pilots mailed to ;p Brunswick iiinty this week NO- 35 Csscs fin Supei luring Firs I Murder Trials Get; Jwly; 0ne Began Afternoon i v's Crowd Was filler Following u Announcement Jenerette I' Trial Starts Thursday I October term of BrunsLjnty Superior Court for Ej of criminal cases confere Monday morning with fdawson L. Williams, of n presiding. fong of visitors from every | of the county was here land the court room was fo overflowing when Sherber Russ opened court. Interest was in the JenInarder trial and the crowd L Tuesday was considertaller following announceftbat this case would not i kid until Thursday mornl the greater part of the today had been devoted to L of minor cases, the first lo be heard Tuesday was M Lester Johnson for tnin driving. Asa Potter, | white man, was the prosl witness in this case. The tit was found guilty but pit was not passed, trial of Willie Mae Gaskins iootinued on Page 8.) oking Over he Headlines |; ? Events Of State, ion and World-Wide terest During Past Week j II Inesday *re was little to indicate President Roosevelt is los- ; popularity in Los Angeles iday where he was given ovation by more than 70,- 1 persons ... At the time the president was making speech to the crowd at Los eies, Republicans in Wash00 renewed their attack : 1 him and his policies of "invent . . . England's dishon to pay no attention to fs threats Tuesday had ofts of the latter nation per . The 450 passengers ?e Dutch liner Rotterdam i landed at Kingston, Jam- j i Tuesday from the Arl i . . A contract was "tol Tuesday to the T. A. Company, of Goldsboro, construction of the ter*1 facilities at Morehead ! > The expenditure calls 8*554.75. 1 'J day 'tress has been relatively : j 1North Carolina in re the unemployed from ; "Iff roll and putting them ; *0(h, according to a state" 'rom Washington Mon- i The Dutch liner Rot- i 7? ran aground about 150 'rom Bermuda during the ; storm that struck that;: Monday . . . All passen- [ *ere safely removed . . . J i( ial spokesman said last that "France would be i r 10 aid Great Britain 11 ^ "tacked her fleet while ; j" enforcing League of | J* sanctions . . . Capus chairman of the Highway and Public , Commission, expressed IO(inl?Ionday that hope for m , Federal funds for i "Vj "g m'ght weU ** Miss Frances 4,hnS^'r,;tarJ' ?f labor, told , it ... audience Monday | It :D0lts that the Depart- j ^ Labor was dodging a enumeration of the un-. (CoriH Were rid'culous. continued on page 8) THE \ ^ 8-PAGES TOD \ Disposed ( rior Court it Two Days ( JUDGE I * ** a- .-X- y> 1 ?? .< ^ ^ iipj ''H ' xB .j C. L. WILLIAMS Jenrette Tria , On Thursd; Special Venire Of 100 Men Service; Grand Jury Foui Charge Again: Dillon Jenerette', ^oung will go on trial for his life killing of Louis W. Ganus. A has been summoned for ju: which there is county-wide ii Dillcn Jenrette, yourwhite*' men of this county, will go on ( trial for his life Thursday morn- | ing for the killing of Louis W.; Ganus. A special venire of 100 men have been summoned for I jury service in this case in which j there is county-wide interest. Members of the grand jury j came into court Monday and j brought a true bill against Jen-1 rette. He will be tried on a1 charge of first degree murder. Earlier in the day R. W. Davis, j counsel for the defense, asked I that the case be continued. He declared that there was considWo C^alino* in thp POUntv at Ciauic ... present over the killing and that 1 he thought that time should be j. given for this feeling to die j down. Solicitor J. J. Burney said I that the state would demand that the trial be held this week and j Judge Clawson Williams set Thursday morning as the day for it to begin. j j Big Enrollment For Shallotte! 1 First Day Enrollment Was i Approximately 900 With i t Indications That Figure f May Reach 1,000 By End i Of This Week * . Shallotte, Oct. 1.?The Shal-js lotte-Lockwoods Folly school, lar-s gest consolidated school in Bruns-'r wick county, completed its first 1 week of the 1935-36 season with Is approximately 900 students in at-'( tendance, with the enrollment ex- j pected to exceed the 1,000 mark;1 next week. The school was opened Tues-1 day morning with appropriate ex- i ercises in charge of the new prin- j cipal Henry C. Stone. Mr. Stone, a native of Shallotte, succeeds Reginald Turner, of Wilmington, who resigned last spring to be- 1 come superintendent of the Ashe- * (Continued on Page Eight) * t Aged Bolivia Man Claimed By Death ; J. A. Dew, 78-year-old resident 1 of the Bolivia community, died 1 Friday night in the Brunswick ' county hospital where he had been a patient for several days. ' Complications resulting from his J advanced age caused his death. 1 Dr. Dew formerly lived in Wil- ' mington and South port. < The funeral services were con- | < ducted at the Galloway cemetery Sunday morning by the Rev. D. 3 D. Traynham. ' i No immediate relatives survive. < STAT 4 Good Newsp AY Southport, N. ( Pooling Plant Is F To Begin Work Monday Morning ?has. E. Gause, Manager, J. Says Everything Will Be Ready To Begin Operations Of Local Unit Of Fisherman's Co-Operative On That Day TRUCKS READY TO SI HANDLE SEAFOOD 7 1 e e t Of Refrigerator B Trucks To Be Used To \ Deliver Seafood to The Markets In This State; Shrimp Cooling And Canning Will Be Big Job Here in Ch&s. E. Gause, manager of the in Southport plant of the North Car- K Una Fisherman's Co-operative, d< ays that operations will begin Si lere Monday, October 7. ** An organization meeting was w leld last night (Tuesday) in E Southport at which time mem>ers of the local chapter elected J* ifficers of their organization. 01 Committees also were appointed. (Continued on page eight) of il Begins I ly Morning s To Be Summoned For Jury fe id True Bill In Murder gi it Defendant S p? white man of this county ai Thursday morning for the special venire of 100 men nt ry service in this case in iterest. | ? _________________ 01 CIVIC CLUB IN si IMPORTANT MEET Cc FRIDAY EVENING $j Members of the Port City i Civic Club are urged to be a present at a business meet- 1 ^ ing to be held Friday night at j 8:00 o'clock in the court room. ' Special attention is called to the fact that this will not be a dinner meeting. An interest- _ ing program is being planned j for the occasion and matters of important business will be j discussed. Colonel Brown is Local Visitor? i? Divisional Army Engineer ijn Here For About 10 Days Making Inspection Of in This Part Of His District m i b< Colonel Earl L. Brown, divis- j onal army engineer, was in d( louthport several days recently, ai rhe Falcon, engineers' yacht of ds his division, was brought here re or Colonel Brown to use in makng an inspection of this part of Si lis district. Si While here Colonel Brown in- be ipected the condition of the bar w it the mouth of the Cape Fear pe iver and he and his party also J. nade inspection of various con- B itruction works in upper South Si Carolina. Colonel Brown return- to d Monday to his headquarters in iichmond. (Continued on Page Eight) m List Of Men On The Grand Jury Members of the grand jury in 3runswick county serve for a 'ull year and the men serving at his term of court were sworn in it the April term. Because they lad been charged at the spring :erm of court Judge Clawson L. iViHiams dispensed with that fornality Monday morning and nerely reminded the members of iome of their outstanding duties is jurors. The following men were in attendance for grand jury service: R. M. Powell, foreman, G. L. Skipper, P. G. Carlisle, R. Ford Lewis, L. O. Sellers, O. T. Hew?ttei G. A. Reaves, A. M. Woodird, W. A. Mintz, R. E. Bellamy, A. T. Lewis, I. D. Fulford, D. B. Edwards, W. S. Kirby, G. H. Caison, W. E. Stanland, M. L. Holien and James Bogie. , \ \ EPO aper In A Go Zl., Wednesday, Oct Recorder Finds Probable Cause In Assault Case E. McKeithan Ordered to Face Trial Here This Week For Shooting Through The Window At Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Babson EVERAL OTHER CASES IN COURT usy Session Held Last Veek Before Judge Peter Rourk; Fines And Road Sentences Meted Out To Defendants Following a preliminary hearg held here Wednesday morning Recorder's court, J. E. Mceithan, white, is being held unsr a $2,500 bond for trial in iperior court this week for an isault with a deadly weapon ith intent to kill Mr. and Mrs rnest Babson. All told, it was a busy day foi ldge Peter Rourk, who meted it fines and road sentences tc ifendants in nine other cases. Yancy Cliff, white, plead guilty ' beiner drunk and disorderly id disturbing public worship. He as given 6 months on the roads Dave West, William Hooper, lex Willis, Geoirge Saunders and harlie Merritt, all colored, were larged with gambling. An action ! nol pros was taken as to eorge Saunders. The other dendants plead guilty and were ven 60 days on the roads, thie intence being suspended upon lyment of a fine of $5.00 each id the costs in the case. Fred Fulford, white, was found >t guilty of carrying concealed eapons but was adjudged guilty ' being drunk and disorderly and ' an assault wifti a deadly weapl. He was gi#en 6 months on ie roads, this sentence being ispended upon payment of the >sts in the case and a fine oi 50.00. Lonnie Grady, colored, pleaded (Continued on page 8) iouthport Host To Convention ouny Sunday School Association Will Meet Here On Sunday, October 20; Meeting Is Inter-Denominational The Brunswick County Sundaj chool Association will hold it! rnual meeting at the Trinity [ethodist church in Southport or unday, October 20. The theme i the convention will be "Build;g A New Community." This will be an all-day meet? hnn-innin cr at P'4fi in tll l5> ? ? :orning, and a picnic dinner will ; served on the grounds. The convention will be inter:nominational and officials of the isociation urge that every Sunly School in the county be rep sented by workers. The Rev. Shuford Peeler, ol ilisbury, secretary of the State jnday School Association, will : present at the meeting. Others ho already have agreed to ap:ar on the program are the Rev, D. With row and the Rev, ryan Dosher. A quartet from t. Andrews church is expected i be present to render special 'Continued on Page Flight.) Marriage Market Low Sales! Bachelor and old maid residents of Brunswick county may as well leave home for a while If they have any hope of changing their single status, for records in the local office of the Register of deeds reveal the discouraging fact that only eighteen marriage licenses have been granted to white couples during the past 6 months. This, Is, of course, an average of only S each month. April was one of the dullest months of the year as only 2 couples purchased their wedding permits in Southport. May was the banner month, 7 licenses being sold during that Sl-day period. RT PI e od Community ober, 2nd, 1935 PUBL1S1 1 1 Fort Johnson Wi ; In Gov to** w ^ ^ p ^ roJ W* . _ ma Several months ago am 1 Fort Johnson would be leas< Several bids were received a t ted by Fred Willing. Last we 1 that the use of the fort had 1 Department to the Bureau stated that this would make a lease to the premises. I R nnrlc Resk Board O 1 Resignation Submitted Mon Board; Had Served As < , Since Assuming 4 Announcement was mad ! I nation of Chairman U. L. I ' Brunswick county board of < ( resignation, Chairman Rourk j was so arranged that it wil I j continue as a member of th I j early release. 'I * 1 POSSUM HUNT IS i ENDED IN BOAT ON WATERFRONT Citizens asleep in their homes on the waterfront after '; midnight Saturday had their j slumber disturbed by the fierce barking of two of the neighI borhood dogs. C. M. Crapon stood the claj j mor as long as he .could be' I fore he finally put on his bath- 1 | robe and went out in front of | . j the Howey House to learn the , I cause for the disturbance. He , ! saw the dogs circling excitedly about a boat near the water's edge and, upon investiga- | : tion, found a large possum r 1 which the dogs had "treed" on ; I top of the boat. s r I Rescue Tanker Sends Out SOS . | 1 Texas Oil Tanker Reaper! Reported To Be In Distress During Tropical Hurricane Sunday; Later Messages Encouraging > The Texas oil tanker Reaper,' s which landed 10 passengers from ; I the ill-fated liner Dixie here eari ly last month, was reported Sunday to be in distress during the [ tropical storm that struck off the , coast of Florida, i Although considerable anxiety I was held for the safety of the [ tanker for a time, reports late' (Continued on page 8) ' Established Record Since April June, famous as the month of weddings, saw the marriage market fall off to only four sales, but the low mark for the entire 6 months was reached In July when only 1 license was sold. August was little better, with only 2 couples contracting to become man and wife. Two also was the sum total of the September sales. With cool weather at hand, a new crop of school teachers and longer nights, optimistic observers are looking for a sharp increase in marriage certificate sales. One couple, Hazel Howell, of Bolivia, and Edward Spencer, of Southport, secured their permit to wed during the past week. / LOT 4ED EVERY WEDNESDAY ill Remain ernment Service _________? louncement was made that sd for a period of 5 years. ,nd the highest was submitek Mr. Willing was advised , been granted by the War of Lighthouses. The letter it impossible to grant him j ;ns From f Education day To Members Of The Chairman Of The Board Office In May e here Monday of the resig-l iourk as a member of the education. In submitting his : declared that his business 1 be impossible for him to e board and asked for his; Following is hia letter to the board: "Board of Education, Brunswick County, Soutnport, N. C. "Gentlemen:? "It ia with great reluctance and deepeat regret that I give you this notice. Effective at the close j of business Monday, October 7th,! I desire to have you consider my! resignation as a member of yourj Honorable Board My business is1 so arranged that it will be impossible for me to continue to serve with you. "T hauo eninvert mv Work with you, and appreciate the confiden-1 ce you have placed in me. I seriously regret that it will be impossible for me to continue my| services. "I hope it will be convenient! for you to accept my resignation! as stated above. "Yours for a successful school I administration. "Sincerely, U. L. ROURK." Oyster Planting Given Approval Projects Involving Expendi-I ture Of Half Million Dol-; lars Have Been Conditi- j onally Approved In Washington Projects involving the expenditure of approximately a half million dollars for oyster planting in North Carolina sounds, started under the old CWA and continued by the ERA, have been conditionally approved in Washing-1 ton, Bruce Etheridge of the de- j partment of conservation and development in Raleigh has advised, making it likely that the work | - tim A I will go forward under uie w x-?.. Eight of the nine projects submitted for the various coastal j counties, Etheridge was informed,1 have received conditional approv-! al in the office of Public Works, (Continued on Page 8) Crippled Liner Reaches New York The hurricane - crippled liner | Dixie reached New York harbor Sunday in tow of the salvage tug Relief. ( The Dixie went aground September 2 on French Reef off the Florida coast. All passengers and members of the crew were rescued and ten of the survivors were landed at Southport from the Texas oil tanker Reaper. Most Of The News All The Time ????????i $1.50 PER YEAR \ Call On Growers To Execute New Tobacco Contract Growers Will Be Called Upon To Execute A New Tobacco Contract Lasting For 1936 Through 1939 FARMER IS ALLOWED TO END CONTRACTS He May Terminate Agreement At End Of Any Year A Notice To This Effect; Limited Acreage Also Agreed On The new flue-cured tobacco contract, a copy of which has been handed to this paper by County Agent J. E. Dodson, will be in force for a three year period, 1936 through 1939. Any farmer may terminate the contract, however, at the end of any contract year by executing and submitting to the Secretary of Agriculture through the office of the county agent a notice of termination or suspension on a prescribed form not later than July 1st each year. Furthermore, the Secretary of Agriculture may suspend the operation of the contract with a proclamation made not later than three months before the begin ning of such a year. Unless terminated by the Secretary or the farmer himself, the contract remains in full force and effect during the remainder of the period. The secretary may also terminate the contract at the end of any contract year by proclamation made not later than October 1st of such year. If, however, the contract is terminated or suspended pursuant to the foregoing provisions, the operator shall not be entitled to payment under the contract which succeeds the effective date of S^o1? termination or during which (Continued on page five) Peculiar Weather During September Changeable Weather Saw Two Extremes For The Month Occur Within Two Days; Rainfall For The Month Totaled 7.02 Inches Weather during the month of September might b e termed freakish in view of the sudden changes which occurred in the temperature. On Saturday of last week the thermometer mounted to the 92degree mark but Monday was the coldest day of the month, with a minimum temperature of 55 degrees. The month might well be classified as wet, for during the 30-day period there was a total rainfall of 7.02 inches. There was some rain on 14 days during the month with two thunder storms. There were 16 clear days, 8 partly cloudy days and 6 cloudy days during the month and the prevailing wind was from some point easterly. Tide Table Following la the tide table for Sonthport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, October S 10:46 a. m. 4:23 a. m. 11:18 p. m. 5:27 p. m. Friday, October 4 11:40 a. m. 5:13 a. m. 6:28 p. m. Saturday, October 5 0:22 a. m. 6:21 a. m. 12:47 p. m. 7:35 p. m. Sunday, October 6 1:35 a. m. 7:42 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 8:41 p. m. Monday, October 7 2:46 a. m. 8:56 a. m. 3:08 p. m. 9:41 p. m. Tuesday, October 8 3:49 a. m. 10:03 a. m. - ? in.su n ? ** ill !* 1U> JLV ?WV |/l UK Wednesday, October 9 4:47 a. m. 11:02 a. m. 15:07 p. m. 11:29 p. m. . . V J I 1

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