^ fsd.av, august : Kjivia News Hj jfrs. M'. E. Goldston ,I! Bolivia, u Mercer. who was ^Kerated on for appendi^m'Lb.> Brunswick county home ThursLelis and family home of .Mrs. I. T. Mj3's; Friday niffht. ^Hnin Mercer, of the CCC M! j.vjthport, spent the M s! home. My Kye. Miss Daisy Bell Mr'irJ Miss Alice Johnson ^ fr. and Mrs. O. C. JohnSunday afternoon. Mnnabow News . cor.er. of Wilmingvisiting her sister, Jjjay sk^ppe'F?ulke and Tuesday for West ? to visit Mr. Foulkes Bala Farm. 1 Kve and son. Ray and Timothy Kye. re.^av evening from an to Reidsville, ?km. Greensboro and n-is,. Belle Maultsby, of J2 the week with Miss Gladstone, former in* Bolivia school, spent lav evening here with Friends are very sorry 01 not be at Bolivia this tut glad to know they jood position in the Vass yr Gladstone as agriculacher and Mrs. Gladstone Kr in high school. A M, Frazelle, of RichWednesday night at ? of Mrs. Nellie Walker, -embers and friends of IE. Church enjoyed a t day at Holden Beach ; E. Maultsby and family riotte and Mrs. Maultsby's Mrs. Mayo and two lildren spent Thursday B at Mr. J. C. Maultsby's cd Mrs. W. D. Potter, of in. Ky.. have been visit. Potter's family, Mr. and C. Potter. J. B. Potter and little i, of Charlotte, are visitr mother, Mrs. George Peter Rourk and dauMrs. Andrews, were visiere Friday afternoon en0 Norfolk, Va. While there Andrews will locate and 1 a house. She returned ier father to stay until ter, when she will go to t to reside. and Mrs. Nat Stallings and ildren and Mr. Elijah LewSew Bern, are the guests W. D. Lewis. Mr. Stalli here in the interest of fa Tobacco Warehouse in J. L. Nicholson, Mrs. Norte and son, Jimmie Lloyd, id Mrs. Carr Frazelle and Tl. Jr., Mrs. Marie Brooks lighter, Virginia Marie, told Frazelle, of Richare visiting Mrs. E. G. HL Seal Galloway, of Whiteand son, Bryan Galloway ft and sister, of Dillon, S. ire visitors here Siindav ?? Charlie Devan, of Wilming ?t Sunday afternoon with Per, Mrs. J. D. Bender, who Per. real sick. piallotte News l^iss Annie Mae Holmes) Pm farmers are wearing 1 iffliles since the tobacco P opened last Thursday, P^s are as good or better PW season. P*-; X. Fitts filled his reguP*witment Sunday morning P Methodist church, using subject "The Life of St. P being engaged on the I r^ge Currituck for the Jheral months, Woodrow I?8 returned to his home P? Holmes, Jr., who is atP jj* CMTC at Fort Bragg Itv^ 's having a grand I "lis is his second year of | *ork. It?6 crowd of sorrowing P^fl relatives attended the IT. Lela, daughter of Mr. I*"- Irving Hewett, who I fte Brunswick County 1^ Saturday of last week. Ifc,^ was conducted by 11' X. Fitts, and interment t, W Hill cemtery Sun??moon. .!friends and relatives j, ,,saac Milligan are glad ?al she is recovering afJ^of a few weeks. NEWS 1. \m ^ ir ' ' Wescott filled his ^ PPointment at New Life urch Saturday and Sun*a? ,, UndaV morning ser^ Seated to Mr. O. D. Wleading member of who died a few weeks 21, 1935 , Fairmont Market C Tobacco Belt's 5$; ? Has Sold 3,835,376 Pounds JJ This Season For Average Of $23.14 o GAIN OF 1,843,116 ? LBS. OVER LAST YEAR J By I. A. Barnes, Sales Supervisor. Fairmont, Aug. 19.?Fairmont n is again proving itself the lead- S ing Border market, and in spite \ of rumors to the contrary. Fair- s mont is leading the Border belt e I in averages this season as in the r I past. J I Official figures for sales in J I Fairmont for the first 7 days of g the season are: 3,835,376 pounds n [for $887,690.35, a season's aver- J tage of $23.14. Last season for ii ) the same period Fairmont sold C ! 1,992,260 pounds for $484,321.79, an average of $24.31. This rep- ? resents a gain of 1,843,116 pounds ii in sales and $403,368.56 more v I money paid out, an average of r $1.17 less per hundred than last j year. When the grower consid- t jers that they were allowed an in- u [crease in allotments for this a 'year, they will find that this de- I ' crease of 5 per cent in price is more than made up by the addi- c 1 tional pounds they wil lbe al- a lowed to sell. All growers sell- J I ing on this market have ex! pressed themselves as pleased at ii the prices Fairmont buyers are t j paying for the crop, and rejecI tions have been very few. Heavier sales are expected for t this week and over 4 million t pounds of tobacco are expected t i to be sold in Fairmont this week, a (Fairmont with her 4 sets of buyers and 6 big warehouses is well a (prepared to handle such a quan- c | tity of tobacco. I 1 i i ago. The sermon was both interesting and impressive. Mrs. Mary E. Phelps, of Supply, is visiting her son, Mr. J. H. Phelps. I Mrs. B. L. Russ and children 1 moved to Fayetteville last week. Mr. Russ had been working there for some time. Since coming here two years ago Mrs. Russ has made a large number of friends who regret to see her leave. The children and grand-chil- c dren of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Phelps f all met at their home on Wed- ( nesday, August 7th in honor of Mr. Phelps' 57th birthday. Those i attending from other communl- p ties were: Mrs. J. O. Bowden and t children, of Wilmington and Mrs. t L. L. Edwards and children of Eoirvia. c Mr. Carl Bennett from Bolton t spent the week-end with relatives t here. I James Albert, little son of Mr. s and Mrs. J. S. McKeithan, is improving from a recent illness, s friends will be glad to know. c i LOVELY PARTY t I Little Sylvia Orlean Sermons t was hostess at a lovely party < given by her parents last Thurs- 1 day, July 25th, on the occasion i of her first birthday anniversary, t After games were played guests < were led in the dining room by t y?CMK3CMX3CKX3C3C3C3C3C3Ca 11 McCormicI | Farm M; 11 General Hardware j[ of Pa II Ijj Modernize Yoi !! McCORMICJ ) i II Farm Ml ) I ill ? : i j ; i See Our E K ill I interne) PICK-UPS ar II I II i wil: Implement WhitevilU ; j j =?? "More Dollars For You | Sell it in Vi A THE STATE F laims Border Leading Average ttle Sylvia, the children singing | Happy Birthday to you". Delictus cake and ices were served, "he cake was beautifully decoratd with one candle, representing er age. Little Sylvia received everal nice presents. Those attending the party inluded: Little Sylvia Orlean Ser10ns, honoree, Elizabeth Mae ihytle of Wilmington, Lucille rirginia Vamam, Olenda Robinon, Elizabeth Mae Varnam, Clarnce Lindbury, Jr., William Jery Varnam, Cortland Varnam and ack Shytle of Wilmington, Mrs. . D. Robinson the honoree's randmother, Mrs. Clarence Variam, Mrs. Willie Caison, Mrs. . M. Shytle and Miss Irene Robtison, all her aunts, and Mrs. lallie Dodson. Rev. Frank Potter and Rev. i. I. Mintz held a revival meetng at Elah Baptist church last ireek. They added several new nembers to the church. Friends will regret to learn of he illness of Dickie Gainey. He mderwent a serious operation in i New Bern hospital last week, le is an employee of the CCC. Mrs. Lee B. Pollock and little laughter, Doris, of Rockingham, .re visiting her parents, Mr. and drs. C. O. Ganey, of Leland. Mrs. J. L. Benton, of Leland, s visiting her mother in Colum>ia, S. C. There are so many fish dealers n Leland it begins to look as hough they will have to begin o wear buttons on their coats o keep from selling fish to one mother. General crops around Leland leem to be very good, especially ram. Weed Crop Hurt By Hot Weather fieaviest Damage Occurred In Middle Belt And Upper Paht Of New Belt; Weather This Year Has Been Variable Hot, dry weather has seriously lamaged a large part of the lue-cured tobacco crop in North Carolina this year. The heaviest damage has been n the middle belt and the upper >art of the new belt Some secions have lost as much as onehird of the crop. Much of the tobacco that has >een harvested in these areas is hin and light in weight, alhough the color is good, said I S. Y. Floyd, "extension tobacco ipecialist at State College. Weed in the old belt has been luffering from the hot, dry spell luring late July and early Aug st and indications are that in his area the tobacco will not >roduce the yields which were anicipated 20 days ago. In the border counties, where larvesting was a little further idvanced, the growers were bet;er able to take care of their :rop, and they suffered less damige than growers in other sect i-Deering || achinery j j and a Good Line $ ints. ! ir Farm With j j : DEERING III ichinery J | display of i ( itional i| id TRUCKS j; SON I] Company j ?, N. C. 11 ======== ! [ r Tobacco When You hiteville." j i j . VJ _ , - r 'ORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N tions, Floyd pointed out. wa The weather this year has been clc about the most variable ever experienced by flue-cured tobacco < growers in the State, he added. ? In June the extremely hot, dry 0 weather hurt the older tobacco * 1 a great deal, although it did not wa seriously effect the younger leaf. inj In the rainy period that followed, the young plants made rapid gains. ha The wet weather in July caus- I'n ed about as big a change in leaf st( spread as has ever been witnessed in this State, Floyd said, and a large growth was put out. kii Had the weather been favorable < during the latter part of July and the early part of August, he on commented, some of the yields fe< would have been exceptionally bil heavy this year. ? Sti "No girl ever made a fool out Co of me." m&tt "Who was it then?" mM t "So you met Alice today?" tai "Yes, I hadn't seen her for ten |u years." 1 N? "Has she kept her girlish fig- tw ure." the "Kept it? She's doubled It." "J ? at Su Judge: "Prisoner, the jury finds co you guilty." be Prisoner: "That's all right co judge; I know you're too intelli- til gent to be influenced by what sa they say." " 8-! Mr. Bacon: "You could never ? Q8 judge a man by his clothes, my dear." Mrs. Bacon: "I never do, I aljj A Real 1 it 1! =========== Jj 1935 Chevrolet Picl ] j ... This truck is in perf ) [ not been driven far. An i j ! farmer who wants to hai | market. 1 IMPROVED # New cylinder reboring Z your motor. jj AUTOLINE PREMIUM N II )( | Hood Servi< jI SOUTHPOR j . XtKKltltltltKXitKlCKltKKK BBSBBBB?? Everj st) 11 WW * W j | All medii 11 Week. Man; > 1 J__J j [ nunarea. 11 THREE 1 ! [ i First Sale 11 MON., AUG. !! Let us se 11 SALE OF TH You 0 [ "Give It 'LiwwwwywwHHmimiii ? . ? ORTH CAROLINA tys judge him by his wife's j ithes." "Such fun, this job hunting! j >u know, being a college man j never wear a hat. Yesterday I is standing in a bookshop wait-1 ; to be hired when a woman j me in, picked up a book and nded me two dollars. Today | n going to loiter In a pianoj >re." Tack: "What is the noblest j id of dog?" Jill: "I give up." Jack: "The hot dog. It not} ly doesn't bite the hand thatj ;ds it; it feeds the hand that :es it." NOTICE OF SUMMONS ite of North Carolina, unty of Brunswick. In The Superior Court Litha Phelps vs. Adrian Phelps The defendant, Adrian Phelps, will rth Carolina, by the plaintiff for solute divorce upon the grounds of o years separation, as provided by s law of the State of North Caro-1 a. Said defendant will further take tice that he is required to appear the office of the Clerk of the perior Court of said County at the urthouse in Southport, N. C., on or fore the 1st day of September, 35, and answer or demur to the mplaint in said action, or the plainf will apply for relief demanded In id complaint. M. B. WATKINS, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. B. Frlnk, Attorney for plaintiff. 21a ited the 21st day of September, FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vire of a decree of the Superior >urt of Brunswick County, N. C., KXXXXXXXXXXXXX>jjJ| r? I pargam I k-up $500.00 j| ect condition and has : deal bargain for some j jl his own tobacco to SERVICE ] (I bar. Let us overhaul j I 11 II IOTOR OIL .. 30c qt. JI II ? il :e Station 1! T, N. C. | J 8WHH88HHHHHHHHW r SALE i . . A HITEVIl im and Good Tob; y averages on oui FIRST SALES NI First . 26th. WED. i II your next loadIE SEASON. ng-Dai wners and ! Us A Test-M / ELEVEN rn edge of the Juniper Swamp; hence north 81 degrees east 10.45 hains to a stake, Robert S. Liles orner; thence with said Robert Liles ine north 13 degrees east 47 chains o a stake; thence north 78 degrees rest 9.76 chains to the beginning, nd being the same land conveyed to V. H. Jackson by W. W. Liles by eed dated November 28th, 1883, reorded In Book BB, at Page 658, In tie office of the Register of Deeds f Brunswick County, N. C. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the court. Ten days llowed for raise of bid before reort made. Cash to be paid at sale. This 5th day of August, 1935. W. R. HOLMES. -4c. Commissioner. XXXXXXXJtXXXXJtJOM FALL { HING II tLS AT 11 STEINSl :ry low !! Prices? i i J t j: All Wool !; BLUE SERGE SUITS ] j 14 to 16 ounces j | $12.50 to $14.50 i E One Lot Of j [ HARD FINISH i t WORSTEDS ] \ at $8.75 ] t 11 One Lot Of Very Fine | > QUALITY HATS ] ' at $1.95 j icco Keally Selling r floor from $30. t EXT WEEK:Sale 1 \UG. 28th FRI, -we'll make you I liel-Mo Proprietors fe'll Do The Re HKKKltltltKKltKKltKKIt) ^ -- 1934, In an action entitled "Bruns- j e wick County versus W. H. Jackson 11 or W. H. Jackson heirs," the under- c signed commissioner will expose at j c public auction sale to the highest i j] bidder for cash on the J, 9th (lay of September, 1935, 11 at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse v door, Southport, X .C., to satisfy the (a decree of said court to enforce the V payment of $59.65, the following des-1 d cribed real estate, located in Xorth | c West township, Brunswick County, tl X. C., bounded and described as fol-! o lows: Beginning at a pine 100 feet south c of the main road, being one of the a corners of the original of Wm. Liles, p deceased, and running thence south | 13 degrees west 51 chains to a light-1 wood stake in and near the south-19 yt*3l 3t3C3t3C3tJI3l3t3tJC3t3C.lt It II NEW : I CLOT !! ARRIVE IIFINKEL || PRICES VI | j ?Compare II )! II OXFORD GREY SUITS || Single and Double Breasted AH wool suits jj | $12.50 and $14.50 . j! SPORT BACK SUITS X Single or Double Breasted $10.00 to $14.50 One Lot Of j MEN AND YOUNG MEN ( HATS H at 95c I! !( J | Men's Shoes, Pants i !] [ GREAT RE] j You will agree with 1 FINKEL ] | Front and ! j WILMINC fatKKKKlflWlUKmiltltl MJHCJOtXMXXMXXKXKJCM V Good S T . . . areho LIE, N. C ? ii n ii* ??I ind Furnishing at a * DUGTION | us that we are right ^ STEINS | I Market St. |: JTON, N. G. ; [MKKKKKKKKKKKKWal : xxxxxxxxxxxxxjuff: i ' _ _ I V. ALE i( 11 II I use _ I: > 11 JI / I ! Well This |! o $38. per ] I SI I I K | First Sale , AUG. 30 the BEST II I : 1 : )! 1: ore J ;st" I tmi r ' ' / ? ? .