IrnNESPAY, september ktcross roads W' GIVEN new name continued from page one) pilars was offered by Mr. ?.15 1-1 the person offering sureestion. Three young K.< i submitted the win-; and the prize was di r , them. The award 1 v Brooks W. Benton, K.jy conn 'issioner and resident t)v Th"-'ua.sboro section. and contests featured f ear.'.v part of the evening's -Mr. Thomas called v- iSfc ooWMWa^;^ ENT Extra Va/ue IN THE FOR I EXTRA COST TO YOU II Jer an- Big, positive brakes with 12" dri tads and more braking surface per poum weight than any other car unde !aase ?" 4 hydraulic double-acting aal *g MMi shock absorbers. o 17 plate battery. ihfftti ra cost 6-w * 16" air balloon tires. I piece. Safety Glass ali round. V MAINTENANCE HI6H RESALE 5 Motor Con : 4, 1935 the filibuster to kill important administration appropriations in the recently adjourned legislative session." Idaho's Senator Borah is one of the objectors to Robinsons' plan, maintaining that such an amendment would do away with the right of free debate. BELGIAN QUEEN DEAD Astrid, Queen of the Belgians, died Thursday of a fractured skull sustained in an automobile crash in Switzerland. The young queen was thrown from a ' car driven by her husband, King Leopold, ana died soon after on the roadside; there was barely time to secure a priest to adminster the last sacrament. Her injury was similar to that which caused the death of her father-in-law, King Albert, during a mountain outing some 18 months ago. She was but 29 years old, the mother of three young children who wili i now be cared for by the Dow1 ager Queen. The grief-stricker Leopold returned to Belgium or the same train which carried the .body of his wife. PRINCE HENRY TO WED George V of England Thurs !day announced the engagement o: I his third son, Henry William Frederick Albert, to Lady Alice Christabel Montagu - Douglas Scott. Lady Alice is a direct de scendant of Sir Walter Scott, ane is connected with the best fami I lies in Scotland. Prince Henry | who is also Duke pf Gloucester [ is decidedly conservative, a fine n tV?Into ar?/-l rnnrQh on nffiPPT f? 1 the British army. His marriage will leave the Prince of Wale the only unmarried child of Kinj George and Queen Mary. I LION GETS CAGY Believeing that Benito Musso i lini, Italian Premier, will re I spect the interests of Great Brit ; ain and the United States, Hail Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia ? deeded more than half his empir f to Anglo-American groups jus i before midnight Thursday. Th ; j charter, the first state paper o s I Ethiopia to be written in Eng I lish, turned over some 150,00 i t sw. ^ IvX-XwXvXvXvXvIvXvX^yVX other and introducK ^rP pickett. of Charlotte. 13 Pressed his appreciation .,r opportunity of being Kent at the christening of a settlement ft r Frink was presented and La short talk upon the reK.hle development of Brunsfc cduntv during the past 30 ft* Good roads, he said, have ftfmore than anything else to ft!- the county closer together. K.' r,i Tavlor was next on the mSi ?< >* 'de a ,ew K! regarding the possibility development so long as there V a spirit of co-operation in > community. Outstanding News I (Continued from page one.) arranging an open debate, to Ke place later between the two ftL Welders. Rivera will be reftmbered as the painter of the ckefeller Center murals, which Ke recently banned because of Kir "radical content." WHAT. NO BLAH? H-v.e United States Senate's KV-honored custom of filibusterK may be banned if "Joe" RobK Democratic Senate leader. K' his way. Robinson stated Knesday that he will present K beginning of the next sesftn an amendment designed tc K "one-man filibuster." The ftuse of such a drastic step is Kteved to be the result of the Kbahor of such demagogues as Kisiana's Huey Long( who usee , * 4 v I m y.v. .vx ? <* .. -M I , V.v 1 v.',v.?rrr?rr?these features repres at no ^horsepower, V-type, 8-cylii g* with aluminum cylinder In a|. do*m draft carburetor, tpringbaiofor riding ? 112-incb chassis for handll Torque tube drhre. ' ,Mt 50%"*ido... ampli *P?e in all models at no art ' " iteei body welded into ow ^ first cost ? l0\ WiUett > / THE S | square miles to the Standard Oil Company and British interests. The charter was signed by the Emperor with his official title j "Anointed King of Kings," and authorized the exploitation of the I land for a period of 75 years. WALKED IN Three well-dressed men stood i abreast of a Texas highway Fri| day for almost an hour, hoisting ! manicured thumbs at passing mo-! j torists?all in vain. Finally, dis I gusted with man's inhumanity to I fellow-Texans, they walked into . J Fishville, the nearest town. There . | they secured a tow car for their stalled automobile, and identified themselves. The members of the [ trio were Governor James V. Allred, Justice Richard Critz, and i i Justice John Sharp?the state's . chief executive and two jurists of the Texas Supreme court. , Song Contest To 1 Feature Programj 5 ?? Miss Marion Smith, home demonstration agent, suggests that the various clubs select a few - best singers to represent them at f Willard where the annual Field i Day is being held Thursday, Sep; tember 12. As last year, a song - contest will be held between va rious counties. 1 Two verses of the "Song of ri/viinfm.M ??r< 11 Ka onno - uic vpcn V/Uuiitiy win uc 0U115 I , by each county and then two >, verses of any other song they I e desire. ? Copies of the contest song may e be obtained from Miss Smith. I s I ? Working Fast On County Projects < Plans for projects to be com pleted with the aid of PWA funds are being drawn this week e by R. I. Mintz for several comt, munities in Brunswick county, e The deadline for turning in these it projects is Friday of this week, e There is a chance of receiving if some governmental aid for publie work in Brunswick county but 0 the number of projects is neces ' Jl, ... f0, you camt. ?| fiot the 3 ?Z Shuck*. thaff till am/ the new ^3 *4 tfAe 6ei .v:;|;:/y. 1 '''''.jc ^mpi iijjp :;:j?' .. :$> .' : I y-^W?SiM W j:v ,:::^ . .< $ & f^ORDS have always be "V.rr*:^v^l f"' uje and long servic y0ll w;]| gn(J a gres J In the 1935 Ford V-8:1 :> ' ) i^SM ease, bie car roominess II ing for less than $2300\/ * ness, dependability an KvflJ characteristic of Ford ci f|||V' The Ford V-8 meets better than the four cyl even less to otvn and op 2|W!& building cars and truck afford to run. The Ford V-8 is the dollar value ever offered in and let us explain ho' in 1/ p and arrange to pay for il can give you a better tri later when crops come ii urns and neighbor, you will find i of car farm, r $1095. lomatic _ F01 f VALUE E??t Terms Through Universal Credit Com. pany The Authorised Ford Finance Plan lpany Bolii ' ' -vMl jkaiLl?A&ru TATE PORT PILOT, SOUTIsarily going to be limited be-H cause of the lack of sufficient i' funds for materials. | < PERSONALS I i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner left ]i last week after spending a time | j in their summer home here. < Mrs. Rob Jackson and chil- : dren left Thursday after spend- |i ing the summer here. i( Mr. and Mrs. Carol Smith and h family of Beaufort visited Mrs. j] Elizabeth Gilbert last week. Capt and Mrs. Bellamy are vis- I] iting relatives in the county this i week. Mrs. Preston Bryant left Fri- i day for Florida. Miss Jean Mead, of Wilming- 1 ton, visited Miss Gwendolyn St. |1 George last week. Miss Florine Etherton, of Mi- 1 ami, Fla., is visiting Misses Dorothy and Mary Swain. Mrs. McCoy, of Bolivia, was; a business visitor in town Thursday. Weekly Quiz I. Which of the U. S. Preai-! dents was unmarried ? 2. What is the largest bank in the world? 3. By what name is Japan proper known? 4. What is the capital of the republic of Latvia? 5. How much will a bushel of turnips weigh ? 6.When was Anne Hibbins i hanged as a witch in Massachusetts? 7. When was the battle of Agincourt fought? 8. What is a cymbal? 9. What is aerostatics? 10. Where is Hollins College? II. Who is George M. Cohan? 12. Who is president of Yale University ? (Answers on Page 7) FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Suerior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated ? Jo 1 CUfA? | 6eata3ttb\ atorn I Sue known y lo yeaAA. 1 7o?J V-8 I tofa??!" P en built to stand up under tbt D arc' e demanded by the farmer, it many modern, fine car feature: Jew riding comfort, new handling " ? , _ _ ??? Col) -the only v-o engine -but you will find the same sturdi d economy that have always beer irs. the needs of the farmer today ever Under models of the past?it costs erate for Henry Ford believes in i the farmer can afford to own and best Ford ever built and the biggest by the Ford MotorCompany.Come w you can own the Ford V-8 today t out of your new crop money. We ide on your old car right now than j, Drive the Ford V-8 and, like you r that you can't beat a Ford for the WV8 ON THE AIR-Fred fWWaring, Tueiday nigh M B I TgLlJ ' Columbia Network ^^2 MSX ? Daily except Sunda VZJiP United Preaa Ne? Releaae end Grid Cole.WBT-3i4SPJ>' ria, N. C. [PORT, N. C. the 26th day of August, 1935, in anjr action entitled "Brunswick County e ,-ersus C. H. McKoy," the undersign- 1 ;d commissioner will exoose at public auction sale to the highest bidder c for cash on the a 30th day of September, 1SI35, n at 12 o'clock M. at the courthouse rloor, Southport, X. C? to satisfy the degree of said court to enforce the 9 aayment of $42.62. the following des-1 eribed real estate, located in North 5 West Township. Brunswick County, | N". C., bounded and described as fol- V lows: 9 First Tract: Beginning at a stake J an Blue Bank Avenue, the beginning 9 corner in the division line, also a ? corner of Lonnte McKoy; runs thence 9 north 67 degrees west 658 feet; ? thence with the James Brown line 9 south 20'i degrees west 1226 feet to ^ an iron spike at a boiling spring on 9 the south side of Skipper Hill Bran- j Ji ch; thence south 79'i degrees east 9 300 feet to a pine; thence south 88 s degrees east 295 feet to a spruce pine j an Blue Bank Avenue; thence with 4 said avenue north 25 Vi east 1050 i feet to the beginning, containing 16 J! acres, as surveyed by E. B. Hewett, l August 13, 1935. -I Second Tract: Beginning at an iron j spike at a large red oak in Lonnie 4 McKoy's yard, on the side of a road, 1 runs thence north 22 degrees east 850 j f feet to a pine on the south side of t Jordan Branch; thence north 4614 i degrees west up and crossing Jordan 1 Branch 610 feet with Julia Bryant's 1 line to a stake and stone on the I north side of said branch; thence 1 south 14 degrees west 340 feet to an I > iron pipe, a corner of the Hilton 1 Lumber Co.; thence with the Hilton J Lumber Co. line north 76',4 degrees < west 1358 feet to a stump; thence J with Gaylord's line south 15 degrees * west 84214 feet to an old stump; ; thence south 80 degrees east 754 feet " to a stake; thence with the line of . Susan Formy Duval south 2714 do- * grees west 1020 feet to a stake near j a small road; thence with John Bry- * ant's line south 6614 degrees east j 650 feet to a stake on the side of " the said road; thence with Rivers j Hankins line north 2214 degrees east ' 1073 feet to an oak; thence south j 84 degrees east 361 feet to the begin- ' We have four first sales next week at ANDERSONS ' WAREHOUSE, Mullins, S. C., Monday, September 9, Tuesday, Sept. 10, Thurs-j day, Sept. 12, and Friday, September 13. (Adv.) ' Checks / Malaria hob com's' first day. Llgnld Tablets _ . , . . Salve >"ose Tonic and Laxative Drops [? ? J"11 1 f.^,! I'.'?,".'!' i r ,, I ; : lll? .V._% I; : :inr Myei Geo. A. C/ia The folio' sell TOBACC Name J. D. and J. W. EL* FOLWER and COX CAUSE and LEE .... PERIL GAUSE HENRY WOOTEN ... GAPPIN and BUTLE NORA MERCER and JIMMIE LONG J. D. ROCHELLE ... C. O. BRIDGER and We will d t/vhw nnvf Iaq/ Iyuui iicai iuui Geo. A WE HAVE N ling, containing 51Vs acres, as surveyd by E. B. Hewett, August 13th, 935. |; All sales subject to report to and I onfirmation by the Court. Ten days 11 llowed for raise of bid before report < tade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th day of August. 1835. i i W. R. HOLMES, i -25 Commissioner, j1 | Your Deposits | Now Pen | Insu S The new Banking Ac |s manence to Federal Dep || been passed by Congres j? dent Roosevelt. H This new law provide i? the system whereby dep j? Bank & Trust Company || up to a total of $5,000 f H The Waccamaw Bank || voluntarily provided th; Is its depositors' funds, and H Federal Deposit Insurant 53 of the strength of its p( | WACC (BANK & T WHITEVIL "More Dollars For Yoi Sell it in \ 's War eh Myers & Son, dbourn, 1\ wing facts prove I 0 HIGHER:Lbs. ... CINS 726 758 * 220 ... 256 342 :R 416 FIPPS 450 990 464 TENANTS 8,034 J AND MANY OTHERS lo the same for yo 1 and be convinced L Myers < 1st SALE, MON., ?..?. ? ..M ! ..; * i mfrfrn. 1 * FIVE We have four first sales next week at ANDERSONS WAREHOUSE, Mullins, S. CM Monday, September 9, Tuesday, Sept. 10, Thursday, Sept. 12, and Friday, September 13. (Adv.) in This Bank g nanently 1 red 1 t of 1935, giving per- fig! iosit Irtsurance has just s and signed by Presis for a continuance of && osits in the Waccamaw are insured against loss ly or each depositor. & Trust Company has & is extra safeguard _for I its membership in The gft; ce Corporation is proof ST >sition. \MAW I RUST CO. I LE, N. C. ir Tobacco When You |i! ^hiteville." gj PfWUfWPtl : s i ww ^ fli K ^jp- :.i # 9B p ,^E8K ouse * Props. ? c. that we can . Price Ave. $ 257.02 $35.36 $ 257.58 $34.00 $ 76.80 $34.44 $ 102.96 $40.19 $ 112.54 $33.37 $ 137.84 $33.08 $ 144.76 $34.40 $ 333.56 $33.00 $ 148.66 $33.12 52,810.10 $34.69 u. Bring us L || & Son SEPT. 9th 1 I?liil?nninww | : * > "

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