TWO THE STATE PORT PILOT Southport, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY JAMES M. HARPER, JR., Editor Entered as second-class matter April 20, 1928, at the Post Office at Southport, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR $1.50 BIX MONTHS 1.00 THREE MONTHS .75 Vj^NATIONAL EDITORIAL 9o) H ASSOCIATION ' <=Z/VLesnJue*. 1935 Wednesday, November 20, 1935 Soil that will grow sand spurs and : cockleburs also will produce peas and 1 soybeans. 1 u We are glad to see improvements being made in the condition of the streets t in Southport. r Southport children probably think the meanest man in the world is the one who stops the hobby-horses. ^ r Pickers are lucky that dealers pay as much for heading cheap shrimp as they do for heading high price shrimp. p e We don't know which is worse?to lis- C ten to the history of a "has-been" or the p abili of the "never-was." P Painting and repairing that has been " going on in Southport during the past 0 few months has done much to improve S1 the appearance of the town. " gl Parents should have no trouble with their kids from now until December 25. a The "be good or Santa Claus won't come h to see you" threat always is good for at h least 30 days before Christmas. it is Club Work Si If you have any doubts concerning the n value of home demonstration club work n in Brunswick county, look up your copy ^ of The Pilot for last week and read the v Q' list of achievements of the Ash club dur- "" ing the present year. In our opinion the work of those women shows a definite trend toward better]" living conditions for the rural residents p of Brunswick county. g This Business Of Colds v With the coming of winter weather ^ and its changeable temperatures, the threat of colds?especially among chil- , dren?is easily doubled. No other disease ? offers a more serious threat of dangerous ^ complications. , Parents should take every possible precaution to see that their children are protected against bad colds. When it is discovered that a child has developed a ^ cold, the first matter of major importance ^ is to see that it is broken up. Meanwhile, don't allow other members of the family F or schoolmates to be needlessly exposed. Following is a timely verse which ap- , peared in the current issue of The Health Bulletin, published by the North Carolina Board of Health: ? " ? 1 - 1 1*1X1 11 1 i 1 1 ?j , t luary naa a litue coia, Dur wouian t stay u at home, >] And everywhere that Mary went, that j, cold was sure to roam; It wandered into Molly's eyes and filled r them full of tears. It jumped from there to Bobby's nose, j and thence to Jimmie's ears. It painted Anna's throat bright red, and r swelled poor Jennie's head; Dora had a fever, and a cough put Jack ] to bed. j The moral of this little tale is very quickly said? . She could have saved a lot of pain with ] just one day in bed! " I Worth Considering < i In a recent address, L. J. Taber, master of the National Grange, told his audience some of the things that co-operation does for the farmer. It gives him a voice in the control of his own affairs, thus increasing his sense of responsibility and his value as a citizen. It makes it possible for him to control the quality of both the commodities he buys and the commodities he sells. - Kit. ?; - .. THE STATE F It enables him to secure the type of service as to Merchandising, packaging, distribution, etc., that best fits his needs. It aids him in bettering the price received for his products, both by increasing his bargaining power and by showing him ways to increase quality. It opens avenues of credit that he could j not otherwise obtain. Each of these points is of great importance, and they by no means exhaust the list. The fruits of co-operation are many, and the progressive farmer is benefitting accordingly. Night Driving "Of 36,000 motor fatalities last year, 20,000 occurred at night," writes Gover- ; lor Harold G. Hoffman, of New Jersey, < n an article in Liberty entitled "Death j \fter Dark." "The total economic waste of night- ' ime automobile accidents is estimated at 1 learly one and a half billion dollars. f "Sixty-nine percent of those killed are ] jedestrians. i "As a nation, we have failed to grasp ' he fact that as the sun goes down, so i oust our speed. We are simply driving 1 oo fast for our eyes." ( Night driving, Governor Hoffman (( oints out, involves three definite factors, c ach of which contributes to the hazard: * )verdriving our headlights; slow prece- t fion due to poor illumination; the night ? edestrian hazard. c The first factor is probably the most t nportant, inasmuch as it affects the t ther two. Governor Hoffman says that be average man is fortunate if he can t ee 100 feet clearly with his headlamps, c 'hat is less than the distance required to 1 top from a speed of 35 miles per hour, J n good pavement with first-class tires e nd brakes. If the night driver is travel- 1 lg 60, not an uncommon speed on our c ighways today, that 100 feet of visibil- c ;y will have been passed by the time he ? s able to even substantially lower his r peed. e Thousands of us are driving 50 and 60 i liles an hour in cars equipped with 30lile headlights. One solution to that is1 etter illumination for streets and highways. Irrefutable figures, based on extenive tests, show that the saving in econmic waste, to say nothing of the human waste, pays the cost of good lighting lany times over. But it will be a long ime before the average highway is lightd at all, and in the meantime, the onlyt olution is to drive moderately if youi wish to avoid "death after dark." 3ird Hunting Brisk, cool November weather and a lelay of several days in the opening of he bird season has had hunters on edge or some time for Thanksgiving Day?! he first day of the season this year. I It is a safe bet that every man who wns a dog and a gun will get in his norning hunt, even if it makes him a lit late for his traditional Thanksgiving linner. Given a good day, it is entirely ossible that many hunters will forsake ltogether their noon-day meal in order Lot to miss a single hour of the first day's Lunt. There is something about the smell of :un-smoke, the chill of a winter day and he excitement of a flushed covey of )irds that outlasts the hunting season. ?he fine work of a bird dog in the field. s a sight a sportsman never can forget, j The loyal order of bird hunters knows i 10 class distinction. The farm boy clad, n blue overalls, a discarded coat, a base)all cap and shooting a single barrel gun s as much a member as the city sportsnan dyked out in kahki, shooting an imported gun with inlaid stock. The same rules apply to bird dogs. Bench show points and impressive pedigrees fail to idd one bit to the hunting qualities?j ind the pay-off is on ability to locate oirds, point, retieve and find singles. Bird hunting is a hard sport, and often during the course of a day a hunter will cover miles of territory that would be impassable without the urge of a dog and a gun. The promise of more game is a restless incentive to keep traveling, and each new covey is a tonic to tired muscles. And when the day's hunt is over and you count up the spoils, the fact that you didn't kill the bag limit fails to discourage you in the least for, in the words of an old-timer, "It ain't the ones you hit you remember. It's them you miss that makes you want to go again tomorrow." 'ORT PILOT, SOUTHPOR' WASHINGTON LETTER i Washington, Nov. 27.?Gathe ings of organized farmers, bus ness and labor leaders which a: held throughout the nation i this season warrant close attei tion of the politicians and offic holders. It is only a natural ii terest for the major subjects i these conventions deal with tl relations of government to h dustry, agriculture and labor. : is noteworthy that all these ses ions of private enterprise are he] outside Washington because r sounding board is necessary wit the national lawmakers awa from their desks. The debate an resolutions expressed the opinior of the militant groups on currer governmental policies are give more consideration than in othe years as money and votes froi special classes are at stake. The well-laid plans to stage rally for recovery under the ber Ign cloak of government san< tion seem stymied at this timi industrial groups feeling suspici jus of the meeting on Decembe ) sole a march by setting a idvance meeting of the Counc )f Industry in New York Decern jer 4 to 5, as a means of cour ;eracting government-inspired ac :ounts of the following week' inference in Washington. Coor linator Berry will probably b >bliged to change his tactics a lUDious Dusiness men aenniier ihallenge his naive contentioi hat the NRA will not be revive) md that the rally is "solely in lustry's party." Those who com iere December 9 claim they di to in a "tongue-in-cheek" atti ;ude of doubt. There is no optomlstic hopi hat industrial leaders will read he desired unanimity as to poli :ies for that is considered an im x>ssibility. The best outcroppinj intlcipated is to voice clear an< oud a fairly solid front agains xperimental legislation or ex ension of the Blue Eagle idea h other words, the main purposi if the assembly is to tell thi :ountry just what industry i; loing to hasten recovery withou laving distorted interpretation! ilaced on their remarks by gov irnment publicity agencies a vhat is called "Berry's stoogi neeting." Government bureaus are al vays seeking more power am arger appropriations. The firs :rop of annual reports submit ;ed to the President during th veek shows there has been ni :hange in the trend. The Federa [Yade Commission wants additi >nal authority from Congress. O >articular interest, to those wh< jatronize the chain stores is thi lemand of the Commission for t aw which will permit the gov irnment to keep tabs on spec al discounts and allowances giv in by manufacturers without an; lefinite relation to the cost o selling. This proposed measur vill undoubtedly revive the con :roversy between privately ope ated retail outlets and the chaii systems at the next Congress onal session. Among the conversational tid >its circulating around the Cap tol these days are: the outcomi >f the President's holiday visit ti Narm Springs, Ga., where he i sasily accessible to Southern poli ;ical leaders; the effect' of protes esolutions from the Nationa J range and other farm groups 01 he new Canadian reciprocity reaty, which will be reflecte< (specially in Congressional de >ate; the explosion of the slogai 'in union there is strength" whei he executive council of thi American Federation of La bo neets here in January to vitalize he dormant issue of craft versui vertical industrial unions and th< (ffect on suggested legislatioi or organized labor; how thi iouse Committees on Ways an< Heans in charge of tax program; end the House Committee on Ap >ropriation handling expenditure vill harmonize the spread bet veen outgo and income for th lext fiscal year in view of ap jroaching elections; what emer jency agencies will be throwi jverboard in an economy move die reaction of state government to the new rules of procedur which the Federal Social Secur ty Commission will promulgat is a guide for action within th iext few days. Political strategists are at odd iver the advisability of cleanin: iut the "Brains-Trust" nest. 1 is argued that this removal fror spheres of influence would b considered a genuine mov against sporadic experiment which has private industry in stubborn and belligerent mooc The friends of this college cre\ contend the Republican opposi tion would make political capita out of a change of front. Consei vative elements in the Democral ic ranks believe such a ste would eventually react to th benefit of the Administratioi Nothing definite is expected unt next year. Only a few of th "Brains-Trust" original cast ar now retained on government paj |A ' r, n. c. i ? (Copriitt, w. K v y i rolls. It is reported that this re- < mnant is very unhappy at recent dal trends in public affairs. The feel- ty. . ing persists that the President is torn between personal friendship pia e and good politics in this contro- coi 1 versy. Soi - I I SU t ? e Gj * ml i I HI - 1 ' 6 iDjl 3 5 All books anc .1 ; g f | ing a record of yc 0 IS! 1 S purchased at the < ; I LEDGER BIND II LEDGER LEi = I BOUND LI ; I DAY BO : I jouri ; I PEN( ; I CL1 I S I Quality workman: Printing . . The St "YOURi Southpi r- imJBiBiBJgJgjaiglHrajaiBIHSJaiElHJBiBJi r WEDNES ?*? Thanksgiving I WESTVP TO THINK J0HN,\NE\ A LOT To EE THANKFUL E'OH ( fl ' ^ :v&>; Shallotte Is the largest consoll- ? :ed school in Brunswick coun- lov the rhe Shallotte school won first I ce in the Brunswick County woi iMMAHAAmant How ovorH oafl in alrt UUUUiMlitUlV *ur*?J vnvkwwviv ? ithport laat Spring. hea iraiBraraErajarararerafErararajafaja; PPLIi I supplies you may nee >ur business during the office of The State Por iERSVVES? EDGERS? OKS? *ALS:iL SHARPENERS ID DA A DnC ir Dunivuj? TAMP PADSGLUE INK? ship and fair prices on . We appreciate your I ate Port COUNTY NEWSPAI art, North Car< ;iaiaiaiai5jBfEfgjgjafafaraigtBfgiaiBfi V J^^OVEMBER2O u-I lummer Boarder: "Oh, I'd juttl e to be a farmer, to live wlt&fl blue sky overhead!" farmer Jones: "Yes, thitl ild be all right if the bluel ' was the farmer's only over-1 araraiHiafgJHiamajararaiaajM zs s id in completyear may be t Pilot It* all your Job tusiness s Pilot | ,ER" 1 >lina I

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