TWO THE STATE PORT PILOT Southport, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY JAMES M. HARPER, JR., Editor Entered as second-class matter April 20, 1928, at the Post Office at Southport, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR $1.50 SIX MONTHS 1.00 THREE MONTHS .75 ^JL^national editorial (o) js association 1935 Wednesday, August 21, 1935 A good business man always has time to be courteous. Every man thinks that he has to work harder than anyone else. Tobacco prices at last are making it possible for warehousemen to live up to their promises. J There should be a general hot (air) j' spell over the entire nation during the next few days as Congressmen, leave , Washington to return to their respective ( homes. 1 \ Better Truck Routes 2 Within the next few days an official 1 of the state department of education will be sent to Brunswick county for the purpose of mapping out school bus routes for the coming year. This is being done * in every county in North Carolina. Men in charge of this work are efficiency experts, whose sole object is to see that ^ school busses serve the maximum number 0 of school children at a minimum cost to s the state. c It happens that in many instances that 0 school buses are routed over some of the e worst stretches of roads in the county. This, according to numerous reports, was c true in Brunswick county last year. In order to insure safer and more com- * fortable transportation for the school * children during the coming year, we sug- * gest that the citizens appeal to officials * of the state highway commission to keep ^ the bus routes in the best possible condi- c tion. Money alloted for road maintenance can be spent for no better purpose than ' to provide good, safe roads over which ? school children must travel to school. r c Commendable Action c Members of the board of aldermen for 8 the City of Southport are to be commended upon their efforts to secure a PWA 8 project for the purpose of modernizing and enlarging the municipal power plant. 1 The present equipment is old and in r need of repairs. Power units include one v seventeen-year-old 150-horsepower semi- ^ diesel engine and one fourteen-year-old 8 100-horsepower engine of the same type. 1 Under normal conditions, the small en- 8 gine is able to provide sufficient power * for the city in the day time and the * larger one is for night duty. When the ( 150-horsepower unit is out of commis- e. sion and the smaller engine must be pressed into night service, the city is with- C out sufficient power for street lights. Farsighted members of the board saw C an opportunity to secure needed improve- | ments immediately and at a great savings to the city, provided the project is granted. Of the $40,000 asked for, the ( sum of $18,000, or 45 per cent of the to- 1 tal funds necessary, will be donated by 1 the government. Furthermore, revenue 1 anticipation bonds for the remaining ' $22,000 will be handled by the govern- ' ment at the low interest rate of 4 per ( cent and at no cost to the taxpayer. The proposed improvements not only : would insure better service to .those who are now patrons of the local power plant but would make it large enough to supply electric power for other uses as future occasions demand. The Truth Of The Matter Much of the public support behind "share-the-wealth" tax measures has arisen from a misunderstanding of what would actually result?misunderstanding that has been largely caused by baised, exaggerated and altogether erroneous statements by enthusiasts and by politiIcians. It is a statistical fact that an absolute me uniiea siaies uovernineia, naving already put an end to yellow fever, is now making a concerted effort to counteract malaria in this country, It has proved the use of Federal Relief funds for this purpose by the United States Public Health Service through its agents, the state boards of health. An experienced staff of engineers and malariologists is maintained by the North Carolina Board of Health to supervise malaria control work. That department asks that any malarial condition existing in the state and not yet known to the board of health be reported. Malaria is prevalent in Brunswick county. Citizens should do everything in their power to keep from being bitten by mosquitoes and should practice the simpler rules of mosquito control. wheel-horses have suppressed the young lawyers and economists who played havoc with the New Deal in its earlier years. It is generally conceded that the Administration took a chance with court reversals when orders were issued to pass bills of doubtful constitutionality. The legislators were particularly skeptical of the Guffey measure to control the bituminous coal industry. It was facetiously called the "Goofey bill," and taken as a forerunner of regulation of other industries. By some, the coal bill is considered as a substitute for the defunct NRA act. Reports are current that the Roosevelt camp has not abandoned the NRA ideal and will press for something of the kind at the next session. This opinion is probably predicted on the whispers that several Congressional committees will be called back two months before the next formal meeting. It is bruited about town that the remnants of the NRA machinery now making intensive studies of selected industries have been ordered to finish their preliminary work by November. Not knowing what use will be made of their information, indusI tries are not going beyond the bounds of courtesy in cooperating with the NRA investigators, Elderly folks who expect to qualify as beneficiaries under the social security law are due for I heart-aches. Certain hard and fast rules regarding co-operation with states have been laid down in the new statute and the states !must comply with the standards so set. Considering the fact that 42 state legislatures meet only at two-year intervals, it is obvious that some time must elapse before a majority of the states can find their way clear to qualify for Federal grants. About 35 states have some form of old age assistance but revision will be necessary to conform to the enumerated requirements of the 'Federal act. The statute also faci es long-drawn court contests. An official statement issued August 26 shows that the Agricultural Adjustment Administraj tion paid out $563,438,812 during I the fiscal year ended June 30 in I rental and benefit payments tc i farmers under adjustment conII tracts in five commodity proi grams. In addition, $148,520,000 expenses for drought relief, food conservation and disease eradication activities wtere reported. As an illustration or, variable humar nature, scouts returning from political surveys report disquieting symptoms among the beneficiaries Resentment has been notec ' among farmers who "plowed un' der" for a consideration. Theii , peevishness is due to sky-rocket' . ing prices for their products anc no pigs or other profitable item* ' on hand to meet a boom market L Our diplomatic activities having . to do with delicate questions 01 r foreign policy will undoubtedly b< handled more expenditiously witi : Congress away. Unfamiliar with i the political motives back ol Congressional interference wit! statecraft, the diplomats felt thai : European chancellories and peo l pie might easily misconstrue th< r blustering at the Capitol. So sentitive are people on the brink ol war that even a few speeches bj ill-informed demagogues might THE STATE PORT ly equal sharing of corporate earnings would make little difference in the wage earner's pay envelope. If all salaries dividends and interest paid by Americar industry during 1928, a boom year, anc 1932, a depression year, had gone te labor, the average worker would have received approximately $10 per montl more?two cents an hour. In brief, those who believe that "share the-wealth" schemes will make us al rich, are vastly misled. At present, the share of the national income going to labor is extremely high?and it tends tc increase. The share that goes to capital ?in the form of dividends and interest? is, on a percentage basis, extremely moderate, and is tending to decrease. Industry, as a matter of fact, is voluntarily "sharing the wealth" in a sound waythrough higher hourly wages, shorter working weeks, pension plans, and other benefits received by the worker. Corporations and individuals of great wealth are much rarer than the politicians would have us believe?and degression has thinned their already small anks. Further, the money invested in the iverage American corporation has been rut there primarily by thousands of ordilary people, many of whom work for the iompany, or patronize it. Under the American system, the worker gradually >ecomes a capitalist in his own right, hrough home and security ownership? md it is these little capitalists, rather han the few men of millions, who earn ind receive all but a small part of our otal national income. Malaria Control The major health problem now facing he Government is the successful control f malaria, found chiefly in the southern tates. Control of this disease will be acomplished only through the co-operation if the people with trained government xperts. Through long and tedious study famtus scientists have given to the world ather complete information concerning his disease and its spread. In spite of the act that it has been scientifically proved hat malaria is spread by a mosquito of he genus Anopheles, there are still those vho will swear that malaria is caused by :ontaminated drinking water. In the August issue of the Health Buletin, published by the North Carolina State Board of Health, M. R. Cowper, nember of the board, gives the following lescription of malaria and its effects: "Malaria is perhaps the most general lisease now existing in the United States, ilthough its prevalence is practically imited to the Southern States. It is not l killer, as many of the other diseases, >ut one which renders its victims almost iseless, a disease that greatly impairs the uental and physical ability of persons vho have it. Its effect has always been he same, namely, that people residing in i malarious territory are very lazy and inambitious. Studies have shown that the ibility of a person to earn a living when le is a victim of malaria is only about wo-thirds as good as a person similar in very respect who does not have the disease. Therefore, one can understand that t is not the mortality rate which conerns health authorities, but rather the :ondition of its victims. It is also an econ>mic concern in that the financial returns >n every malaria control investment have )een enormous." Since the disease is spread by means >f mosquitoes, a well-planned program of nosquito control offers the only permanent relief. Well screened houses and the ase of insecticides bring temporary relief but proper drainage or other means of destroying their breeding grounds are the nnly means of stamping out the disease. Til TT?f J 3 Hi _ J /-I j_ i PILOT, SOUTHPORT, NOR' Washington ; Letter 1 ? ) Washington, Aug. 28.?Witl the shouting and tumult of i hectic eight-months session of thi I Congress gradually fading, atten tion is centered on the doings o: the administrative branch of th< - government. Departmental offici | als have been busy pleading foi more authority and money. Thej now have full opportunity to de . vote their energies to the under j takings sanctioned by the legisla tive wing. New agencies havi I sprung up and housing space li . at a premium. The Federal exe cutives are confronted with a tre mendous task in evolving proced " ures and rules which will harmo r nize with the statutes. The lawmakers were free-handed in be stowing control over industry banking and the social life o; the people. In fairness to the legislators it must be stated that the new fun ctions of the central government were not granted without challenge. The New Dealers openlj solicited the increased burdens oi public administration as part oi their social and economic program. The four-months absence of the Congress will not provide sufficient time to test tneir experiments before the solons return to their official duties. Because of the loud and bitter comf plaints among Congressional minorities that coercive influences were largely responsible for the extraordinary grants of power, it j is not likely that the Adminis| tration will be heedless of observant critics. There is an election in the offing. A flock of adverse court decisions leveled against measures sanctioned by the previous sessions also contributes to the caution The veteran Dolitical You will alsi news of outsta i ; : ness firms yoi every farm fai '1 > :|| MAKE Y< ; 11 GO F/ I j; i L : r i ! i : i : TheS t : \ ' ! ! South] I t i| : r | : WEDNE. g the Labor Da JEEMS TO ME PA.THElfTHEPEA PARAPE ^MORfcj?lAtoro CiJlCRFOL WN IflOATU I A VEAB AfeO J gyfflA. If* ^ HAVE SE IN FOR _ VEAR5 :indness, sympathy and assist,nce given me during the illness ^ nd death of my mother. I am nexpressibly grateful to each one /ho has been so loyal through ? hese sad houra. FLAXIE STANLAND. 8-29c l"w I I w j??"x?lit"*?WW?? ?"????'<* IW rCHING YO XO DOL s in this section ha tobacco for which arket price. Keep warehouse news tr 4 ction of The State ? 0 find in our advert inding bargains offc 1 can trust in mere tnily needs in the fa OUR TOBACCO D IRTHER BY REAI tate Port >ort, North Car TH CAROLINA Reviewin involve this country in an inter- h national mess. a CARD OF THANKS 8 I wish to express my pro- ii foundest appreciation and grati- v tude to the people of Shallotte tl village and the Point for their Ill STRE1 ? TOBA( 1 ! ' ! : |! | You farmer: a fine crop of the highest m latest tobacco advertising se every week. |{P CARD OF TH.LNRJ^B We wish to thank oat c^B riends for their kindness tg^B uring the illness and dea^l ur husband and father, anj^B he beautiful floral offerira MRS. R. M. GASKKS'aB children. Sfl UR I .LARS I ve produced I you deserve I up with the I f reading the ; Port Pilot I ising section I :red by busi- II handise that II OLLAR I )ING I Pilot 'olina

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