? y - .-? SYNOPSIS Jeb Braddon, young and fantastically successful broker of Chicago, Is infatuated tvlth Agnes Gleneith, beautiful daughter of a retired manufacturer. Rodney, a doctor, in love with Agnes, visits his brother, Jeb. l?od plans work at Rochester. Jeb suggests that he make a try for Agues before leaving. In Rod there Is a deeper, obstinate decency than In Jeb. Rod visits Agnes and tells her of his great desire but realizes It can never be fulfilled. Agnes' mother is attempting to regain her husband's love. Agnes has disturbing doubts as to what attracts her father in New York. Jeb tells Agnes he Is going to marry her, and together they view an apartment In Chicago. Jeb asks Agnes to set an early date, but she tells him she cannot marry him. When the agent, Mr. Culver, offers to show them a furnished apartment, Jeb asks Agnes to see it alone, saying he must return to his office. Agnes consents and Jeb leaves. A radio Is blaring terrifically from one of the apartments. Colver raps upon the door, which is opened by a scantily clad J ? Ihn rnnm gin, Wiiu uraws nguco nitv i?v Colver finds her husband, Charles Lorrie, fatally shot. He calls the police. Myrtle Lorrie asks Agnes to phone Cathal O'Mara, a lawyer, to come at once. Agnes does. The police take charge. O'Mara arrives. The officers are antagonistic to him. Agnes sides with O'Mara. Agnes is to be a witness at the coming trial. Cathal's grandfather and father had lost their lives in the line of duty as city firemen, and his grandmother, Winnie, has built her all around Cathal, who, being ambitious, had worked his way through law school and has committed himself to the defense of criminal cases. Thoughts of Agnes disturb Cathal. Mr. Lorrie had cast off the wife who had borne him his daughter to marry Myrtle, and after two years of wedded life she had killed him. The coroner's Jury holds Myrtle to the grand jury. Agnes promises O'Mara to review the case with him. When Cathal calls, Mrs. Gleneith asks questions regarding marital problems, in the hope that she might get a solution to her own problem. Cathal wins them over to Myrtle's cause. Jeb tells Agnes that O'Mara Is seeking to profit on the insurance money Myrtle will collect If acquitted. CHAPTER VI?Continued Yet it all seeuied only to amuse his wife. Even his excellence In golf, which once she had admired, seemed almost to amuse her now. He did not understand why. Millions now became the measure of a man. The old slow, conservative scale of progress was gone. Salary, dogged, dependable work, was nothing. A man went out, in these days, and made?millions! Davis did not want to do it at all; he was, for himself, exactly suited. But Bee?his wife, the moth er of his boys?believed Jeb the better man. Jeb thrilled her; her husband, though she "loved" him, bored her. There was that fellow Collitt, who bad come around to the office the other day with Ken Itemble. They were forming a company for underwriting new investments, real-estate developments. There was millions in it, they said; millions! They wanted him to become a partner and put about a hundred thousand Into it. He'd thanked them and hardly thought .of It. Davis turned again with more hopefulness toward the dark head on the pillow of the other bed. It was a month later that the resignation of Davis Ayreforth, as treasurer of a canning company, took effect, and he sold back to the officers of the company all his stock. Davis also sold sixty-five of his best bonds; for it happened that Collitt had somewhat under-estimated the new capital required, and so Davis put up, not one hundred, but a hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. But the firm of Collitt, Ayreforth and Itemble was formed, and Dromntlv DKOmoted and marketed their first Investment line. Myrtle Lorrle, who now for over a month had been in jail, decider! to invite Agnes to visit her. Myrtle was not having much of e time. She was confined, of course to the women's quarters of the Jail and therefore to the company ol other women awaiting trial. Agnes, on the morning that Myr tie's missive arrived, had risen foi breakfast with her father. Sire, the Light One, and Bee, thi Dark One, always had breakfas with him when they were children He was never too hurried to Joki with them; and he produced fror his pockets surprises, on occasion of thimble-like things that inflatei Into bunnies and miraculous bud that needed only to float in a flngei bowl to flower. It was fun to hav breakfast with Father. Her mother so invariably ha risen with him that Agnes neve had pictured breakfast without the: together until, last fall, her mothe ceased to come down before he father left the house. THE STATE PORT PIL hastened forward !n a welcome which betrayed no small surprise. "Why, Mrs. Glenelth! Mr. Glenelth went out an hour ago, and I'm not expecting him back for perhaps another hour. Was he expecting you?" "No," said Beatrice. "Do you mind If I wait here?" "Of course not." And the two women looked at each other. The girl somewhat uneasily withdrew and left Mrs. Gleneith alone in her husband's' office. Tricie?he could not give up calling her that?sat almost still for a long time looking about the room and gazing out the windows. Beatrice arose and stood at her husband's desk, whereon lay letters opened and spread out; and one large, bulky envelope which had been left sealed. It was from Bob's bank, and since today was the first, it undoubtedly contained his canceled checks of last month?his personal account. His wife first weighed it In her hand; then, almost before she thought what she was doing, she slit the envelope with his paper knife. His checks were to various names and for various amounts, none of them alike except two?one thousand dollars to Cash?one thousand dollars to Cash. Here were two more to Cash. Here were two more alike?five hundred dollars drawn to Cash?to Cash, five hundred dollars. She looked at the dates. They had been drawn and cashed, to Cash, almost exactly a week apart; the two for a thousand each corresponded with his visit in New York; the five hundreds with his stay In Chicago. What had Bob done with this cash in addition to ail these other checks drawn to names for many amounts? Beatrice dropped Into his chair - - ? - * .K. I, la UfeLJ I Uti IIHfU auu "tiu II TTll.II a new awed tenderness. He defied usual discretion and played hooky from the office for the afternoon, I and went with her to the concert, where they heard the Fidelio and i that solemn, exulting triumphal of . the soul over the flesh which was , the D Minor Symphony, f It told how two would be bound together, though they died, and they whispered to each other that night; r and through the years afterward, Beatrice watched the orchestra pro? grams so that, on the special day, t she would have her husband instead l of one of her daughters or a friend e in the seat beside her. o Today the orchestra was playing i, both the Fidelio and Cesar Franck's j sublime defiance of the flesh. It s seemed to "mean" something; co Beatrice Gleneith, forty-seven years e old. ventured to her husband's office to ask him to play hooky with d her once more. r Bob's door was shut; and when n she opened It, she saw the office r empty; but Miss Oliver Immediately r entered from her room on the other tide. Miss Oliver knew her and RAGONS DRIVE YOU U EDWIN | 1 BALMER This signalized some decline in the relations of her parents which Agnes felt but did not let herself define. "Talked with your mother about summer plans, Light One?" he suddenly demanded, one sunny morning. "No. What are they, Father?" "You're to make them." "I? How?" "Largely by what you do. There's the trial first, of course; but they're moving that along. Then what with you, Light One?" "You mean about Jeb?" "That's It." "I'm not marrying Jeb this spring ?or this summer, Father." "Because of us?" "I don't know why not, Father; oh, I don't know why not!" He had to turn away. Agnes saw the lawn and "their" shore of the lake that she loved, through the mist of tears. What and who was she that counted with him more than her mother and her and all his memories here? What could she be to him, to mean so much? Her father was thinking of that person, unknown to his daughter, and scarcely more defined to his wife, but whom his wife had called "Cash." "Cash !" What a name for her! It liad been fastened upon her by his wife; and In this manner; On Friday of last week, which was the first of the month, Beatrice Glenelth had gone to Chicago In the forenoon for shopping, and she was to remain in the city for the after HI yHKBanJ./ Vxn OH "I'm Not Marrying Jeb This Spring ?or Summer, Father." noon concert of the Chicago orchestra. For twenty-five years she had two seats, which she had shared on special days throughout the years with her husband. The playing of the Fidelio overture was an occasion," for reasons only known to themselves; and so was the performance of Cesar Franck's D Minor Symphony. A few months after their marriage, when Bob was yet a boy and Beatrice younger than either of their daughters today, she had come to town at noon to make a visit to a certain specialist; and he had said, yes, there was no doubt that she was going to have a baby. So Bob and she had lunched together. Under the tablecloth, he nonitht hnr honH onH haM If nrifli ana sin mere a iev? uiuuicuu, ouua Ing. Tricie, who hart come with the wild delusion that if he sat with her agaiD through Fidelio and the D Minor Symphony, she could regain him?Trlcie sat back In his chair. Finally she gathered up his checks and replaced them In the envelope which she had slit. She took his pen and wrote on a sheet of his personal paper: "I opened this." She did not sign her name; she could not. He would know her writing, of course; and he knew that she was here. So she left the notation in the envelope and escaped from his office before he returned. One more mad thing?the maddest of all?she did. She left on his desk beside the envelope a ticket, for the seat beside hers, at the Orchestra. Beatrice had no lunch that day. She went to the women's room at Marshall Field's and lay down. At last she went to Orchestra Hall and took her seat. Never, never before had Stock so conducted and the orchestra so played the Fidelio and D Minor Symphony. Bob did not come. He, of course, received from Miss Oliver a report of Beatrice's visit and departure; and he discovered her note in his checks nest the four to Cash which his wife had assembled and left together. But this did not tell him how much more Beatrice knew; and It left him wholly in the dark as to what she meant to do about it So far, she bad asked him dldectly nothing, for fear of the answer; for fear, he was aware, of forcing an open break between them. Now what would she do? The concert ticket gave him an awful moment with its power to recall the past He had to tear it up and toss it out of sight. He could keep away from the concert; but then came the hour when he must go home and face her. But she said nothing when she met him, and they went to their separate bedrooms at night without her having referred to her visit at his office. In the morning, after he had bathed and shaved and was nearly dressed, he went into his wife's room. She had been awake and she sat up in bed, without welcome and without surprise. "1 was thinking about us, Bob," she said, supporting herself on her hands. Her hair was braided, as she had slept, and drawn back from her forehead. Its severity brought out the clear, even outline that gave her face character. "She's in New York, isn't she, ?? Vo.w VahWI" DUU I one aiaja iu luin i "She?" he repeated, but Instantly decided not to evade. "Yes; she stays in New York." "You?you haven't brought her here yet? You've never?seen her In Chicago." "No," he said. "Never?where you were." "That's something, Bob. Not much, but something?" "Tricle, you don't understand this. You?" "Don't, Bob. . . . Yesterday"? she had to tell It to him?"Stock played the Fidelio and Cesar Franck." She shut her eyes and hummed the notes of the solemn exalted music. "He came to that part?our part, Bob?the part that binds souls together forever, nc matter what may happen to their bodies." With her eyes closed, she saw herself and him not middle-aged hut young together, and in awe hefon the wonder of their (list child within her body. Oh, the notes had meant them It their moments of exaltation?this theme of defiance of fear. It brougb back that night when her "pains' began, and he was frightened tha some time. Is there any message you can give me?" "No. I wanted to ask him something." "I will have him call you, Miss Glenelth. Where will you be?" Agnes found the morning paper and shut herself In her room while she searched the columns carefully and over again, but vainly, for there was no mention today of Martin O'Mara. Yet he was In court and, this morning, making his plea for a client. It was a hearing of overwhelming Importance to five persons,? the prisoner and his wife and their three little children?but altogether too common and unsensational a case to win notice before Its disposition, In the morning papers. Tonight there would be a few lines, hidden somewhere back toward the financial news, recording the Justice dispensed to another human soul. For one Karl Glatz, a plodding, unimaginative accountant for a firm In the leather business, had embezzled some twenty-two hundred dollars which he had lost In speculation. He had been caught, and the case had come to Cathal. Examination of the circumstances made but one plea feasible?guilty; but before the Judge had passed sentence, counsel had the right to offer witnesses for examination, and to argue for the mitigation of the offense that was admitted. Sentence was passed at half-past twelve; Glatz would go to the penitentiary for a year. It was the minimum term for his offense, but Cathal felt himself beaten. (TO BE CONTINUED) I Old Advice When, asks a British paper, did wo TTricrlish fir?f nHonf tho tnnth. nv u.igiiwi """f1 w brush, which an authority on ram> bling declares to be a quite neces sary item in the tourist's equipment? Apparently it was unknown to that fine gentleman. Lord Chesterfield, as t late as 1754, when he wrote to his > son: "I hope you take great cara I of your teeth and that you clean them every morning with a sponge i and tepid water. I do insist upon s you never using those sticks, or any t hard substance whatever, which al? * ways rub away the gums and do t stroy the varnish of the teeth." SPNESPAY, AUGUST 12,193* ' =Curiosa Americana^ ? > ? By Elmo Scott Watson "Here Lies?" VISIT Cape Ann, Mass., and in a cemetery there you'll find a headstone with this inscription: "Here Lies the Body of Boatswain Allen Whose Body Was Lost at Sea." The explanation for this paradoxical statement is this: Boatswain Allen's body really was lost at sea. When his relatives commissioned a headstone-maker to prepare a memorial shaft for the vanished seaman, he began it "Here Lies the Body?" because he always began the inscriptions on headstones thus and didn't know any other way. So they just let him go ahead. A somewhat similar situation is reported by an American traveler abroad who gleaned this epitaph from a headstone in an English cemetery: Beneath these cold and silent stones Lie the remains of Samuel Jones. His name was really Smith, not Jones, But we cnanged his name to rhym? with stones. No such difficulty, however, was experienced by the man who engraved an epitaph for a former slave who is buried near Savannah, Ga. It says: QT, SOUTH PORT, N. C? WI perhap? she might and leave him. But she could never, never leave him! Cesar Franck by his music declared it Impossible! Bob Glenelth's wife, middle-aged and in bed before him, opened her eyes, which had wrinkles around them. "It helped me again yesterday, Bob," she said. "It made me know I'm bound to you, whatever you do. Cash isn't." "Cash?" "Cash. You know whom I mean ?Cash." "Yes," he said. "I'll never ask her name. Bob; or anything about her. If you wanted to tell me, I'd ask you not to. It's much the best as It is. I can think of her now simply as Cash. I can see her just as Cash. That's by all means easiest for me. So never tell or explain a thing about her, Bob. That's not too much to ask of you, Is It? Leave h#r, between you and me, just?Cash." This had occurred more than a week ago; the emotionalism of its moment long ago had loosed its hold upon him, only to trouble him occasionally since. He could not permit himself to live In the past, on the relics of lost exaltations. He felt too much life aiiead of him. He was going on. looking rorwuru; me ease uuu certainty with which he continually ad vanced his business affairs, declared it. He had never felt so capable. He turned, with more composure, to his daughter: "Your mother and I," he said, In a quiet voice, "understand each other. She?we are not thinking in terms of separation. Has she told yon?" "No," said Agnes. What was It which the lawyer, O'Mara, had said? Infidelity was kinder than to cast off a wife openly. "Does that make you any happier?" "I guess so, Father." The post, at half past ten, brought Myrtle's letter: My Dear Miss Glenelth: Can't you possibly com# to sse me? You know where I am. I do not have to write the address. Main prison. Can you imagine what this place must be for me? How gladly I would call on you? If I could! I think of you dally. Still when 1 shut my eyes I can see you coming in my door. I was never so glad to see another girl in all my life. 1 am sure God sent you to me in my moment of terrible need. Can't you possibly come see me? But whether you do or not, with undying thankfulness for you, Your grateful and devoted friend, MYRTLE STIVER LORRIE. Agnes dropped the sheet of paper and looked out over to the lawn. She felt no impulse at all to respond by a visit to the jail. Should she? Was it her duty? Martin O'Mara could tell her. Her memory supplied ^he phone number she had called, at that tense, awful crisis with Myrtle. A woman's voice, as before, answered. "Mr. O'Mara, please," said Agnes. And what was it?a repetition of the excitement of the first call?which had her quivering? "Who wants him?" "I?Miss Glenelth." "Mr. O'Mara is out, Miss Glenelth. He is in court this morning. Probably I cannot reach him for Here lies old Rastus Sommlny Died a-eating hominy In '59, anno domlni. But A. D. gets a different interpretation in this epitaph, found in a Connecticut graveyard, even though the second rhyme is a bit lame: Here lies cut down like unripe fruit The wife of Deacon Amos Shute; She died of drinking too much coffee Anny Dominy eighteen forty. Alliteration IN 1825 when the cornerstone of the Bunker Hill monument was laid and Daniel Webster delivered his greatest commemorative oration, some unknown poet, inspired perhaps by the eloquence of the "god-like Daniel," composed this classic of alliteration: THE BUNKER HII.L MONUMENT CELEBRATION Americans arrayed and armed attend; Beside battalions bold, bright beauties blend. Chiefs, clergy, citizens conglomerDetesting despots, daring deeds debate; Each eye emblazoned ensigns entertain? Flourishing from far. fan freedom i flame. Guards greeting guards grown gray ?guest greeting guest. High-minded heroes, hither, homeward, haste. Ingenuous juniors Join in Jubilee, Kith kenning kin, kind knowing kindred key. Lo, lengthened lines led Liberty liege love. Mixed masses, marshaled, monument-ward move. Note noble navies near?no novel notion, Oft our oppressors overawed old Ocean; Presumptuous princes, pristine patriots paled. Queens' quarrel questing quotas, quondam quailed. Rebellion roused, revolting ramparts rose. Stout spirit, smiting servile soldiers, strove. These thrilling themes, to thousands truly told. Usurpers' unjust usages unfold. Victorious vassals, vauntings, vainly veiled, Where while since Webster, warlike Warren walled. Xcuse 'xpletives 'xtra-queer 'xpressed. Yielding Yankee yeoman zest. ? Diphphicultics PUBLISHERS of newspapers on the American frontier often had many handicaps to overcome in getting out their little weekly journals. Few, however, experienced a more discouraging start than a pioneer-Colorado editor who explained his situation to his readers in the first issue of his paper thus: We begin the publication ov the Koccay Mountain Cyclone with some phew dlphphiculties in the way. The type phounder phrom whom we bought our outphlt phor this print- 1 ing ophphlce phaled to supply us with any ephs or cays, and it will be phour or phive weecs bephore we can get any. The mistaque was not found out till a day or two ago. We have ordered the missing letters, and will have to get along without them till they come. We don't lique the loox ov this variety ov spelling any better than our readers, but mlstaxs will happen in the best regulated phamllles, and Iph the plrs and c's and x's and q's hold we shall ceep (sound the c hard) the Cyclone whirling aphter a phaslon till the sorts arrive. It is no joque to us? it's a serious aphphalr. ? Western Newspaper Union. King Ethelbert The man originally responsible for the fact that most Anglo-Saxon descended peoples are Christians, was baptized in 597 A. D. This was Ethelbert, Saxon king of England, whose conversion by St. Augustine was the most important since Constantine the Great was baptized on his deathbed at Constantinople. Ethelbert's Christian zeal caused 10,000 of his subjects to be baptized in the River Swale the following Christmas day, and firmly established the faith in the West Palace of Westminster When the houses of parliament are not In session the correct name for the buildings where they meet Is Palace of Westminster. It ranks as a royal palace, and It is In charge of the hereditary lord great chamberlain. Sovereigns from the time of Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII made it their chief place of residence. 1 > . M ... 6 lhefllanlUhoO'6' fo* ^ tffl Tales and S- ? vy Traditions /rem American Political History HW FRANK t. HAGEN r*YVJBIV AM* li I'iniil??rmo scon watson ROOSTER CROW THE Gooding tavern in Greenfield, Ind., has long since dis appeared but it deserves to be remembered as the birthplace of a familiar emblem of one of the major political parties, a symbol that is still in use after nearly a century. Back in the thirties it was owned by Joseph Chapman, an ardent Democrat, who had the liabit of imitating a rooster when exulting over victories by his party. As a result, when his political enemies won, they taunted him by shouting: "Now crow, Chapman, crow!" In 1840 Chapman was a candidate for the state legislature from Hancock county. In that year Democratic prospects were far from bright. The country still remembered the panic of 1837 and blamed President Van Buren for it Moreover, the "singing Whigs" were making a powerful appeal to the voters with their shouts of 'Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!" and their log cabin and hard cider symbols. In the midst of the campaign George Pattison, editor of the Indianapolis Constitution, wrote a let- J ter to William Sebastian of Greenfield in which he said: "I have been informed by a Democrat that in one part of your county 30 Van Buren men have turned for Harrison. Please let me know if such be the fact. I think such a deplorable state of facts can not ex1 "* * !1* ?- ?I A UnnnArilr nnH iSt. 11 SO 1 Will V13H nujiin.- .u. address the people relative to the policy of the Democratic party. I have not time to spare, but I will refuse to eat or sleep or rest so long as anything can be done. Do (or heaven's sake, stir up the Democracy. See Chapman, tell him not to do as he did heretofore. He used to create unnecessary alarms; ne must crow; we have much to crow over. I will insure this coun! ty to give a Democratic majority of 200 votes. Spare no pains." This letter accidentally fell into the hands of the Whigs and was published in an Indianapolis paper with a view to ridiculing the Democrats. But it proved to be a boomerang for the Whigs. "Crow, * xi _1 Z Chapman, crow!" Decame uie siugan of the Indiana Democrats and spread all over the country. When the Indiana Sentinel was launched in 1B41 it carried at the top of its front page the picture of a proud rooster and under it was the slogan "Crow, Chapman, crow!" Other Democratic newspapers began carrying the same picture and slogan and soon the rooster, crowing proudly whether in victory or defeat, became the accepted symbol of the Democratic party. Despite the later popularity of the donkey, it is still a favorite symbol?thanks to John Chapman of Greenfield, Intl., who taught his fellow-Democrats how to crow. WINNING WITH BUCKEYES WHEN Martin Van Buren, oosom friend afid successor to fiery Andrew Jackson, undertook to succeed himself in the White House in the race of 1840 something new in political history was the result Van Buren not only was defeated. He insured the election of Gen. William Henry Harrison of Ohio and he endowed Ohio with the name of the Buckeye state, which flourishes today. It all came about when the cry was taken up by Van Buren'.- campaigners that Harrison was more perfectly fitted to live in a log cabin afid drink hard cider than to go to Washington as the nation's head. What a boomerang that proved to be! The only background for the attack was that when the hero of Tippecanoe retired from battle he selected a site overlooking the Ohio river in the southwestern part of the state, built a double log house and finished it with shining white clapboards. Ohicans naturally resented the slur on their habits of living, including the charge of tippling. Miniature log cabins, symbolic of pioneer life and the vigor which pushed civilization westward from the more effete east, made their appearance throughout the state. These cabins were reproduced from buckeye logs. So were the canes carried by thousands of marchers who participated in parades to advance the candidacy of Harrison. The cabins were mounted on wagons and within each was a- horny - handed frontiersman, quaffing hard cider. Van Buren was not neglected while this was going on. He was attacked by the Ohioans as a snob with a penchant for European customs. , By the time the "Buckeye" parades popularized and spread ea3t of the AUeghenies, Van Buren's mnnnffore tmHtoH - . wv??u?u aiiotoAC and tried in vain to stem the tide. It was too late. General Harrison won the election, hands down, and Ohio has been known ever since as the Buckeye state. e Western Newspaper Union. I The Mind J Meter "SB ? Bell Syndicate ?W^p ^ 1 The Foiir-^ otdT^^B In this test there aref0ttt^H given in each problem, the four in each case bear^M nite relationship to one Cross out the or e word th?^M not belong in each prokw'^H 1. Holy, sacred, profane I^B 2. Tall, squat, lofty, 3. Lob, double-play, 4. New Hampshire, Boston, Connecticut. 'H 5. Vain, humble, modest, JB missive. 6. Shot put, javelin thro* H I yard dash, discus throw. 7. Hot, stolid, fiery, arv^B 8. Harvard, Princeton, V*B 9. Tallahassee, Sacit>H| j Chicago, Baton Rouge, ^^B 10. Running, swimming, X^^B , trotting. Answers 1 1. Profane. 8. 100-yard 2. Squat. 1. Stolid. 3. Double-play. 8. Vassar. ^B 4. Boston. 9. Chicago, ^B 5. Vain. - SwL~r.q|^B SUCCESS PROCESS? TOO COMPLICATE? TO BE GIVEN 0? Few processes are so dti^H or complicated as those cf^H cess. Who would venture tg^B that he has mastered ihtn^B thoroughly that he can vq^B to tell another human beirt^B ? - - io maKe a success of this? vidual life. Some people ceeded never seek counsel fl have instincts which guide aright in the most difficult i9 of the game. They make^| takes, of course. It is ofteafl essary to make mistakes that one need not make tbgfl second time. William Watson, in one tfl poems, has spoken of "that I ness on a base of power." lH is fine counsel, as well as tfl in the phrase; for true goes as quietly about its gravitation. ? Failure is usually a r.enH fidgety creature, perpetually H tating itself as to whether cH it is succeeding; whether? it is winning acceptance, fl cess, on the other hand, dcel work, does it with all its knows for certain that it haifl it well, and, come, praial blame, passes quickly one! next job; or if it be not H so scientifically sure of itsefl this, it practices what I called an "optimistic fahltfl ?Richard Le Gallienne. 5*and10*jJ THE 104 SIZE CONTAINS 3'/2 TIMES AS MUCH AS THE 54 SIZE MOROLlfl I SNOW WHITE PETROlEUJfl Years in Formic J I "Natural ability" is the ifl of 6,000 years on the roadtiS lization. (alotJJ M TRADE MARK RES. V J biliousness, sour stonu^H bilious indipe-tion, lence and headache, to constipation. j J 10c and 25c at deals H SkinSufferm find ready relief from itchind'^B zema, rashes and similar gentle medication of I Resiril " J 1 TT7>\X7FT i?Y Sensational Values In PlamonAr-f? Lady's, 179.50 ficri.i? 55SSP?* *16.50; J PntBCE. 18 Prror M. V ?' I

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