y JfnWESPAY, OCTOBER Tsoci MRS. WARREN J TvicrAMAH FACULTY I I HO.VOKED 1 Br community building of the school of Ash was B?cene of unusual gaiety on Vgjay evening when the Par tTeflcher Association gave a ' B; delightful informal dinner j B^-rg the faculty. Acting as i hostesses for the occasion Kg jfesJames J. E. Dodson, L. Bgrwvn and W. R. Jenrette. Bjhe dining room and gymnas 0 were decorated with roses B 0ther fall flowers. Bjhe menu consisted of fried < Hjcken. rice and gravy, creamed ! Katoes. garden peas, pickles, Bad. bread, ice cream and cake, ^Ej tea and coffee. ^ ihe dinner guests were PrinHps! and Mrs. B. M. Crawford, Br. and Mrs. Z. G. Ray, Mr. John m Farrior, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. B Morgan. Misses Minnie Lewis Xelle Allison, Margaret I ir mark Minnie M. jacxson, LhKeeer. Christine Fields, 2 Bawls, Arwyn Steppe. GerMaultsby. Evelyn Wilson Sfiw A. W. Beck, me music Star was unable to attend. Cera! patrons of the school -red during the evening, games *d contests were the source of much fun and laughter. Punch was served just before -tog home. Every one reported p enjoyable evening.?Reported. SURPRISE party Mrs j W. Ruark was hostess ?'a number of guests Thursday night at Clear Lake Inn, honoring Mrs. J. E. Carr on her birthday. Manv surprise packages tied with all colors of paper and ribbon were joyously opened. Dancing was enjoyed. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs J. E. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. J. G Christian, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Yaskell. Mr. Rangwald Johnson, Mr and Mrs. Fred Willing, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weeks, Mrs. H. T. St George, Miss Marion St. Geoage, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corjette. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutton, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Ruark, and Mrs W. S. Davis. Delicious refreshments were i enjoyed. * VISITING HERE Mr. Alfred Stevens is spending sometime here with friends and relatives. CAKE AND PIE SALE The Live Oak Chapter of the Eastern Star will sponsor a pie and cake sale Saturday, October 5th beginning at 2:00 o'clock. MRS. YITOU ILL Mrs. Annie K. Vitou has been ill this week with an infected foot. Her many friends are glad that she is improving rapidly. pinochle club meets' Mrs. J. VV. Jelks was hostess to the Pinochle Club Monday afternoon. Pinochle was played at two tables. Mrs. Frank St. George won high score prize. Sweet potato pie, cream and coffee were served. Those present were: Mrs. J. G. Christian. Mrs. J. W. Ruark, Mr. Frank St. George, Mrs. H. T. St. George, Mrs. W. D. Davis, Mrs. k T. Yaskell and Mrs. J. W. WOMAN'S CLUB I The citizenship committee of ; the Woman's Club met Friday morning and made out the eight citizenship programs for this ] year. j The club will give "The Dixie Blackbird Minstrels" on the 17th ?f October. The coaches are ex- 1 Pected to be here soon. 1 CIRCLE HOSTESS Mrs Willing will be hostess to i circle Number 1 of the Method- i at church next Monday. Her hel- 1 t*fs will be Mrs. J. D. Sutton, I jjjj*. Mabel Marran and Mrs. F. F. CLUB MEETS Mrs. W. G. Butler was hostess the F. F. Club Friday after- < I ??n at ker home on West Street 1 Delicious refreshments were ser-jl I JS Mrs- L B Buasels, Mrs. wonly Ruark, Mrs. Ida Potter w&taon and Mrs. Butler were 1 Present. 3 **S. ST. GEORGE HOSTESS ? I ^rs. Frank St. George delight ?<% entertained the Friday afI -ernoon Bridge club last week at \ I home on Atlantic Avenue. I s W. D. Davis won high score I e. and Mrs. Estelle Willis, cut ? I ^ consolation. Delicious refresh- v I were served. I I 5t Present were: Mrs. H. T. 1 George, Mrs. J. W. Ruark, I to? J' W' Jelks- Mr3- J" D" Sut" 1 I ??.' ,^rs M. A- Northrop, Miss 1; I tia Willis' Mrs. J. G. ChrisI Fra \^rs' P Lcggett, Mrs. I Hood George and Mrs. H. W. 1 2, 1935 ETY IOOD, EDITOR Social Calendar Thursday, October 2nd 8:00 P. M.?The Parent-Teachsrs Association will hold its first regular monthly meeting at the school auditorium. Friday, October 4th 3:30 P. M.?Mrs. J. D. Sutton will be hostess to the Friday afternoon Bridge club. Monday, October 7th 3:30 F. M.?Circle Number 1 of the Methodist church will hold its monthly meeting. 3:00 P. M.?The Pinochle Club will be entertained by Mrs. J. W. Ruark. 3:30 P. M.?Baptist Circle No. 1 will meet. 8:00 P. M.?The Live Oak Chapter of the Eastern Star will meet in their hall. 7:30 P. M.?The Senior League of the Episcopal church will meet. Wednesday, October 9th 3:30 P. M.?The first fall meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held with Mrs. William Dosher. The members are urged to be present. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETS The Brunswick County Hospital Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. William Dosher Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. G. Butler, the president, urges a full attendance by the members. MOVE TO GEORGIA Mrs. J. H. Young and daughters, Misses Estelle and Hazel, left Monday for Pearson, Ga. to make their home. Mr. Young has been there for some time engaged in the turpentine industry. MOVE RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gray, who have been occupying an apartment in the Brunswick Inn, have moved into the Niernsee residence. OCCUPY BRUNSWICK INN Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker moved this week from the Niernsee residence to the Brunswick Inn. T ' . i ?i , Persona! Mr. John R. Newton, Mrs. H. B. Smith, Mr. Harold Aldridge, Mr. Tom Gilbert and Bubba Newton were Wilmington visitors last Monday. Mrs. Ralph Biddlecomb and son returned home Wednesday after spending several months in Norfolk, Va. Miss* Rebecca Alexander left Wednesday for Lucama where she is a member of the school faculty. All the teachers enjoyed an afternoon swim at Caswell Beach Friday. Mr. Collier, of Andrews, Drug salesman, was a business visitor here Friday. Mrs. P. 0. Leggette was a business visitor in Wilmington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Leggett, of Norfolk, Va., have returned home after spending several days with Mrs. P. O. Leggett. Mrs. Katie McKeithan visited her daughter in Wilmington a few days last week. v . Mr. Lewis Merritt, of Wilmington, was a business visitor in town Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Arthur Weeks and chilJren, of Wilmington, visited Mr. md Mrs. Ross Livingston last week-end. Mrs. Charlie Hewitt was called to Conway, S. C., because of the llness of her parents. Mr. Joe Young, Sr., of Georgia, ante home last Friday to move lis family to Homersville, Ga., Monday. Colonel Brown entertained a ishing party on the engineers' racht, the Falcon, last Friday, the Yacht came down for inipection. Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Fulcher 'isited Mrs. Tom Carr Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ruark had Sunday dinner in Wilmington vith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ruark, of ialeigh, were guests of Mrs. Saly Ruark Thursday and Friday. Mr. Cornelius Thomas, of Charotte, was a visitor in Southport Saturday. / V THE STATE Miss Lelah Parker, Miss Clyde Bryan, Miss Julia Cromartie, Miss Myrtle Taylor, Mrs. Frank Sasser, Miss May Ledford and Mr. C. A. Ledford were visitors in Wilmington Saturday. ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plaxco spent Tuesday afternoon in Wilmington. ? Mrs. George Howey, Mr. Curtis Cox, Miss Jewell Bell and Mr. Parker Howey were Wilmington visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. William McAuley was a visitor in Southport over the week-end. Miss Roma Moore, who holds a position in the ERA office in Fayetteville, spent the week-end here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Crapon were in New Bern on business Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Goodwin and son, Henry, Jr., of Bound Brook, N. J., left Friday for Greensboro for a visit with Mr. Goodwin's parents after visiting Mrs. Goodwin's mother, Mrs. Alex Lind. ? Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Goodwin were dinner guests of Miss Sally Betts Knox Tuesday evening of last week at Lanvale. Mr. and Mrs. A1 G. Dickson, of Wilmington, were guests of Mr. ' and Mrs. Henry Goodwin Wednes! day evening. They enjoyed a ! swim and lunch at Caswell Beach Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Mintz entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin at dinner Monday evening. Miss Edith Anderson and Miss Florence Herring, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stone, of Wilmington, were guests of Mrs. Sally Ruark Thursday. Judge and Mrs. E. H. Cranmer were Wilmington visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert St. George, Miss Marion St. George, John D. St. George and Mrs. Carrie Harker spent Saturday in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hardy visited Miss Elizabeth Watson, a student at Louisburg College, on Sunday. J Miss Doris Murnett and Archie Burnett of Tarboro visited friends in Southport during the weekend. Miss Virginia Dodson visited Miss Virginia Cox in Southport over the week-end. Miss Sallie Dosher spent the week-end in Southport with her parents. CALL ON GROWERS TO EXECUTE NEW TOBACCO CONTRACT (Continued From Page 1) the contract is suspended, but upon proof satisfactory to the secretary of full performance of all the terms and conditions of this contract with respect to any contract year which precedes the effective date of such termination or suspension shall be entitled to receive, subject to the provisions therein and applicable regulations or administrative rulings, payment for each preceding contract year. The operator in signing the | agreement also applies for membership in the Tobacco Control Association of the county in which the principal part of the farm covered by his contract located, agrees to be bound by the articles, rulings, bylaws, and regulations of such association. On the other hand, the operator agrees to limit the acreage of tobacco on the farm and quantity of tobacco marketed therefrom in each contract year to not more than the acreage allotment and the production allotment, respectively, prescribed by the secretary for such year, provided, however, the secretary shall not prescribe for any contract year an allotment of less than 65 per r\f pitVior th? hfl.qp tobacco acreage or the base tobacco production. The grower also agrees to dispose. in such manner as the secretary may direct, of all tobacco grown on his farm in any contract year which is in excess of the reduction allotment for his farm for such year. Also, that if the acreage planted to tobacco on the farm in any two consecutive contract years is less than 50 per cent of the acreage allotment of such years, the secretary may terminate the contract at the end of the first two consecutive years. Requirement is / also made in I the contract that the farmer not reduce in any contract year, except as may be permitted by the secretary, either the number of share tenants and share croppers engaged in growing tobacco on his farm below the number so engaged in 1935, or the percen. / . _________ PORT PILOT, SOUTHPOF f tage of the total acreage of t bacco grown on his farm 1 share-tenants or share croppe below the percentage of the tot acreage of tobacco grown on h farm by share-tenants and shar croppers in 1935. The grower must covenant wi the government to use on b farm in each contract year which the contract is operativ for self-improving or erosion pr venting crops, pasture, falkv forest trees and such other pu poses as the secretary may pr scribe, an acreage not less thi the normal acreage devoted such uses on his farm plus i acreage equal to the total of t] adjusted acreage under his co tract He further agrees not to grc tobacco on any farm owned, op rated, or controlled by himwhi is not covered by a 1936-39 F1 Cured Tobacco Contract Ai breach of any term of conditi of a 1936-1939 Flue Cured Toba co Contract covering any oth such farm shall be deemed [ breach of the contract. Not to permit any person w in any contract year produces I i bacco on land not covered by 1936-1939 Flue Cured Tobac Contract to grow tobacco on 1 farm or use the tobacco buildin or other tobacco equipment of t operator in such contract yea The Secretary shall have t right for the purpose of supi vision and investigation of t performance by the operator the terms and conditions of 1 contract to enter the farm, eitl himself or his agent, at all rei onable times to examine a books or records pertaining the farm or to the producti and marketing of tobacco gro' on the farm, and for such pi poses, the farmer agrees to fi nish such information relating his farm and keep such recoi of production and sale of tobac ! grown on his farm, as the S< retary may require, and to ass in the measurement of tobac acreage or any other acreage his farm upon request by 1 secretary or his authorized age The Secretary of Agricultu on behalf of the United Sta How Calotabi To Throw Millions have found in Calotabs most valuable aid iln the treatme of colds. They take one or two ta lets the first night and repeat t 1 third or fifth night if needed. How do Calotabs help Nate throw off a cold? First, Calotabs one of the most thorough and d pendable of all intestinal eliminan thus cleansing the intestinal tract the germ-laden mucus and toxin fa One thing l ness is to BUI outside the cc I PU1 The agenc I ty is owned b; j that has been I to scores of pf MJPuibi-% I Pep m ' y tT, NORTH CAROLINA I o- agrees to make an adjustment j s 3y payment for each contract year I * rs in which the contract is opera-11 al j tive, subject to the conditions set! t lis | forth hereinafter, at such rate j t e- per 100 pounds of the base to- ^ | bacco production for the farm | th under this contract as the Sec- j lis ' retary determines would tend to j' in | give all producers not less than J 'e, the difference between the ave- j J e-' rage farm price of tobacco of j iv, J the crop grown in such year, and' ? ir-! the average parity price of such j e-1 tobacco on a quantity of tobacco Je in | which is equal to domestic con-' ? to j sumption of tobacco during such j * in: year. be j The Secretary further cove- j8 n- nants that the adjustment pay-1 ! ment for such contract year in c iw | which the contract is operative i >e- j less the operator's pro rata share! t ch j of the expenses of the association11 ue j (which share shall be paid to ? ny i the association) shall be paid to i on j the operator (subject to further < lc- ' provisions) as soon as practicable 1 er after the end of the marketing i a season and after proof satisfac- 1 tory to the secretary of full per- < ho formance with respect to such < to- year. i a If tobacco is produced on the i ico farm in any year by share-ten- 1 lis ants or share-croppers, the ope- 1 gs rator or the substitute payee de- 1 he signated as the case may be, ! r. shall receive the adjustment pay- i he ment for such year in trust to ;r- pay to each such share-tenant or ' he share-cropper that part of such ' of payment which bears the same iiis proportion to the total of such ler payment as the number of acres j is- in such share-tenant's or shareny cropper's share of tobacco grown to by him on the farm in that year on bears to the total number of acivn res of tobacco grown on that ir- farm in such year, ir- In case of the death, legal into competency, or disappearance of ds the operator, after full perfor- ! :co mance of all the terms and conec ditions of the contract with res- < ist pect to any year, payment shall ] :co be made to the person designat- j on ed by the operator upon proof j fie satisfactory to the Secretary of j nt. such performance for such year, | re, and the obligation of the Secre- | tes tary with respect to the payment | j 1 s Help Nature j Off a Bad Cold j a I Second. Calotabs are diuretic to the J nt kidneys, promoting the elimination it b- Of cold poisons from the system. Urns j J he Calotabs serve the double purpose of j a purgative and diuretic, both of I ire which are needed in the treatment j| is of colds. S le- Calotabs are quite economical; J ts, only twenty-five cents for the family fl of package, ten cents for the trial ) es. package. (Adv.) < that would do much (IN BRUNSWICK v lunty does not helpc When Y EtOL PI i Are Trac y for the distribution y a Brunswick count] built up within the pa sople in Brunswick c< * ' W1 ===== R.D.V Distributor Pui SHALLOT' . ' io made shall be discharged m hereby and no person whatso- th jver shall have any right against p< he Secretary or the United Sta- sc es based upon or derived from I si his contract with respect to such tr >ayment j ye The Government agrees to pro- 41 laim on or before February 1, 936, and on or before January [m of each contract year thereaf- be er during which the contract is tr ffective, the percentage of the hc ?ase acreage which may be plant- th d on the farm and the percent- of ,ge of the base tobacco produc- m ion which may be marketed from re he farm under this contract In to uch year. , *? Without limitation of any right m ir remedy the Secretary confer ed by law or this contract, If he Secretary determines that here has been a material misitatement in any of the state- ^ nents made by the operator in ^ >r in connection with this con- . u-act, or that the operator has 'ailed or is unable to perform fuly any term or condition of this contract or of any applicable or administrative ruling (each and ill of such contingencies being referred to in and in connection ?' ivith this contract as "noncom- cl pliance"), the operator shall have a! the following obligations and the s< Secretary shall have any one or more of the following remedies: (a) Operator's Obligation to Repay.?Upon demand in writing by the Secretary or his authorized agent, the operator shall pay dl to the Secretary an amount equal d) to all or such portion as the Sec- la retary shall require of the pay- w | Court [ ?VISIT | Make our Drug i quarters while you I this week. I Now is a good j your medical suppli j combat winter colds Watson's P SOUTHPOI kgKEItKltlCltKKKKKKICK * i to boost Brunswicb rhen possible. Mon levelop your commi ou Buy lODUt tina at Ho ? of PUROL products / man. The selling st few months gives junty. : .. . 'V, .V mm h rol Products 1 TE, N. C ' FIVE ents made hereunder either to le operator or to such other irsons as may have received ich payments hereunder, except ich payments made for any conact year or years prior to the :ar in which such noncompliice occurred. (b) Secretary Is Rights and Reedies.?(1) The Secretary shall i entitled to terminate this conact Such termination shall not iwever, affect the obligation of e operator under subsection (a) this section. (2) Without terinating this contract the Sectary may require the operator pay to him an amount equal all or any portion of payments ade to or for the benefit of the lerator for the year in which e noncompliance occurred and ly succeeding year or years, or ay deduct such amount from ly payments subsequently beiming due hereunder and may [spend all further payments un r this contract until every such iduction or refund is satisfied. VESTRY MEETING The regular monthly meeting ! the vestry of the Episcopal lurch was held Monday evening : the rectory. Mayor John Erlk;n, senior warden, presided. DREDGE HERE The United States government redge Henry Bacon arrived Sunly and is working on the inmd waterway near here this eek. Week j ORS? I Store your head- . 1 are in Southport X time to replenish J es with which to I: harmacy I IT, N. G. * sjh. , ; county busiey you spend unity. ? I j J CTS "" w me i in this counorganization employment . 55 kiitfml

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