TEN CHAPTER II?Hi* father*! death brings Will back to the Valley, bul he returns to Augusta, still unconsclous of Jenny's womanhood, and love. Neighbors of the Pierces ar< Bart and Amy Carey, brother and sister. Bart, unmarried and something of a ne'er-do-well. Is attracted by Jenny, but the girl repulses hln definitely. learning that will is coming home. Jenny, exulting, sets hit long-empty house "to rights." and has dinner ready for him. He comet ?bringing his wife. Huldy. Th? girl's world collapses. And when supper was on th< table Jenny bade them both gooc night, in strong steady tones, ant took herself away. Out through th< barn, down the orchard slope, dowr the steep trail to the stream. She went blundering through the dark woods, her eyes hot and dry with tears that would not flow, CHAPTER lit WHEN Jenny, struggling througi the deep woods, her eyes bum ing for the anodyne of tears, emerged at last into the open meadow land and saw the dim bulk of the barn ahead, she ran stum' bllngly. In haste to come home to Marm Pierce and the old woman's understanding arms. She rounded the barn and saw a light In the kitchen; but she saw too a team here In the yard, and so was warned that her grandmother was not alone, and had time to steady herself before she came to the kitchen door, Bart was here. He had been in Liberty village when Will drove through, had hailed Will and heard an answering call; but Will did not halt, so Bart had not seen Huldy. Yet he had seen, dimly, the form of a woman in the seat beside Will; and before Jenny arrived now, he had told this much to old Marm Pierce, sitting by the stove before the open oven door. "Brought some one to keep house for him, like as not," was the opinion he hazarded; but Marm Pierce knew misgivings, even before Jenny appeared. Jenny came in composedly enough, but her countenance was a haggard mask, eloquent of torment and of pain; and Marm Pierce rose quickly and came between the girl and Bart, to shield Jenny from his eyes. "He come finally, did he, Jen?" she asked. "Yo're late enough." "He only Just got there," Jenny explained. "I stayed to put the supper on." Marm Pierce nodded, and she told Jenny: "Bart see Will go through the village. He says as how there was a woman with him In the car." Jenny said in husky tones, "Yes Granny. It's his wife. Will's got married." Her voice was terribly steady, as ngiu us sicci. .uuiuj riwtc vrus shocked motionless; and even Bart could in this moment read Jenny's secret in her eyes. Before the old woman could move, he stood up and came toward the girl. "Why, Jen," he said warmly, "I guessed you liked Will pretty well yore own self, didn't you?" He chuckled, yet not in a fashion to cause her any pain. "I always had a notion you did," he confessed. "I knew with him around there wa'n't a chance for me, but when he went away, I kind of tnought . , And he urged: "Don't you grieve for Will, Jen! There's men enough, not as fine as him maybe, but . . Marm Pierce said harshly: "Bart, you shut your mouth. Let the child alone!" "They're over there, the both of them, drunk on Bart's cider," Amy explained. "And making such a noise and tother you can't sleep In the honse. I thought maybe you could give me a bed here. I'll go back in the morning and cook up some breakfast for them." Marm Pierce made her welcome, and Amy slept on the couch In the dining room. "But if you had any gizzard in you," the old woman told her briskly, "you'd roll the both of them out of doors to sleep it off." Amy smiled wistfully. "Bart's all right, the most of the time," she said. "Only thing Is, I keep out of his way when he's drunk a lot of cider. He gits to be noisy." And she said with a glance at Jenny: "Win Haven was saying that Jenny here has got to be a grown woman all of a sudden. You have, too, Jenny. I hain't seen you for a spell." "Why shouldn't she?' Marm Pierce demanded. "She's nigh on to twenty. Time she was growing up, if she's ever going to." Bnt the change in Jenny was In fact much more than a matter of years; for this is a part of the alchemy which first love may work in a woman child. She had come to wear a rich bloom apparent to the dullest eye. Marm Pierce, watching the girl sometimes when Jenny ( I did not know, thought that If Will t ! were here, even he must see the [ | beauty In her now. Some time > | later, when Bart Carey came over ! I one day on a manufactured errand, I < the old woman was uneasy. She [ ! had known this young man since he i was a boy, and she was not in the j I least persuaded of his virtues. The I fact that, instead of farming with j the diligence that was hereabouts j J the rule, he derived the major por[ I tion of his income from taking flshII ermen as boarders, prejudiced her , i against him. Thrift and Industry j J were to her mind cardinal virtues; the neglect of them was a taint on (1 any man. J Yet Bart could not be blamed for i his courses. His father before him | had been shrewd enough to perceive the possibilities of profit in the big trout in Carey's brook; he ! had even at one time run a small 1 advertisement in one of the sport" | lng journals, and neglected his I farm to attend the customers who 1 j came to fish. Bart had always been ' a fisherman. His younger brother "| Wilfred preferred farming; and he 1 had tilled and toiled, made a gar' den, cut the hay, picked the apples. 1 When the elder Carey died, he left 1 j the farm to Wilfred, the house to 1. Bart and Amy. ' "That way, Wilfred can run the 1 farm, do what he wants, and Bart ' | can fish if he's a mind," he said, when he wrote the will. ' | But lives have a way of shaping their own destinies. Wilfred moved !1 to Liberty, and married, and found ' 1 a farm of his own; and Bart? with his sister to keep house for him?stayed on here, and did only enough farming for his personal needs. He and old Win Haven had always found a certain ribald bond i between them. Bart, though he was 1! three or four years older than Will i Ferrln, had never married; Marm '! Pierce felt critically that he was not likely to. She thought him a roisterer, but she was careful to say nothing against him to Jenny, with a wise understanding that barriers are in the eyes of youth a challenge, ' and that the forbidden object becomes infinitely more desirable from the very fact that It is forbidden. Yet she was ready if the need arose to lend a hand. The need did not arise. Jenny, In her wanderings afield alone, more than once encountered Bart. These encounters seemed to her ac11 cldent; but Marm Pierce thought I otherwise. Bart, the old woman guessed, preferred to see Jenny 1 without subjecting -himself to her grandmother's watchful vigilance. It was true that he came sometimes to sit in the kitchen, his hat between his knees, and talk with them both together; true that when he fetched dry groceries from the store in Liberty he might stop for a while in the dining room where the warm lamp burned. But he seldom came openly and frankly to see Jenny. Rather he met her casu1 ally by the brook, or on the road, or in the woods. There was in the lower reaches of the brook just above the bog a long pool with a sandy bottom and deep water at the head; and Jenny, ' on a hot summer day, used some'I times to go there to bathe. She ;i could not swim; but she liked to j gather her skirts about her thighs and wade in the cool clear water, or even sometimes remove all her ! clothes except a white shift and immerse herself completely in the refreshing flood. The place was remote and solitary, and none but the most ardent fishermen ever went so far; so she was not likely to be surprised there. But one day when she was wading into the foot of the pool, the sand soft between her toes, her | skirts high, she saw or felt or heard a movement on the bank ; above her and looked up and discovered Bart standing smiling there. She dropped her skirts into the water, heedless of the fact that thus they were wetted along the I hem, and faced him steadily; and he called, raising his voice to be heard above the song of the small ripple at the head of the pool: "Water's cold, ain't it?" She shook her head. "Feels good, a hot day," she said. She was not confused or embarrassed, not even resentful. He had a right to be ' there if he chose. He slapped a mosquito on his cheek. "Give you the rheumatism." he predicted. "Me, I wear rubber boots when I go to wade. You better come out of there." Jenny asked: "Fishing?" Then ! realized that he had no rod. "Just looking over the brook," he explained. "Couple of men coming to fish tomorrow, and I wanted to I see where the trout was lying. Wa llKe unit, ruumug wuu iu luc wuuua around, I'd ..." And he told, with a senile and fatuous unction, what he would do. Jenny went home, but she said nothing about Bart. It was weeks later before Marm Pierce remarked one evening: "Wonder why Bart don't ever stop In, the way he used to? What's got Into him, Jenny?" Jenny told her, then, about that encounter by the brook; and the Md woman chuckled with apprecl-, ation and contentment, snre that Bart need worry her no more. That was an open winter in the Valley, with little snow, and deep j frost; and the mud in the spring j was worse than usual. It was midMay before a plow could be put in the ground, June before the clods could be broken. But in the last week of May Jenny heard that Will Ferrta was^ coming home. __ ! THE STATE PORT Pll ter's kind or low.15 "Guess I've scared them. If there was any in here," she said. He grinned. "Sho," he said flatteringly, "no trout wouldn't ever be She Saw or Felt or Heard a Movement on the Bank Above Her. afraid of you. Wonder to me they ain't nibbling at yore toes." She looked down at her bare feet, and realized that she was standing here with her wet skirt drabbled about her knees. So she came ashore, and wrung out the hem of her skirt, and sat down with her back to him to pull on her stockings and shoes. He stood behind her, coming no nearer, speaking of i casual things, till she rose to face ! him again. He asked then: "In a hurry, are | 1 you?" j "Granny'll be wondering where ] I've went to." "Set and talk," he urged. "I | want to talk to you, Jenny." "Walk along with me, then," she ! ' ?an-4 rMAVAH l?AOnllltnll7 An | prupuacu, auu mvitu *vovju?,?j vu \ I her way. But as she passed him, he caught ! 1 her arm. Deep silent wood lay all j i about them, and the shadows were j cooL "You don't ever give me a j j chance to talk to you, Jenny," he i f protested. "What about, Bart?" she asked j ! gravely. He laughed. "Sho, there's aplenty of things for a fellow and a j girl to talk about, Jenny. High [ time you got on to that." She stood, her head a little I bowed, thinking of Will. "I do know that, Bart," she said. "But? j not you and me." "What's the matter with me?" he asked, half angrily. "Why, yo're all right," she said honestly. "You've been mighty good | to Granny and me, fetching things from the village, and helping with the hay, and the farming, and all. But?not the sort of thing you mean, Bart." "How do you know?" he chalI lenged, curiously abashed by her j | calm serenity. "You can't telL You ! might git to . . She shook her head. "Not you, Bart," she said simply. His clasp ; J on her arm relaxed, and she moved i quietly away from him. There was j : in the move nothing in the least J I dramatic; and yet Bart perceived | | that there was in It nevertheless i 1 finality. He stared after her, j baffled, rebuffed; he did not follow, stood where she had left him. And when she was gone he said only: "Well, I'll be . . He did not say what he would j be; but later, on his way up the] brook to his home, he grinned at j his own discomfiture. Win Haven was at the farm when | *-V? Ann ntid Dirt rtAnfftOOA/1 ! | IIC gUl HICiC| UUU UliU tUUlCOOUl I the Incident. The older man de-1 manded Impatiently: "Shucks, I why'n't you just grab on to her? : Any woman, she has to be rushed, j Bart. Took off her feet before she knows what's going on." Bart shook his head. "Jenny knowed well enough what I wanted," he said In amused discomfiture. "Knowed before I did. Yes, sir, j she was way out In front of me. j I couldn't see nothing but her heels." And he urged: "You step In and have a glass of cider. How come you're around here again, anyway? I thought you'd gone." "Got me a Job in Liberty," Win J explained. "But I can handle a glass of cider. Sure." He added boastfully: "Just the same. If I was a young one, and a ripe gal j .t-.i. J? ?M-a in *.u~ ! LOT, SOUTHPORT, NORTH 1 7~ Jenny, though she had said nothing to the older woman, had been expecting word of him; he had told j her, on that day of his father's funj eral, that he would return this year, j It did not occur to her that Will might change his mind, that he might do less than he had planned. Through the long month of May she slipped away at brief intervals, and threaded the wood toward the brook?her feet had begun to mark there a permanent trail ? and climbed to the Ferrin farm to see whether he had come. Day by day the house stood shuttered and empty, and she returned to the long weariness of waiting. Yet the ripeness of spring made longing fill her heart, and one day she came home to Marm Pierce with shining eyes. The old woman had long since guessed where Jenny went on these excursions; she saw the girl's face now, and chuckled, and asked shrewdly: "Will home, is he?" Jenny looked startled; then the deep color flooded her cheeks. "No, Granny," she said. "But Pat Prentice was plowing the lower field, and he told me Will had wrote and i hired him to do it Said Will | 'lowed to get here Monday." Marm Pierce sniffed scornfully. "Guess Will's worked for day i wages so long he thinks money's I easy come by. Hiring work done that he might full as well do his I own self. Guess he could've come j this week If he had a mind." Jenny laughed at her. There was a bubbling happiness in the girl that would not be downed. "Yo're J just talking to make me argue about it, but I won't," she said; and she j cried: "I don't care if he never | does a lick of work, long's he does I come home, Granny." And sud- I denly there were deep tears in her I eyes and her voice was husky. She | fV*A /?M ti'Anin n "T nront I tuiug iv uic v/ivi nvuiaui * nuui, : to see him," she whispered. "I j want to awful," she cried. "Seems i like he's been gone so long." XIarm Pierce felt quick misgiving j in her. "Dunno why you should be j so worked up about it," sh? pro- i tested. "Like as not he won't only stay long enough to do his farming I and get out again." "He will. He will stay," Jenny I Insisted happily. "You wait and see." And during the intervening days, Jenny rode on a flood of anticipation. Will was to arrive on Monday. Jenny took broom and mop and dust cloth and departed to I make Will's house ready for him. Marm Pierce made some mild remonstrance. "No need of that," she protested. "Like as not he's already hired it done." Her tone was mild with scorn. "A man wouldn't think of that," Jenny urged. "He'll come home expecting to roll up in blankets the first night; and the blankets, they'll j be damp, give him a cold. I'm going [ over and clean up, and air every- j thing, and get flres going in the | stoves and have everything ready for him . . ." "House is locked up," Mirm Pierce insisted. "You can't get in!" j Jenny cried joyously: "Yes I can! I The lock's broken on the window in the side room. I've climbed in through that before now." "Like as not he'll put you In Jail for housebreaking," the old woman predicted, yet she let Jenny go. It was dusk before the girl came home, tired and happy. "It's done, Granny," she said. "Every room swept, and everything dusted, and the kitchen floor scrubbed, and the bed made. I found the window curtains put away in the bureau. They're kind of creased, but I'm going to press them out tomorrow." "You've got smut on your face," Marm Pierce retorted. Jenny laughed softly. "I cleaned out the stove," she said. "It was terrible full of soot, so's you couldn't make it draw. And I aired the sheets and blankets in the sun, and had flres going all day?there's plenty wood lu the shed?and tomorrow I'm going to take over some milk and eggs and biscuits and doughnuts and butter and every- ( thing, and have supper ready for ^ him." The older woman was tenderly amused. "How do you know he won't get here for noonday dinner?" "I'll have dinner ready, too, in ] case," Jenny decided. "I'll take a fowl, and make a stew and some dumplings. He'll like coming home j to a house that's all ready for him, Granny ..." , "Waat I should come over and i help you?" the old woman offered; j and Jenny hesitated, uncomfortable, ill at ease. "If s a long walk for you, Granny." Marm Pierce chuckled. "Go along 1 with you, then. Like as not you'll i stay and clean up after supper, 1 too!" And Jenny nodded wisely, happily; there was an audacious triumph in her. Suddenly she hugged the old woman close. "I might," she said. "I might as though a henry foot had stepped upon the light mesh. Will turned back into the room. Be passed Huldy silently; but she caught his arm. "Where you going?" "After him," said Will, In thick tones strange to his own ears. "Why?" she challenged. He shook loose, freed himself \ CAROLINA from her, moved toward the kitchen. She said, behind him, in a rls- j Ing, defensive fury: 'Ton work all day and sleep all i night. What do you look for me to I < do?" ; He swung to face her, and t^ere; J was death In his eyes. "I'll be back to 'tend to you," he said; and with I J no further word burst through the kitchen and away. , She came, with one of her rare < quick movements, after him as far , as the kitchen door; she called < mockingly: "Go on, then! But time yo're done < with Seth, there's a-plenty more 1" Will, If he heard, made no sign; < he went plunging through the barn ( and down through the orchard. Huldy stayed In the kitchen door, and J the sun struck her pleasantly, and she smiled, standing there alone. If * she had riny regret, It was only that < she would not be at hand to see ? Will and Seth when they came to- < gether. ( But Seth Humphreys, when he < slipped away from the house, was J more disturbed by the situation. He had a lively respect for Will's phy- I slcal powers; and he leaped into i the truck and let It coast silently I down the hill. Also, he stopped at j Bart Carey's farm, beyond the bridge, and there tried to make his 1 tone and his demeanor usual, and I stayed a while, talking of the flsh- r lng, or of the weather. But while he talked, he looked back along the road, expecting to see Will approaching; he stayed here In order 1 to have Bart at his back If Will i should come. f But Will had spent no energy In vain direct pursuit. He had cut 11 straight for the steam mill down |i the Valley, to wait for Seth there; j and Humphreys after a while guessed this. He said to Bart, him- * self reluctantly preparing to depart: "Bart, you got a gun In the j house? There's a wild bull in the I woods down where we're working, 1 been bothering the men. I'm a mind f to shoot him." 1 Bart said: "I've got an old re- * volver that throws a heavy slug, If r you can hold It straight. You get near enough and you could kill an 1 elephant with it." }C "Let me have that," Seth pro- j posed. "This bull, he comes right G up around the mill. I can get near ^ enough to him without no trouble G at all." c So Bart produced the revolver, an c ancient model, In a heavy holster j g stained by years of use. "Got quite ^ a history, that gun has," he said c proudly. "Fellow out in Denver | found a dead man in a gulch in the mountains one day, with this * gun on him and a bullet through j his head. He sent the gun to me. Trigger's mighty light. Single ac-' j. tion. You have to cock it." Seth hefted the weapon, sighted F it, made sure it was loaded. "Much F obliged," he said. "I'll fetch it back to you." I; And he got into the truck, and j laid the pistol on the seat beside I him, and went on his way. j The man was afraid! He was as I big as Will Ferrin; not quite so tall, j but heavier. Nevertheless, just as a dog lights best in its own yard, so 11 does a man in the wrong fight poorly. Seth wanted no fight with Will 1 Ferrin; and his very fears gave I htm a false courage, a pseudo-feroc- 1 ity. He gritted his teeth and shook ii his head and vowed that Will had r better not try to lay a hand on him. He drove down the Valley road 1 and turned into the rough wood i, track that led to the clearing where J the steam mill was set beside a spring brook that furnished water jJ for the boilers. The mill was work- j ing, the mill crew gathered In the shed. But Seth did not see Will any- J where about, and knew a deep re- j lief. There was at one side a shed E of rough boards, roofed with tar pa- j per, with a dirt floor, In which the J truck was customarily stored against j the weather. Its doors were swung j wide, and Seth turned the truck Into J this shed. j b V CONTINUED NEXT WEEK h 2ALLEY 21 21 b VOTICE OF SALE OF LAND b FOR TAXES BRUNSWICK * COUNTY K (Continued from Page 9) home 13.25 j, 3abson, S. K? 17 acres New TJ Home 11.49 * Babson, Mrs. S. K. 2 acres j< Formy Duval 1.55 3abson, W. A., 4% acres home. 500 acres Horespen, lL acre ? Babson. 18 acres W. M. Smith 16.37 " Babson, W. R? 2 acres home .. 9.06 Babson, \V. W? 2 acres M. F. J Babson 8.36 f Baines, G. W., 1 acre woods, L 1 acre R. Babson woods 4.56 T Bear, Mrs. H. C. 210 acres wds. 11.69 L Bellamy, Mrs. Ethlind, 41 acres T home. Bear land 14.85 L Bennett, Mrs. G. A., 100 acres r home 11.31 L 3ennett, G. F., 30 acres home- 11.45 . Bennett, H. C? 52 acres Bay ~ and woods 9.13 ^ Bennett, J. Marion, 14 acres ^ home. 22 acres S. J. Bennett 16.25 T 3ennett, N. B., est. 30 acres L home, 30 acres bay 22.72 3ennett. S. \V., 12 acres Bell L Swamp 5.05 Benton, Dolly, 50 acres woods.. 4.90 L 3est. Mrs. Kate 15 acres woods 2.56 3rady, B. L. & Bros., 20 acres Jwoods ? 2.87 L 3rady. B. Leroy, 91 acres home, 100 acres woods 19.30 3rady, E. P., 75 acres woods.. 8.02 J3rady, H. G? 91 acres home.. 21.70 L 3rady, P. E., 75 acres woods- 13.26 Brady, Mrs. R. A. 20 acres woods 2.25 L 3rock, Mrs. Joe, 16 acres woods ? 2.49 L 3rooks, J. W., 50 acres Horespen Bay, 1 acre G. W. B. L and Store site, 213-16 acres Chas. Babson, 520 acres W. A Long 58.96 L WEDNi Duller. J- 0. ,Jl cSSS"*? rawJ4". Carlisle, Mre- Aoa, ; acres 4 acres Old 5 ',2 [ j 3 J" ''13 ' acres 'hom'e '.. 7.34 i Carlisle. Dan 13 ** home.. 7.30! Carlisle. D. V" 15 a0res home.. 6.4.1 Carlisle. J. l.. w est. 12 acres Carlisle. John w. <= 6.30 home ?gi acres home.. 186S ! i Carlisle. M. t-. Reedy Bran- . Clayton. J- -RMifAfd Bay .... 43?9 | ch,. 156 a-cjres a(.reg home .. 1.4 h . Clewis, Butler, home .... 5.51 3$ MrsBB.B.) acres home. I "15-8 acres V?a?re's""home ? 4 64 1 [ 2MJ* D. 334 acres home.... 8.00 Cliff. Mrs- "Winnie, 2? acres 4.78 11 "W. M. SJ?'' r" X, 33 acres 1 Coleman. Mrs. a. acres woods, A. p- e Ljttlefield .. 7.77 Atkins, 2% acre home, . Coleman. A. D.. 6 acre^ H,89 3 22 6-10 acres ol acrea Coleman. Mrs. A. ? 4 96 } home ?vT'"r 22* acres home.. I6.44 ? tB% cSSan"^ 7.65 3 -res? J- , Coleman estate rM A. P. . Coleman, K. a., Coleman s Coleman. 47 acres ^ 1612 ind Coleman - 2j" acre9 3 Coleman, Mrs. s>- u-__" 2.44 woods n??" acres home 3.03 3 Coleman, V. G..^ ___ 18.01 ^ox, J- **; p 45 acres home.. 14.97 SSS Mrs%ana. 13 acres J ^n?Vacrilve?UCl 34.81 res home. 85 acres swamp 2.08 3 Sdwards. Miss C. L., 40 acres 2 g? Cd^ar^B^Mate. W5 acres ^ ? 13,8 3 Cdwards, J. F.. ? acres home. 1Q J I1 'facres k- Edwards. 17ac- | Ces Alligator. 60 acres Ward. 3vans, A. a.. esl" .... 10.86' 3 w?? iETcTjC 23" acres jS D:"A.."w'"acres woods. I? ,vansaCrMrsh0ae ?ET& acres * home 20 acres woods ----- 7-75 I P -vans,' Mrs. Emma, 50 acres <12 p woods ... -- acres "home, 1 r, Ivans, E. E., 50 acres 13 94 p 9 4-10 acres ^"^/es woo'ds.. 4.81 Ivan!! J W" 17 7-10 acres home ^ ^ -?LsaCl!onnr 2 acres" home:::'. 11.50 Ivans'. TT 18 acres home. * 2 acres wooas .. Ivans. S. R "ml -- 30.101 50 acres old homeg 86 P 'ormy Duval.' Mrs. Blantie. 22 I* S?uvaei."6'.""P.r58 acres *r?my Duval,"p.-d:;' 8 acres |R 'ormy6 Duval, T. P."."75 acres g gg 1 p oreerBOVG.. 62 acres home. 100 p acres Skipper. 17 acres P.erce. p 1 acre S. House p .ore Charlie 25 acres home MM B ''horned acres Mrs E. R B. 9.33 R lore, Hattle and Louise, 25 a.c- ^ gg p lore X??R. 14 acres woods .. 4-34 lore', W. P.. estate. 10 acres ^ Rl> s ;o?e!eTouth.""47 acrerhome"X 14.10 | Iray, J. B.. 60 acres home. 4 acres C. Sorsen, 7 acres Best 35.91 [rice. P. G.. 4 acres home. 6 r => ,0^.^ L.~X "ii Xcres ' Si Horsepen. 2114 acres home. 5.00 g| lewett. Mrs. L. H.. 18 acres 2 40 28 70 a 'ST 15^a^cres^Brooks w?ods 13.48 ? \Zhutl I. PM..6035aacTeshhomer. "if! 31 [ughes, L. H. 11 acres M. Coleman, 5 acres B. C. Cole- Si man, 7 acres home ? 15.92 nman, Austin 15 acres home, Si bal ? ? 6.69 nman, D. L? 36 acres home .. 16.25 Si nman, H. B., 7% acres J. A. I. home 16.18 nman, John A., 15 acres home 8.47 Si nman, Mrs. J. A., 11 acres. Rabbit Field _ ? 3.65 Si nman, Jarvis B., 4 acres woods 4.63 Si nman, Jesse L., 12 acres farm, Si 17 acres woods, 13% acres J. R. estate 14.26 Si nman, J. O. estate, 262 acres home 27.58 Si nman, L. J., 10 acres home 11.41 Si nman, L. N. 6 acres, J. I. Si estate 4.16 nman. Miss Rosie E.. 20 acres Si R. F. Inman 2.25 Si nman, Stephens A., 8 acres wood? 2.00 nman," Mrs. Velma B., 13 acres M. E. S. estate 1.41 Si nman, W. H., 18 acres Inman 2.12 nman, W. I,.. 125 acres home- 24.66 nman, W. T., 3 acres Point Field 1.71 Si enrette, C. H., 100 acres I. Jenrette _ 17.73 enrette, Isaac. 25 acres home t Si and woods, 3 acres Long, 357 j Si acres Overflow, 47 acres farm j and woods 41.46 I Si enrette, John, 100 acres home, 200 acres Overflow 32.421 Si enrette, Mrs. John, 100 acres j Si Ivans, 50 acres West Ash 35.01 i Si enrette, J. L, 81 acres home.. 27.771 enrette, W. R., 75 acres home 22.351 Si enrette, W. Kimball, 100 acres Overflow 5.40 Si ones. G. E. and G. O., 67% acres home - 1 14.52 ones, L. F.. and J. P., 10 acres Si home, 3 acres swamp 9.04 Si ones, M. J.. 4 9-10 acres home 8.58 lelly, Mrs. J. L? 20 acres wds. 2.56 ling, C. H., 3 acres home, 3 Si acres John Evans, 24 acres Si woods. 3 acres B. Simmons 15.38! ling, D. Fred, 3 9-16 acres C. j SI B. Inman 5.06 | ling, Elroy, 1 acre home 8.65 SI ling. Jack. 4 acres home, 10 SI acres Inman 8.33 ling, J. B.. 180 acres home, SI 30 acres woods 27.33 ling, J. D., 51-8 acres home. I SI 50 acres Dead River, 1-8 acres Artesian Well, 50 acres Buz- SI zard Bay 36.41 SI ling, J. F., est., 25 acres Jen- - SI nis 1.78 SI ling, Jas. W? 56 acres home. 35 acres Milligan 21.90 SI ling, M. K? 35 acres J. W. S< King estate, % acre D. F. King home 23.59 Ti ling, N. M., 188 acres home.. 17.00 ling, W. H., % acre home, 8 M acres farm and woods 7.54 ai ling. Wm. M., 6 acres home.. 14.10 11 ling, Z. H., 4 acres home 4.54 little, Mrs. Annie, 44 acres ! H woods 3.53 I "VI .lttle, Mrs. A. J? est., 100 acres home 9.90 | "lit little. A. V., 441-9 acres R. Little estate 2 87 1 W ittle, B? 228 acres home, 75 acres Myrtle Head 29.59 "W ittle, Carson P.. 60 acres home 13.59 W little, C. P., 15 acres Benton 6.29 little, Ezekiel est, 270 acres woods 13.64 W Ittle, J. Batie. 70 acres home. 60 acres woods 16.65 B little. Miss Nellie, 44 acres R. Little 4.28 B little, Phenle, 44 acres, Rufus Little 3.74 ong, B. F.. 74 acres S. Long 11.26 Bi ong, D. B.. 23 acres home, 15 acres Long, 27 acres, W. R. Coleman, 250 acres Old home, 38.16 K ong, E. V., 8 acres home 5.05 ong, G. C., 85 acres home, 30 acres Overflow, 30 acres A. M S. estate 21.23 ong, H. H., 58 acres home, 6 acres woods 14.00 M ong, Henry P., 27% acres _ P> home ? ?_ 11.63 ong, J. B.. 97% acres farm, 2 acres Jenrette, 20 acres J. _ ? St W. Long ? 15 25 W ong, J. M? 79 acres home _ 12.58 ESP AY, AUGUST ?i , Long, J. 0., 10 acres Long, J. P., estate Bretty Bay a'-t?s ^B Long, Marshall, :;?, ao,L B -. Ridge " -a E I. ^B Long. O. \\? Long, R. I.. or, acres : acres woods _ * S ..ong, IV. A.. 1 r,^^B ..ong, AV. P... li acres VI ^^B 50 acres J. I'. Long. k..' ^^B Overflow 4 ' * Ludlum, Albert, 10 acre."ITT Ludlum, Mrs. Alice, home ** '^B Ludlum. Mrs. A. m., , . old home 11 "* ^^^B Ludlum. Ben. 100 acrWr home ^^B .udlum, J. K., 115 acre, v. - 2^^B ludlum, Jesse I.., 22 acres hrs 20 acres Harrell ' "* ^^B judlum, J. R., 30 acres hVi '*^^1 .udlum. Mrs. l.tla, 50 a?'"" home ? ^B ,fcArthur, J. H., SO acres >1 *^^B King -.. .lcCumbee, Hamilton, 20 sr? '^^B old home .IcCumbee. Mrs. M. I., in~., res home, 36 acres E. D w ^^B liken IcCumbee, AA. A., 3'., home ?... ,^B IcCumbee, AA. R., 20 i.;L home ,^B IcKeithan, AA'. C., 9 acres, H. A. Coleman _ IcKeithan, H. AV.. 91.3 ac^ woods - ,^B IcKeithan, .1. A.. 14 acres t '^^B Mllllgan, 3 acres Mrs. .A ^B Simmons a^^B IcKeithan, J. D.. 21a acres Ots.^^H flow >^B lilliken, Elda. 47 acres home j^^B lilliken, E. D., 33 acres hotri lilliken, M. C? 20 acres hi?, i^B lilliken, Mrs. R. S.. 4 a'res home ?, |^B lilliken, Mrs. Ioxie, 92 acres farm and woods ? lilliken. AA'. S., 16 acres hi?, lintz. Claudius, 24 acres hone 160 acres Alligator, 13 acres ^B B. J. Mintz t^B lintz, F- B.. 61 acres M & M. |^B lintz, G. AA'allace, 25 acres ^^B home ? ? ti^B lintz and Mintz, 6_acres woods. ^^^^B 104 acres Bear, 50 acres Bij ^^B Keck 330 acres Alligator .. ;^^B lintz, ' M. N., "'4L acres hw, jj^B lintz, O. R? 33 acres home. 15 ^^B acres M. & >' - - - C^B arker. M. G., 101 acres hone. ^B 15 acres McMamus l^B help? A E.. Estate.. 59 acre,? A P. estate - ? I^^B helps. M. A.. 30 acres hww. B ni acres woods is"er R. C? 4JA6 acres tarn ^^B and woods. 42 acres home IU ^B teres R- V". Andrews, V, ^B acre Church site, 10 acres ^B swamp ... " ,., one. Mrs. E. F., -- aci> UH " e Bee, 5U acres home. 414' acres J. R- ".?? ?"-? 5 acres J. A. Inm.,n est"" tfli ruitt. n. >[.. 23 acres home"" ruitt. O. D.. 23 ac res home" uS ruitt, O. L.. 7:i acres home av, Mrs. Bessie, 30 acre?" home ,ay, Seymour, 33 acres B.~J Jenrette. ion n eeves, W. H., 100 acres Oeerflow oss, David, 1 acre home, i)ai" oss, S. C.. 17 acres home 12 acres swamp .uss, A. J., S3 acres home . uss, C. G., 27 '6 acres wood* uss, J. J? 50 acres farm ar.4 | woods. 48 acres home ussell, O. V.. 482 acres Deep N'eck Woods cott, Robt. Jl., 1 acre G. Swamp _ everine, Frank, 8 acres home immons, B. G. 301.. ac res home 23 acres R. K Flynn I^B immons, G. C.. 11 acres home. J immons, G. \V. V., 10 acres J home. 6 acres Inman ii^^J immons. J. V? 32 acres home. 1 175 acres Whaley immons, Lon R. 20 acres k immons, Mrs. Maggie Long I 20 acres farm and woods . immons, R. M., 18 acres home I 16 acres ! Immons, R. P.. 16 acres home immons, W. V., 11 acres home 1004 acres H. Smith ? mlth, A. J., 7'i acres home 18% acres A. D. S. est. _ mith, Mrs. Bessie, 1': acres home ? ?? mith, B. L? 21 acres old home I 81 acres W. W. Smith. 121 acres woods and Overflow _ mith. Cordie. 9 acres M. E S estate .. mith, Dorcey" C-. 47 acres home^^B 68 acres woods mith, E. B.. 8'i acres home . mith, E. C.. est. 60 acres Overflow, 50 acres Rhodes mith. E. D.. 43 acres J. B. Ludlum - - mlth. E. G.. Jr.. 11 acres wds. H mith E. L.. 22 acres home mith. F. M. 30 acres home and woods, 10 acres old hem mith, Grady, 18 acres homemith. G. V.. 60 acres W. A I Long. 15 acres Home, 50acrts H J. R. Smith, 6 acres WUliamson, 80 acres Overflow mith. H. W? 12 acres home. M 12 acres Old Bay. 25 acres woods, 103 acres Nap Ban 90 acres Polly Fridge n mith. J. G? 9 acres home. . acre Hickman, 3 9-10 acres B Smith estate ?-"r* gH mith. Lacy. 28'i acres home mith, Miss Lovie, 9 acres E. S. estate .? V 1 mith, M. B.. 17 acres M h S. land ..._ r:?" jH mith. Olen. 12 acres horn 38: SreVM^-1 mitim S." L.. "50 acres home 1{H 118 acres land. 30 acres ^ mlth. T. R.. 96 acres od ho H 11 acres woods, o0 acre ^ iJllthl tT' S.. "11 acres home . mith. Wm. A.. Sr.. ''pTc home, 50 acres Sheep rU acres woods unmc mith. Winson. 9 acres _ -y mith! W. D.. IS acres homaj'j* acres woods ..... hontf. r^vgwi S &. vi. ju ~W 2a?nle>-rj. 100 acres Overflow ^ J lanley, Mrs. M. r.. ____ Edwards acres hoi* , lanley, O. L. ;aer home .anley, W. D., - r.. - hom< :anley. W. D.. Jr} 9 .facrW levens, Mrs. L. J Ij^^H home j acres l"11" lout. Mrs. R. L 8 a arreJ immersett, Sam e. . home ?;Xo""ocre? 0ver- I(B ally, W. M.. 100 o.-nley ?'1 rard'' Geo. R. 80 acres '?? 9 37'6 acres BUT horr.eftts. M- B. i ^ *1 farm , acre and' woods ' 280 acres h^ -tH 'right. H L? l?0 acr35 acr? M "acres woods - ^ Miun, .. ACCAMAW Tmv.VkHIP REAL ESTATE M rown. J. R? and L. H. Mar, lowe, 120 acres Wash Evan.rovi-n. J. R. 21 acres home. -5 acres A. J. Marlowe, 2 acres R. F. Rabson ? ow-ens, Henry. 2H'. ac. home- > imes, Mrs. Bessie "2 acres old home. ^ ^B ing. Lewis, 6 acres home. acrw Formy Duval. 45 acres arloue, Thos., est. 57 acres Thos. M. estate j^B arshburn. Frank, II acres " j^B arshburn. D. J., 13 acres # ^B gford. Cary, 101 acres home H 3 acres old home. 6 acres "0! ,|^B 50 acres woods ..... t^B anley. N. A., 50 acres home ashington. Henry, 2 acres a??THE END