Lars.. NOVEMBER 2 pADS' I -jle?Small tract of long M ri ?pnice pine timber on PV 30 if interested see P. rls'sWELL, Winnabow, N. |* 11-20-* J^^_Five acre tract of fj jt Lanvalle, N. C. Property itfthin -00 -vards of state _. jnd fronts on sand-caly w fcr further information and E jjjte Box 919, Southport, fcjrr^Ash logs. See, write, CLINTON LUMBER1 I djjton, N. C. 12-18-* j The Grovely plantaEj: Town Creek for rent for I K cor.tains from 250 to 3501 E of richest arable land in i Enrich county. Also farm j Ejast Branch. About 50 acE good land. Tin roof dwel- j bam. For terms apply | fjc!a D. Bellamy, Wilmington, j If 12-11-c Wpt~~~DEER. RABBITS?All j E of wild game stuffed. For ' E? taxidermy work at reas-: E prices, write Box 5242, j pFfALS fiiaaissioxERS sale of REAL ESTATE ft iccordance with the Judgment Before rendered on the 22nd dav Barter. A. D? 1935. in Re: Southftsdidinj and Loan Association lts:d McKelthan, et als., the unftptd having been appointed ComKw to make sale in said cause. for sale at public auction j| tighest bidder for cash at the s bouw door In the City of ijrt North Carolina, on .tltfSrd day of >'ov? A. D., 1935, 3 o'clock noon, as per directions it above named judgment, the icf described lot, tract, piece jial of land lying and being In 0 of Brunswick. Town Creek silp, State of North Carolina, ilti and described as follows, to(taing at a two-inch Iron pipe ml "McK" same being on the tie of State Highway No. 30, (Tan of Bolivia, and being the : comer of B. R. Page's adjoincs't of land, and runs thence 1 5< degrees 45' east 195 feet ir:r and one-half Inches to ani :rcn pipe lettered "McK": K 'Tthward 38 degrees 30' east !?: to another iron pipe lettered ?." sarne being the east corner ' T Brooks' adjoining tract of , ior.ce north 58 degrees 45' east Ik: art seven inches to another lettered "McK" in the aforeEighway No. 30, thence south 9re-s west with said Highway Ik 'a the beginning point, same (' ? north corner of B. R. Pagnrd aforesaid, and being the < had conveyed to Maud Melt: by J. W Brooks as appears Sock ??. at page 8. Records of ~county, to which reference roby especially made. si and posted, this 23rd day of sr. A. P.. 1935. ROBERT TV. DAVIS. < Commissioner. MICE OF FORECLOSURE fe: art hv virtue of a power of "" t in a certain mortgage aerated by C. L. Cotton and " A. T MoKeithan, on the tar of February. 1927. duly rer. Bonk No 43 at Page No. sccris nf Brunswick county. N. ? secure payment of certain re. iti-d. and thereafter I'sgtied to Peoples United Bank having been made In fct of said rotes, the underslgn' roe of the mortgagee, will on nay. November 25th. 1935. "- - o'clock, noon, at the courtin Brunswick county. N. i"' f<T s:ile to the highest bldJ "ash. a certain traet of land c rv'lle Township. Brunswick . hounded and describ'.v.otvs. viz: Beginning at a a Southern line of said tract. 3 old Thomas Drew line, Ch mblee; runs thence ( ' ,f.a't 230 feet with the cen' sii road leading through the ; a canal; thence south Ofi de8 minutes east 410 feet to a - said canal on the south ? - small island; thence north -s east 721 feet to another J*. 5Tr,h slde of 'Aid field. "'P fb R U oti'nt t1 o flrtrnfiis' 152 east"69o'"feet^'tiT a south 11 degrees west stake on the sfsithern :ract; thence north 67 1200 feet to beginning. i acres, more or less, posted, this October EXITED BANK, i. T. McKeithan, Mortt. Attorney, Southport. ll-20c rRATOR'S NOTICE igned having qualified tor of the estate of t>. eased) hereby gives noersons indebted to said ke Immediate payment ins holding any claims estate to present them duly verified within six this date or this notice ed in bar of their reer 21st. 1935. >XG. Administrator of Id estate. Sentelle. 11-27-* IMMISSIOXER'S SALE to authority vested in gment of Superior Court August 12. 1935. I the commissioner, duly apat certain action pending t county Superior court Woodard was plains' Lena Hill and Oscar a.'jjh and et als. were December 2nd. 1935. ' house door in Brunssell to the highest bidI the following described 'rated in lock woods Fol- | Ina. Brunsw'c'{ county, j at a maple near the end j >as Lewis old Mill Dam; "ce N. 31 degrees west a spruce pine; running ' degrees E. 20 poles to | "i close to a road; run- J , ahout N. 50 degrees E. j II of a branch 26 poles L running thence * E. 64 poles to Swain's to the beginning. Conv^fes more or less, oeing for the default and of certain taxes due h?J?t}y, by defendants in no'^'cd action from 1928 ssi ,SV*. total amount of C J;'', all of which has 'aid plaintiff. 1935 this the 22n<J day Pl- E. SENTELLE, Commissioner. ' - 0, 1935 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of L. W. Ganus, deceased, late of Brunswick county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport, North Carolina, on or before October 16. 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. Dated, this 15th day of Oct., 1935. G, V. FESPERMAN, 11-20-c Administrator of L. W. Ganus FORECLOSFRE Default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by that certain deed of trust executed by J. D. Sutton and wife, Thelma Sutton, to Robert W. Davis, Trustee, on the 23rd day of February, A. D? 1932, and duly recorded in Book 53, at page 363, Records of Brunswick County, to secure the payment of the said debt therein described to the Southport Building and Loan Association, and the said Southport Building and Loan Association having made application to the undersigned Trustee to advertise and sell the property therein described to satisfy said debt, I will on Saturday, the 21st day of December, A. D? 1935, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the City of Southport Brunswick County, North Carolina, the following described lot, tract, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Southport. Brunswick county. North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Western line of Lord Street 120 feet northwardly from the northwestern corner formed by the intersection of the North line of Bay Street with the Western line of Lord Street, said point being Robert W. Davis' northeastern corner, runs thence northwardly along the western line of Lord Street 90 feet to R. R. Btddlecomb's (formerly J. L. Daniel's) adjoining lot: thence westwardly and parallel with Moore Street 66 feet to a stake in the dividing line between lots 3 and 4, and the southwestern corner of said Biddlecomb's (formerly J. L. Daniel's) adjoining lot; thence ! southwardly along the eastern line of said lot No. 3 and parallel with Lord Street. 90 feet to a stake, same being said Robert W. Davis' northwestern corner: thence eastwardly along said Robert W. Davis' northern ; line and parallel with Bay Street 6( I feet to the beginning corner, i Dated and posted, this the 20th day of November. 1935. 12-18c. ROBERT W. DAVIS, Trustee NOTICE OF FORECLOSFRE Under and by virtue of a powei of sale contained in a certain deed iof trust executed by C. E. Gause and jwife to J. W. Ruark, Trustee, dated i January 29th, 1929, recorded in offiw of Register of Deeds for Brunswick Countv. N. C.. in Book No. 48. Page No. 337. reference thereto being hereby made, to secure payment of certain notes therein recited, and default having been made in payment ot same, the undersigned trustee, will or Monday, December 23, 1985, ] offer for sale to the highest biddei for cash, at the court house door ir Southport. N. C.. at 12 o'clock noon at public auction, a certain tract ot land lying and being in Smithvilk Township, bounded and described as |follows, viz:? Beginning at J. Berg s northerr corner near a culvert on Wilmin^tiicrkwav hhtwppn -T A- ljosner * and j. Berg's farms: runs nortl about 24.51 east about 295.0 feet witt said highway; runs about north 33.1! ; east 462.5 feet with said highway; ; runs about north 43.09 east 84.5 feel with said highway; runs about nortt 55.00 east 112.5 feet with said high.way: runs about north 62.06 easl 1128.0 feet to Wilmington highway called Middle road; runs south 42.01 east 995.0 feet to Finch's corner; run! with Finch's line south 67.51 wesl 1188.0 feet to Isaiah Mills northeas' .corner: runs with Isaiah Mills line I south 74.30 west 462 feet to his northwest corner: runs south 83.36 wesl 455.0 feet; runs north 74.25 west 20( feet to beginning. Dated and posted, this Xovembei ) 18th. 1935. J. W. RUARK, ! 12-18c Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL~ ESTATE MORTGAGE | Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certair mortgage deed, made by J. F. Coleman and his wife. Lydia A. Coleman | to W. E. Dosher for $400.00. datec the 5th day of November. 1927. dul> i recorded in Book 52. at page 90, reI cords of Brunswick County, to whict | is hereby especially made. Defaull | having been made in the payment ol the indebtedness therein described [ the undersigned W. E. Dosher will offer for sale at public auction tc [ the highest bidder for cash at the I courthouse door in the City of Southj port, and the County of Brunswick, on December 9th, 1935, I at 12 o'clock noon, the following des| cribed piece, lot tract or parcel ol land lying and being in Brunswick I county. North Carolina, and bounded land described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a large black gum at I or near the run of Beaver Dam Swamp. John R. Dosher's corner; | runs thence with John R. Dosher's | line S. 30 deg. E. about 105 poles to a stake another one of John R. Dosher's corners; in the J. E. Wood| side line; thence with said line N. (55 deg. E. 42 poles to a stake at ox I near an old tarkiln bed, thence N. - 30 deg. W. and parallel with John R. Dosher's line about 105 poles to the run of Beaver Dam Swnm-S thence down the run of said Swamp as it meanders to the beginning, contain' ing 24 acres, more or less, being the same land this day conveyed to J. IF. Coleman by AV. E. Dosher and I wife, and not yet recorded. Dated and posted, this the 9th day 1 \T??amKor 1Q35 I Ui A1U*CIUUV?, .vv?. W. E. DOSHER, Mortgagee. S. B. Frink, Attorney. 12-4-c. FORECLOSURE SALE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power I of sale contained in that certain I mortgage deed made to me by Ed Brown, and wife. Lillie Brown, et als. dated the 25th day of SeptemI ber, A. D? 192C, and duly recorded in j Book 43 at. page 359, records of i Brunswick County, to which reference is hereby especially made. De| fault having been made in the pay| ment of the debt therein described, JI will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at J the courthouse door in the City of Southport, Brunswick county, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 14th day of December, A. D.. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described lot, tract, piece or parcel [ of land, lying and being in the County of Brunswick, in Smlthville Township, and being the "Second Tract" as described fn the mortgage above referred to. and bounded and [described as follows, to-wit: | Beginning at a stake on the public | Road leading from Southport to Wilmington, Laura McRacken's corner, | and runs thence north 6 degrees west | to a small maple in Laura McRacken's Southern corner; thence up the Branch to the Public Road; thence with said Public Road to the beginning. containing three and one-half acres, according to a plot made by John N. Bennett. Dated and posted this the 13th day of November, 1935. JOEL MOORE, Mortgagee. Robert W. Davis, Attorney for the Mortgagee. 12-11-c A Frenchman learning English said to his tutor: "English is a queer language. What does this sentence mean: "Should Mr. Noble, who sits for this constituency, consent to stand again and run he will in all probability have a walkover?" THE Bolivia News _____ Mr. Jewel McKeithan was a t Wilmington visitor Saturday. Weiner Roast ) Miss Julia Oats entertained the Senior Class of Bolivia high | school Friday night of last week at a weiner roast in the community building. Those present were: Miss Julia Oates, hostess, [Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Overcash, O. iC. Johnson, S. D. Wright, Quinton Leonard, Edward Mercer, 'Roy Kye, Edith Bergemann, Leon ! Henry, Inez Thorpe, Carl Galloway, Eugene Willets, Dotridge Willetts, Mary Lou Robinson, Geraldine Robbins and Jesse Lewis. Many games and stunts were enjoyed under the direction of Mr. Johnson. Miss Nancy Lee Hill, of Wilmington, spent the week-end with Miss Eleanor and Johnnie Hand. Mr. Alex Mercer was a Wil|mington visitor Saturday of last i week. 4-H Club Party The smaller girls of the Boli!via 4-H Club enjoyed a party 'at the community building last j Thursday night. The colors for I the 4-H Club, which are green ' and white, were carried out in the decorations. I A prize was given for the 'tackiest costume and Doris and '! Creola Cox received the prize. Several games were played by the members and refreshments iwere served by their leader, Mrs. I Hardy Clemmons. ! Those attending the party were, Principal, O. C. Johnson, Mrs. Hardy Clemmons, leader, Gladys Mercer, Jaunlta Cannon, Doris Cox, Creola Cox, Elsie Mercer, Lucy Hand, Vivian Hand, Dolly t Mercer, Mary Lee Mercer, Eleai nor Hand, Edith Mercer, Duck 1 Potter, Geneva Potter, Norma : Dell Robinson, Retta Moore, Lesli ! and Mrs. Cannon. \ COUNTY HOME NOTES I ? Mrs. R. L. Johnson and Miss i Maybe lie Reynolds were callers t on Wednesday. ! Mrs. Mattie Marlow, Mrs. Liz' zie Potter and Mrs. Leila Cox ali so called on Wednesday. Other callers on Wednesday ' were, Mr. Joe Beck and Mr 1 George Wescott, from the Win: nabow section, Mr. Garfield Sul1 livan, who was accompanied by ' several young men. Mr. Sullivar ' took his uncle, Mr. Henry Flowi ers, home for a visit to his rela! tives. . , t i Mrs. Nonie Williams and daughter, Miss Gladys Williams, and i son, Conrad Williams, were gues'Its of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wilr liams on Saturday and remained till Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and Mrs. Clarence Milliken, from Shallotte, were callers at the [\home on Sunday. Mrs R. L. Johnson, Mrs. Ethel Fulwood, Mrs. Charlie Rourk and ' daughter, Miss Elmina Rourk, Miss Maybelle Reynolds and Miss Marion Norman, from Southport i were callers on Sunday afternoon i Rev. Z. G. Ray, one of the members of the Waccamaw ! school, also called on Sunday afternoon and very kindly conducted a service for the home. His l discourse on the Bible and what i it should mean to human beings was both timely and interesting. I] Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Williams left on Monday for a trip to ! I their home at Shallotte. Miss Satterfield called Mon! day and announced that the service she was to hold at the home on Tuesday evening of this week had been postponed till next 1 week, at which time she is planning to hold a Thanksgiving service. H T Watkins, of Blanch, CasSwell county, attributes the fine ! quality of his sweet potatoes this ; season to the increased potash 'content of his home-mixed fertilizers. Care Of Your automol ill ' !j| investment ot se^ lars. The small < lubrication service I the life of the mai ! many dollars in r< Hood Sen Full Line Stand Southpo < ! ^M?m?mamm?i wm?mmmmmmm?mmmm?rn MM***********#********************** r . , ? STATE PORT PILOT, SOU! Expecting Large Christmas Sales Timely Release Of New 1936 Chevrolet Models And The Wholesale Enthusiasm For These Cars Leads To That Prediction The Chevrolet Motor Company is looking forward to the highest | volume of Christmas sales in its I 25-year history, according to W. !e. Holler, vice president and general sales manager, who in an interview outlined the factors supporting that view. The prediction is based, Mr. Holler said, mainly upon three points?the excellence of the new j 1936 Chevrolets which were introduced Nov. 2; the timeliness of their introduction, just before! the Christmas buying season; and | the fact that the new General Motors Acceptance Corporation's six per cent purchase plan reduces to a new low figure the outlay required to own and drive a new motor car. "Orders taken on announcement day," said Mr. Holler, "exceeded anything in our history. Plainly, the public agrees with us that the 1936 Chevrolets are the finest product we have ever introduced. Increased beauty and luxury, greater safety and economy, and finer performance characterize both the Master deluxe and the Standard series. Both new lines are equipped with perfected hydraulic brakes, and both have solid steel turrent top bod ies by Fisher. There has been a I growing trend toward the giving | of automobiles for Christmas , and these fine cars of low price , will certainly be selected by many for Christmas giving. ) "This should be especially true in light of the fact that the pur. chaser is giving a next year's | j car, rather than one which will [ | be supplanted by a new model in a few weeks. The advancement of the announcement date removes this deterrent to Christmas buying, and for that reason , can not fail to stimulate year! end business. "Finally, there is the new payment plan just announced by GMAC, whereby the purchaser on ja 12-payment contract receives r the benefit of lowered interest rates. [ I The GMAC purchase plan in ' use heretofore was the most lib, [ eral automobile time payment 1 plan in the industry. With the further reduction in rate announJced by GMAC, it becomes possiJ ble for the thrifty buyer to effect further important savings by IJ selecting as a Christmas gift one of the new Chevrolets." i EXUM NEWS i The Exum Home Demonstrai tion Club met with Mrs. D. B. s Edwards Wednesday afternoon. After the business program, Mrs. 1 J. E. Dodson, the president, gave [ j an interesting demonstration on , j a Thanksgiving menu. A turkey i contest game was played and , greatly enjoyed by all. Those t present were: s Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. J. E. Dod son, Mrs. J. H. Fearnside, Mrs. Irksene Vereen, Mrs. J. L. Bennett, Mrs. Lee Phelps, Mrs. J. M. i Bennett and Misses Mildred Ben; nett and Mlanche Phelps, i Mrs. D. J. Ray has been ill for several days, friends will rei gret to learn. i Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Russ and children have recently moved back here from Fayetteville where they have been living for the past several months. S. B. Smith, of the Ash community, is reported to be quite sick. Lois, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phelps, has been suffering with a severe cold for the last few days. i Cotton growers of Scotland county purchased 456,840 pounds ~ tJ f?. Ioi tax exemption tciuiiuau;o iu gin extra cotton last week. Your Car 3ile represents an ^eral hundred dolsost of our expert i will add months to shine and will save ;pair bills. rice Station ard Oil Products rt, N. G. HPORT, N. C. How To Have Fat 1 Turkeys To Eat Specialists Give Pointers For The Proper Conditi- I oning Of The Thanksgiving Turkey "To meet the consumer's demand for a tender, well-fattened turkey by Thanksgiving the pro- h ducer must feed his young stock v so that the birds will make rapid p gains up to the age of 26 to 28 a weeks," say poultry specialists of the United States Department u of Agriculture. Since maximum o gains in young turkeys depend o largely on the kind and quantity \ of the feeds, the Department'b specialists are planning more intensive study of diets for turkeys p at the Beltsville Research Center n at Beltsville, Md. n Stanley J. Marsden, who has been doing this work at the Bu- e reau's experiment station at Mil- a es City, Mont., is being transfer- ? red to Beltsville and will have . charge of the turkey investigations there. The conditions at i Beltsville will be more like average farm conditions than they have been at Miles City which is in the range country. In addition to the investigati-1 ons with diets, the work at Beltsville will include the study of more desirable strains for mar ket purposes. An attempt wiu ue made to develop strains of one or J more of the common breeds, or perhaps a cross of breeds, that j will be meatier and more compact than any of the breeds that I the standard weights of the common breeds are too high and that | a lighter weight might be more j desirable for market purposes, provided lighter standards would not sacrifice meatineas of car[ cass. Change Of Diet May Help Chicks Weakly Chicks May Indicate That Hens Are On The Wrong Kind Of Diet; Poultrymen Should ; j Change Feed Newly hatched chicks with unI usually short and shaky legs I have been a puzzle to poultryjmen. Now poultry specialists of the 'United States Department of Agriculture have found that shortj legged chicks often come from leggs laid by confined hens, which [receive feed lacking satisfactory | protein concentrates. They found that not all meat ;meals furnish the proper kind of protein suppliment for confined j breeding stock. Several diets [which contained meat meal as the sole protein supplement causj ed the hens to lay eggs from which shortlegged chicks hatched. At the same time normal chicks hatched from eggs laid by f hens receiving different kinds of meat meals as the only protein source. Green grass, milk, and some i i meat meals contain the factor i necessary to prevent these shortlegged chicks. Rations for confinj *K3t3t3t3t300tM3tX3t3(3Ht3 Our E !! you 11 We have over | 50 well broke ) { young mules and ) | every one is guarj ( j | anteed to be as represented. ): ! If you expect to j { j buy or trade, come J # [ to see us we will please you IS I Cash or I! Time I! IS I! IS I HACKNEY ! ( Sethi | WHITEVILLE, Pond Of Water h Valuable Asset E | pi n Addition To Adding 10 Beauty To Landscape, It !fo Also Will Prove A Sour- aq ce of Pleasure And Profit gh A good pond of water, adding of eauty to the landscape and pro- ^ iding a source of profit and A leasure, is a valuable asset to; be lmost any farm. |ba Nestled in a small hollow by a[qu roodland, a pond may be made jab ne of the most attractive places Jan n the farm, according to L. A. |Pr' Vhitford, associate professor of otany at State College. If the pond is large enough, er art of it may be used for boat- 001 ig and swimming. The overflow Jbe my be utilized to develop water sir d breeding stock, the specialists gh dvise, should include milk, alfal- tio a leaf meal, and cod liver oil. st? g=====i^^== VIS) Wilmington WHILE IN W1 PENN I HUNDREDS O All Are New Ai Gome And Brinj J. C. PEN W1LMING1 (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX tarns Are Fv NG Ml k ? SlGONS?-(Both on^ an, ?? am Smith t - - - NORTH CggggggltlCMJCICKKWtJtK I SEVEN )wer. Well stocked with fish, the >und should supply the farm >me with a good meat supply ie year around. Often the water ants may be gathered and sold) local fish and pet stores or r planting in garden pools an? uaria. Under ideal conditions, a pond: ould produce as many pounds fish per acre as a pasture will oduce pounds of beef, Whitfordi inted out Jthough a water area cannot "farmed" on as scientific a. sis as land, due to the inadeacy of information now availle regarding the care of fist* d pounds, it can be made to Dduce a good supply of vegetion and fish. Where fish are raised, the watshould be kept at a fairly nstant level, and there should shallow places where the laller fish can feed and breed. Aquatic plants in the shallows /e additional food and protecn to the young fish, Whitford ited. ; II) IT isToyland LMINGTON EYS' F NEW TOYS nd Streamlined \ The Children NEYCO. | 'ON, N. C. | ' 11 nf i JLES |i ): it ): ): it it it it it )t d Two Horse) j i Co. !j CAROLINA i < - i. V

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