f NOVEMBER Joe] RS. WARREN MEETING meeting of th? s held in Eoltoj members of th< er of Southpor Worthy Matron imer, Mrs. R. ] lert Willis, Mrs rs. Will Barnetl ks. Mrs. J. W t Holden, Mrs ?e, Mrs. J. A tie Mae Newtoi Whi taker. DINNER , of the 01< a Co. at Oh ined a numbei turkey dinne: invited were s, Mrs. J. W s Larsen, Mrs !, Mrs. J. W ! Mae Newton I, Mrs. White e Davis an< se. OF P.-T. A. tiers Associa tiursday nigh he school aud rs and other in Parent-Tea )rk are urge< A. J. Flow field workei the program ilTORS all fans wh< iturday wen Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Carei 20, 1935 IETY * [ HOOD, EDITOR : NEWS ; BRIEFS *? ' IN NEW BERN C. L. Stevens left Monday for 1 New Bern where he will spend several days this week. AN UNUSUAL SIGHT 1 Tuesday morning there was a * two-masted yacht in full sail r through the harbor, r BEING RECOVERED The vestry room on the rear IL* Miss Mae uarreii, nor K Hardy, Mr. William Cole L Mr. Curtis Cox and Mr pdi McKeithan, of Bolivia L NORTHROP HOSTESS CTm. A. Northrop was hos I to the Friday Afternooi I last week. Mrs. H. T. St Ege won high score and Mrs Iff. Hood cut the consolation bicious refreshments wen fed. The club will meet witl L j. W. Ruark next Friday. KOCHLE CLUB HOSTESS to. L. T. Yaskell entertaine< [piEochle Club last week. Mrs lupson won high score. Deli t refreshments were served Lclub meets with Miss Marioi George this week. tckey Party Friday Nigh |fcmbers of the Live Oal per of the Eastern Star wil Bur a tackey party, whicl It be held Friday night in th< a? ar.d Navy building, ie public is cordially invite< ittend this party and join is talth Club In The Fourth Gradt t the beginning of the yea fourth grade of the South school decided to organize slth Club. The officers elec ?we: President, Muriel L* >; vice-president, Joe Younj ton; secretary, Annis Jean I treasurer, Huber ie chairman of th mmittee is Mari is to choose nev week. iry interesting pro already been given takes care of th( >f the room, check! appearance, wate and furnishes th< ! rooms. C ASSOCIATE IGAN1ZED BY 100L STUDENT! ued from page 4.) lowe and Dan Wells. season victory wai r the Shallotte hig! i. Games with Shal Bolivia are schedule! outhport court thii squad of girls is re ' daily workouts un ection of Miss Marior da' coach. Most ofth< imall and the succesi m will depend upoi ^st year's players re r this season are: Mar at, Naomi Hickman ferine Northrop, Helei ? and Mary Bell Rey vards; Lucy Anderson Bussels, Thelma John' Dickie Burns, guards. lad has been strength ffe addition of Rub; ^rd. Anna Taylor als< ' ^sketball again this ler dropping the spor' *?'t want to buy thai lo?ks as though he hac ^sition." ? "oihin', boss. He just from runnin' in ; of the Episcopal church is being covered with metal in place of wood shingles. 1 WILMINGTON VISITOR Mr. Gus McNeal, popular service station operator, made a business trip to Wilmington on J Tuesday. EXPECTED 3 A German ship to be boarded " by the Public Health officials on 1 arrival in the harbor is expected this week. r - RALEIGH VISITOR Mrs. George Whatley visited her sister, Miss Dorothy Robin> son, in Raleigh last week. She 5 returned home Friday, l DOVE HUNTING 7 Dove hunting is becoming a very popular sport by local sport" men. Eight or ten went out to ' Danforth Town Tuesday after? noon. GONE TO MOREHEAD Capt John Ericksen and his 1 good ship Anderson left for More head City Tuesday trying to find a load of Menhaden, as they have been very scarce in local waters 5 for some time. l BELIEVE IT OR NOT Postmaster Yaskell reported I that Ed Oliver and some of his i 1 ^wavm vri a Act ~ menus iiuiu v^ucuavvw um?u? m , ' good catch of drum and trout at I " j Waldon Creek and the Inland1 Waterway. They fished from the i I State road bridge. MOVING INTO TOWN It is reported that Principal j ' C. A. Ledford will shortly move; t in to the recently improved Frink house on East Bay Street. This II is one of the nicest homes in j 1 town and is on a high bluff J i overlooking the river. This will e be quite a contrast to the mountains that the principal has been I j used to seeing in Western North j II Carolina. ' I : | A Mua II i ! VBTLCO HIPLACD?1T - ! TUBIS IMWOVX TBI i, ! nBTOBMAMCS OI AJJT !I RADIO ;jj LIBERAL AL !! Hrray R i i !f .it ; j: fi? J) i. li*.' :'L :* Sr- .l-Ty."' ^ , Vi < ' T-',' J J THE STATE 1 Mrs. W. G. Butler and her sis-1 ter, Mrs. S. Lanier, of Wilming- ^ ton, have returned home from G Greenville and Ayden, where they | have been visiting relatives and friends for the past week. Mrs. Kathryne L. Murray and Miss Betty Jane Lanier, of Wil- a mington, were the week-end gues- A ts of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Butler. n Capt. Lane, of the Comstock, at Morehead City, visited his B family here last week-end. 11 Mr. and Mrs. H. T. St. George spent part of last week in Ral-1 eigh visiting friends and rela- w tives. h V Miss Sophie Hinton visited her parents in Elizabeth City last week-end. ? K Mr. Talliferro spent several days in South Mills last week. a Mr. Robert'willis* of Wilmington, visited friends and relatives here last week-end. Mrs. Harry Corlette and two daughters are visiting in Wendel this week. Mrs. Lottie "satterfield and Mr. Todd visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corlette last week. ? Mrs. LeRoy Burns, Mrs. L. T. ? Yaskell and Mrs. Winnie Whit- *j aker spent Thursday in Wilmington shopping. Mrs. Frank St. George and, Mrs. Swann were Wilmington " visitors Thursday. * 11 Mr. John Vereen, of Wilming- 0 ton, was a visitor in town Friday. c a Lieut Col. Stanley spent the * day here Friday. He was an officer at old Fort Caswell. a ti Mrs Claude Chad wick and daughter, of Beaufort, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mabel Marran. Mr. W. S. Davis, Mr. Tommie Larsen, and Mr. Preston Bryant were week-end visitors from c Morehead City. S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crapon were business visitors in Georgetown, S. C., last Thursday. J Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Morse and d Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crapon p were Sunday guests of Mr. and r Mrs. Johnie Moore, at Lake Wac- n camaw. 1 8 Miss Nell Allison, of the Waccamaw faculty, was the week-end d guest of Miss Eleanor Howey. d HHHHHHHBHHHHHHHHB ["HE NEW 1936 ical Instrument of Qua Ilh THE FINES! 1 SETS EVE $49.95 Every broadcai eluding the U ili Fore I0WANCE... ? obinson, SUPPLY, N. G. KitgmtKKKicimmticgttM PORT PILOT, SOUTHPOR1 II Miss Virginia Dodson spent j ist week-end with Miss Imogene i larrett. Mr. C. L. Stevens was a Willington visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Mr. nd Mrs. Richard Brendle and Irs. Warren Hood were Willington visitors Wednesday. Miss Alice Adkins, of Wilnington, visited friends here on ist Wednesday. Mrs. George Howey, Mr. Edward Taylor and Mr. James McJeithan were Friday visitors in Wilmington. m Mr. Ormand Leggett recently ound that he had several ribs roken in the automobile wreck .bout ten weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dye, of Wilmington, were guests of Mr. nd Mrs. G. D. Robinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Teague, Slkton, Md., are visiting Mr. and Irs. C. L. Livington. BEING REPAIRED The Rev. Marshall is having is boat the Josephine Marshall, rone over and repaired. While Lshing outside one day last week ie hit a wreck, but very little lamage was done. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Be it Resolved, Whereas, in lemory of Dr. Wm. R. Goley, layor of the Town of Shallotte, he Board of Aldermen on behalf f the citizens of the town and ommunity, hereby express our ppreciation of his loyalty as layor, his energetic devotion in is chosen profession, his acts of harity, the examples he set as neighbor and unselfish service o the community. E. D. BISHOP, R. D. WHITE, W. L. SWAIN, Ll C. TRIPP, A. W. CLEMMONS, A. a. W11AAS, Aldermen. ITUDENTS ELECT CLASS OFFICERS ( > ea^d mojj pannpnoo) elks Is grade mother. Sophomores: Dan Wells, presilent; James McKeithan, viceiresident; Frances Bellamy, secetary. Mrs. M. L. Burns is grade fiother for the sophomores and Jiss Myrtle Taylor is faculty ponsor. Freshmen: Earl Bellamy, presilent; W. L. Fullwood, vice-presilent; Leatha Arnold, secretary' i !? | lity \ \ i BATTERY I iR BUILT || $100 j1 st service, in- $ . S. Weather | cast jj I arvelous sets come ! :abinet models and !! ) ( s. Their matchless |' ? J ' f materials and degrace an y room. j [ ;st results use a all-wave aerial iSY TERMS i il | :o Dealer j 1! | | V , I>l NORTH CAROLINA treasurer. Members of the program committee are: Lillie Rogers, Carrie Hewett and Mary Hood. Thelma Sellars is critic. Mrs. S. B. Frink is grade mother for this class and G. W. Bunting is faculty sponsor. MEET THE TEACHERS (Continued from page 4.) Miss Julia Cromartie is beginning her first year as second grade teacher in the Southport school. Her home is at Hickory Grove, Bladen county, where she taught for the past several years. She is a graduate of Peace Institute, Raleigh, and has had one year at Appalachain State Teachers College, Boone. Miss Sophie Hinton, of Elizabeth City, graduated last June from Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. She is beginning her teaching career as first grade teacher in the Southport school. Miss Clyde Bryan, of Benson, is serving her first year as first grade teacher in the local school. She came here from the AcmeDelco high school in Columbus county where she taught for six years. Her college training was received at East Carolina Teachers College. ii Watson's i| Pharmacy 1; j [ Southport, N. C. ^ REF IPeop] At Southport, North Ca ness on the 1st daj Loans and discount? .. United States Governm Other bonds, stocks, ai Total Loans and In Banking House, $6,000. t>?"1 ABf o fa AitmoH Ath/ IfWCOl COkOW> vnuvu v> wi< Cash in valut, exchange Total Assetf Deposits of individuals, jBS mand or within 3( Time deposits of indiv after 30 days or si Public funds of States, other political subc &| Deposits of other banks, I travelers' checks o Summary of Items (a) Secured by p (b) Not secured ments (c) Total I Capital Account:? (a) Capital notes ai (e) Common stock, (f) Surplus (g) Undivided profi (h) Reserves for c< (k) Retirement funi ?? debentures Total, includi fij STATE OF NORTH CA I J. W. Ruark, Presidi Peoples United Bank, ea sworn, each for himself, knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subsci (M I I | V "I Home Economics Is Added For High School Girls And Public School Music For All Students | (Continued fnm page 4) I rarian, we are better prepared to I offer a service along this line, worthwhile to the pupils. The I librarian is busy every day getI ting the books in line and famili- I i arizing herself with the work. The Federal government is fur-! |nishing labor to beautify Frank|lin Squiare. There is a movement on foot to add playground equip-1 ment to this park for the use of; school children. This movement J so far has met with favorable J cooperation. Think it over. If only we had more amusements on the ground we would likely have less j friction and unpleasant relations. We have a gymnasium equipped for basketball, but nothing for our smaller children to play with at their recesses. In order to promote friendly rivalry the high school is divided into two literary societies. These j societies each present a program on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. We are always glad to have you visit these societies and j enjoy their programs. Each soci-1 ety has a teacher whose duty it is to see that programs are clean and wholesome. Two medals are I i Prescriptions filled j ( )! j i promptly by a regis- j \ it tered pharmacist. ] j II _ . 't Patronize y o u r j | home urug store jvi EKKKKKKmOOCKlCltlflHill "ORT OF THE CONDITION OF ' es United .rolina, to the Commissioner of Ban! r of November, 1935. ASSETS ent obligations, direct and or fully id securities ivestments (Items 1 to 4) 00; Furniture and Fixtures ;r than banking house s, cash items, and balances with ott i - LIABILITIES partnerships or corporations payat ) days iduals, partnerships or corporation ibject to more than 30 days' notice , counties, school districts, municip livisions , cash letters of credit, certified, off utstanding 12 to 16, inclusive: ledge of loans and or investments Ww nlnrlfrn r\f InanQ QTlH fir fnVPSt UJ ^/IVUgU W* iwwauj V.v. ? - ?. ? deposits . 8 id debentures: 250 shares, par $100 per share I ts?net mtingencies J for preferred stock or capital r ng capital account JROLINA, County of Brunswick:?a snt, S. B. Frink, Director and J. W, ch personally appeared before me tl says that the foregoing report is ibed before me this the 15th day of C. L. STEVENS, Notary Pul [y Commission expires July 7, 1937 J. W. RUARK, Prei S. B. FRINK, Directx J. W. YATES, Direct FIVE being offered by one of the clubs in town to promote public speaking. It is possible that a third will be offered at an early date. Three other medals are offered for scholarship, athletics and best all-round pupil. Let us urge that the parents insist on their children competing for one or more^ Let us not overlook the goo<5 work being done by our first, second, third and eleventh grade; departments. You are invited to visit us whenever and wherever you wish. We are hoping that the time is near when the movement to have a port terminal at Southport will not only be a dream* but a reality. It is the aim of your school board and town offl* cials to not be found wanting in a modern and up-to-date schooL. Let us make our slogan, and all pull for "A Greater Southport." GRIST MILL AT I iinnivc1 I WAIUS FARM GRINDS EVERY Saturday For Good Meal and Quick Service Bring Us Your CORN | Bank | rflAOA r\f T? 11 ai _ t\a CL L UlC V/1UOL VI uuui $ 30,190.06 pguaranteed.... 8,033.38 Si. 8,954.67 | .$47,178.11 $750.00 6,750.00 1' 1,282.08 1 ler banks 59,955.07 Hfej 115,165.26 p[ ile on de -.-$ 56,295.05 ||[ s payable ?ft 4,759.39 ?jft lalities or 21,152.36 ||[ icers' and sSp 772.80 ||t $10,000.00 |l 72,979.60 M 2,979.60 $25,000.00 ^ 1,000.00 375.66 5,810.00 &!. lotes and .... 32,185.66 $115,165.26 . Yates, Director of the lis day, and, being duly true to the best of his ' November, 1935. ia rident, l|j or.

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