[.EG A L S f*Z?S*&> Court 13 T^th^.^clPS A^utrianVhelps. will #feBMta*n action entitled as 'In commenced in the 633 . .jrunswicK county. the plaintiff for Csr01"1' uoor. the grounds of , divorce l i as provided by Itate of North Carof of !*; : - uill further take i sc" ' ... ouired to appear St - ? the Clerk of the ,-fitce f; id county at the . court o , , \ c., on or of September. !he ifwer or demur to the ei ?-nl faction, or the plainfor'relief demanded in iit?la,n'S'viTKINS. Assistant jl B- >ierk Superior Court, jj. .\ttomey for plaintiff. ?rT dav of September. Jrri tUvKK NOTICE given that by vtr;* g0i the Superior ' 1 ? k County, N. C., tf faciion entitled "Bruns? s ver^u- \V- H. Jackson rouw heir*" in? unuerI iU exi'2?ev, al I ijjie to the highest I >< i"etul?er, c01u9rS,house I ,.:V'K m;. to satisfy the "to enforce the - .he following desLiti ted in North I swick County. scribed as folnine 100 feet south |--'f 1 ii?inc one of the I |f \Ym. Liles | running thence south KL^ ar.o ... ..hains to 3. lisht ^nd near the southfW1 .V Robert S. Liles I lJ 1 with said Robert Liles I ... c east 47 chains I - rtJSS north 78 degrees I flins to the beginning. f a'me land conveyed to L:g lhe f?v \V. W. Liles by jafkson ' > " oc.h 1883, retK^W at^Page' esS. in |? oMhe Register of Deeds P-f'^nbkct'w^e^rt to and P? "hV the court. Ten days loos'1 % }"%( bid before rePfca h to ^ paid at .ale. fV- day of August 1935. I w- K' commissioner. fcri7i?lKE SALE t'P REAL ItsTiTE MORTGAGE | DJfVv virtue of the power !: ^-rafned in that certain le made and executed RL t Moore and his wife wtfLj ' t0 Winslow W. Smith |K dated the 1st day of Br 1924. duly recorded ln BooK K" .see "98, records of Brunf IrSv to which reference is 1 serially made. Default batIn made in the payment of the fc ? therein described, tag Winslow 11*. Smith w ill E" sale at public auction to KL. bidder for cash at the I f door in the City of SouthR) county of Brunswick. Lilan September 21st, 1M5\ F'i noon, the following deslot. tract or parcel of ISe ind being in Town Creek lb Brunswick county. North C ard bounded and described t-'s at ""cypress at the edge I lams smiih corLcce south 73 west 96 poles lake: thence north 5 east 46 Ml Hickory; thence north 77 Ik Mies to a pine within 70 lithe rice field, thence a line KVth the same to the beginI -airing 38 acres, more or Li being a part of the Old thmTposted. this the 19th I AjfWINSLOIV W. SMITH. I Mortgagee, la C Holmes and S. B. Frink IcUiSl'RE SALE OF HEAL I 18TATE MORTGAGE |s ar.d by virtue of the power I- ntai'ned In that certain Kp _.A nv.ilp cvpontert nfflas Bryant and his wife, L Bryan:, to Winslow \V. !t l : dated the 1st day 1924. duly recorded in " at page 237, records of ' 'i County, to which referr.trtbv especially made. De leer made In the paydebtedness therein des:-'iyrsigned Winslow W. *31 offer for sale at public :" 're highest bidder for cash tourthouse door in the City trhport, and the County of tide, on War. September 21st. 19S?. k r u. the following desire lot. tract or parcel of ar.il being in Brunswick i North Carolina, and boun t,<d as follows, to-wit: 1 '* the lands of Robert R. l Cass Street and others. Belit a sweet gum on the east' Dawes Creek at Cass ' "tmer, thence with the run >ek about north 10 east 46 R. Ward's bridge on his ,"e landing; thence with to a Spruce pine north 70 roles: thence east 24 poles to e then'e east. Southeast 60 "a Holly tree in l.ong Branc. down said Branch to orner jn said Branch: 'A'ith Cass Streets line ,'s", *<.*. containing 100 ac' - k j, K the game land ' - id Thomas Bryant ed in the records of ,rS County, in book 20, at ? ar.d posted, this the 19th A'-eust. 195.". ^IXSI.OIV W. SMITH, IP ? , Mortgagee. - Holmes and S. B. Frink. RUMNEWS ^Misses Josephay Brady ten Evans were patients j ck county hospital part *rek when they had their amoved. The children are ,a,ong nicely. the little son of Mr. and b,( Brady is ill at presmany friends wish him recovery. tL Ur?V Evans and Bre f?n left Saturday, Aug' Ior service in a CCC Russ of Benson and 12 of Bolivia were Sunday. U che Phelps visited her i L' L- Edwards, at j week. Ptcnh!?' schedu'ed to start 2fr 19th that seems to With '"lp?rtant day of the is m ?' the school tn o, 8 community. From !r,ftjJniors a11 are very Roty To?6' ^ eVent' ftoJ J?hnson of Southreiatives here part >8, 1935 ! of last week. Little Miss Jean Fairley Bennett spent Saturday afternoon at j Mill Branch with her aunt, Mrs J. L. Mintz. Miss Edna Mintz underwent a ! tonsilar operation at Brunswick j county hospital Friday of lasl j week. Mrs. J. E. Dodson returnee from Greensboro last week where ishe was called because of illness of her father. Her many friends j throughout the county will regret to learn that his conditior ,has not improved. Numerous tobacco farmers are ; very busy marketing their to |bacco. With prices at a satisfactory mark, practically everybodj seems pleased. Mr. W. A. Phelps was a South Iport visitor Monday of last week Winnabow News Mr. James Anders, who resides [near Pensacola, Fla., was a vis itor here Monday morning enrouti ! to his boyhood home in Bladei j county, after spending the week lend with his sister, Mrs. J. Berg in Southport. A party of about 25 folks | both young and old, from Kings i Mountain, stopped here Monday jon their way to Southport for i fishing trip. The rain prevente( ! fishing and they returned lati jin the afternoon, i Mr. and Mrs. Phillips o: j Greensboro and Mrs. Craig o: Monroe, mother of Mrs. Phillips and wife of the late Rev. Craig who was at one time pastor o: Southport and other Baptis churches in Brunswick county were visitors here Tuesday en route to their home after spend ing some time at Holdens Beach Miss Jessie Jones of Richmond 1 Vft (jnhTI t tViO xiri f V? Vim aunt, Mrs. G. C. Earp, at Funs ton. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Craven ant I little daughter, Dorothy, wer< visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. 0 Craven, for the week-end. Friends of Mr. Ray Kye ant Mr. Jimmie Evans will regret tt iknow they were patients at th< Brunswick County hospital for t | few days this week. Mrs. Marvin Robbins, who un [ derwent an operation this weel at Brunswick county hospital, ii I getting along nicely. | Miss Julia Ellen Willets, dau jghter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wil I letts and Mr. Earkins Swain, soi of Mr. Johnnie Swain, of Funs ton, were married in Conway 01 Oe TWO if H SOLID STEEL TURRET-1 FISHER BODY T iike many othersf the most finely I Solid Steel Turret Fisher?the smarte ill motor car bodies! And the Knee-Action Ride, giving unec ind safety! These two featur aecessities in a truly modern n the new Master De Luxe Che^ finely balanced low-priced car CHEVROLE Compart Chevrolet'* low i CHI ELMO, BOLIVL THE STATE Saturday evening, August 24. Friends wish them a long and : happy married life. Dr. Joseph Ackerman and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Augusi ta, Ga., arrived Saturday night : at the home of the Reids. Dr. : Akerman will return Monday and Miss Josephine Clark, Mrs. Reid's I neice, will accompany him to Aui gusta. i Mr. and Mrs. Foster M. Pridi gen of Rocky Mount and Mr. John Pridgen and daughter, Miss l Janice, of Savannah, Ga., spent Sunday at the home of Messrs ; John and Preston Henry. It will - be remembered by friends that their boyhood days were spent at r Winnabow. They thoroughly enjoyed meeting old friends once - more. Miss Clara Evelyn Gill returned to her home in Henderson on Saturday morning after a pleasant visit with relatives. She was j accompanied by Mr. Dan Johnson | 3 and Misses Sarah and Alice i [ Johnson. Mrs. Johnson and Mary 5 will return with them Sunday and' 1 Alice will spend a while with the Gills in Henderson. I ________________ ; Bolivia News r i Mr. Rustic Maultsby, Miss Lila 1 McKeithan, Mr. Robert Maults- 1 5 by and Miss Dixie Galloway . spent last Sunday afternoon at ! f Carolina Beach. f Mr. E. V. Mercer spent Tues- . i, day in Wilmington on business. 1 ', Rev. J. D. Winthrop, pastor of 1 f New Hope, Woodburn and South 11 port churches, was in Bolivia on , Tuesday of this week. Mr. Jason Hewett spent Thurs day in Wilmington on business. Mrs. Dora Arnold of Southport , and Mrs. Alice Souage of Virr ginia spent a portion of this - week with their sister here, Mrs. Mary Hewett. i Mrs. Alice Lewis and children i of Wilmington spent the past i. week here in Bolivia. Mr. Ed Mercer spent Friday i night in Wilmington. > Jack and Billie Stone of Shal; lotte spent a portion of this week i with their sister, Catherine, in Bolivia. - (Too Late for Last Week's Issue) c Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gladstone 3 have resigned as .eachers in Bolivia to take up work in the - Vass school. Mr. Gladstone has - an all-time job as agriculture \ teacher and Mrs. Gladstone is - elected high school teacher. | l Friends are very sorry to givej . / cjet th&ie VITAL FEAT 'cruSi n&x? law HESE FEATURES are found only in ( balanced low-pricei Top Body by the only car in it Bt and safest of either of them! famous gliding price range tha jualled comfort Valve-in-Head En oo orn n White many other eqi lotor car. And sure to get these Tolet, the most in your next car ever built, is by choosing a ne T MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. M delivered price* and eaty G-M.A.C. term*. A AlcvtfeA. ?Z)- J?coa EVRO RE MOTl V NORTH CA1 PORT PILOT, SOUTHPOR1 :hem up as they are two of the f i >est teachers Bolivia faculty has 11 wer had. !. Miss Doris Bennett has re- j signed as first grade teacher, i 'riends also are sorry to learn, i She has accepted work nearer ler home in Tarboro. 4-H CLUB MEETS The 4-H Club held their regu-1 ar meeting last Thursday at the lome of Mrs. O. G. Coleman, rhe meeting was called to order jy the president, Miss Santa Pearl Potter. Minutes were read j md approved after which work >n a quilt was begun. The club vas entertained in the dining oom by Mrs. Orlf Coleman and Mrs. J. P. Hand. Delicious ice ;ream and cake were served, rhose present were: the leader, . Mrs. H. F. Mintz; president, Miss Potter; secretary, Inez Wilson; Lottie Lay Wilson, Lucy and Virian Hand, Creola Cox, Doris Cox, Elsie Mercer, Margie Merger, Awanda and Jack Potter, , Mary Johnson and Gladys Merger. Mrs. C. C. Russ and daughter, rf Benson, and Miss Audrey Gauey of Leland, are visiting relatives in Bolivia. Miss Pinkie Henderson and Miss Eleanor Stevens of James Walker Memorial Hospital are ; guests of Miss Ruby Mintz. Miss Gladys Edwards is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mintz. Miss Blanche Phelps of Exum is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Lester Edwards. Leland News Logging at Woodbury's mill has been closed down on account of rain for the past week. Mr. H. B. Williams had the misfortune of losing a $250.00 mule this week. Farmers are having a bad time trying to save hay. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cooker have moved to Baltimore, Md? to make their home. Mr. Lester Hilburn of Durham 3pent the week-end with his father, Mr. M. H. Hilburn. Mrs. T. H. Roper of Williamston is visiting her sister and brother. Farmers are well pleased with tobacco prices this year. Cotton Is opening right fast. Friends of Odessa Mintz are , sjlad to know that she is getting along nicely after undergoing an eye operation last week. Little George Mintz is getting URES CCi/l Tyiu&t hcwe KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND SAFETY " DEALER ADVERTISEMENT *, j m * :hevrolet- j i car ever built I] '8 price range that brings you j It is also the only car in its j t brings you a Blue-Flame igine, Shock-Proof Steering and i tally desirable features. Be * vitally important advantages i , and get them at lowest cost * w Master De Luxe Chevrolet! I tlCHIGAN 4 I General Motors Value J I 4 9 '< - i I CT LCI )R CO. KOLINA f, NORTH CAROLINA ilong fine after having his tonsils removed last week. Friends will regret to learn of j die serious illness of Mrs. A. B. 3enton at her tome. I Answers To Quiz 1. Reykjavik. 2. Bibb Graves. 3. In 1672. 4. A vessel of 9 gallons. 5. Thirty-two. 6. Francis Bellamy. 7. In Asia Minor at Ephesus. 3US. 8. The George Washington Bridge across the Hudson. 9. Poison for rats. 10. A movie star. 11. Sixty. 12. James Watt. SPORTS FANS FOLLOW THE AMERICAN BOY Boys and young men of this city who wish to improve their tennis service, their basket-shooting eyes, their forward passing talent, or their crawl stroke, can enlist the aid of the nation's foremost coaches and players by subscribing to The American Boy magazine and following the sports interviews and fiction stories that appear each month. "When I was in high school," says a famous decathlon champion, "I read a track article in The American Boy that gave me my first clear-cut idea of the western style of high jumping. At practice I laid the open magazine on the grass and studied it as I worked out. That afternoon I increased the height of my jump three inches." That was a long time ago, but today thousands of future champions just as eagerly follow The American Boy. RE Any kind of and Bicycles. . ern equipmei R.C.A. Let us RAnin w Hi 11/1V IT I BICYCLES. i good price or 1 RADIO SUPF | BICYCLE SU | NEW BIC 1 Wii I Colum "This year," states Griffith Og-I den Ellis, editor, "our staff writ- J ers have gone to the two greatest, H football teams of the country? 11< Minnesota and Pittsburgh?for M first-hand tips on strategy, block- s( ing, tackling, passing, and the fine points of play. They have in-1 terviewed Jack Medica, the j world's fastest swimmer, and his I c) coach, Ray Daughters. Gone to, Q) Eastern High School of Washing-1 ton, D. C., Eastern Interscholastic c< basketball champions. In the past they have followed the Grapefruit Circuit of the major leagues a in Florida, sat on the bench at 01 the Rose Bowl, sought out the ir famous runners, divers, All-American ends, tackles and backfield men, to bring their story of how & Ito play the game to the young men of America. o: "In addition to our fiction, ad- ^ venture, exploration, hobby counsel, and vocational help, we shall continue to encourage young men is to improve their game in every n line of sport." e Send your subscription to The | _ American Boy, 7430 Second Blvd., j j Detroit, Mich. Enclose with your | j name and address $1 for a year's j subscription, $2 for three years, [ land add 50 cents a year if you j want the subscription to go to a | | foreign address. On newsstands, I 10c a copy. (Adv.) | f i SELL YOUR TOl I W. P. Clark anc AT CLARK'S WA Leaders In I LARGEST AND BEST M. IF MONEY IS WH. COME TO Mullins, PAIRI) Repairs for Automc First class repair. it and skilled worki -Victor 1 Demonstrate one to EATHER IS ALMOI Trade in your old I i a new balloon equi 'LIES AUTC PPLIES REP TCLES and RCA F th Terms to Suit Yo ibus Moto / iVHITEVILLE, N. C. T " ? -w- ' % [ >I1? *. v , I ELEVEN MOVED HERE Mrs. Gay and children, of [opewell, Va., have moved here ) live. Mrs. Gay was formerly [iss Ruth Ruark, who lived here ;veral years ago. ACCEPTS POSITION' Mrs. Helen MacMillan has ac;pted a position on the faculty f the Dixon school in Onslow junty. Farmers over the State are relizing more and more the value f silos. The trench silo is grow* ig in popularity. A 4-4-50 Bordeaux mixture is iving excellent results in con oling apple blight on the farm f R. L. Plonk, near Kings Mounlin. Interest in rural electrificatioi i spreading as more rural com mnities make surveys for pow liriAQ aaw BILIOUSNESS I 8ACCO WITH i A. M. Lewis LREHOUSE ligh Prices \RKET IN THE BELT AT YOU WANT SEE US S-C? bile, Radio, Sishops, mod- ilnen. I Radios I you. ? ST HERE ? licycle for a | ipped bike. 1 I SUPPLIES I AIR JOBS I 'ADIOS I u ? r Co. I -----

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