FOUR NEW I V Home Econo High Scho School I i 4 Principal Outlines Some Of Changes That Have Tak- I en Place In Course Of Study And Suggests Other Improvements That May Come SCHOOL LIBRARIAN ADDED TO STAFF Working Now To Equip The Home Economics Laboratory And To Se D 1 ? " rr r n linrl cure * ? ? j 6 w ?? Equipment For Smaller Children By C. A. Ledford, Principal The aim of your school committee, Mrs. E. H. Cranmer, Capt. J. B. Church and Chas. S. Ward, is to make Southport high school a bigger and better place for your children to be educated. In view of this, several changes have been made, several new places created and filled, and several minor changes have been made in the management of the school. At a meeting in July the board decided to offer as much variety to the pupils of the Southport school as could possibly be offered with the number of faculty members available. So the new departments, home economics, public school music and some i constructive work in science was agreed upon. The Home Economic teacher, who comes to us from a similar position at Greens Creek, Polk county, has charge of this new department and has succeeded in interesting about 38 girls of the 54 registered in high school. It | is true that this department is I in need of many things for use in the work but we are very j much indebted to the friends of;' the school for their loyal sup- < port. Piece by piece we are add- {j ing to the equipment for this de-1, partment. j Likewise, we robbed the George Hilderbran school department, , of Connelly Springs, of their music teacher to fill the place of public school music. Six grade rooms lift their voices daily in training to music of children's songs, learning to read music, and learning to sing together. Besides this, about 30 pupils meet' one period each day in glee club work. These pupils come from the high school. To make this possible, it is necessary that coopera- j tion come from the fourth, fifth I and seventh grade teachers in de- j partmental work. This is done very graciously and willingly. Special teachers are very much in demand. These two places in the other schools have not been j filled. This should be a guiding! star to some of our young people j ?specialize. k The special teacher is making plans to have some special work I. done in some of his classes. This |i we hope will be a beginning to a manual training course offered our boys to match the home economic for girls. May I ask the - parents, "What are we offering j our boys as a preparatory course for life?" We are still sticking too closely to our old friends of ancient days?The Three R's." Another course which, if work- 1 ed very carefully, will be a great! addition to any school, is a i Commercial Course. The writer knows of pupils holding good poOltiAn n frv/ln>. ...U. _ , wuajr wiiu iiavc never naa more than a two-years training in high school. No one person can get these things alone. Let us, while we are fireside-dreaming of how to make money, forget a bit, and dream how we can prohibit crime and make men. It is very gratifying to teach-1 ers to meet with seventy-five1 parents to discuss the things of interest concerning the children of our community. It is also great to know we have men who will place these questions before j us so very effectively. It is more! pleasant to know the ParentTeachers Association is placing in the hands of worthy children who are unable to buy their books and materials to assist them in having equal chance with other children. Again, we can come with praise for a band of workers, who will tune pianos and furnish silverware for dining room by private donations. Keep behind the teachers and see that we donate or furnish the needed , service as much as possible. Since the U. S. Government has made it possible for the J< school to have a full-time lib- s (Continued on page 5) ll 1 DEPAJ imics Is Adde ol Girls And Music For Aii t * FOURTH APPEARANCE OF SCHOOL PAGE IN STATE PORT PILOT In continuing the school page as a weekly feature of The State Port Pilot we bring you this weeks news of Southport high school?its students, teachers and organizations. We gratefully acknowledge the whole-hearted cooperation of Principal C. A. Ledford, in preparing the news stories which appear on this page. ( Next week the school page will be at the disposal ofWaccamaw high school. That will complete the circuit of the consolidated schools of the county and the following week we will start over once more ' with Bolivia. The same sche- i dule will be followed throughout the year?or as long as the principals and students wish to use The State Port Pilot to stimulate greater In- 1 terest in school work and ' bring about a better understanding between the patrons , and their school.?Editor. Local P.-T. A. Is i Doing Good Work; I Under Present Organize- < tion, This Association Is < Filling Many Of The Ob-i1 jectives Set Up As A11 Goal At The Opening Of j School Under its present organization ] the Parent-Teachers Association ^ Df Southport high school is mak- ( ing good progress toward the accomplishment of its objectives 1 for the year. These objectives are: To arouse | more interest and co-operation in ] i the parents: to conduct interesting and educational programs; and to help where needed in the j school. So far this year the association has been responsible for I tuning and repairing the two j school pianos, purchasing a chest j of silver for the home economics department and purchasing books j for needy children. Mrs. T. H. Biles is president i of the local association; Mrs. E. H. Cranmer is vice-president; Mrs. Robert Willis is secretary; j and Mrs. Frank Sasser is treasurer. Chairmen of the various committees are: Mrs. Ida Potter Watson, membership; Mrs. H. W. Hood, publicity; C. A. Ledford, program; Mrs. Cronley Ruark, hospitality; Mrs. I. B. Bussels, finance and budget; Miss Myrtle Taylor, publications; Miss Marion Watson, room representatives. Much Interest In .Wiotioc AAA Ik/VVlVllVO Southport High School Students Organize Two Literary Societies; Interesting Programs Are Being Presented The work of the two literary societies in the Southport high school is causing considerable interest among the students this year. In order to promote a spirit of friendly rivalry the student body was divided into two groups, the White Owl literary society and the Athena literary society. Officers for the White Owls are: David Watson, president; Frank Lennon, vice-president; Anna Taylor, secretary-treasurer. Dan Walker was appointed chairman of the program committee; Anne Moore Harker chairman of the social committee; and Kathleen Moore, monitor. There are 44 members in this society. Lois Mae Ward is president of the Athena literary society; Robert Marlowe is vice-president and Vera Jorgensen is secretary-treasurer. The program committee is eomnrised of Mam Alice Lewis, Josephine Smith and Joe Ruark. Miss Sallie Lovelace, member >f last year's faculty, is teaching it her home in Edgecomb county iiis year. THE STATE PORT I RTME d For Public i Students c ? Glee Club One Of The Fea' tures Of Public School Music Training Being Offered This Year MANY STUDENTS TAKING PART Rehearsals Being Held Three Times A Week; Musical Comedy To Be Presented Within Near Future The Southport high school glee club was organized at the beginning of this year and since that time has been meeting regularly three time each week. The members of this organization took part voluntarily with the common purpose in mind of creating pleasure for themselves and others as well as enlightening themselves In that much neglected art?group singing. So far the club has presented only one program. This was given at the chapel hour early in the year. At present all energies are being concentrated on the production of the musical comedy, "Sailor Maids," which will be ottered to the public in the near future. Plans for the spring are, us yet, incomplete. Although most of the work this year has been that of building foundations for future progress, iome remarkable results have xime out, and an unusual amount )f talent and ability has presented itself. The club is made up tfmost entirely of freshmen and sophomores. A few seniors are aking active interest The officers are as follows: President, Maybelle Reynolds; Secretary, Lois May Ward, Miss Ward also fulfils tye duties of :reasurer. The members are: sopranos? -ois May Ward, Mabelle Reyn >ias, uejpnia i^ennon, jeanette 3ranmer, Sally Sharp, Irene f TR Full Line Of Fresh Meat At All Times Fresh Country Eggs Fresh Fruit an< Vegetables Groceries ARTHUR'S STORE Southport, N. C Grocery Orders Called For And Delivered DAILY Prompt and Courteous Service CURTIS COX Southport, N. C. 'ILOT, SOUTHPORT, NORT1 Mil * ??? MEET THE Presenting A Thumb-Nail Of The Faculty, Giv ground And C. A. Ledford is serving for his first year as principal of the . Southport high school. He came | here from Glen Alpine, where he served last year as assistantprincipal. Mr. Ledford is a graduate of Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory. He also has studied at , State College, Wake Forest College and has done special work at the University of North CarI olina. He teaches math and Bible. Bible. Mrs. Arita H. Sasser is a graduate of Duke University and is beginning her third year as a > member of the high school fac. ulty at Southport She teaches . English and French and before ' coming to Southport she taught at Shallotte, Durham and Greenville. | Miss Myrtle Taylor, of Mill : Springs, is a new member of the , high school faculty. She is head of the home economics depart ment and also teaches classes in , biology. She is a graduate of I State College, Radford, Va., and taught last year in Polk county. Glenn W. Bunting is beginning his first year as a member of the Southport high school faculty He is a graduate' of Wake Forest j College and also has received college training at State College and Duke University. His home , 1 Clemmons, Dorothy Jones, Mary Hood, Carrie Hewett, Marion Norment, Elsie Autry, Rosalind I Page, Evelyn Autry, Marie Ev ana, Leatha Arnold; Altoa?Lily Rogers, Mary Elizabeth Hickman, 1 Earline Roge,*s, Kathleen Moore, Margaret Evens, Margie Larsen, Josephine Wolff; Baritones, Charles Watson, Earl Bellamy, W. T. Fullwood, Edgar Jones, Dan Wells, Malcolm Frink, Rivers Wescott, Victor Bartell, Ansen Lewis, James McKeithan, Edward Taylor, C. A. Ledford, Jr., John Lancaster, Lenhard Davis. The club is under the direction : of Miss Maye Ledford; Miss Myrtle Taylor is pianist. ADE I Paints? Boat and Fishing Supplies? Oil Clothing and Boots ^ Groceries and Fresh meats BAY SUPPLY company On the waterfront Southport, N. G. Meet Your Friends at Southport Cafe Hot Meals Served All Hours in The Day Sandwiches? Ice CreamHot and Gold Drinks? Southport Cafe Jimmy Xanthos Southport, N. G. # i CAROLINA YLOCj TEACHERS I [ Sketch Of Each Member ing Educational Back1 Experiences < is in Durham. Mr. Bunting teaches science and history and is the boys' coach. Miss Marion Watson, local girl, ^ is serving her first year as a member of the Southport school faculty. She is teacher for the ] seventh grade and also does departmental work in the fifth and sixth grades. Miss Watson is a graduate of Woman's College of the University of North Carolina and of Louisburg College, where she received the first two years i of her college training. She j taught last year at Shallotte. < e Miss Maye Ledford, public I i school music teacher, is teaching j for the first time this year after t graduating last June from Meredith College, Raleigh. Her first t two years of college training r were received at Mars Hill Col- ? lege. In addition to her duties as t music teacher, Miss Ledford has the sixth grade as her home room f and teaches two classes. i - ? 1 Miss Lelah Parker, of Maccles- t field, has served for several years c as a member of the local school I faculty as fifth grade techer. I Before coming here she taught C at Tarboro. Miss Parker received r her college training at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, and has done special work , at Wake Forest, State College, Asheville Normal and Atlantic Christian College. Mrs. W. H. Hood is beginning n her seventh year as fourth grade p teacher in the Southport school, e Her college training was receiv- r ed at Asheville Normal and she n has done special work at the g University of North Carolina. o Mrs. Robert Willis has been a third grade teacher in the South- t) [port school for the past six p years. Before coming to South- s port she taught in Anson County a jand Cleveland county. b (Continued on page 5) s N SOU' Ford Dealer? Expert Repair Work on All ] Automobiles Full Line Of J Gulf Products iiuuuaiu 5 Garage Southport, N. G. ! Full Line Groceries At Lowest Prices For Quick I Turnover ^ --We Deliver. Souths,,. Supply Co. ' Lanier Fur pi ess, Proprietor u Southport, N. G. 5 'V WEDN1 use Athletic Ass'n. Is Organized By School Students j. W. Bunting Is Elected Unanimously President; Miss Watson Is VicePresident; Miss Taylor Secretary-T reasurer jOOD PROSPECTS FOR THE SEASON Soys' Team Will Include Most Of Members From Last Year's Squad; Mr. Bunting Boys' Coach; Miss Watson, Girls' The Southport high school athetic association was organized leveral weeks ago at which time 3. W. Bunting, boys' coach, was ilected president; Miss Marion Vatson, vice - president; Miss Jyrtle Taylor, secretary-treasur!r. The purpose of this organizaion is to raise funds for equlpnent and transportation and to irrange games for the two earns. Prospects are unusually good or a strong boys' team this seaion, as only three members of ast year's squad failed to reurn to school. Outstanding canlidates for the team include: Sgan Hubbard, Jack Hickman, Sddie Jelks, David Watson, Tlaude Jones, Joe Ruark, Lawence Willing, Carlton Holden, (Continued on page 6.) Contest For Home Economics Girls Members of the home econonics department of the Southort high school are planning to nter a baking contest to deternine the champion biscuit and auffin maker in school. Every firl who is taking home econmics this year is eligible. Equipment is gradually being dded to the department and ilans are being made to comletely equip the laboratory as oon as possible. Several valuble contributions already have een made by patrons of the chool. THPC All Night Thanksgiving DANCE Thursday Night Port City Casino j Dining - Dancing livery Afternoon and Evening PORT CITY CASINO J. F. Coleman, Prop. Southport, N. G. Let Us Service Your i I Automobile For Winter Driving Ask Us About >roper Weight of )il for your Gar. Prestone A nti-Freeze Full Line Of Standard Oil Products JUS McNeill's ervice Station Southport, N. G. 5 ES., NOVEMBER HOOj [Students Elect Class Office C1FSS K. 0A?ani2ali?'> , *5 Fo?r I School Grades r? ed; David President Of Senior q Class officers have been ted in each of the fou, school grades. They are a, lows: " Seniors: David Watson. , dent; Dan Walker, vice*J Joe Ruark, secretarv-t>m. Mrs. R. L. Johnson is , mother for the seniors and Arita H. Sassers is faculty i sor. ' Juniors: Robert Marlowe. Ident; Susie Sellers, vi*, dent; Dan Clemmons, seen Vera Jergenson, treasurer social committee includes' uel Holden, Mildred Afo Lawrence WiUing and i Catherine Northrop. Mrs. j (Continued on page 5) Librarian Added T0 School S Miss Mary Lee Nornm Southport, has recently been ployed as full time library the Southport high school HI Miss Norman is a gradm the local high school in the ^of 1933. She had some !i experience while a student Dawkins Principa Of Dixon Sci L. J. Dawkins, who m last summer as principal o Southport high school, ij h a successful year as princip the Dixon school in Onslow ty, according to reports t friends in Southport Mrs. kins is not teaching this ys Seniors Order Class Hi There are nineteen mem! this year's senior class at S port high school who expe graduate next spring. Order ready have been placed for rings and diplomas. irT Full Line Of Patent Medicine Norris Candy Ciift Sets tor Men, Women andm Children I ?AGENT FOR- I Crazy Water I Crystals I LEGGETT'S I Drug Store I Southport, N. C. I Southport's I Oldest and Most I Reliable I STORE 53 years of I Service is your I guarantee of I Service and I Quality I J. B. Ruark I Company I Southport, N. C I

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