Id s ESP ay, june 17, rso a J UlSTZ-VODSOS I much interest to theii Ls over the state is th< lage of Miss Virginia Let Ln to Colon Shaw Mintz ? 13th. in Goldsboro. L Mintz is the daughter oi tv Agent and Mrs. J. e E,n of Ash. She was educa ftt Southport high school anc B'onian's College of the Uni Ey of North Carolina. While Ijlege she was a member 01 mdelphi Sorority, Play Lik Ehe dramatic club and vari Ether student activities. Since E1934, Mrs. Mintz has beer trapher in the office of the K agent. E Mintz is the son of Mr jfrs. Harry L. Mintz, oi fttte. He attended the Pres an Junior College for men E he graduated from the my department. He receivec E S. degree from State Cot fin 1934. While at State he ?m~.nni, hoard oi on the puuntuwv.. Agriculturalist and Watagu Kff. also a member of the Ac. A. cabinet and varioui I campus activities. In July I Mr. Mintz was appointee ant county agent in Nasi A working as assistant foi Bnonths. then became countj of Wayne county and is the youngest county agenl Ae extension force in the I nXV PHADRICK I and Mrs. A. G. Peadrick luthport, announce the marI of their daughter, NatheB John Robert Ivey, of LakeIon Friday, June 12, at the It parsonage in Southport lev T. H. Biles officiated. Ik$. mixtz hostess I. R I. Mintz entertained a( Kme on Atlantic Avenue or Isday afternoon in honor oi ster, Mrs. E. H. Arlington to her departure or Mon| Panama. living room and dining were en suite for the oc and were attractively dec with summer flowers, ge was played at three | '.rith high score prize goI Mrs. Gus McNeil. Mrs. Joe . Jr.. cut consolation. Mrs ton. Mrs. H. S. Willis anc Richards all received | guest p:: he conclusion of the game; us refreshments were ser e playing were: Mesdame; d Sellers. W. S. Dosher St. George, John Swan, R ndle. Thomas St. George Willis. E H. Arrington Chadwick, Gus McNeil, R :es. and Miss Marion St Non-playing guests were mes Minnie Richards, Ru Fulcher and Joe Young, Jr :AVE FOR PANAMA E. H Arrington and chiland Pearce Cranmer left y for New York City, frorr they will sail for Panama : Mr. Arrington. w Britton News L L. Todd, of Mollie fillregular appointment a! !r;tton Baptist Church or June 7. A large congrewas present and a wondermor. was enjoyed by all. David Clifton, of Olc spent Monday in this secsiting relatives and friend: Lillian Watts, the young of Mr. and Mrs. M. B who attended Appalachiar rs College at Boone thi: inter has been spending a acation here with her parhe returned Monday, June resume her studies. Babson was a busines: in Wilmington Tuesday. Formy Duval has beer sick list for some time e hope for him a speedj y. er Inman, who underwent tendectomy at Brunswicl Hospital is out again, we d to see. 1 Lay Piatt, of Wampee s spending some time witl "dmother, Mrs. J. L. Bab 'his place. to Mr. and Mrs. D. L June 6, a bouncing boy Brooks. S I King was a busines; ' n Whiteville Monday, and Mrs. G. W. Babsoi ' to Wilmington Wednes a shopping tour. 86 Formy Duval, of South i^nt the week-end hen 13 parents. y- the little son of Mr rs Foster King is righ Present. jf Ross who is employe Soil Conservation a Dn- spent the week-en; 3 family here. 1 Mrs. D. G. Wilson an ,na Ross and childre; 3ar ;ay at Myrtle Bead ! reported a good time. 1936 IETY ! NEWS BRIEFS I ILL AT HOME Mrs. Sam Northrop is ill at : her home here. f MRS. COX ILL Mrs. W. K. Cox is ill at her * ^ home in Southport. CASINO CLOSES The Port City Casino, located f in Southport, has closed for the | summer. REOPENING STATION I The Central Service Station is being reopened for business by its i owner, C. M. Crapon. f' .IN HOSPITAL : I C. M. Fulwood, of Southport, 5 is a patient in the Brunswick , I County Hospital. i | i HOSPITAL PATIENT " Mrs. J. A. Sellars, of Bolivia, ' [ is a patient in the Brunswick i! County Hospital. : ENTERS HOSPITAL F. S. Milliken, of Shallotte, entered the Brunswick County Hos; pital Sunday. IMPROVEMENTS The Hood Service Station here j recently has been repainted and ; enlarged in order to bake care of . increased business. GOOD FISHING A fishing party aboard the Josephine Marshall, pleasure boat ihhlontnnty to the Rnv an/^ Mra ; w w?v *?v?. ujiu itii o. A. H. Marshall, caught about 150 pounds of sea bass Tuesday. TONSILECTOMY Miss Peggy Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carr, under. went a tonsilar operation last Wednesday at the Brunswick County Hospital. RECUPERATING James Pledger and Ernest Bowles, two members of the crew I of the Modoc, who were hurt 1 several weeks ago when their automobile crashed into a mule on the highway during a fog, are recovering at the Brunswick County Hospital from injuries sustained in the wreck. CORRECTION The card of appreciation run last week thanking voters for | their support in the first primary 1 and signed "J. B. Ruark" was run by Burnice Russ, unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination as Register of Deeds. The advertisement is being run correctly today over the signa. ture "J. B. RUSS." t i CAMP TEAM LOSES i Wrightsboro defeated the Camp Sapona nine Saturday afternoon on a soggy diamond by the onesided score of 15 to 1. The CCC outfit was able to present only a skeleton of its former line-up " due to the fact that several of the players were away for the 1 week-end. I MR ' A boil 11 ? will no dou t| each with a plat ; let them go, thin [ If we can b ing of your boni i. WA Bank S 1 CHADBOURN i t " ? Del d n i I / THE Mrs. Annie K. Vitou and Mrs., Will G. Butler are spending this week at Wrightsville Beach, the guests of Mrs. Ida Gooding. j Miss Sally Dosher spent the past week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dosher. | Mrs. Ennis Robinson, Wrights-' ville "Jeach, is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. W. K. Cox. Miss Mary Garrett, who holds j a position in Wilmington, visited her mother here during the past j week-end. Miss Corrina Swink, of Raleigh, is spending her vacation in Southport. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of | Pompano, Fla., visited her aunt, Mrs. Annie O. Robinson, last week. John Jenrette, of Longwood,! was a business visitor in South port Tuesday. Mrs. C. A. Jones and daughter, Lucille, now residing at Burgaw, arrived last week to visit friends here. George Marsh, of Raleigh, was a business visitor in town last j week. " * Mrs. O. Parker, of Wilmington, has been visiting Mrs. Jack Oli-j ver for the past week. We Inviti j| | LISTED | Blow-By-Bk ! I OF r [ mna_Qrtlim JjUUIO-U Willi Thursda |!| AT' I State Pi 1 ?Off SOUTH PC VETER it Those Bah; bt be beset with scheme n for spending your bo \k of the future and inv e of service, or assist y is bonds, we invite you CCAM and Trust Con WHITEVILLE, N. C. FAIRMONT iosits Insured Up To 3 i STATE PORT PILOT, SOU1 pnti I Mrs. Lanie Southerland is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl Hancock, in Wilmington this week. Miss Pauline Chadwick has been spending the past two weeks here with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Aldridge. Miss Clyde Fields Swam, who has been spending the winter months in Morton, Pa., with her sister, Mrs. Frank Fowler, and attending school there has returned home to spend the summer months with her sisters, Misses Vera, Dorothy and Mary Swain. Mrs. H. M. Shannon and children have returned home from Georgia, where they spent the past two weeks with relatives. Miss Mae Phelps, of Washington, D. C., arrived last week to spend the summer here at the Thompson home. Miss Katherine Leiner, of Wilmington, spent last week-end here with Mrs. W. G. Butler. Miss Josephine Wolfe, who has been visiting relatives in Wilmington, has returned home. 4 a Friends of John Shannon are glad to know that he is recovering from a recent illness. a Mrs. Earl Hancock and children, of Wilmington, spent last week-end here with Mrs. Lanie Southerland. ? You To I ST TO A [III )w Account | nil- ij i eling Fight |j iy Night 1HE Pilot ice? )RT, N. C. ; || ; AN: u Rotidc '5 and schemers, nus. Before you est them wisely, ou in the handlto call on us AW ipaiiy ROSE HILL 15,000.00? fHPORT, N. C. Misa Beatrice Lewis, a studei nurse at James Walker Memorii Hospital, Wilmington, is spent ing her vacation with her pa: er.ts at their home on the ol Lehew Farm, at Waldon Creel near Southport Judge E. H. Cranmer, aft< having spent the past week I his home here, left Monday mon ing to hold a term of court i Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. William Ottowa; of New York, are visiting M and Mrs. C. W. Easley. * Mr. and Mrs. Doctor O'Quim who have been visiting Mr i Vienna Leggett, have returned t I their home in Norfolk, Vat | Subscribe to The State Port Pilo Sgf ANOT CLOSET SEAT Ilk $1.65 vMm/e ry j| Mahogany finWjjW / y J1 ished, . . hardwood seat with SBBpP^ chrome plated A SI.98 value PITCHER PUMP llM $1-49 I m- 3-in. iron cylWjSjR[|j| I inder. ground \ 'I u and polished j|_B| >i\ inside. Oak \ tanned leathf\ers . y A $1.95 value WELL POINT 1 1-4x30" $1.59 PUMP PIPE Galvanized 1 l-4"x5 ft 85c BRASS FAUCET 1-2 inch 59c TANK FLOATS Solid Copper 15c Closet A $20 Value J TO . An efficient closet at lowest A price. Tank and bowl are J| | of first quality white vitre-jM ous china. Mahogany finish- (9 ed closet seat. Chrome plat- ? | ed hinge. |p 307 North Front Street 11 Shallotte News al i- Mrs. Lillian Oliver and Miss r-1 Gladys Trye have returned from id Philadelphia, where they visited It, | friends and relatives. John Goley, of Wilmington, was a visitor here Friday. :r Misses Eula Mae and Vera it Long, Peggy and Annie Laura i- Swain spent Sunday afternoon at n Lake Waccamaw. Little Joy Russ delightfully entertained a number of friends at V, a birthday party at her home on r. Monday afternoon. Of much interest to the people of this county was the marriage a, of Miss Virginia Dodson and Mr. s. Colon Mintz, which occurred on a Saturday at Goldsboro. Miss Dodson is the attractive daughter of County Farm Agent and Mrs. J. t. E. Dodson, of Exum. m oi HER B Kerosene A fully automatic, modern, economical Refrigerator for which you'd pay at least $300 elsewhere Operates continuously for days at a time without attention! Silent, odorless, 4 inch blue flan lighting and control. Costs only 4 t Dulux Finish, Seamless porcelain e 81 cube unit; 5.5 cub. ft. capacity; i your chance to get a modern up to i less! We Don't Believe It! There is an opinion abroad in the land that the bonus payments to ex-soldiers will be frittered away in a fortnight on luxuries of little permanent value. We don't believe it! We know the ex-soldier, personally. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of them in Sears big family. He is just now turning forty years of age and is a level-headed business man. We've seen him grow up. No longer is he the carefree lad who, seventeen years ago, wrote world history with a bayonet and punctuated it with Stokes mortars ' and hand grenades. Right now, in middle life, I the ex-soldier is interested in his family and home. We know, for more and more of them are COMING TO SEARS to arrange for their bonus investment, arranging to purchase radios, electric refrigerators, washers, furniture, stoves and other lasting comforts for the family. No, the soldier's : bonus will not be "frittered" away. Investigate Sears Plan to : help conserve this bonus. Outfit E? . 54.00 Dc =sss33?5SSS*\ S5.00 Mi I THREE Mr. Mintz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Mintz, of Shallotte. Misses Helen Turner and i.nnis Lay Winstead were Shallotte visitors Thursday evening. The marriage of Miss Alma j Louise Lewis to Mr. Theodore i Newton, of Gastonia, which will be Saturday evening, June 20th, will be of interest to their many friends of the county. Mayor and Mrs. Jackson Greer, Jr., of Whiteville, were Shallotte visitors Monday. LEAVES HOSPITAL J. H. Warren, convict from the Brunswick county prison camp, ; was dismissed from the Brunswick County Hospital Monday following an appendicitis operaI tion. :fers ONUS! Coldspot $219.50 ONLV $10.00 DOWN Small carrying charge on Easy Terms le burner. Automatic burner. Re,o 7 cents a day to run! White snameled interior. Fast freezing, inconditionally guaranteed. Here's date Refrigerator for $60 to $100 35-lb. ROOFING 89c SCREEN WIRE | wire 16 meshi Sero Cote HOUSE PAINT Compares with O ^ other brands sel- VL I \J V ling up to twice ^1,0 G this low price. Made and sold GaU(m by Sears?tnats why the price is In 5 Gal. so low. Lots LINSEED OIL In your contain- ? er. Per Gal 85C nni mnr lTTiifn i unrtiN i int In your contain- s~r\ er. Per gal OyC trie Water Pump IT"' lenience of running water in your th this Double Acting, Reciproiimp. Pumps 250 gals, per hour, me control and relief valve. nmimwv WILMINGTON, N. C.

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