. TWELVE New Boiler For Southport School A new boiler has been ordered for the heating system of the Southport school building and will be installed before cold weather begins. Parents will be interested to know of this improvement, as there was considerable inconve- j t nience last year as a result of poor heating facilities in the building. Outstanding News (Continued from page 1) MAHATMA OUT Rumors have reached London that a new political leader and foe of British government has arisen in India. The leader is Jawaharlal Nehru, educated at Harrow and Cambridge, and mov- 1 ing spirit of republicanism and independence since Mahatma Gandhi has abandoned his political crusades. Nehru's opposition to British rule, however, is expected to take a more definite and concrete form than that of Gandhi's passive resistance doctrines. GOOD AS ANY Adolph Hitler and his Reich reach a higher peak of impor- 1 tance in world affairs with the the rebuilt aniiuuin-cmw** ?? German army, by reason of its size and modernity, is probably as powerful as any in the world today. Visiting military officials 1 from various countries class the new army as a powerful machine, : "in modernity of spirit, training, I weapons, officers, administration, ,1 barracks, regulations, uniforms, 1 and equipment." The army is : controlled by two factors: speed and standardization. PEACE MEET FOLDS UP A three-power conference which convened to suggest means of | ( averting an Italo-Ethiopian clash ; collapsed in Paris Sunday, hav-1, ing done nothing toward its purpose. British, French, and Ital-1 ian representatives were able to come to no common ground for discussion of the problem. There will hardly be other meetings of similar nature except at the League of Nations session which takes place at Geneva on September 4. SPEAKS TO NATION President Roosevelt, it was learned Monday, will go on the air at 9:30 (eastern standard time) Saturday night, when he addresses the young Democrats of America, meeting in Milwaukee. The address will probably consist of a recounting of the chief executive's stewardship up to the present time. Incidentally, he may use the opportunity to answer former President Herbert Hoover's demand that he state his attitude toward certain c.on- , stitutional changes. , BECOMES FAMOUS Isador J. Muller, who painted I j the last portrait of Wiley Post, j} is "sitting pretty." Muller, who i j, was in financial straits, and who! j. was facing eviction because of | c the unpaid rent on his studio, has;t become much in demand over j ^ night. He is engaged now in negotiations with a number cfL persons and groups for the Post portrait. In addition, he has teen r .given a number of commissions. ; " COQUETTES IN CHURCH g Flirting in church doesn't pay, s their parents had told Ruby Norwingham, Opal Williams, Addie * Hall and Lois Masterson, of Cale- ^ donia, Mo. But being from Mis , 41 VlO . BOUri, LI1C JUUiig louisa ...-v. , 1 shown, and they were?by Rev. ( G>. T. Whitmer, pastor of the ( General Baptist Church. Incidentally, they also roped three boys e into the trouble. Mr. Whitmer's | complaint to a local magistrate i resulted in trial of the seven young people last Wednesday of charges of "willfully disturbing a religious service." The boys pleaded guilty, paid fines, and were ' released. The young women were 1 without means to pay fines, and 1 were forced to ask release on ' parole. ! LOSE "OLD HOMESTEAD" | The members of the Kappa i Sigma Fraternity at the University of North Carolina are probably wishing that they had been less ambitious, or more independent financially. In 1930, to finance the building of a new house at the University, the fraternity gave a first mortgage on j the new edifice. Later in the year | they gave a second mortgage to the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, of Greensboro. Now, because, the first mortgage satisfied, there remains nothing for the payment of the second, the company is suing the endorsers of the mortgage. The Kappa Sigs "are In a spot." DISHING IT OUT During the last eight months, according to news releases of! Friday, August 16, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has made gifts amounting to some $76,000,000, to charitable, scientific and educa-, tional organizations. What orga-1 nidations and individuals are the recipients of these gifts has not | been announced, and Rockefeller J maintains a discreet silence on j the subject. It is known, however, that in event of his retaining the stock which he has recently given away, the anticipat-, ed federal tax law would have j "soaked him plenty." COULDN'T TAKE IT Hungry, almost naked, and com- j pletely exhausted, two young | men, Tom Vitos, 23 and Graham! Ring, 19, returned to civilization j last Thursday. They had made a wager with a druggist, William j Rast, that they could live in the j wilds for 30 days on their own resources. They got back to Tacoma after eight days' trial, and | they face the unattractive task of piling bricks for Rast for a period of 100 days without pay. Trunks and gym shoes, they said, j were not much protection on unexpectedly cold nights. SOUTHPORT MAN SUICIDE VICTIM Continued from page one Willis, of Canavarel, Fla., and Miss Edith Carolyn Gaskin, of Southport. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock from the Trinity Methodist church in Southport with the J Rev. C. A. Jones in charge. Members of the Brunswick County ] Post Number 194, American Legion, attended the funeral in a i body and preceded the casket in-' to the church. Full military honors were observed at the grave. Under the direction of Commander Robert C. St. George members of the local legion post paid a final tri- j bute to their deceased buddy. G.1 Vann Fesperman read the war record of the deceased, R. W. Davis served as chaplain and LeRoy Burnes blew taps. Members of the Coast Guard also were in attendance and the firing squad of the Naugatuck fired three volleys over the grave. The funeral, which was one of the most impressive ever conducted here, was attended by an unusually large crowd, including many out-of-town visitors. CCC CAMP HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE CIVIC CLUB Continued from page 1.) "America" and this was followed by a vocal selection by a group of boys from the camp. Guests at the meeting were in- ! troduced by President R. I. Mintz. j Visitors included Robert D. Caldwell, district director of the PWA and Vernon Cunningham, also of the Fayetteville office. R. W. Davis introduced Judge E. H. Cranmer as the principal speaker of the evening. In a short j but forceful talk, Judge Cranmer j talked about men, declaring that | the biggest thing in the world is 1 1 man. At the conclusion of the talk; >y the judge, there was another j nusical selection by the CCC >oys. There appeared to be no msiness of major importance for :onsideration at the meeting and | he regular business session was lispensed with. The final feature on the program was the showing of a numier of lantern slides with explalatory remarks by Zack Willi-1 .ms, educational director at the amp, and W. P. Killett, project uperintendent. These slides howed the work being accomilished through the program of eforestation that is being conlucted and also showed the beginning of the soil erosion work n the western part of the state, luests were free to ask any quesions they wanted to and the jictures were thoroughly enjoy;d by everyone present. RECORDER HEARS SEVERAL CASES (Continued from page one) condition that the defendant remain of good behavior for the next 2 years and pay the costs jf this action. Holden Corbett, colored, was found guilty of closing a public road. Motion for non-suit offered by the defendant's counsel was denied and notice of appeal to Superior Court was given. Donald St. George, white, was! found guilty of being drunk and disorderly. He was sentenced to 90 days on the roads, this judgment to be suspended upon condition that the defendant remain out of Brunswick county for a period of 2 years. EARLY EMPLOYMENT PROMISED PERSONS ON RELIEF ROLLS (Continued from page 1.) real benefit to both the worker and the local communities. I realize that we must have the cooperation and interest of the local governing bodies if we are to do this successfully. It has heretofore occured to me that there may be many useful types of work of a clerical, technical and professional nature in the various county and city offices for which the WPA would fur THE STATE PORT PIL nish the labor if the local boards of county commissioners, boards; h of health and of education, city I w fathers, etc. were willing to fur-1Q nish a proportionately small outlay of funds for such necessary jf] material equipment as paper, h mimeographed forms, typewriters, f] glue, book mending and binding materials, etc. j ^ "There are probably many volumes on your court house shelves which are in need of repair; ^ there may be statistical data which it would be helpful to have compiled for your auditor, clerk and register of deeds, or your county or city superintendent, j Perhaps the health officer could l use some trained and practical nurses, under his direct super: vision of course, who would be paid from WPA funds." Some of the types of workers (which are to be used on the projects among the women follow: Dieticians, home economists, pattern makers, seamstresses, practical nurses, public health nurses, registered nurses, garde- ] ners, landscape gardeners, librarians, vocational teachers, book- i keepers, clerks, file clerks, stenographers, typists, and mimeo-( j graph operators. ! WHITEVILLE MART j SETTING RECORD (Continued from page one.) South as Dorchester County, J South Carolina, more than 200 miles away, and as far North as'! Vance and Granville Counties, in |! this state, a distance equally as j far. During the past nine days the j market's poundage record has j been broken. The amount of mon- j ey paid to the grower by White-' j villes' warehousemen is far great- { er than any amount ever paid j i during a similar period and more j satisfied patrons have been added j to this market's long ever growing list. ^ ChiWin* ! van i vi {) with Chills! Burning with Fever j Sure Relief for Malaria! j Don't try homemade treatments or|) newfangled remedies! Take that good old ) Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Soon you ) will be yourself again, for Grove's Taste- j j less Chill Tonic not only relieves the symptoms of Malaria, but destroys the infection itself. j The tasteless quinine in Grove's Taste-,! less Chill Tonic kills the Malarial infec- ! tion in the blood while the iron it con- j) tains builds up the blood to overcome the ) effects of the disease and fortify against J j further attack. The twofold effect is ab- [ j i solutely necessary to the overcoming of,! , Malaria. Besides being a dependable rem- j edy for Malaria, Grove's Tasteless Chill j j j Tonic is also an excellent tonic of general ! ! use. Pleasant to take and absolutely ) j harmless. Safe to give children. Get a ) j bottle today at any drug store. Now two ) ( sizes?50c and $1. The $1 size contains j j 2l/2 times as much as the 50c size and X gives you 25% more for your money. * 1 gg* ft \ flrij r c 1935. Liggct & Byxu Tobacco Co. OT, SOUTHPQRT, NORTH i All tobacco have been selling 1 igh, especially since Monday, s 'hen they took a skyward jump o nly equalled by a stratopheric y light. Every leaf on the stalk t rom the sand lugs to the tips t ave been selling high. Tobaccos b rom $15.00 to $40.00 have been 7 tronger than the commoner gra- s es, but there has been practic- s lly no dissatisfaction expressed o ver the price being paid for the i p heaper or low grade tobacco. n As for the markets' poundage 4 I fttXXXXXXXXXXXXJtJtJC. WH] Tc W Be I " PI ( 9 f ( I I [ I Lea HARI kumtmiKKitmtitititKitii Id */ i Chester Chesterfi* CAROLINA ,030,878 pounds of the leaf was old here the first two days, pening week; 2,498,624 pounds ,-as sold last week bringing the otal poundage for the season up o 3,529,502 pounds and Monday's ig record breaking sale of 758,74 pounds brought the markets ales up to 4,288,276. Tuesday's ale, which was not so far shorl f Monday's weighed out 700,056 ounds and gave the Whiteville narket a seasonal poundage ol ,988,332, nearly one and a hall COM ITEVI > Sell Your inefit From UCES Now '? w< Whitevil U G. LEA, * / CKmcMgiticxKxmocjnc 9 awd $ * SAT gives suits adre one bitte * ^ :-1 : ;JE v - * s< \ tvi? m **?* ^.... vV ' ' ' | Vv% *" nffH^^^I field.. . the cigarett "Id... the cigarette WEDNE i million pounds ahead of last , year's figures. i The average price paid to the i grower has been equally as pleasi ing to both this city's warehousei men and those men who have brought tobacco here for sale. Of i course the average price for a i sale is always determined by the : quality of the leaf and for that i reason the average price report! ed by various warehouses differ. : However, Whiteville warehouse have reported official averages of E TO LLE, I Tobacco an The HIGHE Offered At. ireho Ue, N. C. , Owner & F icggKiocKgg ??????? ii <yOA]$ MS-FY. Something 5 satisfaction; somethii . For example, you are ss. As applied to cigaret that is MILD?that is : r; one that TASTES jus e that's MILDER that TASTES BETTEi SPAY, AUCIKt^ H $26 04.S28.03, $23.81, $25.68, S24 S3 ' 9 as $22.16 per hund^SM bacco growers have ? dividual averages n, dollars per hundred 0r^J 66PI Liquid . TatilTu ""I h, Drops 089 T^,ndjl IC i use I Vop. I I I that pleases, 1 g that just I pleased with tes, it means not harsh or i right. ? J

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