~~ 15.64 8 tcllvane. Geo. 97 acres home.. 21.36 81 icKeithan, B. M. 184% acres _. home 25.62 8' IcKeithan. D. P. 188 acres OI home, 550 acres woods 76.72 61 icKeithan, G. C.. 5 acres home 9.71 icKeithan. G. M. 211 acres ?' home 60.71 81 icKeithan, L. J. 197 acres home 33.03 ? icKeithan. L. J. and B. M.. g' 51 acres Swain 9.89 81 icKeithan, R. S. and G. T., 8C 380 acres woods 16.60 ? icKeithan. Thomas P.. 140% S< acres farm and woods 28.52 ? icKeithan, Mrs. W. A., 1 S| acre, home 15.12 ? cKeithan, W. C.. 80 acres St Ottoway tract. 30 acres wds. 17% acres Walker 31.86 81 icKoy, J. J.. 12 acres Sellers, 38 acres Knox. 100 acres 81 Reynolds. 2 acres Lennon and Mercer, 1-8 acre Joel Long, Sl 15 acres L. Walker. 1-3 acre St T. H. Lindsey 34.57 cNell. J. R. 75 acres Cox 10.86 81 cRae. Hugh & Co.. Inc.. ? 9303 acres Schulken tract .... 562.84 Sl iaultsby, W. E., 30 acres old home 12.85 81 iercer, A. B. 178 acres home Sl 3 acres Funston. 3% acres Bolivia, 20 acres J. D. Dan- 81 ford. 30 acres A. L. Mercer 83.31 THREE lercer, D. L. and A. R. 80 acres home, 30 acres woods.. 59.58 lercer, D. R. 75 acres home.. 38.85 lercer, Ed. 30 acres home .._ 28.46 [ercer, E. V. 57 acres field and woods 22.04 lercer, J. T? 32% acres home 23.63 lercer. M. F. 34 acres home.. 16.68 [ercer. Olivia, 320 acres A. >1. Beck, est., 2 lots ..._ 36.18 [ercer, Ralph E? 10 2-10 acres woods 4.64 [ercer, Stowell 17 4-10 acres home and woods, 15 acres woods 9.25 letts, E. A. 35 acres woods 4.43 [illiner. At wood, 30 acres woods 6.83 [ills, Mrs. B. J. 6 acres home 13.09 [ills, E. A. 38 acres home 14.77 [ills, E. P., 40 acres home 9.44 [ills, J. P.. 1 acre home 5.98 lintz, A. G. 65 acres home 22.07 lintz, Charlie O., 10 acres home, 16 acres woods, 52% acres F. and woods 19.25 [intz, D. E. 3 acres cleared .._ 7.1# lintz. D. I? 73 acres cleared and woods. 39 acres home _ 18.84 lintz, D. N? 7% acres woods.. 2.41 lintz. Ethel and Volar, 22 acres woods 3.74 lintz, H. F. 82 acres home _ 40.71 lintz, Mrs. H. F., 1 lot 5.68 lintz, J. P., 2 acres home. 30 acres field and woods ? 9.63 lintz, J. W.. 27 acres home .. 6.90 lintz, O. J. 10 acres woods and field 6.91 lintz. Ruby and Foster, 3% acres home ? 36.10 lintz, S. F? 29 acres home __ 15.29 lintz, S. J. Estate 210 acres woods 14.10 lintz, S. N., 7 acres home, 6% acres woods 12.79 lintz. Viola, 21 acres home .... 7.08 lintz, Vonnle 41 acres home _ 7.35 lintz. W. E.. 25 acres home _ 12.23 lintz. W. N., 20 acres home - 7.08 lintz, W. M.. 4 acres home _ 10-72 litchell, D. E.. 12 acres home, 18 acres field. 15 acres woods 16.12 litchell. J. H. estate 60 acres Potter. 30 acres Hasket 8.73 VIoore, May, 15 acres Woods 3.34 Vfurrell, Valda, 2 lots ? 2.58 Nelson, J. C.. 27 acres home _ 11.14 Nelson, J. W. 6 acres home ? 12.89 kelson. W. E. 2 acres home - 6.46 S'Ichols. G. E.. 26 acres woods. 35 acres woods 5.06 Nichols, J. C. 7M> acres old home - 3.81 Norden. Eric. 426 acres Rice Field ? 14.26 O'Brien. John J. 125 acres Plate O'Brien 10.76 Osbourne. Callie 9H acres woods and cleared 2.56 Oswald. J. S. 6 acres Bruns. Sta 5.68 Ottoway, Mrs. Cora. 28 acres home - 16.48 Ottoway. R. F. and Margaret Walker 150 acres woods 8.02 Outlaw. E. R., 45 acres woods 5.52 Dutlaw. J. K., 50 acres home 23.44 Pardee. J. G., 99 acres woods 12.94 Padrick. Joe, 1214 acres woods 2.56 Pearsall. P. 15 acres woods ? 1.47 Peavey, Charlie. 2 acres home 9.42 Penny. E. R. 4 acres Ganey .. 1.78 Peavey, Charlie 2 acres home _ 9.42 Peoples United Bank, 50 acres Julian Wilson 6.3# Phelps. Mrs. Letha. 23 acres F. M. Rabon, estate. 3V4 acres home 7.50 Phelps, Robt. C. 24 2-10 acres woods 7.76 Piner. Williams & Anderson. 30 acres Justice. 600 acres Walker 85.24 Piner. Mrs. Annie Est. 2 acres Lanvale 1.78 Plato. A. estate 125 acres Plato O'Brien 10.76 Potter, H. M. 22 acres Skipper. 52 acres J. B. Potter, 50 acres field and woods 19.11 ""otter. J. B., 90 acres home. 70 acres woods and bay 32.10 'otter. Mrs. J. C. 50 acres wds. 2.56 'otter. Mrs. Kathleen. 100 acres woods 6.70 'otter, Nelson. 2 acres cleared 5.42 'otter. Q. M., 36 acres home. 125 acres woods. 85 acres W. H. Potter, estate 29.96 'otter, S. A. 160 acres home. 50 acres woods 36.72 'otter, W. D., 90 acres farm and woods 9.66 tabon, Mrs. Brady 103 acres farm and woods _ 14.94 tabon. F. B., 44 acres Mills. 19 acres woods, 100 F. and woods, 75 acres home. 43.12 tabon. G. W. 44 acres home.... 15.00 tabon. H. J. 23 acres cleared and woods 7.1T tabon. John W. estate 100 acres, field and woods, 60 acres home 22.77 tabon, Roy, 46 acres field and woods 7.55 tabon. R. L.. 25 acres home.. 14.41 teeves. Mrs. Sallie J. 80 acres woods 20.81 leid. G. T. and J Jr.. 114 acres woods 1.55 teid. Jonathan. Jr., 214 acres woods 21.75 teynolds. A. C. 46 acres home. Bal 16.55 teynolds. Mrs. Katherine, 88% acres Rlger 39.38 teynolds. Jessie. 5 acres cleared 3.27 teynolds, J. C. 10 acres home. Bal. 1.95 teynolds, Mrs. J. C., 3% acres woods 1.55 teynolds. Mary E? 95 acres woods 8.42 teynolds. Nathan 6 acres wds. 4.02 teynolds. S. E., 16% acres home 6.77 teynolds. S. W? 7 acres home 6.51 tiggs, Ida. 60 acres old home 13.48 tobbins. A. J., 70 acres home 23.60 tobbins, B. L? 35 acres wds 1.78 tobbins. Fred 50 acres farm .. 12.24 tobbins. M. B., 125 acres home and store 37.64 tobbins. Martin B., 100 acres Nancy Robblns 18.42 tobbins. R. M. 35 acres home 13.60 tobbins. W. H. 15 acres home 10.25 tobbins. W. W. 119-10 acres home 10.19 togers, Henry 10 acres woods.. 2.25 togers, L. B. 172 acres Goodman tract. 354 acres Drake tract. 80 acres Robbins. 60.90 lushing, estate 50 acres woods 7.24 tuss, C. C? 2 lots 4.12 iampson Power Company. 1125 acres 74.72 lavage. W. C. 33 acres home 13.84 lellers. C. R.. 100 acres home.. 29.64 lellers, G. W. 86 acres home.... 32.28 ellers, J. H., 65 acres home.. 15.67 ellers. L. O. 10 acres Floyd McDowell, 42 acres Woods. 20 acres home 17.19 ellers, R. H. 3 acres home, 15 acres Johnson, 42% acres old home 20.19 ellers. Mrs. W. O., 50 acres woods 4.44 harp, C. E. 18 acres home 5.58 immons, C. A.. 10 acres home 5.68 immons, C. T. 27 acres woods 5.50 immons. H. H. 22 acres home and woods 11.68 kipper. C. R.. 8 acres home.. 10.64 kipper, E? Jr., 9 acres home 8.46 kipper. J. D. 10 acres W. W. Skipper 2.55 kipper, J. J., 41-8 acres home 13.40 tipper, John W. estate 17 acres home. 26 acres woods 15.97 tipper. Mrs. Lula, 60 acres home. Bal. 6.74 tipper, D. W. L. 148 acres home. 2% acres woods 88.67 tipper, P. N. 9 acres home _ 7.44 nith. Geo. A.. 42 acres Padrick 4.12 nith, J. H., 8 acres home 9.19 nith, T. E. 1 lot 1.49 mthport Inv. & Pro. Co., 214 acres Flowers 10.88 >well, Lillian K. 70 acres home, Bal. _ _ 20.07 >runt, Alex ft Son, 100 acres Big Island 8.80 illivan, A. H., 75 acres cleared and woods, Bal. 11.25 illivan. Mrs. Annie L., 6 acres home and cleared 5.88 illivan, B. C- 13 acres home, 10 acres cleared and woods - 10.21 illivan, B. J., 150 a. wds 10.20 illivan. B. R., 65 acres home 35 acres R. W. Sullivan 18.19 illivan. E. L. 50 acres home, 200 acres woods 12.44 illivan, Mrs. Fannie 12 acres home 6.61 illivan, Jake, 37% acres wds. 5.81 illivan, J. G. estate 42 acres woods 24.08 illivan. LiUie. 25 acres home - 14.10 (Continued on Page 6) . . : '< \ \

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