flY, OCTOBER 3 Tals i TOR'S XOTICE | ii as administrator I \v (la mis. deceas- C -nick county. Xorth .'lify all persons 3 dnst the said estate < the undersigned, at : Carolina, on or J' 1939, or this notice ' ( 11 bar of recovery. ' d to the said estate c immediate payment, r .by of Oct., 1935. ESPKRMAX. S or of L. IV. Ganus'g IIS SALE OF ji ESTATE ,!th the judgment^ on the 22nd day . 935. in Re: SouthLoan Association J n. et als., the un- '( ?n appointed Com- t lale in said cause, z at public auction c r for cash at the in the City of 1 retina, on J Nov.. A. I)., 1935,1 as per directions d judgment, the I lot. tract, piece ng and being in ' k. Town Creek's Xorth Carolina, t d as follows, to- '; o-inch iron pipe* 5 being on the iighivay Xo. 30. a, and being the ? Page's adjoinnd runs thence f east 195 feet ? f inches to antiered "McK"; legrees 30* east 1t m pipe lettered he east corner,1 oining tract of f legrees 45' east '' lies to another * " in the afore-11 ----- ... thence south J - ' '< said Highway ! V". 1 ?:r r-.ius- point, same ( ner of B. R. Pag-i, 'oresaid. and being the 1 v-ved to Maud Mc-'l - tv J. \v Brooks as appears , iC-jj j! at pace 8. Records of J Sk county, to which reference i i,"~hv especially made, rw^'ard nosted. this 23rd day of i": i p.. 1935. t " ROBERT IV. DAVIS. . Commissioner. 1 " ic "vilKF OF FORECLOSURE IJ r. . - ii bv virtue of a power of * r^'red 'in a certain mortgage 's j .sru'ed by C. L. Cotton and f ) A. T. McKeithan, on the 1 jsv c' February. 1927. duly re- ( i"':- Bock N'o. 13 at Page Xo. . i-. -is of Brunswick county. X. j to secure payment of certain i ?"-herein recited, and thereafter *??ip*4 to Peoples United Bank J j default having been made in i re' of said notes, the undersign- t Mir-ee of 'he mortgagee, will on 1 joijan November 2.">th. 19S">. t ive' e o'clock, noon, at the court- , M doc- in Brunswick county, X. v offer for sale to the highest bid-; I r for cash, a certain tract of land ? Stithviile Township. Brunswick r;r. N C.. bounded and describ- ? so follows, viz: Beginning at a j in Southern line of said tract, ae being old Thomas Drew line. ? C G. Chamblee; runs thence t hi 17 east 330 feet with the cen c? said road leading through the IJ li to a canal: thence south 66 de- U ? 15 minutes east 410 feet to a lie on said canal on the south \ k of a small island; thence north degrees east 724 feet to another! * m the north side of said field. ? :e Nri-g E B. Hewett's corner;I ice south 82 east 690 feet to a I Se: thence south 11 degrees west [ I' f?t to a stake on the southern t i -aid traot; thence north 67 pp est 1200 feet to beginning, a Ci-ir.c 22!; acres, more or less, r feed and posted, this October it ins. o PEOPLES EXITED BAXK. r tree of A. T. McKeithan. Mort- iv P?e?_ v w. Kuarx, Attorney, soutnpori. r S. C. ll-20c ? S NOTICF OF SFMMOXS o of North Carolina. J c? of Brunswick:? 11 In The Superior Court g Nelle Vauphm Delleney vs. v T E. Delleney r -p p Doiiopey. will * f" - that a' action entitled as 11 -. k.s h^n ommenced in the p > Cctrt of Brunswick County, f ft Cirolina. by the plaintiff, for & s.v.v. e ;;fion the erounds of c it- -. n'lon. a? provided by .. ' tf - state of North Carolina. * " i '1 further take notice j t i: - required to appear at the ; ' 'he Clerk of the Superior S ft if l tv at the court <J *. s -.thport. N. C? on or be1 17th il y of November. 1935. & - to the com- tj " " c-.-'l actio;. or the plaintiff . - -or relief demanded in 11 "Wlalnt. ti if B. WATKTNS. Assistant . Clerk Superior Court. * I Fr.?k. Attornev For Plaintiff. L j JMixistratok's notice n having qualified _ Jfr "strator of the estate of L. n .V. j) hereby sives no- 0 :. : aersor. indebted to said , P make immediate payment K . i. holditie any claims jj fr;_' to present themj= " verified within six *' ' date Of this notice a ^ pleaded in bar of their re- j _ Ip-October 21st. 1935. ! m ? Administrator of h B J ' estate. K. .Sertelle. 11-27-* Answers To Quiz 1 Person City. 1 la 44 b. c. | Po!*e de Leon. St Augustine, Fla. I >e H. Dern. . J? Pounds. : 115,000. J Mitogen. ^mineral deposit. } Montana. ^ cents. 13 a republic. & ^ollmenThT Both iSew 5??' And Grades 4 . School Year Begins ^ ? ,hed from P^e 4) ^ Hits building. . l)ave been beauti- ? Walks, drives and ? A half-moon drive en- P ^ "orthwest corner of the a , eoing within ten feet of I <5; and g?es out the Ri * bhiu COrner. Trellises have f ' the fr,, ?.'er the driveways p ** walkway. Wisteria b t on all the trelli- ? Ol 0, 1935 MEET THE TEACHERS (Continue I from page 4.) >ort. J. O. Overcash is the new teaher for a division of the seventh md sixth grades. He taught last 'ear at Leland. Prior to going to ^eland he was principal of the j Slade Valley school in Ashe j :ounty for five years. Mr. Over- j ash is a graduate of the Univer-1 iity of North Carolina and has itudied and taught in France. He! s a native of Statesville. Miss Gertrude Knox conies ;o Bolivia this year after teachng several years in the South>ort school. She is a graduate of ireensboro College. Miss Knox caches one division of the sixth' md one division of the fifth i jrade. She is a daughter of one >f Brunswick's former sheriffs',! rohn Knox. Her home is on highvay Number 30, near Lanvalle. j Miss Elizabeth Griffin is tea- j :hing at Bolivia for her third lession. She taught at AcmeDelco for two years before coning to Bolivia. She teaches the ifth grade and coaches the larger girls in the grades in basket)all and baseball. Miss Griffin is i graduate at U. N. C. She is i native of Wilmington. Miss Julia Taylor is beginning ler teaching career at the school vhere she had her high school j xaining. She was a member of i he first graduating class of the j Bolivia high school. From here she went to Flora McDonald College where she graduated last Vfay. She is the daughter of the ate Edwin Taylor, of Winnabow. Vliss Taylor teaches the fourth ?rade. Miss Julia Meares comes to he Bolivia school this year after pfl rhincr nnp vpnr in Winatcri. Salem. She is a graduate of Salem College at Winston-Salem. She teaches one section of the ourth grade and her home is in ^larkton. Miss Olivia Presson is teachng at Bolivia for her second 'ear. She taught at Leland and n Union county before coming o Bolivia. She is a graduate of he Woman's Division of the Uni'ersity of North Carolina. Miss Wesson teaches the third grade ind plays for the assembly programs. She is a native of Monoe. Miss Carroll Schulken is at Jolivia for her first teaching exjerience. She is a graduate of he Woman's Division of the University of North Carolina. She eaches the second grade. Miss ichulken's home is in Wilmingon. Mrs. Alethea Fant comes to Jolivia after teaching eight years ,t Dixon Consolidated School in )nslow county. She is a graduate tf Eastern Carolina Teachers College and has done graduate fork at the University of North Carolina. She teaches the first ;rade. Her home is at Warsaw. Mrs. George Cannon is the lusic teacher for Bolivia high chool. Before coming here she fas post mistress at Leland. She ireviously taught music at Leand and in Wilmington. Before ;oing to Leland, Mrs. Cannon aught school in New Hanover ounty. Her home is now at Boivia. Every teacher in the Bolivia chool is a graduate of a stanard four-year college and holds North Carolina grade "A" cerificate. This is the only school a Brunswick county where every eacher holds an "A" grade cerificate. M. B. Watkins, former chairlan of the Bolivia school comlittoo 4 a nnu; tVio Qcaicfant plerlf f court at Southport. Mr. Watins has represented this county i the North Carolina Legislature or two terms. He is the son of Methodist minister. Protect yourself and your family by joining The Wilmington Burial Association W. E. YOPP, Jr.' Official Undertaker FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY Consult Local Representative, Mrs. Eva Wolfe, For Details. 4<x> FEET*. ytCKtP TOiS hchin o rots ore, tired, aching feet?cracked, bleedng and Itching toes?how quickly these roubles yield to Dr. Porter's Antiseptic lealing Oil! An amazing antiseptic, It romptly kills the parasites that cause :ch. Irritation and cracking. It combats Iso the action of sweat acids which puff d swell the feet. A remarkable healing gent. It helps repair the sore and damped skin. You have never tried anything like Dr. I orter's Antiseptic makes >r foot comfort never before known. Dr. orter's Antiseptic Healing OH Is made y t he makers or Grove's Laxative Bromo lulnlne and sold by all druggists at 80o nd 60c with guarantee of satisfaction r money back. THE this course will include a study of farm management and an introduction to the care and use of farm machinery. The enrollment in the classes includes both boys and girls and a total enrollment of all classes is seventy-five. The interest shown in the work is fine and plans are for a great years work. BOLIVIA TEAMS GETTING READY FOR BASKETBALL (Continued from page 4.) teams, is ready to give instruction and practice which will add to the efficiency of the team. The prospective players for the girls team are Mary Johnson, Lila McKeithan, Inez Thorpe, Inez Wilson, Ethel Sowel, Elizabeth Hickman, Jack Potter, Pearl Flowers, Elizabeth Johnson and Ophelia Willets. Miss Julia Oates has charge of directing and coaching this team She comes from Albemarle where she put out a winning team last year. The girls have ticir equipment for the season, and will begin practice witn confidence in their own ability and the ability of the coach. BOLIVIA P.-T. A. ALREADY ACTIVE (Continued from page 4.) gram will be h-:ld in the schio) btilding and the .-nipper will be served in the lunch room. The local As3oc:stion is looking forward to one of the best ytars in its history. The goal for this year is 100 paid, active members. W ?? l"w < iVx?Mtw > litw M I iktw I 1 ST I! CAR I Hood Sem Southpo "E? seentke FORD SACKED BY OVER 2,0< THE 1936 FORD V-8 B 25 X raj ICR STEERING: tw bearings, a longer steering knu increased steering ratio SUPER-SAFETY BRAKES; , large braking surface (186 sq. in in sureness of operation. EASIER SWIFTING AND SPEARS; silent, helical gears fo NEW FREEDOM FROM WO insulated, welded-steel body. NEW PRAWN-STEEL WHEI YI_EMQIMI: 8-cylinder smo and power with proved V-8 tec $cinw . Mm/ eluding h JL. tire extra. '' h ersml Credit Co., Authorized I .C AIR ? FORD SYMPHONY O Willctl STATE PORT PILOT, SOL Rev. D. D. Tranyham, paste of the Bolivia Methodist churcl has been serving this church ft three years. VOCATIONAL AGRICULTUR (Continued from page 4.) be lated accordingly. Plans have been made for th coming year which will be credit to the students, school an to the community. Courses ai outlined which will include sti dents from all the high scho( | grades. Thus a student will t able to receive instruction in a? jricultural work three years dui ing his high school career. . The courses are: eighth grad' | a general course in agricultur 'which will give the student a 'insight into the field of agricu Iture and a broad vision of th [possibilities of the work an | create in the student's mind i desire to continue this study. A j fields of agricultural work wi be covered, including soils, fert ; lizer studies, livestock growin and related subjects. Agriculture, or the course fc [the ninth grade, is listed as vegi table growing, and includes fru production and landscape gardei [ ing. This course will incluc i practical work in the laboratoi 'area which is divided into plot | This will give each student tl (opportunity to grow vegetable under field conditions, thus se luring practical knowledge in tl I growth of vegetables. Agriculture, or the course ou lined for the tenth and elevenl (grades, includes a study of liv {stock production from the stan | point of breeds, adaptation {the farm, feeding and care. Al! i w i >ii"w i i ?ii"w i >ja)w i i<i"w > ?iji>"w i U Now | siln -is the time to i :[ \6C.\ : I y change to win- i *11! Lj ter-weight oil, i lltj have your bat (*;B! i I , . , *gjUa.;| tery repaired |ia|^-i| and a general 9; . I check-up made K^ji *? ge* your au~ PHP tomobile ready for winter weather ^ 8 'ice Station ] rt, n. c. i )0,000 V-8's RINGS YOU: BSH new roller-type ickle arm and an vith exceptionally riLL QUIETER >1 r all speeds is othness, pick-op momj. ( F. 0. a DETROIT tcctuorj gramp m- m f f// tmpers and span *? Eafy terms tbromgk SRE JT RCHESTRA, SUNDAY EYENINGS TO I :s Motor Coi J [THPORT, N. C. >r OUTSTANDING 4, For the past four years Boli)r' via high school has been picking ?! the best all-round student in the E senior class. Miss Inez Harrelson t( j won the honor in 1932, Miss Lot- | ,e j tie Lay Wilson in 1933, Miss I a {Emma Jane Danfora m 1934 and B d Jackson Johnson Taylor in 1935. e Mr. Taylor is the first boy to i- win this honor. oi >1 yi ie C. P. Willets is President and _ P. General Manager of the Ford _ i Agency at Bolivia. a? ? e yCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn|l j =1 DELINQU 11 j | ^ f BRl 5-1)! it ); Under an Act of | Public Laws of 1935 i6 ( y.jj Brunswick county w< s.;)! back taxes paid at a ie! J | a period of five anni 53 ) ( c- i i ie ); After April 1st, 1 )! ty Attorney will imme ^ 11 sale certificates that e_ ) ( These tax notes will a- !! annum, from April Is to ) t 30 11 For the years 1 = ) ( 10 Per Cent discount n iQSfi | I | AWV? i: i ( I; 11 On all notes ma next year a 10 per c< j | paid before due date, ( > Only two counti ) [ were given the opport i) i opportunity to make don't fail to take ad ji | [ quent taxes in shape i ii ! A supply of tax i can be made after A] w. | ] Delinq 1 I : I ! i ' t WKKlIltKltltltltitKKitK]! ^z/VS^tj 4T YOUR NEAREST FORD I 0 E. S. T. ? FRED WARING AND HIS PKNNSYL' npany, Boliv John Elmore is the head or the hevrolet Agency at Bolivia. Rev. Chestlie Wescott is pas>r of the Bolivia Baptist church. i Peter Cox is postmaster at olivia. A fine corn and hay crop, one' the best reported in recent ;ars, is being harvested in runswick county, says farm fent J. E. Dodson. IENTTAXE LFNSWICK ( the last General Assembly i, Chapter 370, the delinq ire given further opportun discount or putting them i lal installments. .936, this law will be inoper idiately begin foreclosure pi are not paid or have not bear interest at the rate it, 1935. 09.7 1098 1090 1020 10 will be given on all taxes p de heretofore and those m int discount will be allowec es in North Carolina, Brui unity to again give the bacl tax notes or get a discoui vantage of this last chanc< so you can handle them. lotes are now on hand. Don pril 1st, 1936. , R. HOLMI [uent Tax Coll fcjry* rVOU'VE h< 1 V-8. Perfo has won over to be talked ; But praise I almost mild t those who dr Sleek longe teriors, even j safety?are a this new car its price class Drive this can. Know Jot have Ford \ ease, to ride ii V/1 For your < f (_/'J value you ca k/ range a Ford DEALER'S GIADY 7ANIAN3. TOE8DAT KWWINGS.fgt TO * ia, North Cs SEVEN i Two boys in the second grade j were found in the cloakroom J standing back to back measurJ ing respective sizes. "Why are you doing that?" asked the teacher. "Well," replied little Frederick, "I just wanted to be sure he wasas big as I was before I hit him. Dad told me not to pick on anybody littler than I am." In business we just sit around', and wait for things to pick up;, in an automobile we step on th&gas. s I :ounty i ( [ ' of North Carolina, j uent tax payers of 11 ity of getting their nto a tax note over i i * ative, and the Coun oceedings on all tax j ^ been put into notes. j t i of six per cent per j fc Sf. It 31, 1932 and 1933, \l aid before April 1st, j t It It ade before April of j ? 1 on any installment j ? aswick and Caswell ? tax payers another it on taxes paid, so i to get your delin't delay, as no notes I i & i! V ?S i iU I ( 1 lector ! .ll [KKKKKKMlCltKltmMl == nit?\rt yen it! H joyed driving any ch in my life." taid lots about the Ford rmance so unusual that it 2,000,000 owners is bound ibout enthusiastically. For past Ford V-8's seems leside what we hear from ive the 1936 FordV-8. r lines, distinctive new ingreater handling ease and lew ot the irungs tnat set further than ever above L new Ford as soon as you yourself what it means to r-8 power and handling 1 Ford safety and comfort, own knowledge of what n get in a 1936 car?arV-8 demonstration today. FORD DEALER RBSS NEWS RBLHA3B AND COLE?6:1* P.M?WIT hfO E. S. T. ? COLUMBIA WWOtt irolina k J

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