m-CFSPAV NOVEMBER fsoci MRS. WARREN ^rrrTTi^H.^ ; part?nt-Teachcrs Associa ; 0_f gouthport high school, W6a roost successful meeting KtsdaV ni?ht in the school WZvini A good number enB^i (tje inspiring talks given on the program, which Utional. R- F. Plaxco; ?1, OW Soul". Operetta, 3rd K. Environment, Judge E. H. Our Community, Mr. Bp sentelle: Books an an En .jnent. Mr. R- VV. Davis. K'acious refreshments were Brtj bv the hostess, Mrs. R. F. J HL Mrs. Frank St. George, j c. Christian and Mrs. Swann. I WOMAN'S CLUB l-v Woman o Club held its Kjjr business meeting in the Kj-y last week. Mrs. Clarence j Kpon was unanimously voted J m?the club. American CitizenK ?as the subject for discussW which was in charge of Mrs. V Ruark. The program was | follows: Citizenship, Miss rw'? ?,a I fcr^rwr r*z\ acaking the flag. Mrs. Robust George: Park project. Johnson. rflSOOPAL AUXILIARY ? regular monthly business ?L of the Woman's Auxil"7 the Episcopal church was * last Tuesday. The Rev. A. Marshall read part of the his. of the old church. Officers .'the coming year were elec, and installed by the Rev. phall. Mrs. W. S. Dosher Is i ;(? president; Mrs. H. W. id. vice-president. Miss Marat Parkhill, secretary and i Wayne Moore, treasurer, icons refreshments were seri by the hostess. IBS. LEGGETT HOSTESS jhe Friday afternoon Club met iti Mrs. P. O. Leggett last Kk at the Leggett Drug Store. ; a M A. Northrop won high ore prize and Mrs. H. W. Hood t the consolation. Other players tre: Mrs. J. W. Ruark, Mrs. W. Davis. Mrs. Frank St. George, | s Robert Willis and Mrs. J. , Jelks. I Delicious refreshments were reed. MRS. DOSHER HOSTESS Its. W. S. Dosher was hostess brsday afternoon at a shower xi in honor of Mrs. Roy C. dels. A number of the guests ivea bridge while others came | later for the shower and reahments. a rur.ber of useful and atutive gifts were received by e honoree. BIRTHDAY PARTY little Miss Francis St. George dertained a number of her teds at a birthday party last | te Games were enjoyed by all. J utty gifts were received by i ? hostess. Delicious refreshes were served. SOCIAL VISITOR ^ WTiit Ruark, of Chicago, j # here last week visiting his utter, Mrs. Sally Ruark. Mr. tef is general manager for t automotive association in the S and Mexico. GRIST I 111V V 1 MILL I AT t (WARD'S 1 FARM l 1 GRINDS 1 EVERY I Saturday j I For Good Meal II I and I Quick Service I Fring Us Your r I CORN I 13, 1935 ~ETY | I HOOD, EDITOR j ' ? J Social Calendar Friday, November 15 3:00 p. m.?The Friday Afternoon Club will meet with Mrs. ] M. A. Northrop. Monday, November 18 3:30 p. m. Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church will hold its regular meeting. 3:30 p. m.?The Baptist Circles will have a joint meeting at the I church. Mrs. W. G. Butler is the president. 8:00 p. m.?The Eastern Star will meet in the Army and Navy Club building. Tuesday, November 19. 3:30 p. m.?Circle Number 2 of the Methodist church will meet. Mrs. I. B. Bussels is leader of the program. Wednesday, November 20. 3:30 p. m.?The Woman,s Club will meet with Mrs. H. B. Smith. Mark Twain is the subject and will be discussed by Mrs. Howard Sellers. NEWS BRIEFS A SHIP FOR QUARANTINE On Sunday at two o'clock an English tramp steamer arrived off Southport flying the qua ran tine flag and was boarded by Doctor Arthur Dosher and J. Berg in the boat Q-13. The ship was in command of Pilot I. B. Bussells. ACROSS THE STREET Capt. and Mrs. William Wells have moved in to the Chadbourn house in South Atlantic Avenue. This house is just across the street from the Moore house where they have been living for some months. MORE REMODELING Mr. T. B. Carr, who resides on Caswell Avenue at the intersection of Brunswick Street is doing considerable repairing and changing to her home. New up and down stairs, porches, painting and etc. VISITS PARENTS Miss Dorothy Robinson, who has recently opened a beauty shop of her own in Raleigh, was the week-end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doctor Robinson on Atlantic Avenue. ANOTHER RUN Ed Wells bridge keeper over on the Inland Waterway, reports another run of black trout. They are striking too, he said. He lays claim to catching several live ones. FAIR CATCHES Capt. Reuben Gutherie, now fishing out of Morehead City, reports fairly good catches of menhaden during the past week. There has been nothing doing locally in the menhaden business. COUNTRY FISHERMEN Postmaster L. T. Yaskell and chief engineer Toliver succeeded Friday evening in enticing another striped bass out of Walden Creek from the ccunty road bridge. ; jgtJCXXKxatxjcjtJtxuxM: ! I S NO || FOR ) ( Notice is hereb 1S the 20th day of No ises will sell at pub j ( property of Georgi S follows: All build property and appur ( al Stores Co. [ Same will be s ! I the years 1930, 193: 11 ) ( Dated, this 31s IS j I 1 ! TAX COL IS " IS IS D1 I! IS fcmcmcicicicKicicKicicitii THE STA1 Mrs. W. S. Davis was the gue; of Mrs. Delmas Fulcher in Wi mington Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Cranmer was i part of last week. Friends ai glad to see her well again. Rev. Charlie Phillips, of Halli jboro, was a visitor at the masoi ic meeting Wednesday night. * Mr. Jack Oliver and Mr. Chai lie Aldridge, who are working i Norfolk, spent last week-end ? home with their parents. Miss Catherine Ruark, of Wi mington, spent last week hei visiting relatives. Mrs. H. T. St. George was Wilmington visitor Friday aftei noon. WEATHER BOUND Capt. John Eriksen and tt crews of the Captain, Morehea and Anderson have been weathe bound in Georgetown the pas week-end. GEORGETOWN VISITOR Mr. Robt. F. Plaxco, manage of the Brunswick Navigation Co was a business visitor in George town, S. C? on Saturday. WRFK.RKn VISITOR Mr. W. S. Davis, who is member of the crew of th dredge Comstock is a week-en visitor of his family here. AND STILL THEY COME Each week-end finds mor yachts moored in the harbor o passing through bound south. HERE ON SATURDAY O. A. Lewis, prominent farme from the Mill Creek section, wa a Saturday visitor to Southpor VISITOR TO WILMINGTON Mr. Sassa Fodale was a Wil mington visitor Sunday. NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT The shrimp catches this pas week were nothing to brag aboul It's Qualitj That C GROC. READ THESE Friday an ? ' Garrell SEED OATS, per sack RICE, per sack 24 pet. DAIRY FEED 24 lbs. FLOUR 2 lb. JAR PEANUT 1 WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHti TICE OF u : UNPAID Tj y given that I have this da vember, 1935, at ten o'clocl lie auction to the highest b a-Carolina Naval Stores C ings, turpentine still and f tenances belonging to said < old to satisfy taxes due to I, 1932, 1933, 1934, and 19? t day of October, 1935. J. B. WARD .LECTOR FOR BRUNSWICl iV. R. HOLME iLINQUENT TAX COLLEC' 'E PORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, st Miss Sally Lovelace, of Pine- c tops, visited friends here last If week-end. Miss Lovelace was a s 11 member of the local school fac:e ulty last year. c It Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. Geor3" ge, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Reece, S Mr. Bill Anderson and his daughter, Lucy, were Wilmington r- visitors Friday. * n ... " it Mrs. Robt. Jones was in Wilmington Friday. 1- Rob Morse, Miss Nancy Hood e and Warren Hood were Wilson visitors Thursday. Is a Capt. and Mrs. I. B. Bussels n r- were Wilmington visitors Thurs- v day. u Mr. Robert Willis, of Wilming- " ie ton, spent last week-end here 1( d visiting his wife. A sr 1( . ,c Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Moore are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Moore. s v !r Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Fulcher, % ' i of Wilmington, visited relatives a here this week. *1 E Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson, a of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives e a here last week. e' e t< , d Mr. and Mrs. Herman Canady and daughter, of Wilmington, & visited relatives here Sunday. ? e Mr. William McAuley, of Clin- 01 r ton, was a South port visitor on lc Monday. , 11 ii Miss Louise Marks, of Acme- c r Delco, was a Southport visitor s Tuesday. 6 t 01 i, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hardy, Mrs. 'j Annie K. Vitou and Mr. and Mrs. I- C. Ed Taylor, were Wilmington _ visitors Tuesday. i* Miss Sallle Dosher spent the t past week-end here with her L parents. jr And Price ; r lounts In I :ERIES i C ' [ ? SPECIALS FOR ! d Saturday \T? II Brothers i $3.25 | $4.50 j ?, sack $2.10 85c j) I) 5UTTER 30c ||) !) (li (|, 7VV ilf -VI ll|j \XES ||| y levied upon and on 1 ( ) 1c A. M. on the prem- !! idder for cash certain j ompany described as j j ixtures and all other ) ( Georgia-Carolina NavI I 1 Brunswick County for j i 55. I I < il >! K COUNTY Ji 3 ]!! roR |j!! ill ill EKltgJCKJtgltJCJCKJOtXgHft 3 , NORTH CAROLINA Miss Eleanor Hovey visited fiends in Clinton last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Heath are iving in Winston-Salem. Mr leath is teaching this year in ne of the Fortsythe county ichools. Mrs. Elleby Sease, a member >f the Shallotte school faculty ist year, is living at Newberry, !. C. Mrs. Leon Galloway, a member >f the Shallotte school faculty ast year, is living at Bolivia. HALLOTTE P. T. A. HOLDS MEETING (Continued from page 4.) ed by Rev. R. N. Fitts, and the linutes of the last meeting were ead by the secretary, Miss Eula lae Long. MEET THE TEACHERS ( f. aSed raoaj panuiiuoo) forth Carolina College for Wolen in Greensboro and the Asheille Normal. Miss Brightie Holden, of Suply, is teaching for the first time i the Shallotte school Her col \ PHILCO REPLACEMENT t TUBES IMPROVE THE I PERFORMANCE Of ANT { RADIO j LIBERAL AI j Harry R Lhhhbhhhhhhhh? ige training was received at .ppalachain State Teachers Col;ge. She teaches the first grade. /I /VIIU- im trv- fV?o, Vy? xdi VAiiucr 10 oci v nig Avx u?v irst year as principal of the upply unit of the Shailotte-Lock roods Folly system. He is a raduate of Wake Forest College nd has done graduate work at le University of North Carolina, [e holds a high school principl's certificate and a county suprintendent's certificate. He serv1 for 6 years as principal. He caches the sixth grade. Miss Catherine Chadwick is iachlng for her second year in le Supply unit of the Shallotteochwoods Folly spstem. Previu?ly she had taught in theShal?tte school and in other schools l the county. Her college trainlg was received at Campbell College. Mrs. Corey W. Hewette is 4th rade teacher in the Supply unit E the Shallotte-Lockwoods Folr unit for her second year. PreCRACKED SKIN, 'or skin troubles?Itch, cracking, smarttig and scaling?there Is nothing like )r. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. .'here may be fancier preparations but tothlng that will do the work like this amous oil. It not only destroys the tarasltes that cause many skin troubles tut, at the same time, helps heal the ore and damaged skin. The most stubborn cases of Itching ,nd scaling skin that defy every other reatment usually yield to Dr. Porter's Lntlseptic Healing Oil. Try It on your tching or broken out skin and see how ffectlve It Is. Dr. Porter's Antiseptic leallng Oil Is made by the makers of Irove's Laxative Bromo Quinine and sold by all druggists at 30c and 80c with juaranteeof satisfaction or money back. ggiXXXXXXXXX XXXXX PS A Mm / viously she served as a member of the Shallotte school faculty, j She attended Pineland College, ! Salemburg. . I Mrs. Frances B. Stone is beginning her fifth year as amem|ber of the faculty for the Shal| lotte-Lockwoods Folly school system. This is her second yeas as third grade teacher in the Supply unit. She is a graduate of Newberry College, Newberry, S. C., land holds a class A certificate. Tthelya Greene attended the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina and later graduated from Meredith College, Raleigh. This is her first year as second grade teacher in the Supply unit of the ShallotteLockwoods Folly school system. Miss Kitty Page Hegner is first grade teacher at the Supply unit of the Shallotte-Lock; woods Folloy school for the first time this year. She is a graduate | of Atlantic Christian College and has had 1 years previous teaching experience. MUCH INTEREST IN 4-H PROGRAM (Continued from page 4.) ! estated in club work is larger I than usual this year and the girls are planning to have a very | successful term. Miss Elizabeth ! Taylor was the leader of the club last year and will be working with the girls again this year. FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain I mortgage deed, made by J. F. Coleman and his wife, Lydia A. Coleman, to W. E. Dosher for 1400.00, dated tho Kth Hov nf Vnvomhor 1Q9.7 rinlv recorded in Book 52. at page 90. records of Brunswick County, to which is hereby especially made. Default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned W. E. Dosher will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the City of Southport, and the County of Brunswick, on December 9th, 1996, at 12 o'clock noon, the following desj wmummmmmmmfmmmm |: SENSA1 || REX || 1 Cen || Now Goi: I! I" I'l II Watson's ] | SOUTHP( THE NEW 1936 Jiriri c? ULILLt^ tical Instrument of Qu m, THE FINES if SETS EV I f $49.95 Every broadcs eluding the I 9 f??' gyp |M sign wi! I0WANCE.. E obinson, Phil SUPPLY, N. C. FIVE cribed piece, lot tract or parcel of land lying and being in Brunswick county, North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit* Beginning on a large black gum at or near the run of Beaver Dam Swamp, John R. Dosher's corner* runs thence with John R. Dosher's line S. 30 deg. E. about 105 poles to a stake another one of John R_ Dosher's corners; in the J, E. Woodside line; thence with said line N. 55 deg. E. 42 poles to a stake at or near an old tarkiln bed. thence NT. 30 deg. W. and parallel with John R. Dosher's line about 105 poles to the run of Beaver Dam Swamp, thence down the run of said Swamp as it meanders to the beginning, containing 24 acres, more or less, being the same land this day conveyed to J. F. Coleman by W. E. Dosher and wife, and not yet recorded. Dated and posted, this the 9th day of November, 1935. W. E. DOSHER, Mortgagee. S. B. Frink, Attorney. 12-4-e. FORECLOSURE SALE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed made to me by Ed Brown, and wife, Lillie Brown, et als. dated the 25th day of September, A. D., 1926. and duly recorded in Book 43 at page 359, records of Brunswick County, to which reference is hereby especially made. Default having been made in the payment of the debt therein described, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the courthouse door in the City of Southport, Brunswick county. North Carolina, on Saturday, the 14th day of December, A, D? 19S5. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described lot. tract, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Brunswick, in Smithville Township, and being the "Second Tract" as described in the mortgage above referred to. and bounded and described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at a stake on the public Road leading from Southport to Wil 1 1 T *4/iOoolron'o nftmsr. mutisiuii, uauia ?iv?avA?.. . and rung thence north 6 decrees west to a small maple In Laura MeRacken's Southern corner; thence up the Branch to the Public Road; thence with said Public Road to the beginning, containing three and one-half acres, according to a plot made by John N. Bennett. Dated and posted this the 13th day* of November, 1935. JOEL MOORE, Mortgagee. Robert W. Davis, Attorney for the Mortgagee. 12-11-e Miss Pauline Pitts was named the most distinguished member of the 1935 graduating class and her name was engraved upon the Hamilton Mintz Memorial cup. ilONAL 1 ALL \ it Sale! ng On At | IW,1 DRT, N. G. jj m I ality ] | T BATTERY ] I ER BUILT I $100 ist service, inJ. S. Weather g ecast x narvelous sets come |K cabinet models and sts. Their matchless of materials and dell grace any room. best results use a :o all-wave aerial ASY TERMS J co Dealer 1 mKKKKKiumMPnel

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