ln?F.SDAY, OCTOBER 3 fsocJ I MRS. WARREN i fi]Vu\Tm:rsio\ < M-r-abw- ^c:- -The fam- I rf .Mr-. John F. Swain met I .inl at his home in Funston, ' W. October 20 for their an T^union. A delightful time 2 renjoyed. I", the morning j mL were played by the young mTvhile thiO older ones had a , ff'aid family gathering on /tor.t porch. At the noon H. a picnic dinner was spread >, K^der the trees. The table ( K jeautiful. the center piece W, a large white and pink ( Kv reunion cake. After everyETenjoyed the real old fash- ( Mh;Cn:c' dinner, Kodak pictures ( K, of the family, Mr. and I jra Benton, failed to attend , Muse present were: John F. I, ar.d five daughters, Ruth Eys Susie Robbins, Naomi SelK* Edith Faye and Mazie two sons. George and Er- ^ E, Sivain; four son-in-laws. EjrJie Sellers, -Marvin Robbins, men Sellers, and Earl Faye; C daughters-in-law, Clyde Swa- 1 and Julia Ellen Swain. Twen- 1 lWo grandchildren, Radway 1 " D~K_ i 0, 1935 + f j ETY I IOOD, EDITOR ?-- , | J* ? w ?~?? w Social Calendar M Friday, November 1st ^ 3:00 p. m.?The Friday After- ? loon Bridge Club will meet with G Mrs. J. W. Jelks. 3:30 P. M.?The F. F. Club vill meet. [m Monday, November 41 h 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 1 of the h< Methodist Church will meet. Mrs. ^ 3. Ed Taylor is leader. 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 1 ofi -he Baptist chuch will meet. 'P1 8:00 p.m. Live Oak Chapter of ^ he Eastern Star will meet in j he Army and Navy Building. ai Tuesday, November 5th 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 2 of the). Methodist church will meet, Mrs.'?? [. B. Bussels leader. 3:30 p. m. Circle No. 2 of the 3aptist church will meet. ! ^ 3:30 p. m. St. Phillips Woman's Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. J. iV. Thompson. Wednesday, November 6th 3:30 p. m.?The regular month-(F y business meeting of the Wo-! nan's Club will be held in the! ibrary. Thursday, November 7th 8:00 p. m.?The Parent-Teach-; ;rs Association will meet in the1 ichool auditorium. ' V\ A REQUEST I CI The reason your party and other local social events are sometimes left out of the Pilot is because we do not know about them. Please tell us about your activities so |w we can print them. Your lo- p( cal and county friends will enjoy reading about local events. to You folks in the county let's have more of your activities as the social column is 1& yours to use and it helps us make a better and more in- M teresting paper. M SOCIETY EDITOR. \ F P.-T. A. MEETING M Mothers and fathers are urged ^ o attend the Parent-Teacher As- q lociation meeting Thurs. night, m November 7th, at 8:00 o'clock L n the school auditorium. An interesting and educational program is being prepared. Come N jut and show interest in the chil- ai iren and their education. The following program will be pven: Song, America; devotional, t>y Rev. J. D. Withrow; business; ^ :hildrens program, third grade;'G subject for the evening: "Com-1T nunity, Environment, books. The' P< Uiilds environment," Mrs. E. H. i Granmer; song, "A Little Child 31&11 Lead Them," Mrs. Harry w Gorlett; "Our Community," R. E. ^ Sen telle; "Books as Environment," speaker is to be chosen; social hour; refreshments. The refreshment committee in- . eludes: Mrs. R. F. Plaxco, Mrs. ^ George Watson, Mrs. Charles Swann and Mrs. Frank St. Geor- ** &e. HALLOWE'EN PARTY F The Live Oak Chapter of the w Eastern Star sponsored a most a successful Hallowe'en party Fri- j day night. Many children with gay costumes and loud noises enjoyed the entertainment. Cakes, { pies and fancy work were sold. Mr. H. T. St. George guessed,F the number of beans in the jar 4 and received a handsome cocoa- ri nut cake. He also received a I? pretty picture. ja The children who received Jv prizes for the best costumes were Mary Anne Reece, Bunny Gas-!d kins and Jimmie Smith. '. VISITORS TO FORK, S. C. Several Southport people were visitors of friends and relatives and attended the wedding of Miss Carolyn Rogers in Fork, S. C., last Wednesday. Miss Rogers is the niece of Mrs. John Caiaon, of this city and the wedding j took place at Fork. The following local people attended: Mr. and Mrs. John Caison, Mrs. S. B.' Northrop and Mrs. J. N. St. George. SPECIAL VISITOR Mrs. Powell, the District Deputy Grand Matron of the Eastern star visited the Live Oak Chap ter Monday nignt. - ? SEA TRIP H. W. Hood had a very pleasant sea trip to Georgetown last Tuesday as guest of Capt. John Erickson and Pilot Robinson, on the steamer Anderson. Sailing from Southport at 3:00 o'clock Tuesday morning, they arrived off Georgetown bar at 12:15. MASQUERADE BALL A masquerade dance will be held at the local CCC camp Friday evening with music by Jack j Paul and his orchestra. This is' the third dance in Southport for | these musicians, who are very I popular locally. I' ... - ?lK Claude seiiers, i^?? Windell Sellers, Roy Rob*?? sellers, Buron Sel* S e Swain, Helen Sel- . * 7Lder Robbins, Louise \ ucv Mae Sellers, hois * Man* Lou Earp, Donald; ? 'Lottie Jane Sellers, Wilful Earp, Clifton Sellers, r Sellers. Avan Earp, Eloise 1 and William Earl Selj Visitors. Mrs. Nancy Jane of Winnabow, and Mr. g' Best, of Wilmington. district meeting p-e distnct meeting of the Belters of America which was a at Seagate Thursday was at,*<! bv the following officers i members from Friendship, .til Xo. 18. of Southport:, ia B J. Holden, district depu* Mrs C. R. Livingston, asso-! att' junior past councilor; Mrs. Essie Watson. Mrs. P. O. Leg- t itt Mrs. Dora Arnold, Mrs. J.; Buss, Mrs. Mamie Swain, Mrs. ? jn-les Easley, Mrs. Charlie. ] mm, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. C. j . Southerland, Mrs. Ethel Ful- j ( ?d, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aid- f *e. Miss Louise Watson, Miss , ^.t. Smith, and Mrs. B. J. , Men. j SURPRISE PARTY 1 Friends and relatives of Mrs. , char Daris surprised her with s party Tuesday evening, celebra- , '4 her eighty-fifth birthday at |, t home of her grand-daughter, ( Irs Joe Loughlin. Mrs. Brink- j sr. Mrs. Loughlin, Mrs. Harrel- < e and son. Dan, made four j Iterations present. An enjoyable , ttir.g was spent and all wish- t i Mrs. Davis many returns of is day. She was showered with ( y gifts. < Mrs Brinkman and Mrs. Lou-, | to served fruit jello and cake. MRS. WATSON HOSTESS Mrs George Watson was hosts to the F. F. Club Friday aftnoor. Members enjoying the friar afternoon entertainment se: Mrs. Annie K. Vitou, Mrs. : 1B Bussels, Mrs. Cronly Ruark, h w. G. Eutler and Mrs. R. I Morse. .! Delicious refreshments were bred. j BRIDGE CLUB MEETS regular Friday Afternoon Jjip Club met with Mrs. H. W. Thursday afternoon. In the jf'Jv competition Mrs. W. S. ^tr was winner. Mrs. Robert cut the consolation. Jt-Se present were: Mrs. Dosh ?rs. Willis, Mrs. H. T. St. Mrs. J. W. Jelks, Mrs. l*.Huark, Mrs. William Wells, J5-J. G. Christian. Mrs. W. D. *r-3 ana Mrs. Frank St. Geor* Refreshments were served. ^ORS TO GEORGETOWN k Robert F. Plaxco, manager 1 '--e Brunswick Navigation Co. at Southport was a Thursvisitor to Georgetown, S. C., his three steamers were J*?? oil tanks for use at the \ *%>rt plant. Captains John Erickson and | r?*8 St. George were GeorgeS. c., visitors this past j ^ Doc Robinson, Stacy J y,.' ar;|i Marlow were George-1 S. C. visitors last week, ^neers Hickman, McKeithan ^ Rogers, of steamers Anderr Morehead and Captain were I uptown, s. C., visitors last j. SICK AT HOME Adrian Moore is quite ,:at her home on Atlantic W h". Mre' Moore fel1 and hit i r,,"acl\ 11 is hoped there will * th S'rious results. Mrs. Moore ; 1 KorjrI W'dow of the late Adrian! 14ir c i)rom'nent farmer of Walj section. THE STATE P Personal Mrs. Delmas Fulcher and Mrs. imes Darby, of Wilmington, ere visitors in Southport this eek. > Miss Reba Willis and Miss Uriel, of Morehead City, spent le past week in Southport as g le guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.; j rey- L Mrs. Agnes Reynolds, of Rich- a tond, Va., has returned to her )me after spending three weeks ;re with her brother, R. T. I roodside. o h Mrs. David Arthur and father, I avid Fulcher, have arrived! ^ ime after visiting Mr. and Mrs.j R. Newton at Cape Lookout id other relatives at Beaufort. 1 d Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Livingston L id as their guest last week-end ^ r. and Mrs. E. H. Baringer, of uras, La., Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ^ reeks and two daughters, Mary >yce and Blanche Mazelle, of 'ilmington. * " A Mrs. Thomas Larsen has re- ^ irned home from a visit to her ^ ilicrhtpr ... n Mr. N. T. Parker, of Pinetops, as a Southport visitor Wednesty. L ... Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gray and ? rilliam Styron spent Saturday in . Iiapel Hill attending the football F ime. Mr. and Mrs. James Carr and r. and Mrs. Fred Willing reirned Friday from New Orleans, c here they visited Mr. and Mrs. ? aul Messick. ... 0 Among the Saturday visitors in wn were Mrs. L. T. Yaskell, rs. Mabel Marran, Miss Victor- p Marran, Miss Katherine Brog- s ;n, Mrs. Ed Weeks, Miss Lottie 11 3 ae Newton, Miss Carrie Harker, iss Marion St. George, Mr. Otto razier, Mr. James Frazier, Miss arion Watson, Miss Myrtle g aylor, Miss Lelah Parker, Miss ^ ilia Cromartie, Miss Imogene . arrett, Miss Eleanor Howey, Iss Maye Ledford and Mr. C. A. edford. fl Mrs. H. B. Smith, Miss Susie ewton, Mrs. Robt. Thompson id Mr. Billie Newton spent last tiursday in Fayetteville. ... 8 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver, of L orfolk, Va., and Rev. and Mrs. j ^ . N. Phillips, of Hallsboro, spent r hursday and Friday in South- r jrt with relatives. 11 Mrs. Robert Willis spent last eek-end with her husband in Wilmington. j * !c Mr. and Mrs. John Stone of1 j le Hickman's Cross Road sec-! on were Southport visitors Mon-' ? ay. Mr. Stone is a prominent i irmer and ex-member of the j Dard of education. I Capt. Bill Barnett of Cape!1 'ear Coast Guard Station was a f reek-end visitor with his family j. t Southport. ! Miss Lillie Williams visited 1 riends in Wilmington last week. L The tractor terracing unit in . erson county was used to build J 1,700 feet of 18-feet-wi< e ter-! aces on four farms last week, j I n addition, 53 fills were made | cross gullies, 1500 feet of priate farm road was built and hree ditches 800 feet long were ugANNOUNCING ?of tl Port Cib Dining and Dancii GRAND C Saturda i Novemt Seafood Ou DINNE ORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, NEWS BRIEFS i . < Country Fishermen Postmaster L. T. Yaskell, enineer Tolier and skipper LeRoy iurns landed eleven striped bass rom the county road bridge I cross Walden Creek on Monday, j IMPROVEMENTS J J The county commissioners, now j wners of the Hood building ave recently put in a new stair- j ray to the second story of the j uilding. c NEW ENTERTAINMENT jv The Port City Casino, the new ^ ive and dance place, is proving !C d be very popular especially with j a he younger set of Southport. It! v 5 centrally located and what thejc awn has needed for some time. Is 'c UNDERGOING REPAIRS f The old Piatt House on East r loore Street, now owned by Miss ! innie Mae Woodside, is undergo- j j ig extensive repairs and will be j c luch improved when finished. U ? COMMERCIAL CATCH j Ex-postmaster S. W. Watts' j c oats had large catches of nice i ize blues two days this weekjt nd the price was very satisfac- j t ory. The catches were made at 'rying Pan Shoals. < i FISHING PARTY f Capt. Paddie Jones in the Q-13 c arried a party out on Friday c nd reported catching one hun- \ red eighty-five trout, a nice lot t f black fish and pig fish. t Ji ENJOYING GOOD BUSINESS t Mr. Charles Newton, local sign [ i ainter and interior decorator, I ( eems to be busy decorating local t lusiness house windows as well |i ,s making quite a few other i igns. ECONOMIZING ADDITION The Brunswick County Hospit- 1 1 board of trustees has recently 1 istalled an Iron Fireman in their 1 oiler room, and they report good esults. It is reported that a aving of at least one-third in uel consumption has resulted. * A FRIDAY VISITOR P R. D. White, of Shallotte, own- 1 r of Southport's only floating ' as and oil station, was a busiess visitor here Friday. Mr. Vhite reports good results with lis new venture. He is a large iroperty owner and popular autonobile dealer at Shallotte. |i FROM RALEIGH Dr. H. W. Colwell, of Raleigh, ' last Grand Patron of the Order ! if Eastern Star, N. S. Holleman, 1 jt D. McDonald and Ellis B. 1 lamilton, all of the same city, vere Southport fishermen over he week-end. NEW ADDITION Mr. Leland Willis, canal singe light keeper, has a lew cabin cruiser, about forty :eet long, with good speed for lis work. Mr. Willis was recently iransferred here to fill the vacincy created by the death of his "ather-in-law. Mr. Willis and his amily formerly lived here. checks COLDS ODD S LlanM - Tablets HEADACAES Sulve Wose Drops in 30 minutes THE OPENING irCasino I ig Every Evening )PENING li y Night >er 2nd r Specialty iR?35c NORTH CAROLINA Cotton Farmers Must File Their Sale Certificate Cotton Sales Certificates Being Obtained To Qualify For 1935 Price Adjustment Payments Must j Be Filed Within 7 Days NFORMATION WAS RELEASED RECENTLY; iales Certificates Havej Been Printed And Distri- j buted Throughout The Cotton Belt College Station, Raleigh, Oct-! iber 28.?Cotton sales certificates | irhich are being obtained by prolucers to qualify for the 1935! otton price adjustment payments .re required to be filed promptly rith county agents within seven! alendar days after the date of ale, according to information revived at State College yesterday! rom the Agricultural Adjust-1 nent Administration. The sales certificates have been irinted and distributed throughiut the cotton belt. The new regilations provide that in the case if cotton sold prior to October 13, 1935, the cotton sales certifiates for such sales shall be de-| ivered to the office of the coun-l y agent not later than Novem-j >er 1, 1935. ! Producers to qualify for the :otton price adjustment paynents are required to obtain rom the buyer a certificate eviiencing the amount sold and the late of sale. These certificates vill be attached to the applica;ions which will be forwarded to he disbursing offices for auditng and payment. Under the regllations issued today, producers vill be required to deliver the >riginals of these certificates to he office of the county agent vho will keep the same on file intil the producer makes his apSOUTHPORT VISITOR M. H. Brandon, circulation nanager of the Charlotte Observer spent Saturday and Sunday n Southport on a fishing trip. FISHING PARTY George T. Kene, of Charlotte, 3. M. Lee, of Lillington and G. iV. Barefield, of Wilmington, vere visitors here Sunday. Mem>ers of the party went outside >n a fishing trip and brought jack more than 300 pounds of fish. HE ASKED FOR IT B. M. Hornsby reports that one norning last week while standng on a grown-up ditch bank on liis farm he heard something :orrfing crashing through the growth. What should pop up but a big buck. He shot in self defense and killed the deer. j j\ ! I ir II A Mm i! I! 1! ^ ' ~i ~v "~ pHUCO REPLACEMEN7 TUBES IMPROVE TH! ) [ PERFORMANCE OF AN] )| RADIO || LIBERAL A1 |! Harry R )! !! !! II Si i tMKXXXXKKXKXXXXI plication. These certificates are executed in triplicate, one copy | to be delivered to the county ag-1 ent in accordance with the regulations approved today, another retained by the producer, and the third by the buyer. Special provision is made in j the instructions for certificates which have been lost, destroyed, stolen or in case of other especial circumstances which the producer on proper showing can establish that he was unable to comply with the regulations requiring delivery of the certifi- j cate to the county. Special instructions have been issued to county agents for dissemination to cotton producers requiring that the originals of L these certificates be deposited in the office of the county agent:1 who will note the date when the |1 certificate is surrendered to him [1 and will file such certificates j pending the receipt by producers j of the forms upon which application for the payments will be j, made. I' The cotton price adjustment |1 payments to co-operating cotton i producers amount to the difference on the date of sale of their cotton between the average price of 7-8 inch middling lint cotton at the 10 designated spot mar-; kets and 12 cents per pound. In no case will adjustment pay- ; ments exceed 2 cents per pound. | The professor had just finished an evening talk on Sir Walter j Scott and his works when a woman said: "Oh, professor, I have so enjoyed your talk." "Indeed," said the professor. "What one of his books do you like best?" "Oh," answered the lady, "I J haven't read any of his books, | hut t am ao fond of his Emulsion i I I've used a lot of that." IMhS I /A mi ? VM |A\ KXXXXXJtXXXXXXXXXX THE NEW 1936 MM fica7 Instrument of Qu 5U THE FINES II SETS EV Jjjf $49.95 Every broadcs ill C^UC^n^ * LLO^TO..JE lobinson, Phil SUPPLY, N. C. FIVE "Now you must be very careful how you answer," said the lawyer, "and not say anything that is not strictly true. You drive a delivery wagon don't you ?" "No, sir." "But I thought you did. What do you do for a living, then?" "I drive the hoss that pulls the delivery wagon, sir." Proud Suburban Lady: You. know my husband plays the organ. Depressed Acquaintance: Well, if things don't improve, my husband will have to get one, too. Early frost in eastern Carolina tias started Martin county farmers to digging the sweet potato crop. The county has 68 modern curing houses, says farm agent T. B. Brandon. NOTICE COMMISSIONER'S SALE Pursuant to authority vested in rce by a judgment of Superior Court rendered on August 12, 1935, X the mdersigned commissioner, duly appointed in that certain action pending in Brunswick county Superior court wherein A. M. Woodard was plaintiff and Mrs. Lena Hill and Oscar Hill, her husband, and et als. were defendants, I will on Monday, December 2nd. 1925, at the court house door in Brunswick county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate located In Loekwoods Folly Township, Brunswick county. North Carolina. Beginning at a maple near the end of the Thomas Lewis old Mill Dam; running thence N. 31 degrees west 59 poles to a spruce pine; running thence N. 36 degrees E. 20 poles to a black gum close to a road; running thence about N. 50 degrees E. with the run of a branch 26 poles to Dutton's fence: running thence S. 13 degrees E. 64 poles to Swain's line: thence to the beginning. Containing 13% acres more or less. Said sale being for the default and non-payment of certain taxes due -*-? ?1 -2- Kw HoforHa nta In muiiBwiui* wj Uv? ? the above entitled action from 192* to 1934, inclusive, total amount of which is $64.05, all of which has been paid by said plaintiff. Dated and posted, this the 22nd day of October, 1935. R. E. SENTELRE, ll-27c Commissioner. \M ret* j||re KXX3tK3C3CJC3C3C3t3C3CKW? !? i| ality ] ! T BATTERY ER BUILT 11 $100 || ist service, in- jlj J. S. Weather jjj ecast jj marvelous sets come j> cabinet models and X ets. Their matchless Xj of materials and de- 1 I 11 grace any room. j J best results use a :o all-wave aerial j ' ;asy terms i I Ico Dealer ; > j }i 1 K 1 IltltKltKmtXXXXICMltlcJ i M I

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