* PAGE 2 ^ THE STATE PORT PILOT 1 m Southport, N. G. , PUBUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY,... JAMES M. HARPER, JR.. E(j|jr Altered M Moond-clua matter April 20, 102% at Ik* Mat Office at jl?ipillt, H. C., under ?- tha act of March a. M70. i?wo. Subacription Rataa ONB TBAR |1.? Wtx MONTHS LM tflSgj MONTHS .71 Wednesday, July 14, 1937 v.. It isn't unusual that heated rertoarkf are made when the temperature is rtidetj I degrees in the shade. i Fads may be foolish, but the peopk "Who enter in on them have lfroTe for 'than those who sit on the side-lines ahri criticize. 1 ? It is a good idea to be able to sav jj *'no"; but it is sometimes hard to deeidt f when to start without making sfrmebodj -angry. w? It will be a shame if there is tto lee* entry in the yachting regatta to be stag !.gd here August 12-13-14. JC ? i There are property hoiders in South ' port whom we hope will take to heart th< ''advice of Governor Hoey when he sait ' I that the towns and cities of this statf "'should engage in an intensive clean-ui i ^campaign. t ' * Curxn* Tnharm |,p (1 W rrrft ? " " It is tobacco coring time again in East ern North Carolina, and take it from om | who knows, the hardest part of tendinj I a tobacco crop is at hand, i Tending a tobacco barn is a job for ar K I expert. The right color in a pile of tobac L i :co on the warehouse floor is sure t< teatch and hold the eye of the buyer, an< the color depends upon the curing. Foi .Tour days and four nights?if everything IJ I goes along all right?a ceaseless vigi must be kept. The entire process is base< upon the proper use of heat, and then can be no sudden changes. When you realize that the heating ap !paratus consists of a brick or clay fur nace that burns logs you get an idea o just how difficult is the job of keepi*) the mercury on one spot on the therme meter. And that is what must be don from the time heat is first started in th furnace until the time the last bit of sa] has been killed out of the thickest tobac co stem in the barn. It is the night watch that causes th worry. How would you like to stay awak' ajl night with absolutely nothing to d except try to keep from going to slee; so you could check the thermomete every fifteen minutes? Bad. But wait i minute; how would you Mke an assign fluent to tobacco barn duty on a night ai ter you had spent from sun-up to sun-se at back-breaking work in a hot fieM I Well, that's what happens; and it's th rule, not the exception. Recently there have been experiment directed toward perfecting patented cm fj; era that will maintain proper tempera ores without the constant care of som ittendant. We hopefully look forward t :Rd time when the tobacco industry wii ? sufficiently prosperous that every far ner engaged in its cultivation can wor day with the certain knowledge tha when night comes he can go to bed an ^ft his rent. i fcet Started | One month from today the 1937 Yach ag Regatta at Southpert, sponsored b Jie Carolina Yacht Club, of Wrightsvifl Beach, will be ended. If the event is t j e the sueeess it should be, there mo I s some smooth, co-operatrve work witl i t the next fortnight. ) We do not believe that the petenti; 1 aloe of these races to Southport can t ^ ^er estimated. Hundreds of persons ai ?jcpected here for the entire three-day pr mam; literally thousands should come i I Br the daily events. A large percentaj J ? the visitors will be persons who ?ev< five visited Southport before. In positk ? profit most m the manner of introdu ng the public to its new development yje management of the Fort Caswc ?operty. Theirs will be the responsibiM of providing accommodations for mar b the visitors. X Most important, though, as we see i if the lasting good that can resnlt from ?onp from Southport and a group fro Wilmington working in harmony for j single cause. Out of the combined efforts' of members of the Carolina Yacht Club and Southport citizens to make a success ' of the 1937 Yachting Regatta may Witte a bettef understanding bet-ween the two 1 toWhs. , r-r irr - ' Piitp Wood * ? ? The coming of pulp mills" info this' s#e' tion of the South has opened" a new market for the sale of inferior timber. Used; wisely, this market can mean a valuable; source of income to the land owner who plaiis to grow timber as a cash crop. The principle of growing tail, straight! trees that are suitable for poles and for j sawmills is proper thinning and the elimi- i nation of bad growth. Sale as pulp woodj ,, offers the highest price for thmned-out ( trees. r The farmer, though, who sells a tract of fend, or timber rights on a tract of land, in gniltv of killing the goose that wiH fay gttlde* eggs just as long as he " will keep her on hw farm. Not a think i ing person in Brunswick county wants to 1 see the forests slaughtered for pulp wood as they were years ago by timber companies. * The pulp mills themselves will profit * by a program of cultivation and tfiserir mnatorv cutting, for in that manner their supply of raw materials for years to come Will be protected. Brunswick county has 1 one of the best forest fire control organ i zations in the state, one that offers protection to the land owner who chooses to market his timber products wisely over a - long period of years. 1 Driving A Privilege t ' It is high time we realized that the operation of a motor car on the public highways is a privilege?not a right. Every automobile is a potentially lethal weapon. Properly used, it is one of man's " * ' ' ???-? 1?? -1 most aesiraoie meciiamcai romu. J properly used, it is a terrible menace to r the lives, health and property of everyone in the area it travels. 1 Rigid training is necessary to obtain a - license to pilot an airplane?yet the plane ? travels empty airways where, generally 1 speaking, it cannot endanger others. Lof comotive engineers must likewise underl go years of arduous experience, and Must 1 prove their physical and mental eompet1 ence and responsibility before being en! trusted with a tram?yet a train operates on tracks, and has no traffic eonges fion problems. Still, in most states, We al low anyone?whether he be competent or f incompetent, careless or reckless, of good ? habits of bad?to drive a car on crowded " arteries of travel, where the slightest e error of judgment May cause a death! e ft is an undeniable fact that a considP erable percentage of the people now " driving should either be denied that privilege or foreed to undergo a period of e training to make them abler, safer car 6 operators. Some of these people are phy0 sieally incapable of driving properly. P Many More are mentally incapable, conr genitally incompetent, or reckless. And a the toll is 35,000 lives a year, i- We will never solve the accident prob lem until We adopt drivers' licensing ret that will keen the incompetent ? and reckless driver off the public reads, e No man Has a "right" to drive until he can shew definitely that he is worth of 18 the "privilege" bestowed upon Mm. " Doomed To Disappointment e . * Hundreds and peritaps even thousands of Brunswick county citizens seem defi"J niteiy doomed to disappointment over k their expectations for old-age pensions in lt Brunswick county. d This law was effective July 1st, and hundreds of able people who are not financially dependant upon the county for their support have made application to the welfare department here for assist tance. y Under the interpretation given the law le by North Carolina Administrators of the ,o Social Security Act, the pensions and st benefits to dependant children will be v based upon actual need, and not upon the basis of just being 65 years of age, a! or, in the case of dependant children, * just dependant on somebody. re In order that they may not be disapo pointed, peopic of the coWfty should hear these facts in mind, re ^ n To be a social lion, some people think m that they must sit around and growl all the time. W , THE STATE PORT PILOT, I ONE-MINUTE INTERVIEWS (V iieije 11 State Por Photo C Enter This Closes Aut Do you have pictures "1 for the paper?*' We hope s interesting pictures from Brunswick county. Suitab ( teresting people, scenes, o i ' Rpad trip rnntpst annminrf i,?j M. ?V\s WMOWII vamw mm m || paper for rules. I Get out your camera toda the 3 KODAKS that will prizes, and for the grand | II \ (| V