v pilot Covers jnmsvvick County | C < J# ^ Jewest And In U.S. 1 Visit 1 Fear River ?llot W,U fii Craft Tomorrow tig And Will Bring fr ln? To Government hi FCR?W ,fl,&poCt B?r Jcer5 And Members pf Crew Assured Welcome jtor; at'-.i Brunswick county are easterly awaiting j.;;. tomorrow morn TH1 6-PAGl [Pi I Finest Sub Mavy Will 1 To North C Primitive an LOGS, CLAY CHIMNI nitive and the picturesque tering days of early Americ :ounty, but they are rapid juilt from sticks and clay ;eeh in the picture upper ] ight shows a log tobacco 1 South port, and bottom, an Fog On River Week Hant everal Ships Have Been Forced To Remain In Wilmington Until Fog Bank Lifted From River )THERS HAVE BEEN ANCHORED IN RIVER hipping Has Been Heavy For Past Ten Days As Fertilizer Materials Begin To Arrive From Foreign Ports Heavy fog banks which have ung low over the Cape Feai iver practically every day for re past two weeks have proved serious handicap to river striping. Several boats have been forced ) delay their departure from Wilmington, rather than risk a own-river trip in dense fog. Inoming boats have been anchor:1 on their way to Wilmington >r the same reason. rm- - lirovm WPflthPT ine unuauai^v nut... hich has prevailed during the ast two weeks is given as the rincipal reason for the heavy )gs. The atmosphere has been armer than the water, causing apor to rise. At this season of the year, (Continued on Page Six) fosephus Daniels Here To Welc The Southport Civic Club dose not expect to get everything it asks for. Mixed with its disappointment at having failed to get Ambassador Josephus Daniels, former Secretary of the Navy, here to assist in welcoming the U. S. S. Perch, the club is gratified at the friendly words written by Mr. Daniels in response to the invitation. Writing from Washington last Tuesday Mr. Daniels said: "Your letter was forwarded to me from Raleigh and I apologize to you for not answering it sooner. I appreciate more highly than I can tell you the honor you do me and wish it were possible for me to be with you upon the occasion of the coming of the newest and largest submarine of the Navy which is due to be in Southport on the 14th of January. I always have been much in , S S. PERCH. j [v(:( Sum's submarines '. . t a North Carolina , i; expected to arrive in the morning. I w:ll boarded by a .... : the Cape Fear Pilot She will be brought c rite-: at the Government s - r.t Of the garrison iJr'r John Ericksen has ap(. _ 3 committee to join in a welcome to officers lacbers of the crew. Int j; :ty officials and repn: ; from the various or -5 of the city. Another1 is in charge of enterEt vt.ich includes a dinner i j. : for the officers ( i a-c. Friday night for ( in of the crew. s.'-.-' the iarge number of s a io came to Southport " ir l*. S. S. Raleigh was ' ::y officials are making ?. id take care of another Captain Charles i the State Highway I e :.is promised his co-opi . is commanded by > ; G. Crawford, formerly sr.- : the Raleigh division t-" S. Navv recruiting ser! He -. v.-eutive officer is Lt. El S art. Two other offith lieutenants, junior I I 'I hey are M. i'-es and A. J. Shade. C s?p was built at the Elec3-i ery and was launfev h. 1936. She mounts S : c. ar.J has a length of hi ar.d a beam of 25 feet r- che is of 1230 tons and i f .a draft of thirteen ~~ h rctle Bits tr; Of Big News p *? Events Of State, y ^lion and World-Wide d Merest During Pa?t Cl Week f< j? w ?Power p. lent Roosevelt Tuesday p ki Congress for authority f< Organize the entire ad- w utration branch of the vi :>J States government, and j w.fer upon him the supexecutive power intended _ to the Constitution. With . f request, he submitted a | a for an executive shake-1 * ^paralleled in American j designed to smash the 4 system, move more than 1 separate agencies into line l fed the 10 boards which, j ,fcl. threaten to become a, *hh branch" of govern- j tcco Report rfh Carolina produced sso.000 pounds of tobacco j w at S105.r)04.000 in 1936. f'deral-state crop report-; service said Tuesday, com with 577,455,000 pounds, at $117,443,000 producThe seasons avc|5 Price through January 1, '' was S22.65 per hundred; or $1.93 higher than j-.fason. Producers sold J S34 pounds this sea-1 It Y? ?nIy kt per cent of j ?e.i i pounds, mar-1 ' daring the 1935 season. *h*ar farmers h-trS of North Carolina I kg, ttlcir say on the to-, tConti 'r't'act fsi'l next week. Ued on Page Six) e st A Goc SS TODAY Echd marine 3ay First arolina Port d Picturesque JHHU lifciS'ft^iiiiiiiiN''"" s*Sl M ?? LYS?Still a little of the priwhich characterized the pion:a may be found in Brunswick ly vanishing. Clay chimneys, with such log cabins as that left, may still be found. Top iarn in process of erection at ox-drawn wagon. During Past licaps Shipping * ! BIRD DOGS TO HELP ENTERTAIN GUESTS It is likely that no town of similar size in North Carolina boasts of more fine bird dogs than does Southport. In fact, there are times during the offseason when the dogs become somewhat of a nuisance. But not so this week. One of the principal features of entertainment planned for ' officers of the PERCH is a bird hunt Thursday. Two prominent state officials plan to join the group, which will be 1; divided into parties by Captain I. B. Bussells, dean of local ' bird hunters. A local sportsman will be with each group. The day win De cnmaxeu i with a supper served in the officers mess at the CCC Camp. SEEK FURNITURE Members of the Auxiliary of : the Brunswick County Post 194, American Legion, are making an effort to secure furniture for the i Legion room in the community icenter building. They are asking .for donations of odd chairs, | smoking stands, etc. Unable To Be ome U. S. S. Perch terested in the port of Southport and that section of our State, and it is a genuine I disappointment to me and to my wife that we must deny ' ourselves the pleasure of being with you. i "I am to be at Raleigh for the inauguration of Gov| ernor Hoey and I have an engagement here with the President the Monday following. and shortly thereafter I must return to Mexico. Your suggestion that we could drive over to Fort Caswell appeals very much to us. j Many year ago I visited that I Fort and know its historic interest. The fact that the batteries are named for my wife's brother, Ensign Worth Bagley, deepens our regret that we are denied the pleaI sure. I hope the next time ' we come home we may come to Southport and Fort Caswell. Sincerely yours, Josephus Daniels". I 4 - -- ? - - ? UiU oon ur lVir. /inu mrs. C. N. Hewett, Of Shallotte, Instantly Killed In Wreck Sunday Night Ncuman Hewett, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hewett, of Shallotte, was instantly killed Sunday night in an automobile accident which occurred on the Shallotte-Whiteville Highway. Young Hewett was said to have been driver of the automobile which failed to make one of the sharp curves in the road. His i companions, Henry B. Usher and I Carl Piggott, also of Shallotte, were brought to the Brunswick | County Hospital for first aid i treatment. The car turned over several i times and came to rest bottom I side up in the highway. I Usher succeeded in crawling [out of the wreckage and in free! ing Piggott. He was unable to ; free Hewett, however, whom he j said was living when he attempted to extricate him. Usher made [his way to a filling station near (Ash, where he obtained aid. (Continued on Page Six) Local Fishermen Have Good Luck Fishing from over the 18-mile rocks or banks Saturday afternoon Hullan Watts and three companions made the nice catch of 1409 pounds of fish in three hours time. The banks were not located until 2:30 o'clock and the (boys wound up their tackle and [quit as darkness gathered. All the fish were taken with hooks and hand lines. The above mentioned banks or O vr? uortf Hiffinilt fnr the j 1 UUfVO U1 v r J V...VV?. {fishermen to locate, whole days often being spent in fruitless sounding for them. Captain Watts and his companions put up a flag, by means of an anchor, to serve as a temporary marker. '# I ATE >d Newspaper I Southport, N. UET( I [ CONGRES! i Com. Of Modoc Says Vessel Not To Be Dynamited Mount Dirfys, Which Went Aground On Point Of Frying Pan Shoals, To Be Left Intact Where She Lies CIVIC CLUB HAD ASKED FOR THIS Contention Of Local SportsI men Was That Wreck Will Afford Feeding Ground For Trout Without Proving Menace "They won't blow up the ship," this definite assurance was given relative to the S. S. Mount Dirfys ;by Commander J. F. Farley, of the U. S. Coast Guard cutter Modoc, in a letter to the Southport Civic Club the past week. TVm Piifia CI nh hod iifrittnn X11C VI V 11/ V1UU IIUU i<> ikbvn Commander Farley asking- that the ship be allowed to remain as it is. The club asserted that ! in its position it would not be a menace to navigation and that jit would afford a valuable fishiing spot if left where it is. Commander Farley wrote: "In ] reply to your letter of December ; J 30, 1936, you are advised that i the Commanding Officer agrees fully as to the desirability of ' | leaving the S. S. Mount Dirfys | as is, and with the reasons you ' J set forth. In the event of any strong agitation to destroy the [vessel a further argument against I it would be that this wreck would | only be a menace during the | hours of darkness when no small j boats are ever in that vicinity ahd large vessels would not be as much endangered by the wreck as by the shoal; in addition as long as this wreck shows above the water it provides an excellent navigation aid to mark the outer tip of Frying Pan i Shoals." Further referring to the absence of need to dynamite the Mount (Continued on Pago Six) Shallotfe Boy Dies In Wreck Neuman Hewett, 16-Year*/f__ K 1 KA POR' n A Good Com C., Wednesday, Januar ] ! SMflNCLfl County Official Asks Waynick's Reply On Road Register Of Deeds R. I. Mintz Seeks Some Definite Answer Before Thursday Evening, When Group Is To Meet In Whiteville i SHALLOTTE-WHITEVILLE ROAD ONE IN QUESTION Brunswick County Official Rebukes State Highway Chairman For Refusal To Give Official r&iiciiiivn An invitation was received j here this week by four Brunswick county officials to attend a' i meeting of the Whiteville Rotary Club Thursday evening for the purpose of discussing steps to further the cause of the improve-; I i ment of the Whiteville-Southport j highway. In a final effort to have some j j definite information to present at the meeting, Register of Deeds R. I. Mintz this week addressed another letter to Capus M. Waynick asking for some statement , relative to the project. I The letter follows: January 11, 1937. 'Mr. Capus M. Waynick, Chms., [State Highway and Public Works Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Waynick: We are very much disappoint(Continued on page 6) Many Interested In Yacht Races Yacht Regatta Being Planned For Next Summer Is Certain To Attract En-1 trants From Distant States 11 Several interesting communica-1 tions regarding the proposed1 yacht races to bo held in Aug- J ust have been received recently.! Some of the letters came from members of Yacht clubs from; quite a distance, and were direct-i jed to the Southport Civic Club, , (which is fathering the undertaking, with the active support of , the Carolina Yacht Club of Wil- j mington. ! \ Returning a letter that the j, I Civic Club had received from |. I parties in Maryland iacnung as-L j sociations, Henry L. Taylor, of j j Wilmington, one of the most act-!, ! ive boosters of the local regatta, I, said: |j "I certainly am glad to note that you are keeping interest stirred up in the regatta, for we are looking forward to it our! selves with a great deal of pleai sure". Committee Will ; Meet Thursday ; . 1 County Farm Debt Adjust- 1 ment Committee Will,.' i Meet At The Brunswick < County Courthouse Here 1 Thursday Afternoon At 2:00 O'clock j| A meeting of the local Farm ' Debt Adjustment Committee will be held in Southport, Thursday, January 14th, according to an announcement by Jesse Murray, | County Supervisor in charge of the Rural Rehabilitation Program of the Resettlement Administra| tion in Brunswick county. The (Continued on page 6) Magazine Editor Offers Co-operation Stating that he is quite fa- j ; miliar with Southport waters, W.! j F. Crosby, editor of the widely recognized boating magazine "Rudder," has written the Southport Civic Club from his office in New York, giving his assuran- j ce that he will give every co-op-! eration in the matter of securing a Coast Guard cutter at South- j port for the protection of the boating interests. ? r pil munity y 13th, 1937 publishe DDL MM City Offices A City Offices Mo\ Community Ce Nei SUPERIOR COURT f LASTS TWO DAYS ' F V The January term of Bruns- q wick County Superior Court for the trial of civil actions RE< came to a close Wednesday morning after being; in session 'or little more than two days. Old Except for the fact that eight divorce cases were dis- j posed of 011 Monday, there was little of interest about the session, which was presided over by Judge Walter L. ^ Small, of Elizabeth City. offic The final two cases disposed fron of were those of Ludlum vs. yve E. V. Domett, in which judg- fjao] ment was for the plaintiff, ^uik and Johnson vs. I.ong, in cate which the plaintiff also was ^ winner. There was a demurrer filed in the latter action. crea Pilot To Bring X In Navy Visitor J' were Cape Fear Pilot Association ding Will Furnish Member Of beau Their Organization To coloi Bring Submarine PERCH T* To Dock in 1 are In keeping writh their unvary- bein; ing custom of extending every ,, . PER courtesy that is within their power to United States naval . vessels visiting at the ports of fit Southport and Wilmington, the Cape Fear Pilots Association ivill bring in the U. S. PERCH' rhursday morning without char- j ?e. ! The seven men at Southport Mrs take turns about at bringing in j d jach ship. The only deviations G from this rotation are when a J (Continued on page 6 j L Baptist Pastor di*[' Moves To Town homi Adai The Rev. A. L. Brown and ed t family moved into the Baptist jeral parsonage Friday. The- new pas-' Mi tor of the Southport Baptist ried. :hurch comes here from Benson. ;fred In addition to Mr. and Mrs. I Adai Brown, four children came with Gall< Jiem. They are Myrtle, Lulu | was 3rey and Bobby. Three other Mi :hildren, two girls and one boy, but lold positions in Smithfield. Shad Season For Norl lA/n J>ama 57 TT (tin d JUdiaun^m The state department of | off conservation and developm'nt, ; coi in a move designed to pre- dai vent the "rapid decline in tai the most valuable specie cf the fish taken in this state," pas- em sed regulations today limit- 1 ing the shad season. zoi The conservation board nel took up the shad question Ap late Monday. fro Rejecting, because of the In "economic plight of fisher- nel men", a more drastic regu- an lation which would have limi- ' ted the season to 30 days, val the department decided to al- ter low fishermen to take shad mi' in pound nets for two and a ted half months each year. ths Waters of the state were Th designated as north and he? south zones, with long shoal, am OT D EVERY WEDNESDAY ] NS PENSI * re Moved IJ S " . I ^ re Into New ? nter Building" ^ ii v Quarters For City Of- [J ices Included On First loor Of New Building ^ Vhich Was Recently ]? Completed p :reation hall 'si and legion room n s Southport Fligh School p lilding Has Been Com- r< letely Renovated And f< Is Now Being Occu- in pied ? a le offices of Southport city a :iarts were moved laet week d i the old city hall to attrac- n new Quarters on the first |ii of the community center h ling. The city offices are lo- P J in the down-stairs room on w right and the room on the is to be the Legion room. On o second floor is a spacious re- si tion hall that may be used a various civic organizations for a. tings and social functions. f lese rooms are in the old h hport high school building, $ h was completely renovated P VVPA labor. White columns & ! erected in front of the buil- ] , which stands overlooking! itiful Franklin Square like a I lial mansion. ! ic New Years dance was held , he recreation hall, and plans J f being made to hold the dance ? g given Friday night in honf members of the crew of the [ :CH in the hall. *ed Resident Passed Monday a f< i. Ella Gilbert Died Mon- al ay Afternoon At Home e' If Her Daughter, Mrs. J. pi Adams, Following * ong Illness rs. Ella G. Gilbert, aged 82, " Monday afternoon at the L e of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. e< ms, in Southport. The deceas- cl lad been an invalid for sev- ^ years. jw rs. Gilbert was thrice mar-1o1 The first time was to Al-jc{ Galloway, father of Mrs. us; the second was to Frank i >way and the third marriageI ? to W. T. Gilbert. I | *s. Adams is the only child, there were five grandchil(Continued on page 6) th Carolina id By Assembly the southern end of Dare inty, serving as a bounry between the two. Tribu y waters were placed in ) zones into which they pty. "ishermen in the southern ie may take shad in pound " ?? fakman, 1 fn .a AlVSIU I'CUl UUIJ *. ril 15 and with gill neta m January 20 to April 15. the northern zone, the gill j ; season will open Februr 15, and close May 1. , rhe decision of the conser:ion group was reached afa sub-committee had sub- J tted an unanimously adopI report recommending | ' it the dates be established, e sub-committee had held irings at Manteo, Edenton 1 Oriental. - Most Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR [ ON PLflN [!lark Gives Clear nterpretation Of ^ension Statutes lumcr ms Letters And Other Inquiries Lead To Belief That General Misunderstanding Has Resulted HOWS RELATION OF STATE-NATION egislature In Session Before Christmas Enacted Social Security Law, Not Pension Congressman J. Bayard Clark, f this district, has Issued the illowing press statement with ;ference to the recent social sell rity legislation in this country, 1 order that the people may ave a clear conception of what i embraces: Judging by numerous letters lat come to my office and items itely appearing in the newspaers there is much confusion broad in regard to old age penions. Recently all employees were iquired to register under the ocial Security Act. Many old eople felt that they should also agister in order to be in line jr old age pension, and were luch disappointed when they auld not do so. On this account, nd in trying to find out when nd where and what to do In orer to get an old age pension, lany of these good old folks are 1 genuine distress. It is In the ope of making the situation Iain to them that I venture 'to 'rite. The last Congress passed an Id age pension law that is very imple. It provides that whenever ny state arranges to pay an oici ge pension the Federal Governlent will join in and pay one alf of it up to but not above 30.00 per month. If the State rovides $3.00 the Federal Govrnment will pay $3.00, making (Continued on page 6) }erch Command^ io Stranger Here .ieutenant C. G. Crawford Was Member Of Committee From Raleigh Which Came To Welcome Crew Of The U. S. S. Raleigh When the U. S. PERCH docks t Southport Thursday morning >r the first friendly visit that ny United States submarine has irer made to a North Carolina art, the commander, Lieutenant . G. Crawford, will not find imself among strangers. When the U. S. S. Raleigh vised Southport several years ago ieutenant Crawford was station1 at Raleigh, where he was in large of the Naval Recruiting tation. The visit of the cruiser as one of state and the mayor Raleigh appointed an official immittee to come to Southport (Continued on page 6) Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, December 24 3:52 a. m. 10:26 a. m. 4:25 p. m. 10:32 p. m. Friday, December 25 I 1:53 a. m. 11:23 a. m. 5:26 p. m. 11:28 p. m. Saturday, December 26 5:51 a. m. 5:21 p. m. 12:20 p. m. Sunday, December 27 5:41 a. m. 0:23 a. in. 1:11 p. m. 1:15 p. m. Monday, December 28 * 7:30 a. m. 1:18 a. m. 7:58 p. m. 2.05 p. m. Tuesday, December 29 8:17 a. m. 2:10 a. m. 8:46 p. m. 2:53 p. m. Wednesday, December 30 9:03 a. m. 2:58 a. m. 9:35 p. m. 3:38 p. m.

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